HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-037-21Claritwn Staff Report f this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Audit and Accountability Committee Date of Meeting: June 29, 2021 Report Number: FSD-037-21 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO By-law Number: File Number: [If applicable, enter File Number] Resolution#: Report Subject: Capital Budget Update as at December 31, 2020 Recommendation: 1. That Report FSD-037-21 be received for information. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-037-21 Report Overview To provide an update of capital projects as of the year ended December 31, 2020. 1. Background 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington is responsible for the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of over $778 million dollars worth of tangible capital assets. Page 2 1.2 The Municipality's capital investment from the approved 2020 budget was approximately $28.7 million which includes $8.3 million directly from the tax levy, $7.6 million from development charge reserve funds, $7.4 million from reserve funds (Federal Gas Tax and Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding). A proposed debenture of $4.2 million relates to the start of work on the proposed South Bowmanville Recreation Centre was included in the 2020 budget but was not undertaken as Council directed a review of funding opportunities for the project. The 2020 capital budget was predominantly infrastructure based with over $15.2 million being invested in bridges, roads, sidewalks, stormwater management and traffic signals. 2. Summary of Capital Projects Summary of 2020 Activity 2.1 The global pandemic did affect capital projects throughout 2020. Construction slowed down and sourcing for goods and services took longer than in past years. 2.2 The 2020 budget added 86 new capital projects which includes 20 that are annually funded and reoccurring projects. 2.3 The following table is a high-level summary of all capital projects from the beginning of 2020 to the status of projects and funding at year end. The attachment to this report provides more detail per asset category. Buildings Environmental Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-037-21 Fleet 2,417,246 1,722,108 • • Administrative 3,436,136 3,033,828 Parking 591,117 528,009 Parks 11,183,197 6,806,429 - • J Roads 50,849,734 31,020,228 • Roadside 8,579,412 6,299,956 • - • $ 93.379.321 $ 53.430.326 • • - : • M, Cancelled or Completed Projects in 2020 Page 3 2.4 There were 150 capital projects active at the beginning of 2020 spanning all asset categories and departments. Within the year, 26 of those projects were either completed and added to our Tangible Capital Asset database or were cancelled. 2.5 This table highlights the projects that were cancelled during the year with applicable reasoning for the decision. Project cancelled - no Parks - Waterfront Trail Extension 2017 longer pursuing after surveys were completed Bridges - Longworth Ave culvert at Development Has Been Brookhill Tributary 2017 Delayed - to be budgeted for in the future Roads - Lambs Rd (275m N of 2020 Delay from Region - to be Baseline to Hwy#2) budgeted in the future Sidewalk - Prestonvale Rd (Bloor St 2020 Project cancelled and to be to 230m N) budgeted in the future Sidewalk - RR22 Multi -use path 2020 Project cancelled and to be (Prestonvale Rd to 65m E) budgeted in the future Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report FSD-037-21 2.6 following table represents the completed projects accomplished during 2020. ..- Central Parking Meter - Replace 2019 Fleet New - MLE Electric Car 2020 St. Light installation - Baseline Rd (Green Rd to West Side Dr) 2015 Parks - Outdoor Recreation Needs Study 2019 Parks - Leash Free dog Park - Courtice 2017 Parks - Port Darlington - East Beach Park - Phase 1 2013 Cemetery Improvements -Hampton Columbarium 2019 Roads - Rudell Road Reconstruction (Grady Dr to North Limit) 2020 Roads - North Scugog Court Reconstruction 2016 Roads - Green Rd - Grade Separation (Bridge) 2013 Roads - Mill St Orono 2015 Sidewalk - Tooley Rd (Nash Rd to 265m N of Nash Rd) 2020 Traffic Signal - Green Rd at Stevens Rd 2017 Intersection Improvements - Green Rd & Boswell Dr 2017 Buildings - Kendal Community Centre - floor replacement 2019 Buildings - Orono Town Hall - Clock Tower restoration 2019 Buildings - Station #3 - Boiler replacement 2019 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report FSD-037-21 DHRC - Gymnasium safety padding 2020 CCC - Fitness equipment and oven for Older Adults 2019 RRC - Replace walk behind floor scrubber 2020 SCA - Replace heat pump and Pad B steel door 2020 Annually Funded Capital Projects 2.7 The annual capital budget consistently includes 23 projects that receive funding for a broader scope of various projects. 2.8 The following table lists all the annually funded projects with both the 2020 budget allotment and the unexpended capital funds (UECF) at the year end. 2020 Budget Computer - Hardware $ 151,400 $ 309,926 Computer - Software 571,100 2,172 Emergency Fire Services (EFS) - Bunker 122,425 43,021 Gear Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) 37,500 9,190 Equipment - upgrade EFS - Equipment 18,000 18,000 St. Light installation - 100,000 324,648 (a) Various Park Furniture/Equipment 255,000 97,168 Various Park Upgrades 155,000 50,812 Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report FSD-037-21 Parking Lot Rehabilitation - Various 215,000 26,304 Locations Pavement rehabilitation 3,295,000 1,874,055 program Structures Rehab - 2,100,000 2,380,562 Bridge Improvement Roadside Protection 150,000 39,840 Program Rural Road resurfacing 150,000 0 (Engineering) Rural Road resurfacing 2,530,000 219,580 (High Float) Sidewalk Replacement 183,000 97,445 Clarington Stormwater 305,000 364,227 (b) Pond Cleanout Replacement of Fleet - 610,000 512,147 (c) Roads New Fleet - Roads 95,000 143,283 (d) Fleet Replacement - 180,000 20,701 Parks Buildings - Various 50,000 0 Arenas Buildings- Roof 150,000 157,461 (e) Replacements - Various ADMIN -Annual Building 45,000 24,507 Studies Land Acquisition 703,696 2,718,582 (f) 2.9 Additional notes of the annually funded projects are as follows: a) In 2021, FSD-017-21 transferred $223,595 to fund shortfall in the LED Streetlight project b) No contracts awarded since 2017 Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-037-21 c) Outstanding for single axle truck and tandem truck d) Outstanding (2) plows from 2019 budget e) No contracts awarded towards 2020 budget f) To be used according to the Land Strategy Additional Funding Required Page 7 2.10 During 2020, there were 8 capital projects that required additional funding. The additional funding could be a scope of work change or in most cases the actual costs are higher then anticipated when developing the initial budget. 2.11 The following table outlines the applicable projects and the funding source for the additional funding requirements. dditional -LF Project IWC Bowmanville Vallley Municipal Capital FND-044-20 - due to changes in Trail $ 242,964 Works RF and DC design Roads & Related Traffic Signals - Green Rd & Stevens Rd Fleet RRC - Building Maintenance Orono Town Hall 5,358 DC Roads & Related 16,404 Operations Equipment RF Required for completion of traffic signals Required for the replacement of (2) single axle trucks 1,021 Community Services Required for the replacement of Pad Capital RF B dressing room door. 239 Facility & Parks Maintenance RF Required for the clock tower restoration Hampton Cemetery 3,759 Municipal Capital Required for the columbarium Works RF Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-037-21 Orono Town Hall North Scugog Court 38,700 Municipal Capital Works RF Municipal Capital 40,817 Works RF and DC Roads & Related Total Additional 349,262 Funds 3. Concurrence Page 8 CSD-012-20 - Elevator work Required for completion of final surface asphalt Not Applicable. 4. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that the 2020 Year End Capital Update be received for information. Staff Contact: Erika Watson, Asset Management and Development Financing Manager, 905- 623-3379 ext. 2607, ewatson@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Capital Projects 2020 and prior Interested Parties: There are no interested parties to be notified of Council's decision. Attachment 1: 2020 Year End Capital Update Includes details per asset category • Buildings • Environmental • Fleet • Parking • Parks and Related • Roads and Bridges • Roadside Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Buildings and Related As of 12/31/2020 Municipal Administration Centre 2017 $ 1,347,018 $ $ 1,347,018 $ 909,331 $ 23,281 $ 932,612 $ 106,893 $ 1,039,505 Newcastle Community Hall - 2019 2018 200,000 80,000 280,000 - 108,420 108,420 169,537 277,957 .Library Refurbishment 2018 1,430,000 - 1,430,000 78,804 613,906 692,709 - 692,709 Bowmanville Museum (Silver St) 2018 121,500 121,500 8,561 5,934 14,495 99,614 114,109 Haydon Community Hall - addition for storage 2019 12,500 - 12,500 - 2,407 2,407 - 2,407 Orono Town Hall - Accessibility Upgrades 2019 345,007 152,000 497,007 25,202 344,054 369,256 79,976 449,232 Kendal Community Centre - floor replacement 2019 17,910 - 17,910 - 17,910 17,910 - 17,910 Orono Town Hall - Clock Tower restoration 2019 20,239 20,239 - 20,239 20,239 20,239 Fire Station #3 - Boiler replacement 2019 55,648 - 55,648 6,798 48,850 55,648 55,648 Courtice Community Centre - Equipment 2019 13,013 55,000 68,013 - 2,348 2,348 - 2,348 156 Church St Reno (Shaw House) 2020 475,000 300,000 775,000 2,625 2,625 5,251 59,937 65,187 Visual Arts Centre 2020 - 25,000 25,000 - - - - Public Works Depot Improvements 2020 65,000 65,000 10,990 10,990 5,495 16,485 Diane Hamre Recreation Centre - Bldg Expense 2020 - 13,000 13,000 7,327 7,327 - 7,327 Courtice Community Centre - Bldg Expense 2020 2,460 702,000 704,460 39,343 39,343 - 39,343 Rickard Recreation Centre - Bldg Expense 2020 5,000 210,000 215,000 151,298 151,298 24,871 176,169 Rickard Recreation Centre - Equipment 2020 (6,757) 11,000 4,243 4,243 4,243 - 4,243 South Courtice Arena - Bldg Expense 2020 36,000 36,000 28,906 28,906 28,906 Various Facilities - Safety Bollards/Planters 2020 9,000 9,000 - - - South Bowmanvlle Centre - Phase 2 Design/Construction 2020 - 4,200,000 4,200,000 - - - - Various Arenas Annually 140,845 50,000 190,845 35,461 155,384 190,845 190,845 Roof Replacements - Various Annually 7,461 150,000 157,461 - - - Ann-1 Ridirlinn C4nrlice Annn.11y R1 AriQ Ar, Mn IAR AFQ _ 7 r,R1 7 9;R1 7A 471 R1 Qr,9 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Environmental and Related As of 1213112020 rosion Control - Brookhill tributary remedial works 2020 $ $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $ $ - Various Erosion Protection Works 2020 396,340 200,000 596,340 34,059 34,059 562,281 596,340 SWM Pond - Technology Park 2020 - 1,600,000 1,600,000 - - - Retaining Walls - various 2020 6,573 321,100 327,673 31,145 31,145 36,764 67,909 Kendal Drainage 2020 - 50,000 50,000 3,786 3,786 3,786 SWM - Clarington Stormwater Pond Cleanout Annually 95,523 305,000 400,523 4,855 4,855 36,297 41,152 Land Ac uistion Annually 2,042,945 703,696 2,746,641 7,936 7,936 20,123 28,059 $ 2,541,381 $ 3,429,796 $ 5,971,177 $ - $ 81,782 $ 81,782 $ 655,465 $ 737,247 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Fleet As of 1213112020 Fleet New - MLE Electric Car 2020 $ (3,858) $ 45,000 $ 41,142 $ 41,142 $ 41,142 $ 41,142 Fleet Replacement - Animal Services 2020 22,443 35,000 57,443 - - 49,443 49,443 EMS - Vehicle Replacement 2020 - 115,000 115,000 97,012 97,012 6,981 103,993 Fleet -Replacement of Fleet - Roads Annually 496,404 610,000 1,106,404 496,404 496,404 97,853 594,257 Fleet -New Fleet - Roads Annually 682,490 95,000 777,490 149,262 149,262 484,945 634,207 Fleet -Fleet Replacement - Parks Annuallv 139,767 180,000 319.767 189,264 189,264 109,803 299.066 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: General Administrative Related As of 1213112020 Computer - Hardware Annually $ 281,845 $ 151,400 $ 433,245 $ 89,232 $ 89,232 $ 34,087 $ 123,319 Computer - Software Annually 2,095,232 571,100 2,666,332 1,041,918 1,041,918 1,622,243 2,664,161 Educational Tools - 2020 2020 - 20,000 20,000 - - - I off Bunker Gear Annually 73,050 122,425 195,475 117,001 117,001 35,453 152,454 SCBA Equipment - upgrade Annually 4,533 37,500 42,033 32,843 32,843 32,843 ' EMS - Equipment Annually 61,051 18,000 79,051 61,051 61,051 61.051 4t 9 F1 F 711 4t Q9n d9F It I d3R 9IR _ 1 �d9 ndF 4t 1 'qd9 nAR '� 1 FQ1 791 -IK 3 nll R9R Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Parking and Related As of 1213112020 Central Parkling Meter - Replace 2019 $ 35,690 $ 35,690 $ 35,690 $ 35,690 $ 35,690 Parking Lot Rehabilitation - EV Charging Station 2020 55,407 35,000 90,407 - - 53,603 53,603 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Parks and Related As of 1213112020 Parks - Rhonda Park - Trail 2020 Parks - Bowmanville Valley Creek Trail 2017 Parks - Outdoor Recreation Needs Study 2019 Parks - Farewell Creek Park trail - Phase 1, Phase 2 2017 Parks - Leash Free dog Park - Courtice 2017 Parks - Toyota Trail 2019 Parks - Port Darlington - East Beach Park - Phase 1 - 2013 2013 Parks - Newcastle Community Park - Phase 1 2019 Parks - Waterfront Trail Extension 2017 Parks -Park Furniture/Equipment Annually Parks -Various Park Upgrades Annually Cemetery Improvements -Hampton Columbarium 2019 (.omatani lmnrnxiomontc - Rninimnnvillo Fvnnncinn 7n17 $ $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ 655,759 655,759 194,542 33,667 228,209 75,000 75,000 34,487 23,971 58,458 1,625,748 450,000 2,075,748 505,956 153,924 659,880 125,870 125,870 120,687 5,183 125,870 620,000 620,000 48,705 (1,019) 47,686 3,451,124 3,451,124 3,316,971 - 3,316,971 67,500 1,500,000 1,567,500 31,151 31,151 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,286 440,000 255,000 695,000 597,832 597,832 311,151 155,000 466,151 415,339 415,339 48,759 48,759 48,759 48,759 815,794 1,044,003 58,458 16,839 676,719 125,870 39,245 86,931 3,316,971 350,068 381,219 2,286 597,832 415,339 48,759 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Roads & Bridges As of 12/31/2020 Bridges - Longworth Ave culvert at Brookhill Tributary 2017 $ 67,000 $ 67,000 project cancelled $ - $ - Roads - Parkway Ave 2019 40,000 385,000 425,000 5,094 13,707 18,801 18,801 Roads - Nash Rd (Future Clarington Blvd) 2019 30,000 30,000 5,273 - 5,273 5,273 Roads - Longworth Ave oversizing 2020 - 162,000 162,000 - - - Roads - Church St 2017 393,451 393,451 343,864 2,845 346,709 9,238 355,946 Pavement rehabilitation program Annually 1,660,108 3,295,000 4,955,108 1,693,630 1,693,630 1,387,423 3,081,053 Roads - North Scugog Crt (Dan Sheehan Ln to Conc Rd 3) 2020 - 75,000 75,000 - - - Roads - Longworth Ave. Extenstion EA (Green Rd to Holt Rd) 2016 281,000 281,000 221,140 24,520 245,660 36,083 281,742 Roads - Prospect St & Lambs Lane - 2014 area design 2017 1,335,912 1,335,912 970,947 217,879 1,188,826 73,859 1,262,685 Roads - Mill Street Grade Separation - 2005 2016 759,324 759,324 738,325 12,176 750,501 19,753 770,254 Roads - North St (George St to Grady Dr) 2019 50,000 350,000 400,000 69,305 69,305 44,425 113,730 Roads - Structures Rehab - Bridge Improvem. Annually 3,126,299 2,100,000 5,226,299 564,495 564,495 2,281,242 2,845,737 Roads - Port Darlington Rd (East Shore Or to East Beach Rd) 2020 - 60,000 60,000 - - Roads - Darlington Blvd (Hwy#2 to South Limit) 2018 27,640 27,640 16,777 - 16,777 6,378 23,155 Roads - Trulls Rd - Shoulder Improvements (Mitchell's Corner) 2018 205,886 205,886 12,541 12,541 12,541 Roads - Baseline Rd (Mearns to Lambs Rd) 2019 170,000 170,000 8,638 - 8,638 8,638 Roads - Baseline Rd. (Lambs to Bennett) 2018 2,505,000 2,505,000 1,698,890 125,093 1,823,983 316,876 2,140,860 Roads - Old Scugog Rd (Edmonson Ave to N Limit of Hampton) 2020 - 50,000 50,000 18,123 18,123 1,718 19,841 Roads - Grady Dr Environmental Assessment - Construction in 2015 2013 231,500 231,500 121,669 29,828 151,497 78,266 229,763 Roads - Rudell Road Reconst. - (Grady Or to North Limit) 2020 - 1,245,000 1,245,000 3,826 3,826 3,826 Roads - Roadside Protection Program Annually 211,129 150,000 361,129 233,860 233,860 87,429 321,289 Roads - Baseline Rd Structure ( W of Green Rd) 2019 35,000 35,000 - - 26,098 26,098 Roads - North Scugog Crt Reconst. - 2011 2016 682,110 682,110 652,285 652,285 12,201 664,486 Roads - Hancock Rd Box Culvert (S of Nash Rd ) 99077 2019 90,000 90,000 - - - Roads - Scugog StlMiddle Rd (Bons Ave to Conc Rd 3) 2015 1,201,000 1,201,000 176,331 176,331 Roads - Trulls Rd (S of Yorkville Dr to Bloor St) 2019 20,000 20,000 - - - Roads - George Reynolds Dr. Connecting Link - 2017 & 2019 2017 2,490,417 2,490,417 80,748 34,453 115,200 47,300 162,500 Roads - Conc Rd #3-(Middle Rd -Liberty St.) - 2013 2013 2,265,455 2,265,455 2,126,931 21,996 2,148,927 123,284 2,272,211 Roads - Green Rd - Grade Separation (Bridge) - 2013 2013 7,551,252 7,551,252 7,519,543 31,709 7,551,252 7,551,252 Roads - Lake Rd Extenstion - (Bennett Rd to 310m West) 2018 813,996 1,160,000 1,973,996 14,201 20,709 34,910 10,028 44,938 Roads - Brookhill Blvd Oversizing 2014 310,000 310,000 - - - Roads - Port Darlington Subdivision Rd (Pt Darlington to East) 2016 1,453,757 1,453,757 1,311,038 1,792 1,312,830 142,719 1,455,549 Roads - Lambs Rd Interchange @ Hwy 401 - JUST A STUDY - NOT TC 2016 330,000 330,000 16,679 - 16,679 13,461 30,140 Roads - Lambs Lane Reconstruction (Odell St to North Limit) 2016 926,875 926,875 760,996 - 760,996 760,996 Roads - Alexander Blvd and Liberty PI Reconstruction 2017 545,000 545,000 6,211 501,414 507,624 122,878 630,502 Roads - King St Cycling Facility 2017 275,000 275,000 3,966 15,475 19,442 19,442 Roads - George St (North St to Reg d 17) 2019 37,000 37,000 3,263 8,047 11,310 19,041 30,351 Roads - Brown St (Victoria St to Queen St) 2019 91,000 91,000 3,785 34,951 38,735 28,415 67,151 Roads - Nash Rd Reab & Bicycle Facilities (Solina Rd to Hancock Rd) 2019 450,000 450,000 8,228 8,228 8,228 Roads - Whistle Cessation Study - Wilmot Creek 2019 150,000 150,000 - - 10,176 10,176 Roads - Capital Works Fill Management 2019 10,000 10,000 Roads - Queen St Extension (St George to Frank St) 2019 20,000 20,000 - - - Roads - Trulls Rd Rural upgrades (Baseline Rd to Bloor St) 2019 15,000 15,000 Roads - Prestonvale Rd (Baseline Rd to S of Southfield Ave) 2019 15,000 15,000 Roads - Lambs Rd (Concession St E to CPR) 2019 20,003 20,003 Roads - Hains St (Baseline to Hwy#2) 2020 - 125,000 125,000 - - - Roads - Millstream Lane Rehab (King Ln to Old Scugog Rd) 2020 375,000 375,000 6,090 6,090 6,090 Roads Lambs Rd (275m N of Baseline to Hwy#2) 2020 - 50,000 50,000 project cancelled - - Roads - George St (Mill St to Beaver St) 2020 - 25,000 25,000 - - - Roads - Rural Road resurfacing Annually 37,378 150,000 187,378 75,903 75,903 111,475 187,378 Roads - Lambs Rd (Baseline to 275m N of Baseline) 2018 790,500 790,500 654,743 78,502 733,244 56,756 790,000 Roads - Lambert St (King to Church) 2018 30,000 30,000 2,211 - 2,211 6,632 8,843 Roads - Lambs Rd (Hwy #2 to Concession St E) 2018 2,200,000 2,200,000 28,155 198 28,353 30,406 58,759 Roads - Baseline Rd (Trulls Rd to Courtice Rd)_ 2019 2,500,000 2,500,000 33,354 87,863 121,218 19,290 140,508 Rnads - Rural Rnad resurfaninn Annually 2112 743 263n_nnn 4.642.743 4 419_54n 4 41 R_54n 4 623 4.423.163 Municipality of Claringhton - 2020 Year End Capital Update Asset Category: Roadside As of 1213112020 St. Light installation - LED Conversion 2018 $ 3,255,658 $ 3,255,658 $ 2,066,423 $ 923,925 $ 2,990,348 $ 260,612 $ 3,250,960 St. Light installation - Various Annually 260,727 100,000 360,727 33,483 33,483 2,596 36,079 St. Light installation - Baseline Rd (Green Rd to West Side Dr) 2015 55,000 55,000 41,619 1,116 42,735 3,947 46,682 St. Light installation - RR57 (Hwy#2 to 150m N of Stevens Rd) 2018 20,000 80,000 100,000 - - St. Light installation - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 340,000 340,000 30,352 - 30,352 30,352 St. Light installation - Baseline Rd & Lambs Rd 2019 200,000 200,000 13,997 127,525 141,522 58,478 200,000 Sidewalk - Various Replacement Annually 201,053 183,000 384,053 190,878 190,878 95,730 286,608 Sidewalk - Pedestrian Crossovers 2020 71,554 80,000 151,554 52,646 52,646 97,610 150,256 Sidewalk - North St, Newcastle 2017 85,000 85,000 3,571 3,571 3,571 Sidewalk - Hwy#2 2020 - 135,000 135,000 - - Sidewalk - Waverly Rd 2017 145,000 145,000 5,647 5,647 - 5,647 Sidewalk - Rudell Rd (Sunset Blvd to Hart) 2015 43,000 43,000 - Sidewalk - Prestonvale Rd (Bloor St to 230m N) 2020 - 35,000 35,000 - Sidewalk - RR22 Multi -use path (Prestonvale Rd to 65m E) 2020 - 15,000 15,000 - - Sidewalk - Liberty St. Sidewalk - 2011 2016 98,000 98,000 509 74,124 74,633 15,901 90,534 Sidewalk - RR17 (Mill St to CPR) East Side 2020 - 310,000 310,000 - - Sidewalk - Trulls Rd (Avondale Rd to Hwy#2) East Side 2020 - 30,000 30,000 - - Sidewalk - RR34 (Nash to N Urban Limit) 2018 25,000 25,000 8,304 - 8,304 92 8,395 Sidewalk - Trail - Waterfront (Waverley Rd to West Beach Rd) 2018 230,000 230,000 343,047 343,047 343,047 Sidewalk - Active Transportation Master Plan 2020 - 70,000 70,000 - - Sidewalk - King Lane, Hampton 2019 294,914 294,914 294,914 294,914 5,362 300,276 Sidewalk - Tooley Rd (Nash Rd to 265m N of Nash Rd) 2020 309 30,000 30,309 30,309 30,309 30,309 Sidewalk - RR57 (Conc Rd 3 to Urban Limit) 2018 250,000 250,000 1,470 - 1,470 1,470 Sidewalk - Multi -use Trail - RR57 (Aspen Springs to Hwy2) 2018 15,000 240,000 255,000 - - Traffic Signal -King & Roenigk 2018 120,000 120,000 22,858 22,858 71,642 94,500 Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Countdown Indicators 2020 - 126,000 126,000 - - 126,000 126,000 Traffic Signal - Accessible Signal Upgrade - Clarington Blvd & Stevens R 2019 85,000 85,000 46,226 46,226 10,155 56,381 Traffic Signal - Green Rd at Stevens Rd 2017 255,358 255,358 305 255,053 255,358 255,358 Traffic Signal - Accessible Upgrade - King & Roenigk 2020 - 130,000 130,000 - - 130,000 130,000 Traffic Signal - Accessible Upgrade - King & Temperance 2020 - 105,000 105,000 - - 105,000 105,000 Intersection Improvements -Scugog St at Wellington St 2017 170,935 170,935 14,192 106,893 121,085 121,085 Intersection Improvements -Longworth Ave and Green Rd 2017 70,000 70,000 10,147 - 10,147 10,147 Intersection Improvements -King St at Scugog St 2016 100,000 100,000 28,468 69,927 98,395 98,395