HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-041-21Clarington Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Joint Committees Date of Meeting: September 13, 2021 Report Number: PDS-041-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services File Number: COPA2021-0003 & ZBA2021-0011 Resolution#: JC-002-21 Report Subject: Additional Dwelling Units - Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information to the public and Council. It does not constitute, imply or request any degree of approval. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-041-21 and any related communication items, be received; 2. That staff consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Municipally -initiated Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to increase permissions for Additional Dwelling Units prior to bringing back a recommendation report; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-041-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Report Overview Page 2 The proposed Amendments are being advanced as part of Clarington's Affordable Housing Toolkit to respond to a community need for more affordable housing options. Expanding permissions for Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) is just one `tool' within the Affordable Housing Toolkit that includes affordable housing requirements as we design new residential areas through secondary plans. The proposed policies of the Official Plan and standards of the Zoning Bylaws will help facilitate the process for property owners who wish to add an ADU within their house or accessory building. The proposed level of policies and standards have been designed to accomplish a balance between the protection of the health and safety of residents and community character with the need for a straight -forward process. The intention is to facilitate the development of ADUs and increase the supply of affordable housing as soon as possible. Attachment 1 to this report is a table comparing the current Official Plan policies and Zoning Bylaw regulations to what is proposed, and includes a brief explanatory comment for each proposed amendment. Attachment 2 is the proposed Official Plan Amendment, and Attachment 3 is the proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment. 1. Background 1.1 The Planning Act has been amended to require municipalities to update their Official Plans and Zoning Bylaws to allow one ADU within a detached, semi-detached, and townhouse and one ADU within an accessory building on the same lot. This means that a property could have three dwelling units: the principal dwelling unit, an ADU within the principal building, and an ADU within a detached accessory building. 1.2 Shortly after these new permissions were granted, they were quickly incorporated into Clarington's Affordable Housing Toolkit as outlined in Report CAO-013-19. One of the recommendations of that report was for Staff to prepare draft Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to implement these changes to the Planning Act. In approving this recommendation on November 25, 2019 in Resolution #GG-549-19, Council authorized Staff to commence this project. 1.3 Implementing expanded permissions for ADUs is just one way that the Municipality is addressing this important issue. Clarington's Task Force on Affordable Housing, a predominantly citizen -based group that also includes Council members, provide advice, comments, and recommendations to Council regarding affordable and senior's housing in the community. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Page 3 1.4 Inclusionary Zoning will also assist in the provision of affordable housing units. This land use planning tool enables municipalities to require that a proportion of affordable units within proposed residential developments located in Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) be provided. Both the Courtice and Bowmanville MTSAs will benefit from these provisions. 1.5 The recently approved Southeast Courtice, Southwest Courtice, and Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plans have included policies that require either the dedication of land or payment in lieu of dedication for the development of affordable, public or not -for -profit housing in the community. Current Official Plan Policies 1.6 Currently, the Municipality's Official Plan (OP) permits only one "accessory apartment" within principal residential buildings in Urban Areas. In Rural Areas, only one accessory apartment is permitted, but may be in either a principal residential building or within a detached accessory structure. These current Official Plan policies are not reflected in the Municipality's two Zoning Bylaws, which pre -date the current Official Plan. Current Zoning Regulations 1.7 Zoning Bylaw 84-63 provides regulations for lands outside of the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM). Section 3.2 was added in 1997 to permit one "apartment -in-house" within the R1, R2, and R3 zones, inclusive of all exception zones, but not within Orono where they are not permitted. Zoning Bylaw 2005-109 provides regulations for lands within the ORM. Section 5.7 permits one "in-house apartment" within a single detached dwelling in Urban Residential Zones. In both Bylaws, one parking space is required for each apartment. Purpose of Report 1.8 The purpose of this report is to provide the context and explain the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments, as found the Attachments to this report. These proposed Amendments are not being recommended for approval at this time. They are intended to be an early draft version to elicit comments from the public, commenting agencies, and Council. After Staff have received and given consideration to these comments, revised draft Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments will be brought to Council for approval. 2. Legislative and Policy Context Bill 108 and Planning Act 2.1 On September 3, 2019, Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 came into effect. In part, it amended the Planning Act to require municipalities to update their Official Plans and Zoning By-laws to increase permissions for ADUs. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 2.2 Section 16(3) of the Planning Act now states: Page 4 "An official plan shall contain policies that authorize the use of additional residential units by authorizing, (a) the use of two residential units in a detached house, semi-detached house or rowhouse; and (b) the use of a residential unit in a building or structure ancillary to a detached house, semi-detached house or rowhouse." 2.3 To ensure the above policies are implemented in zoning bylaws, Section 35.1(1) of the Planning Act now states: "The council of each local municipality shall ensure that the by-laws passed under section 34 give effect to the policies described in subsection 16 (3)." 2.4 As with previous legislation requiring Municipalities to permit ADUs, sections 17 (24.1), 17 (36.1), and 34 (19.1) of the Planning Act provides that the adoption of ADU policies in an Official Plan or amendments to Zoning Bylaws to give effect to the Official Plan policies are not appealable. Ontario Regulations ("O. Regs.") 2.5 Along with the above amendments to the Planning Act, O. Reg. 299/19 (which provides regulations for the new ADU policies) states that ADUs are permitted in existing and future residential buildings, and that only one parking space per ADU shall be required unless a municipality has passed a by-law not requiring a parking space. 2.6 In 1994, O. Reg. 384/94 (which provides regulations for second residential units) came into effect and its regulations must be adhered to, unless more recent regulations are in effect that concern a specific issue within O. Reg. 384/94. Provincial Policy Statement 2.7 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) states that efficient land use patterns support sustainability, and that accommodating appropriate forms of affordable housing is a top priority. Municipalities are to permit and facilitate a broad range of housing options, including ADUs. Intensification assists with cost-effective development patterns and minimizes servicing costs. While residential development is largely directed to settlement areas, the PPS encourages the redevelopment of existing housing stock on rural lands and the efficient use of existing infrastructure. Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-041-21 A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2.8 Like the PPS, the policies of the Place to Grow plan provide for a range and mix of housing options, including ADUs and affordable housing to serve all sizes, incomes, and ages of households. While the Place to Grow plan's primary goal is to direct residential development to settlement areas, it recognizes the benefit of limited rural development so long as it is compatible with the rural landscape, is supported by existing services, and will not adversely affect agricultural and aggregate operations. Greenbelt Plan 2.9 On July 1, 2017, the Greenbelt Plan was updated to specify that, outside of Villages and Hamlets, ADUs are permitted in single detached dwellings or existing accessory buildings on the same lot so long as they are not within the Natural Heritage System (NHS). Since the revised Greenbelt Plan came into effect on July 1, 2017, ADUs are permitted only in accessory buildings that existed on that date. 2.10 Within Villages or Hamlets, ADUs are not permitted in the NHS, but may otherwise have the potential for one ADU in the house, and one ADU in a new or existing accessory structure. These permissions apply to the following Hamlets Mitchell Corners, Solina, Hampton, Maple Grove, Tyrone, Leskard, Kendal, Brownsville, and Newtonville. These permissions also apply to the portions of Enniskillen, Haydon, and Kirby that are within the Greenbelt Plan Area, but the portions of these Hamlets within the ORM are subject to more restrictive policies specific to the ORM. Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan 2.11 The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) is set out in O. Reg. 140/02. Like the Greenbelt Plan, the ORMCP was also updated in 2017. This update included a revised definition of "single dwelling" which contained policy direction on where ADUs could be permitted within the ORM. Clarington Staff discussed this matter with Staff from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. It is now clear that, for lands within the ORM, only one ADU is permitted on a lot, and it must be within a single detached dwelling and only within the Countryside Area (which includes Rural Settlement Areas). This means that ADUs cannot be permitted in Natural Core or Natural Linkage areas, and cannot be permitted in accessory buildings anywhere within the ORM. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Durham Official Plan Page 6 2.12 The Durham Regional Official Plan (DROP) contains policies to encourage the maintenance and improvement of existing housing stock and that 25% of new residential units in each area municipality shall be affordable. The DROP encourages intensification within Urban Areas, including converting single detached dwellings into multiple residential units. The DROP does not speak directly to ADUs within the Rural System, however the Region is currently in process of a Municipal Comprehensive Review (Envision Durham) which will revise the DROP's policies to be in conformity with Provincial directions, including expanded permissions for ADUs. 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and Affordable Housing Toolkit 2.13 The 2019-2022 Strategic Plan identified Council's desire to develop an Affordable Housing Policy. In collaboration with the CAO's office, the Municipality has developed an Affordable Housing Toolkit. This Toolkit provides three categories of tools that can be used to help increase the number of affordable housing units in Clarington: Regulatory and Process Tools; Land Based Incentives; and Financial Incentives. ADUs, along with Inclusionary Zoning, reduced parking requirements and an expedited approvals process are some of the Tools that the Planning and Development Services Department can assist with. 3. Proposed Official Plan Amendment 3.1 While the Planning Act directs municipalities to implement Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to allow one ADU in a house and one ADU in an accessory building, other Provincial policies require restrictions to protect natural features, particularly on lands within the ORM and the Greenbelt. 3.2 The proposed Official Plan Amendment states that ADUs are not permitted within the Natural Heritage System (NHS) as identified on Map D of the Official Plan. The NHS in the Official Plan is more refined and accurate (and smaller) than the NHS that is mapped in the Greenbelt Plan. Oak Ridges Moraine Area 3.3 In conformity with the ORMCP, within the ORM, ADUs are only permitted in single detached dwellings, and only within the Protected Countryside (which includes Rural Settlement Areas). ADUs are not permitted in accessory buildings in any areas of the ORM. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Greenbelt Plan Area Page 7 3.4 For properties within the Greenbelt (but not within the NHS) only one ADU would be permitted on a lot. The ADU could be within the principal single dwelling, or within an accessory building if it existed on the day the revision to the Greenbelt Plan came into effect (July 1, 2017). The Greenbelt Plan does not have such restrictive policies for Garden Suites, which may be a viable alternative for those properties without existing accessory structures (see section 3.10 below). Urban Areas, Hamlets, and Whitebelt 3.5 Properties outside the NHS but within Urban Areas (including Orono), Hamlets outside of the ORM, and the "whitebelt" (lands that are neither within a settlement area or within the Greenbelt) all have the potential for one ADU in the principal residential building and one ADU in an accessory building, regardless of when the accessory building was constructed. Summary 3.6 In summary, the potential for ADUs in different areas of the Municipality is as follows. • For all lands in the Municipality, ADUs (or any development) is prohibited in the NHS. • For lands within the ORM, ADUs may be permitted only in single dwellings and only in the Protected Countryside (which includes Rural Settlements). • For lands outside of settlement areas within the Greenbelt, ADUs may be permitted in either a single dwelling or an existing accessory building. • For lands within Urban Areas (including Orono), Hamlets outside the ORM, and the "whitebelt," one ADU may be permitted in the principal residential building, and one ADU in the associated accessory building. 3.7 Figure 1 below is a map representing the above summarized potential locations for ADUs. It is important to note that this map is only schematic and meant to assist conceptualizing the permissions and restrictions at a general level. The map does not account for flood plains or other hazards, and does not identify areas where residential uses (including ADUs) are not permitted (such as commercial, industrial, or aggregate extraction areas). • -� ME ffslr(*Alg M 1,1 4 -N FM &WIll, _�; IOak Ridg q Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Policies for Health and Safety Page 9 3.8 The proposed Official Plan Amendment restricts ADUs from Hazard Lands, which include flood plains, areas subject to erosion, or steep slopes to prevent personal injury, property damage, or damage to the natural environment. 3.9 All ADUs will continue to be required to conform to the provisions of the Fire Code and the Ontario Building Code and obtain a building permit. Prior to building permit issuance, any development on properties with private sanitary services and water supply will need an authorizing permit from the Durham Region Health Department confirming there is sufficient capacity in the sanitary system and potable water supply for the ADU. Garden Suites 3.10 Garden suites are self-contained dwelling units which may be permitted on properties with a principal residential dwelling unit. They require a Temporary Use Bylaw, which is similar to a site -specific Zoning Bylaw Amendment, but is only valid for a maximum of 20 years. Garden Suites are not permitted in the ORM, and must be outside the Greenbelt NHS. However, though the Greenbelt Plan restricts ADUs to single dwellings and already -existing accessory buildings, the Plan does not have such restrictions for Garden Suites. Since Garden Suites are essentially temporary ADUs in accessory buildings, the proposed Official Plan Amendment keeps these as an option, but updates the definition of "Garden Suite" to be in conformity with the definition in the Planning Act. 4. Zoning Bylaw Amendments 4.1 The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments are drafted to facilitate the process of allowing ADUs while also ensuring there is an appropriate level of regulation to protect the health and safety of its residents and promote liveable, functional, and attractive neighbourhoods. The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments implement the proposed Official Plan Amendments outlined above. This includes revising definitions, identifying where ADUs are permitted, and development regulations. Areas Permitted 4.2 To implement where ADUs are permitted within the ORM, the proposed Amendments to Zoning Bylaw 2005-109 would allow one ADU in a single detached dwelling within the Rural Settlement Zone and the Agricultural Zone. 4.3 For lands south of the ORM, the proposed Amendments to Zoning Bylaw 84-63 reference land designations within the Official Plan to implement required restrictions. Zoning bylaws do not typically rely on other documents to implement policy, but Staff feel this approach is acceptable on an interim basis until the comprehensive zoning bylaw review is complete. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 ADUs in principal residential buildings Page 10 4.4 The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments state that an ADU within a principal residential building cannot be larger than the principal dwelling unit within that building. Though O. Reg 384/94 prohibits regulating the relative size of two units within a principal residential building, this proposed regulation is only to clarify which unit is the ADU when registering the ADU with the Municipality. 4.5 Principal residential buildings in urban areas with an ADU must have a separate entrance from the side or rear if not a shared front door. This urban design regulation applies to all residential building forms, but will be particularly effective in prohibiting potentially for four front doors of a semi-detached building, each dwelling containing an ADU. ADUs in accessory buildings 4.6 The proposed Amendments regulating accessory buildings containing an ADU are meant to facilitate a reasonably sized ADU while also ensuring these accessory buildings are secondary to the principal residential building. 4.7 Accessory buildings containing an ADU could be in the front or exterior side only if the principal residential building is set far back on the lot. Other yard setback regulations address Ontario Building Code requirements, and potential stormwater and privacy concerns. The proposed heights are intended to facilitate a one -and -a -half storey ADU within urban areas and a full two storeys in rural areas. 4.8 The proposed Amendments regulating the size of accessory buildings with an ADU are through lot coverage rather than floor area. As proposed, there are three limits to the maximum footprint of an accessory building, and whichever limit is reached first is the maximum. The three limits are: 10% of the lot area; 120 square metres; and the zone's maximum total lot coverage (usually 40%). 4.9 An accessory building containing an ADU with a 120 square metre footprint would be the largest possible, and it would only be possible if 120 square metres is less than 10% of the lot, and all buildings and structures do not exceed the zone's maximum lot coverage for all buildings and structures. 4.10 For example, on an 800 square metre lot (approx. 8600 square feet), the maximum footprint of an accessory building containing an ADU would be 80 square metres (10% lot coverage), but only if the accessory building combined with all other structures did not exceed the zone's maximum total permitted lot coverage. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Page 11 4.11 As a second example, on a 4000 square metre lot (approx. 1 acre) the maximum footprint of an accessory building containing an ADU would not be 10% of the lot (400 square metres) but rather 120 square metres, assuming all combined structures would not exceed the zone's maximum total permitted lot coverage. Regulation for all ADUs 4.12 Parking requirements remain the same as they are now: one parking space per ADU or Garden Suite. O. Reg. 299/19 states that only one parking space is required for each ADU, unless a municipality passes a bylaw requiring less. Municipalities cannot require more than one parking space per ADU. 4.13 Currently, limited home occupations are permitted within multi -unit buildings as detailed in the Zoning Bylaw. It is proposed that the same opportunities be afforded to those in ADUs, even if they are in an accessory building. 4.14 All ADUs, regardless if they are in the principal or accessory building, must conform to the Ontario Building Code and Ontario Fire Code. The requirement that all ADUs be registered with the Municipality will continue to help enforce conformity to zoning and other regulations. Exception Zones 4.15 There are two Agricultural Exception Zones that currently permit an "apartment -in- house" with regulations. The proposed amendments are more permissive, so it is proposed that these Exception Zones be removed to ensure fairness for these property owners. There are two other Exception Zones that are proposed to be amended only to update the terminology from "apartment -in-house" to "additional dwelling unit." 5. Public Notice and Submissions Public Notice 5.1 In accordance with the Planning Act, the statutory Public Meeting was advertised at least 20 days prior to the date of the Public Meeting (September 13, 2021). The Public Meeting was advertised in both the Clarington This Week and the Orono Times for four weeks, beginning on August 18, 2021. 5.2 On August 17, 2021, the website www.clarington.net/ADUs was published. The website provides information on the project and hosts the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments (Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 of this Report) as well as the comparison table (Attachment 1). Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-041-21 Page 12 5.3 The owners of the four properties where an Exception Zone is proposed to be removed or amended received the Notice of the Public Meeting along with a short explanatory letter. They were invited to reach out directly to Staff who could help explain the situation. Public Submissions 5.4 Since the Notice of the Public Meeting was advertised in the newspapers on August 18, 2021, Staff have received comments from six residents: two of which oppose the project, one fully supports the expanded permissions, and the remaining three support the expanded permissions, but with comments about where ADUs should or should not be permitted. 6. Department and Agency Comments 6.1 In accordance with the Planning Act, Notice of the Public Meeting was either mailed or emailed to the prescribed public bodies. Over 20 departments and agencies were requested to provide comments on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments. As of writing this report, comments from most of these agencies are yet to be received. However, preliminary comments from the Durham Health Department state they have no concerns as the requirement for a building permit will ensure there is sufficient water supply and private sanitary service capacity to serve any new ADUs. 7. Next Steps 7.1 The purpose of this report is to provide Council and the public background and explanation for the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments found in the Attachments to this report. Staff will consider comments received leading up to, during, and after the Public Meeting and bring to Council a report with recommended Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments. 7.2 If Council approves the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to implement these expanded permissions for ADUs, a new bylaw to replace Bylaw 97-77 will be brought to Council which will require ADUs to be registered and their associated regulations can be properly enforced. 7.3 As well, once Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments are approved by Council, Staff will update the current basement or in-house apartment website to assist residents with applications for adding an ADU to their property. 8. Concurrence Not Applicable. Municipality of Clarington Page 13 Report PDS-041-21 9. Conclusion 9.1 It is respectfully recommended that following the statutory Public Meeting and receiving comments from members of the public and Council, Staff will prepare a recommendation report for Council's consideration. Staff Contacts: Mark Jull, Planner II, 905-623-3370 ext. 2426 or mjull clarington.net Lisa Backus, Principal Planner, at 905-623-3370 ext. 2413 or Ibackus clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Comparison Table with Explanatory Comment of Proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments Attachment 2 — Proposed Official Plan Amendment Attachment 3 — Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. CIc7Clllb°COII Attachment 1 to Report PDS-041-21 Comparison Tables of Draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) Official Plan Proposed changes to the Official Plan are outlined in the table below. The column on the left shows what is currently in the Official Plan. The middle column shows what is proposed to be within the Official Plan. The column on the right provides a brief explanatory comment on the proposed changes. The proposed changes include the introduction of additional dwelling unit policies and the modification of garden suite policies. As the policies are added/deleted/modified, the remaining subsections will be renumbered. Current Official Plan policies Proposed changes to Official Plan policies Explanatory comment Accessory Apartments Additional Dwelling Units Reflects the changes to Section 16(3) of the Planning Act as a result of Bill 6.3.5 An accessory apartment is permitted in 6.3.5 One additional dwelling unit is 108, More Homes, More Choice Act. Urban Areas within a detached or semi- permitted on a lot within a permitted single detached dwelling or townhouse subject to detached, semi-detached, or townhouse the following: a) Only one accessory apartment is dwelling. One additional dwelling unit is permitted; permitted within a detached accessory b) One additional parking space is building on the same lot. required for the accessory apartment in accordance with the Zoning By- law; c) Sufficient water supply and sanitary servicing capacity exists; d) The accessory apartment complies with the provisions of the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations; and Current Official Plan policies Proposed changes to Official Plan Explanatory comment policies e) The accessory apartment is registered with the Municipality. 6.3.6 An accessory apartment is permitted 6.3.6 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Oak Required to be in conformity with the outside of Urban Areas within a detached Ridges Moraine, as shown on Map H of this Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation dwelling or above or within a detached Plan: Plan (ORMCP). In 2017, the ORMCP accessory building, subject to the following: a) within the Natural Core and Natural was amended with a revised definition a) That the accessory building use is Linkage Areas, additional dwelling units of "single dwelling" that limits where maintained; b) That the accessory apartment complies are not permitted; and b) b) within the Countryside and ADUs may be permitted. with the development criteria of Section Settlement Areas, a maximum of one 6.3.5; and additional dwelling unit is permitted on a c) That in the case of an accessory lot and only within a single detached apartment above or within an accessory dwelling. building, the accessory building is in close proximity to the dwelling and is clearly secondary to the principal dwelling. 6.3.7 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Conforms with policy 3.4.8 of the Natural Heritage System as identified on Official Plan. Map D this Official Plan, additional dwelling units are not permitted. 6.3.8 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Required to conform to Section 4.5.3 Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan, of the Greenbelt Plan. but outside of the Natural Heritage System The revised Greenbelt Plan came into as identified on Map D of this Official Plan, effect on July 1, 2017. additional dwelling units are only permitted within single detached dwellings and accessory buildings that existed on (or building permits were issued prior to) July 1, 2017. 6.3.9 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, additional Conforms with policies in 3.7 of the dwelling units are not permitted within Official Plan to prevent personal Hazard Lands as identified on Map F of this injury, property damage, or damage to Official Plan. the natural environment. Current Official Plan policies Proposed changes to Official Plan Explanatory comment policies 6.3.10 Additional dwelling units shall: Confirms need to conform to a) comply with the provisions of the Zoning appropriate regulations. Provisions of By-law, Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire the Ontario Building Code ensure Code and any other relevant regulations; ADUs are properly serviced with b) be registered with the Municipality; and sanitary and water servicing. c) be compatible with adjacent uses. Registering ADUs helps ensure conformity to regulations. 6.3.11 Where an additional dwelling unit is Supports good urban design. within an accessory building, the accessory building must be secondary in size and scale to the principal residential building. 6.3.12 An accessory building containing an To prohibit potential severances of additional dwelling unit may not be severed ADUs in accessory buildings. from the lot accommodating the principal residential building. Garden Suites Garden Suites Only changes are to policy numbers. 6.3.7 Except for areas within the Oak Ridges 6.3.12 Except for areas within the Oak Garden Suites will continue to be Moraine, one garden suite may be permitted Ridges Moraine, one garden suite may be permitted. Due to their temporary in association with any single detached permitted in association with any single nature, they may be permitted in dwelling, through a temporary use by-law, detached dwelling, through a temporary use those areas of the Greenbelt where subject to Section 6.3.8. The garden suite will by-law, subject to Section 6.3.13. The ADUs in new accessory buildings are be permitted for a period of no more than 20 garden suite will be permitted for a period of not permitted. years provided that there is an agreement no more than 20 years provided that there is between the owner and the Municipality an agreement between the owner and the regarding the occupant, the period of Municipality regarding the occupant, the occupancy, the installation, maintenance and period of occupancy, the installation, removal of the suite, and any financial maintenance and removal of the suite, and conditions. any financial conditions. 6.3.8 In applying for a temporary use by-law 6.3.13 In applying for a temporary use by- Updated to reflect new regulatory for a garden suite, the applicant shall law for a garden suite, the applicant shall language for garden suites in section demonstrate that: demonstrate that: 39.1 of the Planning Act. Provisions of Current Official Plan policies Proposed changes to Official Plan Explanatory comment policies a) There is a need for the garden suite to a) The site is adequate for the garden the Ontario Building Code ensure provide supervised accommodation or suite with regard to lot size, setbacks, ADUs are properly serviced with care for an elderly, sick or disabled layout and private amenity areas; sanitary and water servicing. person; b) The site is adequate for the b) The proposal is compatible with garden suite with regard to lot size, adjacent uses considering such setbacks, layout and private amenity matters as privacy, noise and areas; appearance; b) The proposal is compatible with c) The garden suite complies with the adjacent uses considering such provisions of the Zoning By-law, matters as privacy, noise and Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire appearance; Code and any other relevant c) There is adequate on -site parking; regulations; and d) There is adequate water supply and d) d) There is no other accessory sewage disposal building on the lot containing an e) services; and additional dwelling unit. f) There is no accessory apartment on the lot. 12.3.8 An accessory apartment is permitted Deleted Policy to allow "accessory in accordance with Section 6.3.6. apartments" in Rural Settlements no longer needed. 23.19.1 i. An apartment -in-house shall be Deleted This site -specific Official Plan permitted within a single detached dwelling exception is no longer needed as the on those lands identified by Assessment Roll proposed regulations are more Number 1817-010-010-13850 located in Part permissive. Lot 6, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington having a municipal address of 2898 Concession Road 3, Darlington, subject to the following: One parking space per apartment; a. Structural suitability of building to accommodate alterations for an additional unit; b. Compliance with building and fire regulations and other Current Official Plan policies Proposed changes to Official Plan Explanatory comment policies municipal regulations, including registration; and c. Meet the requirements of the Durham Region Health Department with respect to servicing. Definitions Accessory Apartment: a self-contained Additional Dwelling Unit: a self-contained Revised definition to reflect new second dwelling unit within a permitted dwelling unit located within a permitted "additional dwelling unit" term. residential dwelling or a permitted accessory residential dwelling and a permitted building that is clearly secondary to the accessory building and secondary to the principal dwelling. principal building on the same lot. Garden Suite: a self-contained, portable Garden Suite: a self-contained temporary Simplified definition that does not dwelling unit located in a side or rear yard of dwelling unit designed to be portable and is contain policy direction. an existing residential property. secondary to the principal building on the same lot. Zoning By-laws 84-63 and 2005-109 Proposed changes to the Zoning By-laws (ZBLs) are outlined in the tables below. The main purpose of a ZBL is to implement the policies in the Official Plan. The first table concerns proposed changes to ZBL 84-63, which regulates properties south of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The following table concerns proposed changes to ZBL 2005-109, which regulates properties within the Oak Ridges Moraine. The column on the left shows what is currently in the Zoning By-law. The middle column shows what is proposed to be within the Zoning By-law. The column on the right provides a brief explanatory comment on the proposed changes. The proposed changes include the introduction of a definition of additional dwelling units and regulations including the location, size, and parking requirements. Amendments to Zoning By-law 84-63 also include regulations for accessory buildings that contain an ADU. As sections are added/deleted/modified, the remaining subsections will be renumbered. Comprehensive ZBL 84-63 (applies to lands south of the Oak Ridges Moraine) Current Zoning Regulations Definitions Apartment -In -House Shall mean a self-contained second dwelling unit within a permitted residential single detached or semi-detached dwelling created through converting part of or adding onto a dwelling unit. The apartment -in-house shall be used or intended to be used by one or more persons and shall contain sanitary facilities, kitchen and heating are provided. The apartment -in-house shall have a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. Garden Suite A Garden Suite is a self-contained temporary dwelling unit designed to provide for the care of an elderly, sick and disabled person which is located in the side or rear yard of a Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 Additional Dwelling Unit A self-contained dwelling unit located within a permitted residential dwelling or an accessory building secondary to the principal residential building on the same lot. Garden Suite A self-contained temporary dwelling unit designed to be portable and is secondary to the principal residential building on the same lot. Explanatory comment Revised definition to reflect new "additional dwelling unit" term and removal of regulation from definition. Revised definition to conform to definition of "garden suite" in section 39.1 of the Planning Act. Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 Explanatory comment property containing a single detached dwelling. Regulations 3.2 Apartment -In -House 3.2 Additional Dwelling Unit 3.2 a. An apartment -in-house shall be 3.2 a. Additional dwelling units are permitted Reflects the changes to section 16(3) permitted within a single detached or semi- within any legally permitted single detached, of the Planning Act as a result of Bill detached dwelling located within the "Urban semi-detached or townhouse dwelling and 108, More Homes, More Choice Act. Residential Type One (R1)", "Urban within an accessory building on the same lot, Residential Type Two (R2)" and "Urban for a maximum total of three dwelling units on Residential Type Three (R3)" zones inclusive a lot. of all exception zones except those exception zones shown on Schedule 12 (Orono) of the Comprehensive Zoning By- law, as amended, and the minimum floor area for an "apartment -in-house" shall be 40 square metres. 3.2 b. i) Notwithstanding subsection a., any 3.2 b. Notwithstanding 3.2 a., within the Section 4.5.3 of the Greenbelt Plan apartment -in-house which existed prior to the Natural Heritage System or Hazard Lands as does not permit ADUs in Natural date of passing of this By-law and is located identified in the Clarington Official Plan, Heritage System (NHS). The mapped within a single or semi-detached dwelling, is additional dwelling units are not permitted. NHS in the Official Plan is more a permitted use. accurate (and smaller) than mapped NHS in Greenbelt Plan. ADUs are not 3.2 b. ii) Notwithstanding subsection a., any permitted in Hazard Lands, which apartment -in-house which existed prior to include floodplains as continually November 16, 1995 and is located within a updated by Conservation Authorities. street townhouse or link townhouse in an urban area is a permitted use. Removal of unnecessary legal non- conforming statement. Legal non- conforming rights exist regardless of zoning statements, and are already covered in section 3.6 of the Zoning Bylaw. Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 Explanatory comment 3.2 c. Notwithstanding 3.2 a., for lands within Section 4.5.3 of the Greenbelt Plan the Protected Countryside within the allows ADUs only within single Greenbelt, but outside of the Natural Heritage detached dwellings or existing System as identified in the Clarington Official accessory building in the Protected Plan, additional dwelling units are only Countryside (but outside Natural permitted within single detached dwellings or Heritage System). This regulation accessory buildings that existed on (or came into effect with the updated building permits were issued prior to) July 1, Greenbelt Plan on July 1, 2017, This 2017. means ADUs cannot be allowed in the Greenbelt in accessory buildings built after that date, unless building permits had already been issued. 3.2 d. Where an additional dwelling unit is O. Reg 384/94 states that planning located within the principal residential documents cannot regulate the building, the floor area of the additional relative size of two units within a dwelling unit shall not exceed the floor area principal building. This proposed of the principal dwelling unit. zoning regulation is only to clarify that the smaller of the two residential units is the ADU and the larger is the principal dwelling unit. 3.2 e. Within Urban Residential Zones, An urban design policy to restrict entrances for an additional dwelling unit additional front doors in urban areas. within the principal residential building may be through a common door in the front building fagade. Additional, separate entrances for either the additional dwelling unit or the principal dwelling unit must be accessed via the rear or side yard. 3.2 f. Where an additional dwelling unit is To implement the policy that located within an accessory building: accessory buildings with an ADU must be secondary in size and scale to the principal residential building. Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 i) The floor area of the additional dwelling unit must be no more than the floor area of the principal residential building; and ii) Notwithstanding Section 3.1 c., the accessory building must: a) Conform to the zone's front yard and exterior side yard setback requirements for residential uses; b) Have a minimum rear yard and interior side yard setback of 1.8 metres; c) Have a maximum lot coverage of 10%, or 120 square metres, or the zone's lot coverage maximum, whichever is less; and d) Have a maximum height of 6 metres within Agricultural and Rural Residential Zones, and 5.25 metres within Urban Residential Zones. 3.2 g. All dwelling units are subject to the provisions of this By-law, the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations. Explanatory comment If an ADU is in an accessory building, the floor area of the ADU cannot be larger than the floor area of the principal residential building. If an accessory building contains an ADU, the setbacks for are slightly more restrictive than for an accessory building that does not have an ADU (as found in the table in Section 3.1 c. of the Zoning Bylaw). Heights are more permissive to allow 2 storeys in rural areas, and 1.5 storeys in urban areas. The max footprint of an accessory building containing an ADU is the lesser of: 10% lot coverage, 120 sq. m., or the zone's max lot coverage. 120 sq. m is the absolute maximum, and only possible if that is less than 10% of the lot, and all combined buildings and structures meet the zone's max lot coverage (usually 40%). Emphasizes requirement to conform to appropriate regulations. Provisions of the Ontario Building Code ensure ADUs are properly serviced with sanitary and water servicing. 3.2 h. Additional dwelling units must be Registering ADUs helps ensure registered with the Municipality. conformity to regulations. Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 Explanatory comment 3.2 i. A home occupation is permitted within Section 3.11 B permits some home an additional dwelling unit, subject to Section businesses that are appropriate for 3.11 B. multi -unit residential buildings. Parking Space Requirement Table within Section 3.16 Residential (v) a) Apartment -in-house or Residential (v) a) additional dwelling unit or Updated only to reflect "additional Garden Suite: 1 parking space garden suite: 1 parking space for each dwelling unit" term. additional dwelling unit or garden suite. Residential (v) b) Apartment -in-house in Residential (v) b) additional dwelling unit in Updated only to reflect "additional existence prior to November 16, 1995: nil existence prior to November 16, 1995: nil dwelling unit" term. Exception Zones Permitting and/or Regulating Apartments -in -Houses 6.4.85 Agricultural Exception (A-85) Zone Deleted This Agricultural Exception Zone is no Notwithstanding Sections 6.1 and 3.2 a., longer needed as the proposed those lands zoned "A-85" on the schedules regulations are more permissive. to this By-law, may in addition to other uses permitted in the Agricultural (A) Zone, be used for an apartment -in-house and shall be subject to the following zone regulations: a. Regulations for Apartment -in-house i) Floor Area (minimum): 40 square metres ii) Number of bedrooms (maximum): 1 iii) Number of parking spaces (minimum): 1 6.4.93 Agricultural Exception (A-93) Zone Deleted This Agricultural Exception Zone is no Notwithstanding Sections 6.1 and 3.2a those longer needed as the proposed lands zoned "A-93" on the Schedule to this regulations are more permissive. By-law, may in addition to other uses permitted in the Agricultural (A) Zone, be used for an apartment -in-house and shall be subject to the following zone regulations: a. Regulations for Apartment -in-house Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 84-63 Explanatory comment i) Floor Area (minimum) 40 square metres 12.2.1 f. iv) Entrances for an apartment -in- Deleted Regulations found in proposed house can be found in the front building Section 3.2 f about front doors apply fagade through a common entrance with the to all ADUs and so not needed for the principal dwelling. Where a separate Neighbourhood Character Overlay entrance is provided it must be in the side or Zone. rear yard. 13.4.87 n. entrances for an apartment -in- Deleted Regulations found in proposed house must be located in the side or rear Section 3.2 f about front doors apply yard unless it is through a common entrance to all ADUs and so not needed for this of a front fagade. site -specific exception zone. 16.5.37 a. ii) One single detached residential 16.5.37 a. ii) One single detached residential Updated only to reflect "additional dwelling provided that no apartment -in-house dwelling provided that no additional dwelling dwelling unit" term. is contained therein. unit is contained therein. Comprehensive ZBL 2005-109 (applies to lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine) Current Zoning Regulations Proposed changes to ZBL 2005-109 Explanatory comment Table of Contents 5.7 In -House Apartment Dwellings 5.7 Additional Dwelling Units Updated to reflect "additional dwelling unit" term. Definitions In -House Apartment Dwelling Additional Dwelling Unit Updated to reflect "additional dwelling An apartment dwelling located within a A self-contained dwelling unit within a unit" term, be in conformity with recent permitted single detached dwelling or semi- permitted single detached dwelling. provincial policies. detached dwellinq created through converting part of or adding onto the principal dwelling. As per section 2.7.1 of Zoning Bylaw 2005-109, this definition will be under the parent term `dwelling' and be expressed in this Zoning Bylaw as additional dwellinq unit. Garden Suite Garden Suite Revised definition to conform to A one unit residential structure containing A temporary dwelling unit designed to be definition of "garden suites" in section washroom and kitchen facilities that is portable and accessory to a single detached 39.1 of the Planning Act. designed to be portable and that is accessory dwelling on the same lot. to a single detached dwellin constructed on Note that Garden Suites are not the same lot. permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine. Home occupation permission 5.6.5 In the case of an apartment dwelling or 5.6.5 In the case of an additional dwelling Updated to provide occupants of a townhouse dwelling, a home occupation unit, an apartment dwelling or a townhouse additional dwelling units the same shall be restricted to a business or dwelling, a home occupation shall be opportunities as those within administrative office which does not require restricted to a business or administrative apartment and townhouse dwellings. the delivery or pick-up of goods, does not office which does not require the delivery or have clients coming to the dwelling, and does pick-up of goods, does not have clients not have employees who reside on a different coming to the dwelling, and does not have lot. employees who reside on a different lot. Regulations 5.7 In -House Apartment Dwellings 5.7 Additional Dwelling Units 5.7.1 An in-house apartment dwelling shall 5.7.1 One additional dwelling unit is Implements Provincial policy that limits only be permitted in a single detached permitted on a lot in a single detached ADUs in the Oak Ridges Moraine to dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling located dwellinq within the "Rural Settlement One Countryside and Rural Settlement in an Urban Residential Zone, provided that (RS1)" and "Prime Agricultural (A)" zones, Areas, but outside Natural Heritage sanitary sewer and water services to the in- subject to the provisions of this By-law, the System, and only within single house apartment dwellin are provided by a Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code detached dwellings. public authority. and any other relevant regulations. 5.7.2 An in-house apartment dwelling which 5.7.2 The floor area of the additional O. Reg 384/94 states that planning existed prior to November 16, 1995 and dwelling unit shall not exceed the floor area documents cannot regulate the relative which is located within a townhouse dwelling of the principal dwelling unit. size of two units within a principal shall be deemed to be a permitted use, building. This proposed zoning provided that sanitary sewer and water regulation is only to clarify that the services to the in-house apartment dwellin smaller of the two residential units is are provided by a public authority. the ADU and the larger is the principal dwelling unit. 5.7.3 An in-house apartment dwelling shall 5.7.3 Additional dwelling units must be Registering ADUs helps ensure have minimum floor area of 40 square registered with the Municipality. conformity to regulations. metres. 5.7.4 One parking space shall be provided for 5.7.4 One parking space shall be provided Updated only to reflect "additional each in-house apartment dwellin . A parking for each additional dwelling unit. A parking dwelling unit" term. space is not required for an in-house space is not required for an additional apartment dwellinq established prior to dwellin unit established prior to November November 16, 1995. 16, 1995. 6.2.2 (Table 6-2) 6.2.2 (Table 6-2) Updated only to reflect "additional In -House Apartment: Section 5.7 Accessory Dwelling Unit: Section 5.7 dwelling unit" term. Clar• ngton Attachment 2 to Report PDS-041-21 DRAFT Amendment Number To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to implement the changes to policies 16 (3) regarding Additional Residential Units in the Planning Act resulting from Bill 108 — the More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, and ensure the Clarington Official Plan remains in conformity with Provincial goals. Basis: This amendment is based on Section 16 (3) regarding Additional Residential Units and Section 39.1 regarding Garden Suites in the Planning Act, and the standards outlined in Ontario Regulation 299/19 (Additional Residential Units), Ontario Regulation 384/94 (Apartments in Houses), Ontario Regulation 140/02 (Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan), the Greenbelt Plan, and other Provincial policies and regulations. Actual Amendment: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: (*Note: Bold text represents an addition and text with a strike+hrou h represents deleted text.) The subheading `Accessory Apartments' and policies 6.3.5 and 6.3.6 are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "Additional Dwelling Units 6.3.5 One additional dwelling unit is permitted on a lot within a single detached, semi-detached, or townhouse dwelling. One additional dwelling unit is permitted within a detached accessory building on the same lot. 6.3.6 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Oak Ridges Moraine, as shown on Map H of this Plan: a) Within the Natural Core and Natural Linkage Areas, additional dwelling units are not permitted; and b) Within the Countryside and Settlement Areas, a maximum of one additional dwelling unit is permitted on a lot and only within a single detached dwelling." Clar• ngton Attachment 2 to Report PDS-041-21 2. Existing policy 6.3 is amended by adding new policies 6.3.7 to 6.3.12 as follows and all subsequent existing policies are renumbered accordingly: "6.3.7 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Natural Heritage System as identified on Map D this Official Plan, additional dwelling units are not permitted. 6.3.8 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan, but outside of the Natural Heritage System as identified on Map D of this Official Plan, additional dwelling units are only permitted within single detached dwellings or accessory buildings that existed on (or building permits were issued prior to) July 1, 2017. 6.3.9 Notwithstanding 6.3.5, additional dwelling units are not permitted within Hazard Lands as identified on Map F of this Official Plan. 6.3.10 Additional dwelling units shall: a) comply with the provisions of the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations; b) be registered with the Municipality; and c) be compatible with adjacent uses. 6.3.11 Where an additional dwelling unit is within an accessory building, the accessory building must be secondary in size and scale to the principal residential building. 6.3.12 An accessory building containing an additional dwelling unit may not be severed from the lot accommodating the principal residential building." 3. The cross reference in renumbered policy 6.3.12 is renumbered to reference 6.3.13. 4. Renumbered policy 6.3.13 is amended as follows: "6.3.13 6.9 In applying for a temporary use by-law for a garden suite, the applicant shall demonstrate that: a) There is a Reed for the garden suite to provide or disabled persOR; Clarington Attachment 2 to Report PDS-041-21 4) a) The site is adequate for the garden suite with regard to lot size, setbacks, layout and private amenity areas; c-) b) The proposal is compatible with adjacent uses considering such matters as privacy, noise and appearance; d) There adequate on site parkOgL, where adequate water supply aaTnra� �nicavage disppo. sep—o � 4 0 c) The garden suite complies with the provisions of the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations; and f) d) There is no aGGessery an„dmenf other accessory building on the lot containing an additional dwelling unit." 5. The remaining policies in section 6.3 are renumbered accordingly. 6. Policy 12.3.8 is deleted in its entirety. 7. Policy 23.19.1 i. is deleted in its entirety. 8. Section 24.2 Definitions, policy 24.2.1 is amended by deleting the term "Accessory Apartment" and its definition. 9. Section 24.2 Definitions, policy 24.2.1 is amended as follows: "Additional Dwelling Unit: a self-contained dwelling unit located within a permitted residential dwelling or a permitted accessory building and secondary to the principal dwelling on the same lot." 10. Section 24.2 Definitions, policy 24.2.1 is amended as follows: "Garden Suite: a self-contained, ortable temporary dwelling unit loGated in a side or roar yard of an exiSt;nn residential nr^norty designed to be portable and is secondary to the principal dwelling unit on the same lot." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Clarington Attachment 2 to Report PDS-041-21 Plan, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. File number: COPA2021-0003 Clar• ngton Attachment 3 to Report PDS-041-21 DRAFT Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 20 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and By-law 2005-109, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63 and By-law 2005-105 as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA2021-0011 to implement changes to Section 16 (3) (Additional Residential Units) and Section 39.1 (Garden Suites) in the Planning Act, and the standards outlined in Ontario Regulation 299/19 (Additional Residential Units), Ontario Regulation 384/94 (Apartments in Houses), Ontario Regulation 140/02 (Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan), the Greenbelt Plan, and other Provincial policies and regulations; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows (*note: Bold text represents an addition to the text and text with a strikethrou h represents deleted text): By-law 84-63 is amended as follows: 1. Section 2 — Definitions is amended by deleting the term "Apartment -In -House" and its definition. 2. Section 2 — Definitions is amended as follows: "Additional Dwelling Unit Draft Zoning By-law Amendment PAGE 2 A self-contained dwelling unit located within a permitted residential dwelling or an accessory building secondary to the principal residential building on the same lot." 3. Section 2 — Definitions is amended as follows: "Garden Suite A Garden Suite is a -self-contained temporary dwelling unit designed to be portable and is clearly secondary to the principal residential dwelling unit on the same lot. provide the Faro of an elderly, Sink and disabled norcnn detached dwelling." 4. The subheading "Apartment -in -House" and sections 3.2 a. and 3.2 b. be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "Additional Dwelling Units 3.2 a. Additional dwelling units are permitted within any legally permitted single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling and within an accessory building on the same lot, for a maximum total of three dwelling units on a lot. 3.2 b. Notwithstanding 3.2 a., within the Natural Heritage System or Hazard Lands as identified in the Clarington Official Plan, additional dwelling units are not permitted." 5. Existing section 3.2 is amended by adding new sections 3.2 c. to 3.2 i as follows: "3.2 c. Notwithstanding 3.2 a., for lands within the Protected Countryside within the Greenbelt, but outside of the Natural Heritage System as identified in the Clarington Official Plan, additional dwelling units are only permitted within single detached dwellings or accessory buildings that existed on (or building permits were issued prior to) July 1, 2017. 3.2 d. Where an additional dwelling unit is located within a principal residential building, the floor area of the additional dwelling unit shall not exceed the floor area of the principal dwelling unit. 3.2 e. Within Urban Residential Zones, entrances for an additional dwelling unit within the principal residential building may be through a common door in the front building facade. Additional, separate entrances for either the additional dwelling unit or the principal dwelling must be accessed via the rear or side yard. Draft Zoning By-law Amendment PAGE 3 3.2 f. Where an additional dwelling unit is located within an accessory building: i) The floor area of the additional dwelling unit must be no more than the floor area of the principal residential building. ii) Notwithstanding Section 3.1 c., the accessory building must: a) Conform to the zone's front yard and exterior side yard setback requirements for residential uses; b) Have a minimum rear yard and interior side yard setback of 1.8 metres; c) Have a maximum lot coverage of 10%, or 120 square metres, or the zone's lot coverage maximum, whichever is less; and d) Have a maximum height of 6 metres within Agricultural and Rural Residential Zones, and 5.25 metres within Urban Residential Zones. 3.2 g. All dwelling units are subject to the provisions of this By-law, the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations. 3.2 h. Additional dwelling units must be registered with the Municipality. 3.2 i. A home occupation is permitted within an additional dwelling unit, subject to Section 3.11 B." 6. The Parking Space Requirement Table within Section 3.16 is amended as follows: Parking Space Requirement Table Type or nature of use Minimum off street parking requirement (v) 1 parking space for each additional a) npartmon+_in_house Additional dwelling unit or garden suite. unit or Garden Suite -dwelling b) ApartmeRt an_house Additional Nil dwelling unit in existence prior to November 16, 1995 7. Section 6.4.85 is deleted in its entirety. 8. Section 6.4.93 is deleted in its entirety. 9. Section 12.2.1 f. iv) is deleted. 10. Section 13.4.87 n. is deleted. 11. Section 16.5.37 a. ii) is amended as follows: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment PAGE 4 One single detached residential dwelling provided that no apar+Y,- eRt ;R heyso additional dwelling unit is contained therein. By-law 2005-109 is amended as follows: The Table of Contents is amended by deleting the term "In -House Apartment Dwellings" and replacing it with "Additional Dwelling Units". 2. Section 3 — Definitions is amended by deleting the term "In -House Apartment Dwelling" and its definition. 3. Section 3 — Definitions is amended as follows: "Additional Dwelling Unit A self-contained dwelling unit within a permitted single detached dwellin_q." 4. Section 3 — Definitions is amended as follows: "Garden Suite A is. temporary dwelling unit designed to be portable and that accessory to a single detached dwelling GORstructed on the same lot." 5. Section 5.6.5 is amended as follows: "5.6.5 In the case of an additional dwelling unit, apartment dwelling or a townhouse dwellin , a home occupation shall be restricted to a business or administrative office which does not require the delivery or pick-up of goods, does not have clients coming to the dwelling, and does not have employees who reside on a different lot." 6. The subheading `In -House Apartment Dwellings" and sections 5.7.1, 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: "Additional Dwelling Units 5.7.1 One additional dwelling unit is permitted on a lot in a single detached dwelling within the "Rural Settlement One (RS1)" and "Prime Agricultural (A)" zones, subject to the provisions of this By- law, the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code and any other relevant regulations. 5.7.2 The floor area of an additional dwelling unit shall not exceed the floor area of the principal dwelling unit. Draft Zoning By-law Amendment PAGE 5 5.7.3 Additional dwelling units must be registered with the Municipality." 7. Section 5.7.4 is amended as follows: "5.7.4 One parking space shall be provided for each in house pa menf dwel�i additional dwelling unit. A parking space is not required for an in house pa ment r/additional dwelling unit established prior to November 16, 1995." 8. Section 6.2.2 is amended as follows: TABLE 6-2 REGULATIONS — NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES of Use Number of Parking Spaces -Type Residential In_House /Inorlment Additional dwellin unit Section 5.7