HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-043-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Joint Committees Date of Meeting: September 13, 2021 Report Number: PDS-043-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: JC-10-21, C-281-21 File Number: ZBA 2021-0008 By-law Number: 2021-069 Report Subject: An application by Darryl Kerswell to permit the establishment of commercial uses, including a general store and eating establishment on the property known at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-043-21 and any related communication items, be received; 2. That the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by Darryl Kerswell be approved and the Zoning By-law in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-043-21 be passed; 3. That a By-law lifting the Holding (H) Symbol be forwarded to Council once Site Plan approval has been granted; 4. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD- 043-21 and Council's decision; and 5. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-043-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Report Overview Page 2 This report recommends the approval of an application to amend the Zoning By-law to establish commercial uses including a general store and an eating establishment on the property located at 4504 Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville. This Zoning By-law amendment is subject to a Holding provision to meet the conditions of site plan details that will be addressed through the ongoing Site Plan application. 1. Purpose of the Report 1.1 The purpose of this Staff Report is to recommend to Council the adoption of Zoning By- law Amendment (ZBA2021-0008) to the Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63. The recommendation comes following a thorough public planning and consultation process. 1.2 This report includes a summary of the process and comments received since the Statutory Public Meeting held on June 7. 2021. 2. Application Details 2.1 Owner/applicant: Darryl Kerswell 2.2 Proposal: Zoning By-law 84-63 Amendment To rezone the lands to permit commercial uses including a general store and an eating establishment, to a maximum of 60 square metres at the property located at 4504 Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville. 2.3 Area: 0.1 hectares (1000 square metres) 2.4 Location: 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville 2.5 Within Built Boundary: Yes Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 HILL STREET 3. Background Page 3 AWN 21 �J I oa� Y� 23 2035 ' ' ■ .i ■ Yr, � 1 �Y 17V Figure 1: Site Location Map r t�p • i ' d a — LAk F 4 5 I W r. 3.1 In March 2021, Darryl Kerswell began the initial conversations related to the proposal with Clarington Staff. Below is a sequence of events to date on the development applications related applications to permit commercial uses including a general store and an eating establishment within a proposed addition to an existing single detached dwelling. • Pre -consultation application received- March 24, 2021 • Pre -consultation meeting held April 15, 2021 • Final pre -consultation minutes sent to applicant: April 28, 2021 • Rezoning and Site Plan applications received: May 5, 2021 • Rezoning Application deemed complete: May 17, 2021 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-043-21 • Statutory Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021 • Site Plan deemed Complete: June 21, 2021 • Applications circulated for comments: June 21, 2021 • Comments due from circulated agencies: July 9, 2021 • Status Letter sent to applicant: September 2021 3.2 The applicant has submitted a Planning Rationale Report in support of the applications which is reviewed in Section 9 of this report. 4. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 4.1 The site is located on the north side of Regional Highway 2, just east of Newtonville Road. There is approximately 19.5 metres of frontage along Regional Highway 2 and the property is 0.1 hectares in size. The site currently has a single detached dwelling and a detached garage. 4.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North: Single detached residential dwellings East: Single detached residential dwellings South: Durham Regional Highway 2 and single detached residential dwellings West: Existing commercial mixed -use property containing the Newtonville General Store and cafe. Figure 2: Street View of the subject Property Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-043-21 4.3 A corresponding Site Plan Application has been deemed complete and was circulated with the Rezoning application. The Site Plan review process is ongoing and is assisting Staff to determine whether the site is appropriate for the proposed use. As seen in Figure 3, the applicant is proposing an addition to the south side of the existing dwelling to house a portion of the commercial establishment. To the east and west of the dwelling, the applicant is proposing the commercial parking. The applicant is proposing that the two mandatory residential parking spaces, as per the Zoning By-law 84-63 be situated to the rear of the dwelling, one outdoor and one within the existing detached garage. The applicant is also proposing a loading space to the be located within the Regional Highway 2 boulevard, and not within the boundaries of the subject property. Figure 3: Proposed Site Plan 4.4 Staff have circulated the proposal to all agencies. Generally, the primary agencies concerns are related to the site plan approval process. There are no concerns related to whether the proposed land use is appropriate. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-043-21 4.5 Staff have reviewed the rezoning proposal in detail and are of the opinion that the proposed use meets the legislative framework for Hamlets and the proposed use is appropriate. Where there are still concerns, Staff will continue to work with the applicant through the Site Plan Approval process to rectify. Until such time Staff are satisfied with the proposal, the (`H') Holding Symbol will remain on the property, to ensure no adverse impacts on the neighbouring community. 5. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement 5.1 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) policies direct growth to settlement areas and promote compact development forms. Planning authorities are to facilitate development of a variety of housing forms and promote residential intensification to achieve efficient development patterns. The definition of `intensification' includes the development of underutilized lots within previously developed areas and infill development among other uses. 5.2 The site is located within the Settlement Area of Newtonville. The new development uses existing infrastructure and public services appropriately, having regard for the site's surroundings. The proposed development promotes compact development forms. 5.3 The proposed development conforms with the Provincial Policy Statement. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) 5.4 The Growth Plan is a long-term planning framework that manages growth, mainly within the urban areas of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. It provides policies to encourage complete communities, which includes a diverse mix of land uses, a mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open spaces, and convenient access to local stores and services. 5.5 The subject proposal promotes complete communities by diversifying the mix of land uses and employment while providing convenient access for residents to a local store. 5.6 The objective of the Growth Plan is to protect the natural environment and near -urban agricultural lands by making efficient use of existing public infrastructure and encouraging compact development within the already built-up areas of the Municipality. 5.7 The Growth Plan recognizes the subject lands as "rural settlement". 5.8 Policy 2.2.9 states that municipalities are encouraged to plan for a variety of cultural and economic opportunities within rural settlements to serve the needs of rural residents and area businesses. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Page 7 5.9 The site is located within the rural settlement of Newtonville. The added commercial use to the existing residential property makes efficient use of existing public infrastructure and encourages compact development within the already built-up area. The subject proposal also provides a cultural and economic opportunity to serve the needs of rural residents. 5.10 The proposed development conforms with the Growth Plan. The Greenbelt Plan 5.11 The Greenbelt Plan identifies where urbanization should and should not occur in order to provide permanent protection to the agricultural land base and the ecological and hydrological features, areas and functions occurring on this landscape. 5.12 The Greenbelt Plan recognizes the subject lands as "Hamlet". Settlement Areas, identified as Towns/Villages and Hamlets, are areas identified for development. 5.13 The Greenbelt Plan policies support a strong rural economy by allowing for commercial uses needed by the current and future population within the Settlement Areas of the Greenbelt. The proposed development should contribute to the rural economy as it is adding a commercial use within a settlement area. 5.14 Policy states that limited growth is permitted through infill and intensification of hamlets subject to appropriate water and sewage services. The subject proposal is for infill development and must conform to water and sewage services as determined by the Municipality. 5.15 The proposed development conforms with the Greenbelt Plan. 6. Official Plans Durham Region Official Plan 6.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Hamlet". 6.2 Policy 913.1.3 states hamlets shall be the predominant location for residential and social, commercial and employment development serving the needs of the surrounding rural area. Policies 913.2.3 b and c state that hamlets shall be developed in harmony with surrounding uses and may include employment uses and commercial uses that meet the needs of the residents of the hamlet and surrounding rural area. The proposed commercial use of the subject lands and its location on Highway 2 should contribute to the social, commercial, and employment development of the Newtonville hamlet, serving the needs of the residents of the hamlet and the surrounding rural area. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Page 8 6.3 Policy 9B.2.4 b) states that the predominance of residential uses shall serve to guide the preservation, cultural attributes, and historical heritage of the community. The proposed development will continue to operate as a residence as its primary use with an added commercial use. 6.4 Policy 9B.2.6 states that development within hamlets shall be individually serviced with private sewage disposal systems. The subject proposal is serviced by a private sewage disposal system and will be expanded as determined necessary. 6.5 The proposed development conforms with the Durham Region Official Plan. Clarington Official Plan 6.6 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Hamlet". 6.7 Policy 12.4.1 permits, in addition to residential uses, other uses such as general stores provided the use is compatible with the current surrounding uses and does not detract from the character of the hamlet. The proposed development does not detract from the character of the hamlet and is a compatible use with the surrounding areas. 6.8 Policy 12.4.2 a) states that development within a hamlet shall complement and enhance the historic character of the hamlet. The proposed development should enhance the historic character of the hamlet by adding to the liveliness of the streetscape. 6.9 Policy 12.4. 2 d) states that development within a hamlet shall consider opportunities and innovations to provide a more compact settlement form. The proposal is an infill development as it is within a developed area in Newtonville and will be adding a new use to an existing property. 6.10 Policy 12.4.5 a) states that all development shall be serviced by municipal water supply. The proposed development will be serviced by municipal water. 6.11 The proposed development conforms with the Clarington Official Plan. 7. Zoning By-law 7.1 The site is zoned "Residential Hamlet (RH)" which does not permit the proposed use of a commercial establishment. The Zoning By-law amendment application is seeking to permit all the permitted uses within the Hamlet Commercial (C3) Zoning, with site specific regulations to ensure the site is suitable for the proposed uses. 7.2 The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (Attachment 1) will allow the applicant to establish the commercial uses to a maximum of 60 square metres of floor area while also maintaining the residential uses. The proposed zoned will mirror the "CY use permissions of a general store, similar to the zoning on the neighbouring property to the west. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 7.3 A site -specific "Holding - Hamlet Commercial Exception ((H) C3-10) Zone" is recommended for the proposal. a zo„ ® 5-10 L■506 6 woo� bSMJ Zoning Cha nge F turn ' R H' To '(H )C3-i 0' Figure 4: Proposed Zoning Schedule 8. Public Participation and Submissions Page 9 8.1 The preparation of this Zoning By-law amendment has been supported through a public engagement process. All landowners in the area received notice of the statutory public meeting. Also, the landowners have been informed that this recommendation report is being presented to Council. 8.2 All public notices, communications and review periods have been designed to ensure conformity with the requirements of the Planning Act. 8.3 As detailed below, at the time of writing this report, staff had received 131 submissions regarding this proposal. The comments detailed in Attachment 2. Planning and Development Committee Public Meeting — June 7, 2021 8.4 On June 7, 2021, a Public Meeting was held to obtain public comments on the rezoning application. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Page 10 8.5 All landowners within 120 metres of the subject lands were invited to the Public Meeting before Council on June 7, 2021. The Public Meeting and associated Staff Report (PDS- 033-21) outlined the proposed planning process, application details, and provided an opportunity to hear all comments from the public related to the proposed development. 8.6 In total, there were 12 delegations heard at the Public Meeting, 10 in opposition and 2 in support. Public Submissions in Support 8.7 Generally, the support from the public is relating the following: • The need for an accessible commercial space within the Hamlet of Newtonville; • The need for a General Store in Newtonville; and • The need to support local businesses. Public Submissions in Objection 8.8 Generally, the concerns from the public are as follows: • Traffic Concerns; • Pedestrian Safety Concerns; • Parking Concerns; • Reduced Landscaping; • Accessibility Concerns; • Adversely Impacting the Historic Fagade of the existing dwelling; and • An excess amount of commercial space in the same vicinity. 8.9 The concerns listed above are generally related to the site plan approval process. Staff are working with the applicant directly through the ongoing site plan approval process to ensure the above -mentioned concerns are satisfied prior to receiving final approval. 9. Studies The following was submitted in support of the application: Planning Justification Report, D.G. Biddle and Associates. 9.1 This report provides the planning context of the subject lands and surrounding neighbourhood. The report identifies that the proposal meets the requirements of the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement, the Greenbelt Plan, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan. 9.2 The report concludes that, in this location, the proposed scale and intensity of the development are in conformity with the applicable planning documents and represents good land use planning. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 10. Agency Comments Durham Region Page 11 10.1 The Region has no concerns with the proposed rezoning of the subject site, provided that the applicant submits a parking analysis report to the Region's satisfaction .The above requirement must be satisfied prior to the passing of the zoning by-law, or alternatively, be subject to an (`H') Holding Provision. The Holding Provision can be lifted once the applicant provides satisfactory evidence which addresses the above noted parking analysis pertaining to the subject site. Other Agencies 10.2 Enbridge, Bell Canada, Canada Post and Hydro One indicated they had no objections to the proposed applications. 11. Departmental Comments 11.1 The applications were circulated to internal departments for review and comments. Comments were received from Public Works Department, Building Division, Fire and Emergency Services Department and the Accessibility Committee. Public Works Department 11.2 The Clarington Public Works Department has no objections to the proposed rezoning application. Building Division 11.3 The Clarington Building Division has no objection to the proposed rezoning application. Fire and Emergency Services 11.4 The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services Department have no objections to the proposed rezoning application. Accessibility Committee 11.5 The Clarington Accessibility Committee has no objection to the proposed rezoning application. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Heritage Committee Page 12 11.6 Staff are awaiting formal comments from the Clarington Heritage Committee. However, the Municipalities Heritage Planner has been working directly with the Clarington Heritage Committee to ensure the proposal meets the policies in relation to heritage. Throughout the site plan approval process the applicant will be required to provide elevation drawings and information regarding proposed building materials in support of the subject application to ensure the proposed addition is sympathetic to the heritage characteristics of the building, and in conformity with Section 8 policies of the Clarington Official Plan 12. Discussion 12.1 As detailed in Sections 5 and 6 of this report, the subject proposal conforms with all applicable Provincial and Regional Policy. The PPS, Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan, Durham Regional Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan all include policies that direct growth to settlement areas and allow commercial uses needed by the current and future population within the Settlement Areas. The subject application is for a general store and eating establishment to be located within a proposed addition to the existing single detached dwelling. While the relocation of this establishment from its previous location at the north-east corner of Newtonville Road and Regional Highway 2, to the property directly east has caused some concerns from residents, policy does not limit commercial activity based on potential competition of neighbouring establishments. 12.2 Figure 3 illustrates the site plan concept for the commercial developments. While the subject proposal is consistent with Provincial, Regional and Local policy framework, the concerns that remain are related to the appropriateness of the site to effectively and safely incorporate the proposed use. The review of the site's appropriateness is being conducted through the site plan application process. 12.3 The applicant has been notified of comments from agencies and departments that will need be addressed as part of the site plan process. Staff continue to work with the applicant through the site plan review process to address detailed urban design and sustainable design, final site and building design, and landscaping. Zoning Change 12.4 The proposed zoning by-law would place the subject lands in a site -specific Hamlet Commercial (C3) Zone. The zoning change will allow for the establishment of commercial uses, including a retail store, an eating establishment within a maximum of 60 square metres of the building. 12.5 There are several changes to the typical standards being proposed as a part of this amendment. These changes are considered minor in nature and reflective of the limited size and reflect the constraints typical for those of a hamlet within the Municipality. The "C3-10" zone proposes the following: Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-043-21 Table 1: Proposed "C3-10" Regulations Page 13 "C3" Zone "C3-10" Zone Front Yard Setback 3 metres 1.4 metres Front Yard Setback for Accessibility Ramp 0.6 metres 0 metres Interior Side Yard Setback 3 metres 2.9 metres Drive Aisle 4.5 metres 2.9 metres Loading Space 1 0 Maximum Commercial Floor Area N/A 60 square metres 12.6 The C3-10 zone proposes a reduced front yard setback to 1.4 metres and a reduced interior side yard setback to 2.9 metres, in keeping with many commercial sites throughout the Municipality, including the neighbouring property to the west. Further, in anticipation of the inclusion of an accessibility ramp to the front of the addition, Staff are amenable to a proposed 0 metre setback requirement for all accessibility ramps to provide sufficient space for the owner to construct the appropriate accessibility requirements, as per the Ontario Building Code. 12.7 Further the proposed "C3-10" zone would provide a reduced drive aisle requirement to 2.9 metres, to permit the residents to access the residential parking proposed to the rear of the existing building. Staff feel the reduced drive aisle width is appropriate for residential purposes given the standard parking space width in the Zoning By-law is 2.75 metres and the proposed aisle would exceed 2.75 metres in width. 12.8 As described in Table 1, the typical Zoning By-law provisions require one loading space for the proposed commercial uses. Given the size and nature of the operation, Staff have no objection to exempting the applicant from this requirement. Strict timelines for deliveries will be incorporated into the Site Plan Agreement, through the site plan process. Municipality of Clarington Page 14 Report PDS-043-21 12.9 Finally, the proposed "C3-10" zone would limit the amount of commercial floor space in an attempt to reduce any parking concerns as a result of the property having limited space. By imposing a 60 square metre limitation to the proposed commercial uses, the site would only require two dedicated parking spaces, as shown on the site plan in Figure 3. 12.10 Staff are of the opinion that it is appropriate to proceed with recommending approval of the rezoning application, subject to a (`H') Holding Provision, as the proposed commercial use is consistent with and conforms to provincial and local policy. In Staff's opinion, the proposed site -specific zone standards are appropriate and represent minor reductions from current zoning standards and therefore would result in minimal impact on neighbouring properties. However, it should be noted that the proposed Holding Provision would only be lifted once the Applicant provides satisfactory evidence which addresses all concerns listed in this report, including Sections 8.10 and 10.1, as well as enters into the appropriate development agreement with the Municipality of Clarington to address the final technical details related to the proposal. 13. Concurrence Not Applicable. 14. Conclusion In consideration of all agency, staff and public comments, it is respectfully recommended that the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit the commercial uses be approved. It is respectfully recommended that in consideration of all agency, staff and resident comments that the application for Zoning By-law amendments to permit the establishment of a general store and eating establishment be approved as contained in Attachment 1 of this report. Staff Contact: Amanda Tapp, Principal Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2427 or atapp(a).clarington.net Carlos Salazar, Manager, 905-623-3379 ext. 2409 or csalazar(a-)_clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 2 — Public Comments Summary Table Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Attachment 1 to Report PDS-043-21 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2021- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA2021-0008; Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding Sections 3.1 g. iv), 3.12 c., 3.16 d., 18.3 c. i) and 18.3 c. iii), the lands zoned C3-10 on the Schedules to this By-law may be used for the Residential and Non -Residential Uses set out in Section 18.1 in accordance with the following regulations: a. Front Yard 1.4 metres 0 metres for any accessibility ramps b. Interior Side Yard Setback 2.9 metres C. Loading Spaces Nil d. Drive aisle for residential parking 2.9 metres e. Floor area, Commercial (Maximum) 60 square metres 2. Schedule `16' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone" to "Holding — Hamlet Commercial Exception ((H) C3-10) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule `A' hereto. 3. Schedule `A' attached hereto shall form a part of this By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of 0011841 Adrian Foster, Mayor June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2021- , passed this day of , 2921AD. 24#5 8 ■ 20-1 r4_ =11 U 6 b1UJ s Zoning ChangcFrom'RH'To'(H)C3-10' k FAe,rte.rw ne - z� sozi-0aaa � - Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary 1 Frederick Menezes Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Frederick Menezes 2 Joseph Menezes Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Joseph Menezes 3 Jus Rolle Hello, I am the owner of the building located at 4502 highway 2 road and I am May 18, 2021 concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: 1. Traffic issues with potential hazards for pedestrians causing a severe liability. 2. Two convenience stores side by side offering the same services. 3. Lack of parking for rezoned property, using 4502 address for customers and personal use, which is what Darryle does still till this day for overnight parking for himself and visitors, making it hard for our residential tenants and guess to come in and out. 4. Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed 5. No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville 6. Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 4 Preston Joseph Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 1 are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons (in no particular order): a) Potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space; this space does not meet said standard. Kind regards, Preston Joseph 5 Sara Bachan-Thomas Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary Kind regards, Sara Bachan-Thomas 6 Serena Rolle Good Evening, May 18, 2021 1 am the building owner of 4502 Durham Regional Hwy 2, Newtonville, ON. Email I am concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville,Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: 1) 1 am concerned that due to a lack of parking, our property will be used for parking for Darryl's store, his employees and personal use. This will take away parking for our customers, unloading deliveries, staff and upstairs residential tenants. Furthermore, Daryl illegally parks on our side of the driveway for his personal use, and his refused to move his vehicle. He has also parked in our driveway overnight, thus blocking access for me to get to work, which I was living upstairs. Therefore, I believe he will continue to do so,since past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. 2) 1 intend on putting up a fence and there are concerns of it being damaged due to the narrow driveway proposed. 3) 1 have concerns with loading on the main road as it is an obstruction in close proximity to our property which will limit the view of our business as well as create safety issues for people turning into our property. 4) The proposed use is redundant and not contributing to diversity in the community as it is identical to my property. It would be more favorable to see a variety of businesses instead of the same business side by side. 5) 1 have concerns over the close proximity of the proposed development to the property lines in terms of public access. 6) It alters the historic facade and is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the official plan. 7) Increased traffic and visitors to the proposed commercial space is disruptive to the residential neighbour's including for our residential unit as the commercial density will be increased with very limited parking creating a high traffic and congested area. There is potential for pedestrian hazard due to increase traffic with limited space and limited parking. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format Thank you, Serena Rolle 7 Stella Menezes Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Stella Menezes 8 Todd Barrett We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 18, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary 9 Samantha Joseph Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 1 have concerns about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario. File number is ZBA 2021-0008 My concerns are as follows: a) Potential Highway 2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking. b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will contribute to further congestion of the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Samantha Joseph 10 Dora Lassalle Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Dora Lassalle 11 Rizmina Samarasekera Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 1 am concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons (in no particular order): a) Potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space; this space does not meet said standard. Kind regards, Rizmina Samarasekera 12 Jennifer Alvarado Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Jennifer Alvarado 13 Amanda Cilla Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 1 are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons (in no particular order): a) Potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space; this space does not meet said standard. Kind regards, Amanda Cilla 14 John Lewis Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, John Lewis 15 Cassandra Sheppard Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Cassandra Sheppard 16 Sandra Davis -Cyril Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Sandra Davis -Cyril 17 Melissa Menezes Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Melissa Menezes 18 Franceska Medina Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary Email We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Franceska Medina 19 Sabrina Coultis Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Sabrina Coultis 20 Megan Ratcliffe Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Megan Ratcliffe 21 Rebecca Lovelace Municipality of Clarington, May 19, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Rebecca Lovelace 22 Mark Lathangue We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 19, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road Thank you Mark Lathangue 23 Jamie Lunan-King Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format a) Potential Highway #2/Newtonville Rd. congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Best Re ards, 24 Cheryl Boe Sir/Madam, May 20, 2021 This is an appeal opposing the plan for 4504 Highway 2 Road. I have concerns on the Email dangers of the traffic flow and fear of potential accidents due to it, and especially in particular issues with the pedestrian's safety. In my family we have young ones and pray that no drastic accident take place. As a mother and caretaker, and for our peace of mind, I wish to strongly oppose to the plans for the 4504 Highway 2 road. Thank you. Sincerely, Cheryl Boe 25 Tanya Gonzalez We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 20, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 26 Domenique Gibson Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Domenique Gibson 27 Krystal Menezes Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping.g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Krystal Menezes 28 Maira Jacob Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Maira Jacob 29 Ivin Benedit Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Ivin Benedit 30 Kathleen Nicoll Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format In addition, I understand that Darryl Kerswell is the current tenant at the business beside the address where this application has been made and that the property where the current General Store is located changed ownership a couple years ago. At that time if Mr. Kerswell was truly interested in continuing to operate the business he must have had opportunity to purchase the property himself. Why is it now, that Mr Kerswell is suddenly able to find the resources finance his proposal? I strongly urge the Town of Clarington investigate if not at least consider the motivation behind this application. Kind regards, Kathleen Nicoll 31 Daniel Melendez Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Daniel Melendez 32 Jacqueline Melendez Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary Email We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Regards, Jacqueline Melendez 33 Irene Quon Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Irene Quon 34 Kaiser Thomas Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Kaiser Thomas 35 Robert Gibson Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Umypal2(a-_)yahoo.com a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, R. Gibson 36 KB Paulino Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Thank you Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format 37 Bx4ent Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Thank you 38 Frizzellsheila We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 20, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 39 Jomo Richardson To whom it may concern, May 20, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road Kind Regards, Jomo Richardson 40 Edwin Berroa We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 20, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 41 Geri -Lee Chung I am concerned about the plans submitted for the rezoning filed by Darryl Kerswell at May 20, 2021 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville. Ontario File # ZBA2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email 1) Traffic and congestion issues as there are already limited spaces for parking. Potential pedestrian hazards. 2) The new plan suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. 3) This area is known for its look and feel and this will take away from that feeling that people like to visit and the plan does not mention keeping this as a heritage site. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format 4) Why is there a need to have two convenience stores beside each other? 5) This plan does not conform to the required provincial standards for accessibility issues? Regards, Geri -Lee Chung 42 Lisa Rolle -Burch Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. e) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. f) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Lisa Rolle -Burch 43 Mellinda Pinto Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Mellinda Pinto 44 Lisa Scarogni Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format Lisa Scarogni 45 Fay Goveas Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Fay Goveas 46 Michelle Hardy Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. This man has made clear and threatening statements against Justin Rolle and has also used racial epithets in conversations Regards, Michelle Hardy 47 Daphne Benedit Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Daphne Benedit 48 Raphael Menezes Municipality of Clarington, Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Raphael Menezes 49 Jose Reynoso We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 20, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 50 Ken Payne Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Ken Payne 51 Cheryl Nobile Municipality of Clarington, May 20, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards 52 Ti Long Darryl Kerswell May 20, 2021 4504 Highway 2 Email Newtonville, Ontario 1). I'm concerned about the traffic and congestion in the area not to mention the hazard for pedestrians 2). 1 don't see the value of having 2 convince store side by side in a hamlet 3). I'm concerned about the parking that will cause more congestion for everyone 4). The site plan doesn't make sense .. it barely has enough room for parking 5). I'm concerned it will change the historic look if the area by allowing a new commercial building Thank you Ti Long 53 Dbey1321 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 20, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road 54 Maisie Menezes File #ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons. May 20, 2021 a) potential highway # 2/ Newtonville Rd congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard Email due to increased traffic with limited space and parking. b) Two convenience stores sid by side. The prosped use is unnecerrary ,and is not contributing to Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format the diversity in the community.. c).Lack of parking for rezoned property. The area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. the proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. e) Improper set backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. f) There are accessibility issues. As per the standards set by the province. The path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space.. Kind regards Maisie Menezes. 55 Frank and Anetta Hill • Having two convenience stores with the same services beside each other does May 21, 2021 NOT make sense, but it will create additional problems for both the community Email and our business. • His property does not meet commercial parking requirements. Therefore, parking will spill onto our property. If we refuse them, we will lose them as our customers. This creates a catch 22 situation. • Catering to his request sets a bad precedent. When I could not meet the minimum four -space parking bylaw for my small business, I had to sell. • This lack of parking will cause traffic issues and an increased potential for accidents. That is what the municipality told me when I was denied. • Our store is a landmark property that has provided food and goods to the community for over 100 years. It has had many owners. Converting a house to another convenience store right beside us will only create confusion and assist his efforts to divide the community. • His lack of appropriate setbacks adds to what I have outlined above. except from a longer letter) 56 Samantha Smith Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary Email We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Samantha Smith 57 Crystal Martinez Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Crystal Martinez 58 Sonja Johnson Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Sonja Johnson 59 Danielle Kane Dear Representatives of the Municipality of Clarington: I am concerned about the May 21, 2021 rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file Email number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) Its approval could lead to congestion at Highway 2/Newtonville Rd. This may become a pedestrian hazard due to the probable increase in traffic coupled with the lack of appropriate space for parking. b) Building a convenience store beside an existing convenience store exceeds the needs Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary of the area. As it stands the existing store does not make enough income to enable Darryl Kerswell to pay his rent in full. As such, the proposed business use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community. c) There will be a lack of appropriate parking for the property if it is rezoned for business. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) Further to the above point, there will not be accessible parking possible at this property if it is rezoned for commercial use. As per the accessibility standards of Ontario, there must be a path of 1.5 meters adjacent to any handicap space. e) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. Kind regards, Danielle Kane 60 Ani Nersessian To Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 1 am concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway 2, Email Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. e) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. f) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format Kind regards, Ani Nersessian 61 Richard Mazar Retained by Artgrow Inc. Concerned about limited parking and accessibility. Safety (emailed by Dana issue by having a loading space on the road allowance. Having two convenience stores Kunath; letter on behalf located side by side in a small community like Newtonville makes no sense. Artgrow of Artgrow Inc.) Inc. was not leased to Mr.Kerswell as he was unable to pay market rent for the May 21, 2021 property. Email (Excerpt from letter) 62 Dedra Cunningham Municipality of Clarington, May 21, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind Regards, Dedra Cunningham 63 Selean Jones Municipality of Clarington, May 23, 2021 We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway Email 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format a) potential highway #2/Newtonville road congestion issues. This is a pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic with limited space and parking b) Two convenience stores side by side. The proposed use is unnecessary and is not contributing to the diversity in the community c) Lack of parking for rezoned property. The proposed area suggests 2.75 meters and an average vehicle is anywhere from 4.2 to 4.9 meters in length. d) This changes the historic look of the area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed. The proposal does not keep with the official plans to develop Newtonville as a heritage district in the near future. f) Improper set -backs for extension from the road. The reduced setback will further congest the boulevard and reduce the landscaping. g) There are accessibility issues. As per the accessibility standards set by the province, the path must be 1.5 meters and must be parallel to the handicap space. Kind regards, Selean Jones 64 Isaiah Primus We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 24, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road Best regards 65 Howard Barton The new store will have handicap street level entrance , handicap washroom and May 25, 2021 handicap parking . There are several handicap people living in Newtonville , me being Email one of them . Darryl is the ideal person to run the store in this village because he knows everyone and treats everyone with respect and hires local Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format people that do the same. The existing store entrance steps are on the sidewalk and the entire front section is built on town property, it has no washrooms and tripping hazard floor levels. Everyone in the village has seen how hard Darryl has worked to bring the store up to the high standards it now has. I have lived in the village for forty one years and Darryl has been the best owner of the store by far. I hope you will approve Darryl's application. Thank you. Howard Barton 66 Jessica Ennis Good Morning Amanda, May 26, 2021 1 am interesting in finding out where the addition will be for the proposal of 4504 Email Highway 2 in Newtonville, as well as any additional parking lots that might be made to this current residential property. We live at 2035 Newtonville rd and our property boarders the back of this lot with proposed changes. Can you also provide details of what kind of eating establishment. We are very concerned with the changes to this property and the effects this might have to our property and would like further details on the proposed changes. Thank you in advance, Jessica Ennis 67 Christine Stewart We are concerned about the rezoning application for Darryl Kerswell at 4504 Highway May 25, 2021 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Traffic issues b) Two convenience stores side by side c) Lack of parking for rezoned property d) Changes to the historic look of that area by allowing a new commercial premise to be constructed e) No business need for such development when there is an existing convenience store in Newtonville f) Lack of proper set back for extension from the road Christine Stewart 68 Karen Pais and Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file Dwayne DeSa number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Date Format Comment Summary May 26, 2021 a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; Email b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intend of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. Public Comments Received following May 26 (Report to Management) # Name Date Format Comment Summary 69 Eireni Girgis Concerned about the rezoning application for May 26, 2021 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file Email number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fapade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 70 Melodie Minus Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 26, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 71 Maria Spathis Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 72 Elizabeth Foley Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 73 Gord Robinson Contact Info: May 27, 2021 905-243-2870 Phone Call 74 Susanne and Michael What exactly is the business (e.g. Restaurant Tavern) and what size of the proposed McEvoy business? May 27, 2021 What are the parking requirements? Email Will this affect the road works about to be started on Newtonville Rd? What will the proposed facility do for commercial septic requirements? Will the proposed facility be serving alcohol? What will the proposed facility be doing for kitchen waste storage? (Outside) What will the proposed facility do for kitchen emissions? What is the proposed business plans for entertainment? (Noise) Is there plans for a patio considering COVID? Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format What will the proposed facility do to reduce noise from outside equipment? (E.g. Air conditioning, generator.) Are there plans to make the area safer with traffic lights at the intersection with potential increase in traffic? Will the city be repairing the side walk outside the proposed business? Will the proposed business be putting up a fence on the property line? If so how high and what will it be made with? (excerpt from letter) 75 Debra & Nestor Silveira Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fapade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 76 Deanna Reesor Requested details on how to attend the online meeting. May 27, 2021 Email 77 Dustin Petherick Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 78 Sharon Graveran Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 79 Chris Kaunch Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 80 Stephanie Marino Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 27, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 81 Antonio Cassone Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 28, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; and e) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 82 Tessa Trueman Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 28, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 83 Jon Labalestra Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 28, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 84 Robyn Bakerman Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 30, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 85 Ramon Kumar Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 30, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 86 Lilly Singh Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 30, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 87 Abhishek Sahi Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 30, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 88 Denise Petherick Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 30, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. g) Potential sight lines and safety issue with the location of the loading space. 89 Greg Lewis In opposition to the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file May 28, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion; and b) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses. 90 Mike Gimblett Supportive of the Application. Is registering to speak as a delegate at the Public May 31, 2021 meeting Phone Call 905-431-6855 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format 91 Jon Hamilton Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file June 1, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; and e) Altering the historic fapade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 92 Jon Hebert General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 1, 2021 Email 93 Cinette Ricketts General support for the application. June 1, 2021 Email 94 Jamie Stewart & General support for the application. Stephan Lott June 1, 2021 Email 95 Franklin Barrett Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file June 2, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and f) Altering the historic fapade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 96 Crystal Howell General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 2, 2021 Email 97 Denika Jones General support for the application. June 2, 2021 Email 98 John and Lilian Bouma General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 2, 2021 Email 99 Darryl Kerswell Applicant provided the Municipality with a copy of a Petition with 1292 signatures in June 3, 2021 support of the proposed rezoning entitled "S.O.S, Save Our Store". The petition to show Paper Submission there was community support to rezone the property at 4504 Highway 2 from Residential to Commercial/Residential. 100 Unknown Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file June 4, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: E-mail a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Pedestrian hazard as a result of increased traffic with limited space and parking on the subject property; c) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; d) Ability of the site to meet the accessibility standards set by the Province; e) Reduced landscaping that will adversely impact the public realm; and Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format f) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. Public Comments Received after 3PM on June 4 # Name Comment Summary Date Format 101 Bridget General support for the application. June 4, 2021 (905) 999-6341 102 Melanie Antaya General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 4, 2021 Email 103 Morry Weisfeld Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario June 6, 2021 file number ZBA 2021-0008 for the following reasons: Email a) Potential road congestion along Regional Highway 2 in Newtonville; b) Ability for the site to provide sufficient parking for both the commercial and residential uses; c) Altering the historic fagade is not in keeping with the intent of developing a heritage district as per the Clarington Official Plan. 104 Lydia Wilson General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 6, 2021 Email 105 Joanne Gillan General support for the application. Small, local businesses are needed in Clarington. June 6, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format Email 106 Jenna Thompson General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 6, 2021 Email 107 Mike and Sarah General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. Cowley June 6, 2021 Email 108 Shelley Allin General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 6, 2021 Email 109 Hollie Spratley General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 7, 2021 Email 110 Stephanie Dvernichuk General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 7, 2021 Email 111 Viviana and Kimberley General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. Marinacci June 7, 2021 Email 112 Dianne Phillips General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 7, 2021 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table # Name Comment Summary Date Format Email 113 Dana Severn General support for the application. June 6, 2021 Email 114 Sandy Wiseman General support for the application. Colleen Hamilton Liam Wiseman Madeleine Wiseman June 7, 2021 Email 115 Karen Saltmarsh General support for the application. June 7, 2021 Email 116 Nida Kartavicius General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 7, 2021 Email 117 Lydia Broenink General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 6, 2021 Email Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table Public Deleqates Durinq Public Meetinq on June 7 # Name Comment Summary Date Format 118. Dave Higgens Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 119. George Panaioutys Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 120. Kristen Taylor Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 121. Mike Prodan Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 122. Ricky Menezes Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 123. Sean Keane Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting 124. Virginia Hardy Spoke at Public Meeting held on June 7, 2021. June 10, 2021 June 7, 2021 Spoke at Public Meeting vuaiic comments Keceivea arter vumic ivieeiing on June t # Name Comment Summary Date Format Attachment 2 to Report PDS-043-21 Public Comments Table 125. Michael and Susanne Believes that this is a civil dispute and that using council to settle the matter doesn't McEvoy make sense. Does not want to be involved as it is causing issues in the June 8, 2021 neighbourhood. Requesting to be removed from the IP list. Email 126. Pierre General support for the application. June 8, 2021 Email 127. Barbara and Bob General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. Parsons June 7, 2021 Email 128. Jack Watson General support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 8, 2021 Phone Call 129. Lydia Broenink Reiterated support for Darryl Kerswell and his presence in the Newtonville community. June 28, 2021 Email 130. Alicia Serio Interested in additional information regarding the rezoning application for 4504 June 29, 2021 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file number ZBA 2021-0008 E-mail 131. Christopher Primus Concerned about the rezoning application for 4504 Highway 2, Newtonville, Ontario file August 6, 2021 number ZBA 2021-0008 Email