HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-08Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday June 8, 2021; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic Present: Edgar Lucas, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Cathy Holmes Ron Hooper Erin Kemp Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative Absent: Delegations Present: Inspector Haskins, Durham Regional Police Service The meeting was called to order by the Chair. 1. Presentation by Delegations Councillor Hooper introduced Inspector Haskins. He has been with DRPS for almost 30 years, and 15 months ago moved to the East Division in Clarington. Previously with West — Ajax. Crime in Clarington has been impacted by the pandemic. Less crime compared to 5 year average as result of people staying at home, however, crime is slowly on rise again. Community Safety Plan. Anticipating population growth resulting from GO Transit expansion and OPG head office development. Engagement. 100s of hours of patrols, largely on bicycles in Bowmanville and Newcastle. Looking to implement a -bikes to extend patrols. Traffic Safety Coordinator responds to all calls. If issues continue with reckless driving and illegal maneuvers, such as u-turns, downtown traffic services should be notified. Parking related offences are a municipal responsibility. Safety Advisory Council will launch in September. It will have representatives from business, diversity, youth, and residents from each ward. Working collaboratively with MOC. Would like to have BIA representative and will reach out with more information. Year over year increase in calls for service from 2015-2020. Budget per capita in 2020 is third lowest, approximately $288 per resident. There are staffing concerns on a go -forward basis and this may impact service delivery. There are 105 members assigned to Clarington. Forensic Identification Services will be located in the building behind the detachment. Investigative Center of Excellence will be under construction soon. Another new building will house tactical, k9, and supply distribution. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 JUNE 2021 Business Centre (BIA) Stats do not show any increased complaints in the downtown core. Graffiti is only dealt with once reported. Reporting is important because it allows DRPS to track emerging issues. Rapid removal is a deterrent for further tagging. Inspector Haskins encourages the BIA to reach out at any time. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the minutes of the meeting of May 11, 2021 and minutes of special meeting of May 13, 2021 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. Business Arising from Previous Minutes (a) Update from Mayor's COVID Task Force Chair states there is no report. (b) Parking Report By email Mr. Anderson notified the Board that the parking report was passed as recommended at the May 31, 2021 meeting and will be before Council for Resolution on June 9, 2021. (c) BIA Social Media Funds Councillor Hooper gave direction that the Treasurer may distribute funds according to the proposal. 4. Correspondence Correspondence was received from i. MOC Planning Department regarding notice of COVID-19 CIP Public Meeting (via email) ii. Sharon Kosloski, Stewardship Chairman for St. John's Anglican Church, requesting support for their roof repair fund (via email) iii. Rita Smith providing information about Blue Line Taxi's new delivery initiative (via email) Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes THAT the correspondence be received for information. THAT the campaign in Item 4.ii. will be supported by the Board and promoted by email and on social media. CARRIED Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3 Business Centre (BIA) S. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer presented the following: i. $103961 in current account (incl. $30000 BIA funds), $100000 invested ii. That support staff will be contacted once restrictions are loosened Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. CARRIED 6. Directors' Reports (a) Council Liaison — R. Hooper: Reported that COVID-19 CIP grants application process is changing. (b) Events — C. Holmes: JUNE 2021 Reported that the Window Scavenger Hunt was a huge success. Lots of response from families, including lots of comments from community on how it helped them discover new business. (c) Membership Relations —J. Barry: No report. (d) Streetscape — G. Lucas: The Chair will contact the flower vendor to determine delivery date for hanging baskets. Councillor Hooper reported that the volunteers are planting in front of 20 King E lot, and the stationary planters. (e) Communications— (vacant): No report. (f) Website & Social Media — L. Holmes: Reported that social media continues to experience growth and is a helpful tool in business recovery. Website redevelopment is underway. Business images on existing website are obsolete and google images for many businesses are outdated. Recommends that storefront photography be commissioned for the new business directory. Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by R. Hooper Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 JUNE 2021 Business Centre (BIA) THAT a quote be requested from Eric Forrest for photography services. (g) CBOT Updates— B. Wrightman: Reported that Stage 1 reopening being pushed forward by three days was a welcome announcement. Vaccination rates and COVID cases in Clarington are looking good. Relaunch of the Clarington is Open campaign. Some small business grant applicants are still waiting to hear. Rapid testing kits have been available for three weeks and over 8000 kits have been distributed to over 80 businesses. Kits are for employee use only. Father's Day "It's in the Bag" campaign is on. 50 bags for sale for $50 with funds back to the businesses involved. CBOT will look into having new capacity signs created. 7. New Business (a) Campaign for Business Reopening L. Holmes proposed that capacity signage and passive COVID-19 screening signage be distributed to all businesses. To promote business recovery, a campaign encouraging the return to shopping downtown should be launched. This campaign would involve signage, window wraps, social media, print and other advertising. Giveaways for vouchers to shop downtown will also be conducted. Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the campaign be launched over the course of the summer once all businesses are reopened and that the Secretary assume responsibility for organization. CARRIED (b) Proposal for Auction Supporting Hospital Councillor Hooper reported on a campaign run by Peterborough that engaged artists to paint a paddle and then the paddles were auctioned off for charity. Wondered if something similar could be done to support the Hospital renovation fund. (c) State of downtown Councillor Hooper has noticed that there is a lot of garbage floating around downtown. Since most businesses have been closed the shop owners have not been around to sweep the street. Councillor Hooper will discuss with Operations. (d) OBIAA Update Councillor Hooper reported that OBIAA pushed out a press release with 8 main points and will circulate this to the Board. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 5 Business Centre (BIA) 8. Date of Next Meeting JUNE 2021 The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday September 14, 2021 commencing at 6:30pm in Clarington Meeting Room 1-C, unless COVID restrictions are still in place in which case the meeting will be held virtually. 9. Adiournment Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by E. Kemp THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:11pm