HomeMy WebLinkAbout73-72THE CORi ORATIOT 1 OF THE TO1,TH OF BOjRjAFIVILLE By -Carr Noe 73 -72 A by -lat3 to amend By -Law Ho. 1784 a by -law for the regulation of traffic. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Borrmanville passed By -Law No. 1784 on the 8th day of Decw,'ber, 1960 for regulating traffic on the streets and highways in the Tovm of Bownanvilleo AND WHEREAS the said By -Law iio. 17084 has been amended from time to time; AND WHERE LS it is desirable to furt per amend the said By -Law ITo. 1784; AND THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Boxmnanville hereby enacts as follows:- 1. THAT Schedule "Gil Through Highways of By -Law Moo 1784 be amended by adding Street From Spry Avenue East Side of Waverly Road Hetherington Drive South Side of Lawrence Crescent (i?ortherly Junction) Quinn Drive East Side of Waverly Road Loscombe Drive South Side of Spry Avenue Scugog Street Nor-t:h Limit of Spry Avenue Alonna Street East Limit of Martin Road Roser Crescent West Liioi t of the Northerly Junction of Alonna Street Rhonda Blvd. West Limit of the northerly Junction of Waverly Road Lawrence Crescent East Limit of Waverly Road To West Side of Scugog West Side of Lawrence Crescent (Southerly Junction) West Side of Lawrence Crescent West Side of Scugog St. North Side of Base Line Rd, North Limit of the Southerly Junction of Roser Crescent East Limit of the Southerly Junction of Alonna Street West Unlit of the Southerly Junction of Waverly Road North Limit of Spry Avenue THAT Schedule 'TGII Through Highways be amended by deleting: - Lawrence Crescent East Side of Haverly Mad West Limit of Lawrence Crescent THAT Schedule IM" of By -Law No. 1784 be amended to provide for yield sign at the intersection of:- Doreen Crescent and Facing 3orthbound traffic on Doreen Crescent Doreen - 2 - 2, THAT By -Law No. 73 -60 passed on the 5th day of November, 1973, be and is hereby repealed, 3. THAT this by -law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transportation and Communications, nor ohall any particular provision hereof become effective until a sign or signs applicable to such particular provisions has or have been erected and is or are on display, ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 28TH DAY OF DECEHBEII, 1973, Seal f r Ivan M. Hob s Mayor g J. Ma Mcllroy Clerk - Administra R Ministry of Transportation and Communications Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T., C Jerk, The Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, BO;MNIVILLE, Ont. LlC 3A6 Dear Mr. McIlroy: Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont. M7A IZ9 January 21, 1974. Further to your letter of January 8th, enclosed is approved copy of By-law No. 73-72 of the Town of Bowmanville. Yours very truly, Q/ (Mrs.) A. Ogiltree, Encl. By-law Officer. I R 7X-- C. E 1 `tv D I J A 1 2 419741 THE CORPORA'1I01; OF TMI' TOMIJ OF DOT,7iiA_TVILLE — - - - - - -- By -La *, '1,7o. 73-72 rt a, 1 y-law to ai:,enct B-,,--Law Do. 1784 a uy > -la�7 For the re uj.nt.ion o traffic, `a' WHEREAS t'..e Corporation of ti:e -Toxj-n of Do�,rmanville passed By -La oo 1714 on the 8th day of Dece: *ber, 13,60 for reCulatinC t_-affic on the streets and hiyhe,=ays i in the Tom of Bowr�ianvilleo AND IdHERE' S the a,i e, 3, > -La -u i�oo 1751: as been amended from time to ti ie➢ AND GTEEERL'_3 i- is eesiral,le to further &,iend the said By -La-.r No. 1734; AND THEREFORE the ('ouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Bowrmanville hereby enacts as follows:- 1_ THAT Schedule °OGPr Ti.rou�:i Hi;hways of D7, -La7 _TOa 1784 be amended by adding Street Spry Avenue Hetherington Drive r -. Quinn Drive Loscombe Drive Scugog Street Alonna Street Roser Crescent From �.uct Side of T'iaveriy Road Sout ?i Side of Latirrence Crescent ( Tortiierly Junction) ..ast Cidz� of !i'averl:> :oaE Sout_- Side of L->pry "venue Nor cif Li:,:it of Spr- Avenue East Limit of Martin Roan iIost ! i_,'i t 0f the Nort,ler ly r C, _ ko West Side of Scu "og West Side of Lawrence Crescent (Southerly Junction) West Side of Lawrence Crescent West Side of Scugo;; Std North Side of Base Line R6. North Limit of the Southerly Junction of Roser Crescent East Limit of the Southerly Janct-`on of donna t_eOL Junction of r�lonna Street Rhonda Blvd, : <7cst 7 iiit of the Northerl -, T7est Li---,it of the Southerly Junction Of Uaverly roac' Junction of Waverly Road Lawrence Crescent East Limit of Waverly Roar, North Limit of Spry Avenue THAT Schedule "C" Throe;;,, Ni; hways be a:,en6cd by deletiny,:- i.a.arence Crescent i,:asc C a c of ':laverl • Poa,-' test Limit of Lawrence Crescent THAT Schedule ITT." of By-L asr Do. 178x= "�e -mended to provide for yiele oign at t:e intersection of:- Doreen Crescent and Facing; -"orthbounC' traffic on Doreen Crescent Doreen I 4 � 3m, .. 2. THAT By-La-w Ho. 73-60 pa.;ocd on the 5th t7lay, o� i-Tovember, 1973 hereby repealed. be and ic 3. THAT thi; "'Y-1 W7 cl',a3 I note :)cco-jc Off oc:i until approved by the D,,�oartment of Transportation M;-It ';Oii;.xnicationo, nor oliall any Particular provi-oion hereof become effective ti-,Itij a ci.,n or -iSn applicable to ouch partLc-clar proviojono has or have been erec'I-C(: ane. is or are on diODlay. ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 23TH DULY OF DEC7113EP, 1973. Ivan IL Seal I-IaYor J. - 11. Mcilrov z he per,