HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-14SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 14, 2021 6:30 P.M. On -Site at Cobbledick Rd. Entrance Present: Brian Reid, Ken Mercer ( staff ), Kate Potter, Leo Blindenbach, Tom Hossie, Rod McArthur, Meaghan Vandenbrink, Maggie Luczak, Carrie -Anne Atkins, Corinna Trail Regrets: Patrick Bothwell, Carrie -Ann Atkins Absent: Corinna Traill Acceptance of the Agenda: moved by Kate Potter, seconded by Maggie Luczak that the agenda be accepted. CARRIED. Minutes of Meeting of May 11, moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Meaghan Vandenbrink, that the minutes of the meeting of May 11, 2021, be approved. CARRIED. Status Reports/Updates: Butternut Tree Planting: Ken advised that there have been no new developments since our last meeting South Lookout: Ken advised that it has now been determined that a complete replacement is required . The tendering process has begun and the project is still expected to be completed by the end of this year. NOTE: The lookout was visited during the walkabout after the business portion of the meeting. Ken will arrange for staff to remove the interpretative sign from the platform and store it until after the structure is completed. He will also endeavor to block access ( again ! ) and replace the warning signs to prevent usage. It was noted that people continue to walk out on the platform despite the above. Garbage Pickup : Ken advised that pickup by municipal crews has begun. Scheduling will be monitored on an ongoing basis. It was noted that the number of barrels might be reduced during the winter months and that some may not be accessible by vehicle during that time. Interactive Signage Project: Tom and Maggie reported that the I Naturalist -based Scavenger Hunt, is in place. Maggie has offered to endeavor to make it more accessible to those with visual impairment. Relevant website is: samuelwilmotnaturearea.weebly.com Thanks to Tom and Maggie. Dr. Colla Presentation - Sunday June 6tn: Brian and Kate advised that the presentation was postponed until the fall due to low signup. It is the belief of the committee that a combination of timing and zoom fatigue rather than lack of interest contributed to this. The event was widely publicized. It is possible that we may be able to do this as a live presentation, perhaps near the time of our annual monarch tagging event. Spring Planting: the committee did complete this project as scheduled and in the manner described in the minutes of our last meeting . A total of 465 plants were planted. Dry conditions since the date of the planting might affect overall results. Queen's Student Research: Tom advised that he has not had further contact since his initial communication with the student ( whose research at the SWNA will focus on two invasive species: dog -strangling vine and garlic mustard and their interrelationship.) However, there has been no need for such until the project is completed, at which time the student has been asked to share the results of her research with the committee. Moth Night: Tom advised that little, other than promotion , needs to be done at this point. He will provide Brian with some general points to incorporate into a promotional poster. The event will be the week of July 17t"-25t", which coincides with the 10th Anniversary of this initiative . We may need to do this in smaller controlled groups, not only due to Covid limitations, but to allow participants to be closer to the action. It is recognized that there might not be a lot of uptake for an night- time event. However, Tom intends to proceed regardless and as a minimum, several committee members are likely to attend. As noted at our last meeting, some protective goggles would be appropriate. Ken will source these through one of his suppliers. It was noted that persons planning on attending will be advised to bring flashlights since they will be navigating the trail to get to the site in the old growth forest after dark. We will also consider having committee members accompany participants along the trail. Round Table: members were asked if they wished to share anything further with the committee: Ken advised that work crews will need to remove a number of dead ash trees within the boundaries of the SWNA but that this work will likely not take place until late fall . Tom advised that he had been advised by a community member that a milk snake had been sighted within the boundaries of the SWNA and was asked if we were interested in doing anything to monitor their numbers etc. ( the milk snake is a species of concern )This would involve the laying of snake boards etc. It was decided that we would contact GRCA to determine if they were interested in doing this. Kate offered to make that contact. Leo noted that Clarington has been " delisted " as a participant in the Mayor's Monarch Pledge. It is believed that this happened because updated reports were not provided following Peter's retirement. Brian will investigate what has to be done to be reinstated since we have continued to do the work required to maintain our " status ". Brian noted that he has observed house wrens using some of our nesting boxes this year. He will look into having a number of proper wren boxes made by volunteers and installed in time for next year's breeding season. Other Business: Ken advised that he will have some trimming along the trails done by his crew to remove overhanging branches. Member Maggie Luczak advised that she will be moving out of Clarington at the beginning of July and will therefore no longer be able to serve on our Committee. She does hope to be able to continue to participate in our various events and activities. Brian thanked Maggie her for her work on the committee and wished her every success in the future. Next Meeting: as has been our normal practice, there will be no meeting in July, and possibly August, except at the call of the chair. Any planning involved re the Moth Night can be done by email or zoom as needed. Adjournment: moved by Tom Hossie, seconded by Meaghan Vandenbrink that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The business portion of the meeting was followed by a walkabout. The new wildflower /pollinator garden was visited and it was noted that the dry conditions have not been conducive to growth. It was also noted that it may well take another season for us to see the results of the planting. The signage adjacent to the garden will be updated to reflect this fact and reposted.