HomeMy WebLinkAbout72-4THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE By -Law No. 72 -4 To stop up and close part of the extension of Park Street, running easterly from Liberty Street, and to provide for the sale thereof to an abutting owner WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, by resolution passed on the 15th day of November, 1971, authorized the Clerk- Administrator to give notice that the Council would consider the passing of a by -law to close that part of the extension of Park Street running easterly from Liberty Street a distance of 165 feet between Lot 16, Block "0" and Lot 15, Block "P11 according to Hanningts Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, and provide for the sale thereof to abutting owners at its regular meeting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of January, 1972. AND WHEREAS notice of such by -law was published in The Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Bowmanville in its issues dated the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of December, 1971. AND WHEREAS the matter of the said closing was adjourned until the 21st day of February, 1972. AND WHEREAS the extension easterly of Park Street is no longer required as all of the lands to the east of the extension now front on Parkway Crescent according to a registered Plan No. 652. AND WHEREAS no person will be deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his land or place of residence by the passing of this by -law. AND WHEREAS no person or corporation claims tnat his or its land will be prejudically affected by the passing of this by -law. AND WHEREAS Winnifred Louisa Bird is the registered owner of Lot 16, Block "0" and Fannie L. Depew is the registered owner of Lot 15, in Block 11011 being the lands abutting to the north and south of the said part of Park Street. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the CorporatioLL of the Town of Bowmanville, pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, SectioU. 443, enacts as follows: 1. That all that part of tree extension of Park Street running easterly from Liberty Street for a distaL,ce of 165 feet between Lot 16, Block 110/1 and Lot 15, Block "P11 according to Hanningts Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. That the North one -half of the said stopped up part of the extension of Park Street be sold and conveyed to Winnifred Louisa Bird, the owner of Lot 16, Block 11011 lying north of the said stopped up part of Park Street at the price of $1.00. 3. That the Soutn one -half of the said stopped up part of the extension of Park Street be sold and conveyed to Fannie L. Depew, the owner of Lot 15, Block "P" lying south of the said stopped up part of Park Street at the price of $1.00. 72 -4 (2) 4. That the said Winnifred Louisa Bird and Fannie L. Depew each pay one -half of the Town's costs in connection with this by -law and the said conveyance. 5. That the Mayor and Clerk- Administrator be and are hereby authorized to sign and impress the corporate seal on a conveyance of the said lands to the said Winnifred Louisa Bird and Fannie L. Depew. By -law given its first and second reading this 21st day of February, 1972. By -Law given its third and final reading and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1972. Mayor f erk- Administrator /:P / C-1 /12 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE By -Law No. 72 -4 To stop up and close part of the extension of Park Street, running easterly from Liberty Street, and to provide for the sale thereof to an abutting owner WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville by resolution passed on the 15th day of November, 1971, authorized the Clerk - Administrator to give notice that the Council would consider the passing of a by -law to close that part of the extension of Park Street running easterly from Liberty Street a distance of 165 feet between Lot 16, Block 11011 and Lot 15, Block "P11 according to Hanningts Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, and provide for the sale thereof to an abutting owner at its regular meeting on Tuesday, the 3rd of January, 1972. AND WHEREAS notice of such by -law was published in the Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Bowmanville in its issues dated the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of December, 1971. AND WHEREAS the extension easterly of Park Street is no longer required as all of the lands to the east of the extension now front on Parkway Crescent according to a registered Plan No. 652. AND.WHEREAS no person will be deprived of the means of ingress and egress to and from his land or place of residence by the passing of this by -law. AND WHEREAS no person or corporation claims that his or its land will be prejudically affected by the passing of this by -law. AND WHEREAS Fannie L. Depew the registered owner of Lot 15, in Block "Pi1, lands fronting to the south of the said extension of Park Street, has directed that the conveyance thereof be made to Winnifred Louisa Bird, the owner of Lot 16 in Block 11011; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443, enacts as follows: 1. That all that part of the extension of Park Street running easterly from Liberty Street for a distance of 165 feet between Lot 16, Block 11011, and Lot 15, Block 11P11 according to Hanningl s Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. That the said stopped up part of the extension of Park Street be sold and conveyed to Winnifred Louisa Bird, the owner of Lot 16, Block 11011 lying north of the said stopped up part of Park Street at the price of $1.00. 3. That the Mayor and Clerk - Administrator be and are hereby authorized to sign and impress the corporate seal on a conveyance of the said lands to the said Winnifred Louisa Bird. k 4r 72 -4 (2) Signed J. M. McIlroy, Clerk 0