HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-27THE CORPORATIO14 OF THE TOWt�1 OF BOv1MANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 71 -27 To licence amusement machines The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville hereby enacts as follows: 1. "Place of Amusements' under this by -law shall include any premises wherein any instrument, mechanical device, automatic machine, pin: table, or other like device is played for amusement and operated for hire, profit or gain. 2. No person shall carry on, conduct, operate, or keep in any premises within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville for hire, profit or gain, any instrument, mechanical device, automatic machine, pin table, or other like device for amusement without first obtaining a licence therefore, and paying the fee prescribed in this by -law. 3. The provisions of this by -law shall not apply to premises wherein machines used solely for the automatic sale of paper cups, towels, peanuts, candy, gum, or other small articles of merchandise, or weighing machines are maintained. 4. All applications for licences under this by-law shall be made to the Clerk - Administrator of the Town of Bowmanville and there shall be levied and collected for every such licence the sum of $100.00 for each premises in which machines or amusement devices is operated. All applications must be approved by the Chief of Police and shall remain in force from the date of issuethereof until the 31st day of December next succeeding, and no longer. 5. No person licenced under this by -law shall at any time, permit his place or premises to be used by any person for gambling, wagering, raffling, lottery or games of chance, or for any unlawful purpose. 6. Any licence obtained for any premises wherein any automatic machine or other amusement device is held to be illegal or maintained or used in violation of the provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada, shall be deemed to be revoked and cancelled from the date of the conviction of the ocmer or operator of such premises. 7. No person under the age of fourteen years shall be permitted to play at any game on premises licenced under this by -law nor shall any game be, played before eight o'clock in the forenoon and after eleven o'clock in the afternoon. 8. No person or persons or propriety club licenced under this by -law to keep a place of amusement shall permit any disorderly person, or anyone who keeps or resides in any house of ill fame, or any prostitute or procurer for a prostitute to resort to or frequent the place of amusement, and shall not suffer or permit to keep in his, her, their or its premises any faro table, rouge -et -noir table, roulette table, pin ball game, or any other devices, automatic, semi- automatic, with a plunger or lever handle, that may be used for gambling or gaming. 9. Every licenced premises shall at all times be open for inspection by any constable or police officer, having jurisdiction in the municipality. 10. Notwithstanding the provisions of this by- laiT., the Council may refuse to grant a licence to any premises, or may at any time and without notice or reason stated, revoke any licence issued under the provisions of this by -law. 11. Any person violating any of the provisions of this by -law, shall for each offence, be liable to a penalty not in excess of $150.00 exclusive of costs, the same to be recoverable under the provisions of the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. By -Law No. 1405 and all other by -law inconsistent frith the provisions of this by -law, are hereby repealed. Read a first.and second time this 7th day of September, 1971. Read a third time and finally passed this 7th aay of Septembe1 19710 LZ r, 1, j Signed Ivan M. Hobbs, Mayor Signed J. M. McIlroy, Clerk