HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-32THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 71 -32 To authorize the construction of a sanitary sewer on Waverly Road, Coleman Street, Chapel Street and King Street West as a local improvement, under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act WHEREAS W. G. Pascoe and others have petitioned the Council to construct as a local improvement the work hereinafter described, and the Clerk has certified that the petition is sufficient. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition in the manner hereinafter provided. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Waverly Road, Coleman Street, Chapel Street and King Street West as per Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this by -law as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. 2. That the Engineer of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville do forthwith make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such information as may be necessary for the making of a contract for the execution of the works. 3. That the work shall be carried on and executed under the superintendence and according to the directions and orders of such Engineer. 4. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the construction of the work to be made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, subject to the approval of this Council to be declared by resolution. 5. The Treasurer may agree (subject to the approval of the Council) with any bank or person for any temporary advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of it. 6. The special assessment shall be paid by 20 annual installments. 7. The debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at per cent per annum and be payable within 20 years on the installment plan, and,in settling the sum to be raised annually to pay the debt, the rate of interest on investments shall not be estimated at more than per cent per annum. 8. Any person whose lot is specially assessed may commute for a payment in cash the special rates imposed thereon, by paying the portion of the cost of construction assessed upon such lot, without the interest, forthwith after the Special Assessment Roll has been certified by the Clerk and at any time thereafter by the payment of such sum as when invested at per cent per annum will provide an annuity sufficient to pay the special rates for the unexpired portion of the 'term as they fall due. SCHEDULE "A'► TO BY -LAW NO.- 71 -32 CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER WITH SERVICE CONNECTIONS SIZE STREET FROM TO INCHES Waverly Road King Street West 610 -t South 16 Coleman Street Chapel Street Waverly Road 8 Chapel Street King Street West Coleman Street 8 King Street West 2102 East Of Waverly Road Waverly Road 8 Estimated Cost Of Sewers $ 52,560 Service Connections - 32 @ $220.00 Each 7,040 $ 59,600 vt �N�Ep RAnxit ONTARIO 0 i cm H 4272 011 IARI() ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Pending receipt of subsidies and the sale of debentures, or the receipt of moneys from an Y other source, and 2. that the corporation in exercising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statutory and other legal requirements related -thereto. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY Form 38 -B PLEASE QUOTE FILE DUMBER Telephone Number H 4272 365 -1912 .;,. ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 123 Edward Street Toronto 1019 Ontario January 4, 1972 Mr. Joseph M. Mcllroy, Clerk - Administrator, Town of Bowmanville, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Construction of sanitary sewers on Waverly Road, etc. I am enclosing herewith duplicate original order pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefore Yours truly K.C. ANDREI -IS Enclsa -2 SECRETARY : z of RE: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS ON WAVERLY ROAD, ETC. FEE FOR APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 64 of THE BOARD'S ACT $60.00 EAR LY PAYMENT OF TTHIIS FEE VV IL BE AF-1=1:1--ZIECIATED PLEASE QUOTE BOA REFS ME COR, 11'4VO�CE NUMBER, WHEN REMITTING Form 38 -B Telephone Number 365 -1912 ia PLEASE QUOTE FILE NUMBER H 4272 ztmlt ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 123 Edward Street Toronto 1019 Ontario January 4, 1972 Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, Clerk - Administrator, Town of Bowmanville, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Construction of sanitary sewers on Waverly Road, etc. E I am enclosing herewith duplicate original order pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. Yours truly K.C. ANDREIIS E nc ls, - 2 SECRETARY : z of 0 - 1- Milk .1 � U." 73 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of The Ontario .14unicipal Board Ac B E F 0 R E : J. A. KENNEDY, Q. C 0 " E Ld 7 attached hereto, and of the borrowing of the sum of $59,600.00, being the estimated cost thereof, and upon reading the material filed; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the E twenty years, and may borrow money to the extent sufficient to I provide an amount not exceeding $59,600.00 therefor, S provided: 1. that the corporation may borrow the whole or any part of the said sum Of $59,600.00 as required pending receipt of subsidies and the sale of debentures or the receipt of moneys from any 2. that the corporation in exercising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statutory and other legal requirements SECRETARY B�NIARW N,,U�4MPAL BOARD SCHEIULE"A" to the order of the Ontario Municipal Board made .— on Ihe 22th day of 2ecember._1211 -_ A La Total Estimated Cost $59,600*00