HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-39TIE CORPORATION OF THE TOW[q OF BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 71 -39 To authorize the sale of lands to Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, for the establishment of industry WHEREAS by By -Law Noe 68 -43 passed by a vote in excess of three - fourths of all the members of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville did authorizelthe purchase of certain lands in Totimship lots 9 and 10 in the Broken Front Concession for the establishment of industry. AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has agreed to sell a certain parcel of the said lands situate in said Township lot 10 in the Broken Front Concession, more particularly , described in Schedule "A" attached - hereto, to Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, for the establishment and carrying on of industry. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to Section 379 (1) Paragraph 49 of The Municipal Act, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Corporation of the Town of Bownanville do sell and convey to Robert Irving Gill, The Senior for the establishment and carrying on of industry, part of original Township Lot 10 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington now part of the Town of Bounnanville, in the County of Durham comprising of 5.2 acres having a frontage of 323 feet 1 inch and 83 feet 10 inches on the west side of Simpson Avenue, a.-Lid being more particularly described in Schedule "Afl attached hereto. 2. That the purchase price of the said lands being sold to Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, shall be $18,200..00. 3. That the conveyance to Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, shall contain a restrictive covenant to the effect that the Purchases shall construct on the said lands buildings suitable for the carrying on of his business operation of a marina in accordance with the plans and drawings filed with the Town, which are attached hereto as Schedule "B ", and subject to the further approval of the Building Inspector within one year from the completion of the transaction and registration of the deed; provided that the sale aLid conveyance shall be subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board to by -laws amending the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By -Law to permit the carrying on of the proposed business operation on the subject lands. 4. That should the Purchaser fail to construct the said buildings within the specified time or the said by -laws not be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board the said lands shall revert to the Town of Bowmanville and become the property of the Town of Bownianville upon the Town paying Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, 95% of the purchase price paid for the said lands, less the Town's costs of the original conveyance and the cost of obtaining the recon.veyance; and further provided that Robert Irving Gill, The Senior, will agree to execute a re- conveyance of the said lands in the event of his failure to construct the said buildings or the said by -laws not being approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and upon re- payment of the purchase price as aforesaid; and further provided that an acknowledgement confirming that the said buildings have been constructed, ;signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the Town with the Corporate Seal of the Municipality attached shall be good and sufficient evidence that the title of Robert Irving Gill, The Senior is absolute. 5. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a conveyance of the said lands and any other documents necessary to complete this transaction and to impress the Corporate Seal on all documents on behalf of the Town of Bowmanville. READ a first and second time this lst day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 1st day off/November, 1971. 4VLP A_ Signed IVAN M. HOBBS MAYOR Signed . M. McILROY, CLERK L'; SCHEDULE "A" TO BY -LAW NO. 71 -39 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Tour: of Bowmanville, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Town Lots One to Five (1 -5) inclusive, Eleven to Thirteen (11 -13) inclusive, part of Town Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) and past of an unopened lane, all in Block ltj�l?, part of unopened George Street and part of Block "N ", all according to the Smart Plan of Subdivision made by L. H. Short, P,L,S., dated the fourth day of May, 1858, aLid part of unsubdivided Lot Ten (10) in the Broll-en Front Concession of the Township of Darlington, and now within the limits of the said Town of Bowmanville, containing by admeasurement 5.2 acres, be the same more or less, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly, described as follows; PREMISING that Simpson Avenue in front of Blocks "I:" and "0" has a bearing of North 19 degrees 54 minutes E'eet and relating all bearings herein thereto; Beginning at the intersection of the West limit of Simpson Avenue with the South limit of a Public Road running Westerly, said intersection 2605 feet 2 7/8 inches measured Southerly along the West limit of Simpson Avenue from the intersection frith the I?ort'n limit of said Township Lot 10, said point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; Thence South 85 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds West along the South limit of said Public Road a distance of 1143 feet; Thence South 06 degrees 30 -minutes East a distance of 91 feet 00 inches; Thence South 31 degrees 09 minutes East a distance of 366 feet 00 inches; Thence South 48 degrees 52 minutes East a distance of 90 feet 00 inches; Thence South 81 degrees 32 minutes East a distance of 340 feet 00 inches; Thence South 68 degrees 19 minutes East a distance of 91 feet 6 inches to the point of commencement of the lands to be herein described; THENCE South 56 degrees 06 minutes East a distance of 195 feet 00 inches; THENCE South 38-degrees 35 minutes East a distance of 465 feet 00 inches; THENCE North 70 degrees 06 minutes East a distance of 404 feet to the West limit of said Simpson Avenue; THENCE North 43 degrees 38 minutes West along said West limit a distance of 83 feet 10 inches; THENCE North 19 degrees 54 minutes t^icot continuing alone said West limit a distance of 323 feet 1 inch more or less to a point distant 642 feet 00 inches measured Southerly therein from Point "All; THENCE Westerly in a straight line a distance of 670 feet more or less to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT . Schedule "B" to By —Law Igo. 71 -39 . I NA, DEVELOPMENT OF" PART OF LOT, ' 409 BROKEN' FRONT CONCESSION N THE MTV a BASE UNE S7' 4040 c67`� N �\ 71 4 C A i i O C - N { � I A. Cowered Slips for power boots. Year- round storoge as per 'G,mies ifx40,opprox: nis-12 10 u 30 5, - 8. Covered SIi g forruncbaits. tS x 18 units - approx. C LCUnCh1ng; ROMP. " � � J. ! I 1:;. Sail "Boot 'Mooring i E. Fuel Stotion - G as and Diesel — -- Sewage Pump-coll F Slrctght Woli Dockisag - �a cP - 24 30 .; ® ro `os Morino Suppldes j S�Iowers, Sound J ( - H. Covered Swimming fool � eh 1� '7 2 1973 - 1.9 74 I. t. 't '15, slding 7orsna Soles, €?anCe'� N' ag hic (ub / I'QRKIIVG ' Jr,cprietors Residence �- {. — O s z n o, . 3 — ` — N700 06'E 404 '—\ ;. 'tiT ;9 2�c fTe'9y��A�� ^a+ �q4 wt.v:�0��.si:.�' rb`O RING e `498 wtE` il`~„1 "'i'M ,. MUM. Rafe.0etober fsj 197L v SCaie' 6 arlcl'� - sCaC3$sei l In by 1 Ie: -71037 B