HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-43TIE CORPORATION OF THE TOIli3 OF BOWIvLAAiVILLE BY -LAW NO. 71 -4.3 To amens_ By -Lair !,To. 1761 I L WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the To-,.m of Bocnnanville passed By -Lazy No. 1761 on the 5th day of December, 1960, providing for the control and management of the Boi•manville Cemetery-, AVID WHEREAS By -Late 'Io, 1761 has been amenriod by By-Law No. 63 -4, passed on the 5th day of February, 1968, and by By -LatiT ito. 68 -30, passed on the 3rd day of September, 1968, which by -lae,s have been duly approved by the Ontario Department of Financial and Co:.ume-rcial Affairs; I A1TD WHEREAS it is desirable to further amend the said By -La'T Iioe 1761 to revise the tariff of rates; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Toy..: of BoN•.nnarville HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1< That Section 14(4) as n ended by By- Laid -o. 68 -30, be deleted and replaced by the folloi, °ing: 14(4) lio burial shall be made on a Statutory holiday, Saturday or Sunday without pay--aent of e..tra charges as sct forth, in the Tariff of Charges appende(' hereto as Schedule "A" except in the case of a -Tritten order of the Medical Officer of Health and in such case the charges shall be r_ the sa:�e as .or ordinary week-days. 20 That Schedule "A" attached to By -Law No. 1761 be deleted and replaced by Schedule "At' attached hereto. READ a first, second and third ti-Me and finally passed this 6th day of December, 1971. Signed IVAIJ M. HOBBS, MAYOR Signed Jo M. M LROY RK THE CORPOR,ATIOP OF THE TOt?!" OF BOM,rd%rVILLE BY -LEH NO. 71 -43 SCHEDULE "All TARIFF OF PATES 1, Single Graves (3 feet r 9 feet) $ 35.00 Perpetual Care 19.00 $ 54.00 20 Corner Posts Cost of Posts No charge foxj insta'_lation 3e Opening Graves 50000 First of two burials (double depth) 60000 Second of two burials (double depth) 50000 4. Babyland Graves Plot price (10" x 36 ") 9000 Perpetual care 5000 Burial 36000 50000 5. Installing flat marker foundation 10000 6. Installing monument foundation 2,25 per cubic foot 7. Funerals on statutory holidays, Saturdays & Sundays 25,00 8, Caretaker Services 2,50 per hour Planting Powers, shrubs, otc, is at discretion of sunerintcndent 9. Opening for interment of ashes 10000 loo Services for disinter c is 75,00 11. Removal of monument o_ marker At the current hourly rate 12. Perpetual care on plots on which perpetual, care charges have not been paid 19000 13, Annual care charge 2,00 14, Interment of ashes Flat ma kcr - lettered (10" x 16 ") 56,00 Opening 10000 Burial rights 9,25 Perpetual care 5075 Installation of ma ker 9000 90000 CERTIFICATE NO...... 7 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Approval of Municipal By-Law 13 ; 4 J t is 4erjeh-V rertifiebr t4at the Department of Financial & Commercial Affairs, pursuant t o t he provisions of section 63 (1) (e) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, c. 47, has approved of by-law No...... .......... of the municipal corporation of.... the To, of .............. Ro'Am,aAViJ,le. . . . enacted by the council of the said municipal corporation on the ...... 6th ...... day of .......... December„ _ 19 .7: , , being a by—law to amend By—law No. 17 21s' 16ATED AT TORONTO, THIS... ......... ....... DAY OF ......... 19-71. \J THE CORPOP.ATI0IT OF THE TOt,R OF BOIJIU ,TVILLE BY-LATXT NO. 71 -43 SCHEDULE "A" TARIFF OF PATES 1. Single Graves (3 feet .> 9 feet) $ 35,00 Perpetual Caro 19.00- $'; 54.00'' 2 Corner Posts Cost of Posts No charge foreinstallation 3 Opening Graves ``0oQ0 First of two burials (cioti.ble depth) 60°00 Second of two burials (double depth) 50000 4_o Babyland Graves Plot price (1311 36 ") 9000 Perpetual ca-r: 5;0.0 Burial 36000 50,00'' 5, Installing flat ,ar'_cer foundation IOe00 6o Installing -mor_u aent foundation 2.25 per cubic foot % Funerals on statutory holidays, Saturdays & Sundays 25,00 3. Caretaker Services 2050 per hour Planting Aocrers, shrubs, cake is at discretion of su-,erintcn?dent Opening for interment of ashen 10000 10> Services for disinterie:as 75.00` 11, Removal of monument o- marker At the current hourly rate 12. Perpetual care on plots on which perpetual. -care charges hw c not been paid 19000 13, Annual care char-. 2.00 14o Interment of astics Flat marker - 'lettered (1011 N 1611) 56000 Opening a -o. 00 Burial rights 9,25 Perpetual care 5.750- Installation of marker 9.001 90000 D {{ } 4 pp py'pryp�(a Sac,. "H1, V r'x'd.. , fu ,a �p f Le put in efl's r Esw':u sf-o.rn ��fv�v �t F a � . �_ s3 BY-LAW !-0. 71-z:.-") .L 1761 To amone. By-law 110-