HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/04/2001 , . . . THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee September 4, 2001 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Ping Ie Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Inspector T. Cameron, 16th Division, Durham Regional Police Services Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, M. Creighton Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Engineering Services, S. Vokes Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Stanley Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Schell advised that he would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Linda Gasser, Report PSD-005-01, Report PSD-006-01 and Section 3 of Report FND-004-01. MINUTES Resolution #GPA-409-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on June 18, 2001 be approved. "CARRIED" Joe Caruana, Director of Community Services, introduced Skip Crosby who has accepted the position of Recreation Coordinator with the Municipality of Clarington. 301 G.P. & A. Minutes . DELEGATIONS . . - 2- September 4, 2001 (a) Linda Gasser, 7421 Best Road, P.O. Box 399, Orono, LOB 1MO re: Reports PSD-005-01 and PSD-006-01 was called but was not present. She addressed Members of the Committee later on in the meeting. (b) Fran Harvie, 8801 Mosport Road, Orono, LOB 2MO re: Report EGD-001-01 circulated a copy of her correspondence dated September 4, 2001 as well as the following documents: . Correspondence from Miles Brandt dated August 24, 2001, wherein he expresses support for the "no parking" signs along the Mosport property. . Correspondence dated August 31,2001 from William Link, Executive Director, North Clarington Ratepayers Association, wherein he advises that the North Clarington Ratepayers Association played a significant roie in causing the "no parking" signs to be erected as well as their location. He notes that the Association represents several hundred area residents whose interests are adversely affected by the proposal to remove the vast majority of the signs. . Correspondences dated September 3, 2001 from Irene and Bill Link reiterating their objection to the removal of the "no parking" signs. Fran Harvie advised that, in her view, the removal of the "no parking" signs will have negative ramifications. She suggested that the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee be consulted before any signs are removed. (c) David Gould, 9004 Mosport Road, Orono,LOB 1MO re: Parking advised that the Ratepayers Association had been requesting the installation of "no parking" signs for a long time and not only for the purpose of the Edenfest Concert. He stated that the signs give the residents a level of security and safety and that there is no reason for these signs to be removed on Mosport Road as they are already in place and at no cost to the municipality. He requested the "no parking" regulations be enforced on a daily basis. He also requested clarification regarding the key map. Attachment NO.1 to Report EGD-01-01 and stated that he did not agree with its contents. (d) Richard Ward, 3709 Regional Road 9, Orono, LOB 1MO presented the municipality with a document entitled "Notice of Application - Ontario Superior Court of Justice" and noted that his interest in the property began in early 1991. The next five years were spent removing vegetation and, in 1996, he requested a commercial designation for the property which was denied. He has been attempting to ''fix-up'' the property and, five years ago, had a well dug on the property. When the taxes were increased by "120%" he stopped the renovations. In his view, this is not a very desirable residential location but he has begun to repair the foundation, install new siding and install new windows and doors to eliminate the noise from the highway. With respect to Report CLD-003-01, he stated that only two property standards infractions were explained to him; the firewood pile and two 1937 McLaughlin Buick cars and, in his view, the matters have been rectified. 302 G.P. & A. Minutes -3 - September 4, 2001 . DELEGATIONS CONT'D. Councillor Schell stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Linda Gasser regarding Reports PSD-005-01 and PSD-006-01 regarding the Oak Ridges Moraine; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Sl. Mary's/Blue Circle is Councillor Schell's employer. (e) Linda Gasser, 7421 Best Road, P.O. Box 399, Orono, LOB 1MO re: PSD-005-01 circulated the following: . a copy of her presentation dated September 4, 2001; . a copy of her deputation to Regional Planning Committee on August 28, 2001; . excerpts from the minutes of the Regional Planning Committee meeting of August 28, 2001; and . a copy of her letter dated July 14, 2001 to the Planning Commissioner. Mrs. Gasser made the following points: . It is not useful for the Region to incorporate comments on two separate processes in one report. For the Region to propose a strategy in several key areas that the Province has indicated might be subject to whatever Oak Ridges Plan comes to be, is premature, and may result in a duplication of efforts and a waste of resources. Committee Members did not have the benefit of considering the input of the many individuals in Durham interested in the Oak Ridges Moraine in response to Regional Report 2001-P-78. She noted that it would be wise to label the current Clarington response as "preliminary", subject to further comments and refinement. She requested that Clarington planners submit addendum reports on both processes to Council on September 10, 2001 and that the municipality's final comments to the Region can then incorporate those comments as well as any further comments from the public. She suggested that the municipality should request further information from the Region on the role of the OMB, the role of the single commission for the Oak Ridges Moraine and the implications of the planned route of the 407 highway. It would be useful for Council to consider this information in the context of any response to the Region, as well as the Province. She suggested that an addendum to Report PSD-005-01 and PSD-006-01 be prepared which incorporates the public input from the Committee meeting as well as any written submissions on this matter. Mrs. Gasser concluded by stating that the Oak Ridges Moraine "freeze" is a unique opportunity to provide comprehensive feedback in a "less than perfecf' process. . Linda Gasser, 7421 Best Road, P.O. Box 399, Orono, LOB 1MO re: PSD-D06-01 circulated a copy of her presentation dated September 4, 2001 wherein she stated that Report PSD-006-01 has identified most of the issues and concerns, however, the following points should be noted: 303 G.P. & A. Minutes -4- September 4, 2001 . DELEGATIONS CONT'D. . In view of the fact that there is a 407 needs assessment process underway, the municipality should not commit to any particular comments about the terminus of highway 407 at this time. . Section 3.9 of Report PSD-006-01 should also state that there has been no dispute resolution mechanism, or appeals or hearing process identified to date - this is a most important issue in terms of implementation. . She requested that normal Council procedures be extended or waived for the Council meeting of September 10, 2001 in order to allow more time for interested parties to provide input. . She requested that an addendum to Report PSD-006-01 be prepared which would incorporate any input received at this committee meeting. Resolution #GPA-41 0-001 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. . Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC MEETiNG Pursuant to the Planning Act, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public Meeting for the following application: (a) Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applicant: First-Tech Mechanical Limited, Maria Wulczyn and Percy Napper Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington The Clerk's Department sent pubiic notice for the rezoning application by first class mail on or before August 3, 2001 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to August 3, 2001. This notice procedure is in compliance to Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the proposed plan of subdivision application by first class mail on or before August 3, 2001 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment records. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to August 3, 2001. This notice procedure is in compliance with Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. . 3'04 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 5 - September 4, 2001 PUBLIC MEETING CONT'D. (a) Report PSD-001-01 - Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision - the purpose and effect of the applications is to rezone the subject lands from "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) Zone" and "Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone" to permit the development of a draft plan of subdivision consisting of 4 single family detached dwelling units and 7 townhouse units. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Ben Phillips, Weston Consulting Group Inc., 201 Millway Avenue, Unit 19, Vaughan, L4K 5K8 appeared on behalf of the applicant to answer questions from Members of the Committee. PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision ZBA2001-016 Rezoning Application Applicant: Bob Craig ZBA 2000-028 Resolution #GPA-411-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-001-01 be received; THAT the rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications submitted by Weston Consulting Group on behalf of First-Tech Mechanical Limited, Maria Wulczyn and Percy Napper, be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; THAT within 15 days of the Public Meeting, the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham, be advised and provided by sworn declaration from the Clerk, the following: . that the Municipality held a Public Meeting in accordance with Section 51 (21.1) of the Planning Act for the subject subdivision application; . a copy of the minutes of the said meeting; . a copy of all written submissions received by the Municipality; . a list of all persons and public bodies, including their mailing addresses, that made oral submissions at the Public Meeting or written submissions; and . a copy of the report and the Council resolution. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-001-01 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-412-01 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-002-01 be received; THAT the application to amend Zoning By-iaw 84-63, be approved and that the amending by-law, as per Attachment 3 to Report PSD-002-01 be forwarded to Council for approval; 305 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 6- September 4, 2001 PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Proposed Street Name Changes and 911 Emergency Telephone System PLN 25.1.27 THAT a by-law to remove the Holding (H) Symbol be forwarded to Council at such time that all the conditions of draft approval for the related plan of subdivision have been fulfilled; THAT a copy of Report PSD-002-01 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-002-01 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-413-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-003-01 be received; THAT staff proceed with the required changes for the 9-1-1 system as outlined in Section 2 of Report PSD-003-01; THAT staff proceed to undertake a Public Information Session to: a. change the street name and numbering system for Durham Highway 2 within the Bowmanville Urban Area so that the portion of the road within the urban area be known as King Street East and King Street West and to change the street name for Park Street, Bowmanville b. change the street name and numbering system for Durham Highway 2 in the Newcastle Village Urban Area to be consistent with the preferred name and the east/west numbering system; c. rename Durham Highway 2 to King Street within the Courtice Urban Area; d. rename all of Durham Road 57 (including the related portions of Waverley Road and Martin Road) to Bowmanville Road; THAT the landowners fronting onto the affected streets be provided notice through direct mail circulation; and THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision; FORTHWITH. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-414-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-413-01 be amended by adding the following wording thereto: 3D6 . . . G.P. &A. Minutes -7 - September 4, 2001 PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Monitoring the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for Meetings of June 24, July 5, July 19 and August9,2001 Oak Ridges Moraine PLN 17.8.9 Oak Ridges Moraine- Provincial Advisory Panel PLN 17.8.10 "THAT Bell Canada be strongly urged to attend the Public Information Sessions." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-413-01 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #GPA-415-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report PSD-004-01 be received; and THAT Council concur with decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on June 24, July 5, July 19 and August 9, 2001 for applications A2000/047 to A2000/050, inclusive, A2001/001, A2001/029, A2001/032 to A2001/044, inclusive, and that staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Reports PSD-005-01 and PSD-006-01 regarding the Oak Ridges Moraine; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Blue Circle Canada Inc. is Councillor Schell's employer. Councillor Pingle chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-416-01 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Mayor Mutton THAT Report PSD-005-01 be received; THAT Report PSD-005-01 be endorsed as the preliminary comments of the Municipality of Clarington on the document entitled "The Oak Ridges Moraine: Proposals for the Protection and Management of a Unique Landscape", dated May 2001; and THAT the Durham Region Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-005-01 and be advised of Council's decision on this matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-417-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-006-01 be received; THAT Report PSD-006-01 be endorsed as the preliminary comments of the Municipality of Clarington on the document entitled "Share Your Vision for the Oak Ridges Moraine", dated August - September, 2001; 307 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 8- September 4,2001 PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Property Matter DEV 98-070 Removal of Holding Applicant: 1106443 Ontario Limited ZBA 2001-007 Parking Regulations Near Mosport Park THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Oak Ridges Moraine Consultations Group), the Durham Region Planning Department, and SAGA (Save the Ganaraska Again) be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-006-01 and be advised of Council's decision on this matter; and THAT the Municipality of Clarington request that the Provincial Advisory Panel hold an additional public meeting in the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell reassumed the Chair. Resolution #GPA-418-01 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PSD-007-01 be received; THAT Council pass a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to enter into an Agreement with Clarington Industrial Services Limited respecting the transfer in escrow of lands required for the portion of the future Lake Road shown in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-007-01, which is located on lands owned by Clarington Industrial Services Limited in order to implement Report PSD-007-01; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-007-01 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-419-01 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-008-01 be received; THAT the by-law attached to Report PSD-008-01 to remove the Holding (H) symbol be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-008-01 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-420-01 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report EGD-01-01 be received; THAT the parking prohibition area near Mosport Park be reduced and that any unnecessary signing be removed, with such costs of removal being charged back to Mosport Park; THAT Mosport Park continue to be responsible for sign maintenance costs in the Mosport Park area on the road sections approved by Council; and 308 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 9- September 4, 2001 PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Monthly Report On Building Permit Activity for June, 2001 Monthly Report On Building Permit Activity for July, 2001 THAT the proposed by-law attached to Report EGD-01-01 be forwarded to Council for approval. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-421-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-420-01 be amended by adding the following wording thereto: "THAT traffic calming measures be reviewed by the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee". "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-420-01 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #GPA-422-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report EGD-02-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-423-01 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report EGD-03-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" Graham Creek Resolution #GPA-424-01 Bridge Reconstruction Hydro One Agreement Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim Bowmanville Creek Restoration Project Vanstone Mill THAT Report EGD-04-01 be received; and THAT Council authorize execution of the Construction and Encroachment Agreement attached to Report EGD-04-01 provided by Hydro One Networks Inc. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-425-01 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report EGD-05-01 be received; and YJ9 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes -10- September 4, 2001 PLANNING SERVICES AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Acquisition of Former Ministry of Transportation Picnic Area THAT the Municipality of Clarington's share of the Bowmanville Creek Restoration Study ($30,000) be drawn from the Working Funds Reserve (Account No. 2900-00001-0000). "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-426-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report EGD-06-01 be received; THAT Council pursue the acquisition of the former Ministry of Transportation Picnic Area located at Highway NO.2 and Morgans Road, for nominal consideration; THAT the subject lands be designated exclusively for use as parkland, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry; and THAT the Ministry of Transportation Ontario be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. OPERATIONS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENTS Monthly Fire Report - June, 2001 Resolution #GPA-427-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councilior Pingle THAT Report ESD-01-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe chaired this portion of the meeting. Kids of Steel COMMUNITY SERVICES AND CLERK'S DEPARTMENTS Resolution #GPA-428-01 Summer Day Camp Program 2001 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report CSD-01-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-429-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report CSD-02-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" 310 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 11 - September 4, 2001 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND CLERK'S DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Ontario 3M Community Coach Award Program Request lain Maciver for Volunteer Memorial Cairn for Bob Simpson Agreement for The Electric Transfer Of Vehicle Registration Data Clean-up of Property at 3709 Regional Road Resolution #GPA-430-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report CSD-03-01 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-431-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m. Resolution #GPA-432-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CLD-001-01 be tabled to the Council meeting scheduled for September 10, 2001. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-433-01 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report CLD-002-01 be received; and THAT a By-law be passed to authorize the execution of the Government Authorized Requester Agreement of the Ministry of Transportation for the electronic transfer of vehicle registration data. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-434-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report CLD-003-01 be received; THAT authorization be given to the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to undertake all necessary actions to have the property municipally known as 3709 Regional Road 9, Orono cleaned up; and THAT all costs associated with the clean-up be initially charged against contingency account number 1100-9-X and subsequently added to the Collector's Roll and collected in the same manner and with the same priorities as Municipal Real Property Tax. "CARRIED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING MOTIONS) 311 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes - 12- September 4, 2001 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND CLERK'S DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Animal Services Monthly Report - June,2001 Printing Services Non-Profit Organizations Parking Report for Month of June, 2001 Resolution #GPA-435-01 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting be "closed" for consideration of a legal document presented to the municipality by Richard Ward. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-436-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-434-01 was then put to a vote and CARRIED. Resolution #GPA-437-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report CLD-004-01 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-004-01 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-438-01 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CLD-00S-01 be received; and THAT the Municipality of Claringlon provide complimentary printing services for non-profit organizations based on the following crileria: . 2500 sheets/year - white paper . 2000 sheets/year - coloured paper . over the yearly limit: $5.00/100 sheets white paper $6.00/100 sheets coloured paper . stapling, folding, cutting also provided . no advertising to be included "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-439-01 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CLD-006-01 be received; and 312 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes -14 - September 4, 2001 CORPORATE SERVICES AND FINANCE DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Lease Agreement 166 Church Street Supply and Install New Brine Cooler For Orono Arena Tender Awards Summer Council Break List of Applications For Cancellation, Red uction or Refu nd of Taxes Resolution #GPA-443-01 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie THAT Report COD-002-01 be received; THAT the lease agreement for the first floor only of 166 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario in the amount of $2.00 per annum with Aquicon Construction Co. Ltd., be approved; and THAT the by-law marked schedule "B" attached to Report COD-002-01, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be passed; FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-444-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report COD-003-01 be received; THAT the procedures set out in Purchasing By-law 94-129, Section 5, Paragraph 06, be waived for this particular transaction; THAT Council authorize staff to issue a purchase order for the supply, delivery and installation of a brine cooler for the Orono Arena at a total cost of $43,302.00 plus G.S.T., to be issued to Cimco Refrigeration; and THAT the required funds be drawn from Building Services Capital Account #7029-X-501; FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-445-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report COD-004-01 be received; and THAT the by-laws, marked Schedules "A" and "B" attached to Report COD-004-01 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the necessary agreements be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-446-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report FND-001-01 be received; and THAT the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes attached to Report FND-001-01 be approved. "CARRIED" 314 . . . a.p. & A. Minutes - 15- September 4, 2001 CORPORATE SERVICES AND FINANCE DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. Cash Activity May, 2001 Cash Activity June,2001 Property Taxation Status Report Resolution #GPA-447-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report FND-002-01 be received; THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended May 31,2001, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report FND-002-01; and THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the month of May, 2001 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-448-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report FND-003-01 be received; THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended June 30, 2001, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report FND-003-01 ; and THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the month of June, 2001 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-449-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the recommendations in Report FND-004-01 be divided to allow for consideration of items 1 and 2 and item 3 separately. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-450-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report FND-004-01 be received; and THAT staff continue to monitor Minutes of Settlement received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and where necessary, be authorized to employ the services of Municipal Tax Equity Inc. (MTE) to represent the Municipality's interests at the Assessment Review Board, to be financed from the Tax W rite-Off Reserve #2900-5-X. "CARRIED" 315 . . . G.P. & A. Minutes -16 - September 4,2001 CORPORATE SERVICES AND FINANCE DEPARTMENTS CONT'D. ADMINISTRATION UNFINISHED BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councillor Schell disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to part three of Report FND-004-01; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. St. Mary's/Blue Circle is his employer. Resolution #GPA-451-01 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the firm of Municipal Tax Equity Consultants Inc. be appointed to act on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington regarding assessment and taxation matters for Roll #'s 18-17-010-020-00400 and 18-17-010-020- 06680 (St. Mary's/Blue Circle) before the Assessment Review Board (ARB) at an approximate cost of $10,000, to be financed from the Tax Write-Off Reserve #2900-5-X. "CARRIED" There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. Resolution #GPA-452-01 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:30 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR 316