HomeMy WebLinkAbout71-20THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWINt OF BOTrPIANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 71 -20 A By -lat-, To Authorize The Sale Of Lands To The Ontario Housing Corporation WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bo *.mianville holds certain lands more particularly described ir. Schedule "Alt attached hereto as Park Lands; AND WHEREAS theCorpo-rction of the Tom of Boimanville no longer requires the said lands for public purposes and is desirous of selling them to the Ontario Housing Corporation; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Toem of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows: , 1, That The Corporation of the ToI n, of BoT��anj ille shall sell to the Ontario Housing Corporation lands situate at the east end of Nelson Street, being part of original Toi-ms�.ip lot 10 in the lst concession of the To- mship of Darlington, now in the Tozn of Bmmi anville, lying to the south of registered pl- 608 and to the north and test of registered plan number 610, more particularly described in Schedule "A"l-ereto, for c purchase price of $71000 -00, (Seven Thousand Dollars) 2, That the Mayor and Clerk be are are hereby authorized to sign any documents required for this purpose and in-press the corporate seal thereon on behalf o the 11 I-nicipality, READ c first and second time this 12th dray of July, 1971, READ a third time and -finally passedthis 12th day ol; July, 1971, Sys`° Robert Dykstra, Acting Sgnd, Joseph 14. McIlroy, Clerk Mayor ALL AND S335UR ttiat certain Parcel or tract ozz land and premises situate,ly:i.ng and being in the Town of fo tenvillea Cour-ty of Durham, r7 inks vf. 4''vw� ix c, being composed of the 10 foot Walkway as shown on Registered. Plan Mo.6:0, and part of Lot 100 Concession 1, formerly Township E3 °` Darlirw gton, , 'nt?w .'• n th said `%WTt of Bi?w2an5*i x3e, the boundaries of said parcel are describe;: as follows fa` 1SlXq t At the N"orth 7.3 degrees 53 r Vues East of the Sot:th limit -of registered Plan. NO-608 governs 8.11 bearings mentioned herea*�ter; uwMMC � at the 21orth East angle of said l0 foot walkwsy being the .swat: east angle Of Lot 35 as shown on Registered Plan NYo.608; T7 CE Sour- ^.erly along the East li.m-It ctf said 10 I`cot walkwsy be`,ng the $r°� 04 a Sa xe to t�Fe r.ght 'saving a radius of 60T feet o inches a distance o: IC feet : 9 hes t� the S6ut� East angle of said 10 foe;t wa-1 kway, sand arc o" has a ^ho ° eq .zl va lent of 10 feet 0 112 inches measured on a course of South IC deg es 47 eyes 17 seconds East, Sn+;th 77 degrees 11 minutes 'Arest along the Sov : i.r .t of said 1 `..rat walkvs ,Y a distance Of 14�.) feet 2 1/8 4nehes to the South nest ang a thereof, being the Vest angle of Lot 36 according t6 Rog;s .ered flan No. 6A ; iCE Sou_t?- nl ;�.ezrjees 34 minx rtes Eat along the West limits of Laic 3 s �� , :^. 3o Cd said Registered flan .1o. 610 a distance c-' 205 Feet `J" !I'd Inches to a point; SCE North 66 degrees 07 minutes Nest a distance of 40 feet 0 inches to a polrt; SCE So t`s 71 Degrees 25 minutes, West a distance of 58 feet 11 incixes to a point SCE Noe-h 2.7 dag.es yr Minutes nest a distance of :182 `eat 2 inches to a point ins th- a Sc uth lylmllt Of 14t 30 according to Re at- ered flan ado. 60d; MMy£ Norte 7z. d-9,Tee3 53 tiinu to s East s l ang said South limits of Lcats 30 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of said Registered flan No. Z8 a distance of 290 feet 4 3/8 inches to the F'o: -- t of co.,w.encement.