HomeMy WebLinkAbout67-16WHEREAS it has become necessary to acquire easements over and in the lands hereinafter described for the purpose of providing for the extension of sanitary and storm S sewers in the Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter 249 Section 377 paragraph 15, and Section 333(1) and The Expropriations Procedure Act, Statutes of Ontario 1962-63 Chapter 43, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville (hereinafter referred to as "the Town") HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. The Town hereby expropriates an easement in perpetuity for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary sewer and a storm- sewer over and in that part of Lot 18 in Block 1 according to Hannings Plan of the Town of Bowmanville (,part of original Township lot 12, in the 2nd Concession) shown as Part 1 on the attached Plan of Survey made by Donevan and Fleischmann and dated May 31st, 1967. 2. The Town further hereby expropriates an easement in perpetuity for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a storm sewer over that part of the said Block 18 shown as Part 2 on the said attached Plan of Survey. 3. The said easements hereby expropriated shall include the right to the Town its engineers, surveyors., workmenj, servants, agents, employees, contractors and assignees, or the employees, workmen,, agents and servants of its contractors or assignees, to enter upon the said lands and to break up, dig, lay pipes and make connections in: fill in, and use and occupy so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid during the time of the carrying out and completion of - 2 - the said work and from time to time and at all times thereafter whenever it may be necessary for inspection, repair and mainten- ance of the said sewers. 4, The Owners or occupants hereby expropriated shall not be entitled to erect any buildings or do other work over the said lands so as to injure or endanger the said sewers, nor shall the Owners or occupants of lands adjoin - s ing the lands hereby expropriated be permitted to use the sanitary and storm sewers without the consent of the Council of the Town. 5. It is hereby declared that the Town shall acquire no interest or estate in the said lands except as set out in this by -law. 6. The Town hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and Clerk to sign the said Plan dated May 31sto 1967 on behalf of the Corporation and to file the said Plan in accordance with the said Expropriation Procedures Act. 7. The Town further instructs the Clerk to take such additional steps as are Necessary in accordance with the procedure as set out in The Expropriation Procedures Act. 8. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mayor ank the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate with the owners and mortgagees and any other persons concerned to settle the compensation to Ige given for the said lands, provided that the amount and nature of such compensation :shall be confirmed by re- solution of Council unless it is settled in accordance with the procedures contained in the Expropriation Procedures Act. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of June, 1967. trJ W W Cc ct i—u (p �p TP. ca C y C ct cl- • t J • V E I IU%I" „ CA z z CD ct 1"J ., .. µ O C 0 ss .s ct- Ul oq f • •+ 0) Zr Z CD 00 •e ( ►• (D ss td 0 s! (-�•� w N s. (� 1• (D (D •. t-i p .f N eh 0 0 I's 00 es ►a O (n d Z 11 ,. CO O ►Z (y !. •O �(D t sy>�n� G W •s Q •s (D {t i) fy •o os E I IU%I" „ CA z z CD ct 1"J IN no I I A. tl- I 0 0 LO cD 3 ° O° U-) ° -- 0P ONTARIO , CHAP OD CD — PART 1 & Z BEING z a. �tV71 °41 °30 "E - , 15• 48.00' - 37.56' ;n O. 50 11 0.50 i 0. 50 :-, 6 0'-A! - - 6 3. 0 0 N 7 1 ° 4 1, 3 0" G 0 0 RESERVE T 00'- - -- BY R. P. -667 6 6. 0 0 THE BEARING OF N 1 REG. PLA N N2 671 „ M t L. L6 II 1" i — `� # � � � • 56 4 P� t s� ` EXPROPRIATION PROCEDURES ACT , S .0. 1952 -63 , CHAPTER 43 REGI'STR �® E HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SHOWS THE LANDS EXPROPRIATED FOR EASEMENTS BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE z UNDER BY -LAW NU SER ®�_ __ _ACC0RDI N G TO SECTION 4 OF THE E- XP_R0PRIAT10N PROCEDURES ACT , 1962 - 63 STATUTES OF ONTARIO , CHAPTER 43 . PART 1 cSr 2 , BEING PERMANENT EASEMENTS 0. 50 ' 65.00 ° - - - -- - - - O R. P. 6S7 RESERVE MAYOR ; -' — 66.00 mI i CL R THE SEARING OF N 16 ® 05 30 °® W OF HIGH STREET AS SHOWN O REG. PLAN N - 671 GOVERNS ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. - /�/ t.- -9,� - / - H. F . G,RANDER ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR I SCH MANN LAND SURVEYING AND 'ENGINEERING II ONTARIO STREET OSHA WA ONT. MAY 31 1 967 10 6 N2 ' 15565