BY-_LAT�T NO. 67-5
A By-law to authorize the execution of an
agreement between Donald W. Harvey and the
Tovi-i of Bo,,,Tinanville.
VTI'-!ET3:jAS the Council _i. of the Corporation of the T(5UTn
17' 0 I 'Roimanville deems it expedient to authorize the execution
of an Agreement dated the 20th- day of February, 1967 between
Donald ",I. Harvey and the Town of Bo,%mianville for ambulance
NOW T- EETORLE the Council of the Corporation of the
To-v,Tn of Bm,,T.rianville hereby E IJAICTL3 AS FOLL O v �s
1® That the IJ1ayor and Cler'-,,,-- are hereby authorized to
execute on behalf of the Corporation of the To,,,rn of Boirmanville
and seal with the corporate seal an agreement between Donald
and the said. Corporation, dated X,
Harve:,7 ed the ev day of
4 /
' 1967
RLEAD a first and second tine this day of 1967
4/1 Clerk
le� d
READ, a third time and finally passed this 2c� day Of
I - LI - 11
0 YLO-1
i C- -cL E E. 11 E "T T
Made I
'lade this t4nTentiet1h. day of February, 1c,67.
B E 7, *11E Z I �_
The Corp cra,tiun oF the To' Atn of
3 o s,,j m a nville, in the Countly of
filer Dar ham, Ll. naf"ter called "T'he
TO I11,
D o n a I d a - e f t i e o ,, H - I T ;, n
of in the Counte,,
of Durham, Here; nafter called
OF THE SEC7_')_N7j 11DAT-I'T.
t dc, he terri-is of an
.-ae aereto desire to se t-
_5 parties
ao,reement between tneri the provision of aibu_lance service
or the -ur,-ose ol, conve-,,.7J__n.,P- persons Sufferin from, disease or
k J_
accident to a hospital- or other place and in particular as such
service clay be for the benefit o the people of the Town of
Ec, -v�, n, a n v 1111 e , t.a e T o wn s1-yip o f a r 1 i nZ on, The To i,,in s'- i p o C a r'j e
and the Vi7lage Of ''Tje-,PTcastle;
TM -'ORE in cons iderat ion of the - -actual teri)-is, convenants and
a�=ee�,,ient_- i- de and contained, the parties hereto agree
(D herein _,'i2
as T 01101,,IS :
n C 4 - on the First day of January, 19'7, and
That cor.=e_ _Lnc,' _L
continuing lor a period of two -'rears, endin- on the Thirty-
first day o" 'ece-,iber, l96),_'), the Operator shall ,aa`ntai-n
and operate the said ser-,,rice as an Independent contractor
in Toti „Tn for all, peol--le req VITY1 0
,u_frinD- sa;�-ie in the To-, _L
o -v T,, a. n v i I I e To -V Tn ship o f” Dar 11 i n ton, Township o f C. -I a r 1,_- e
and the Vi I a,-e of 7ewcast'! a and sub i e ct to tine r ilght of
1�� Ij
either part;- to terc,,iinate the a�re&�ient at t,,:ie end of any
calendar iionth upon six-ty days' Z,,jriteen notJ'ge.
,�� A,%�V %,,
21) The said service sl-al7 consist of motor venicles
cons tructed and intended. for use as ar-,ibu.1-ances, each equipped
as here aft er i-dentioned, and each _--.,,a1-)1ried by t,,,,To, pproperl7Y
0, U:;_ li fled persons as hereinafter rdentioned, and n - n e
,T L 01TI
ehic' e is absent from To, , a stand by vehicle shall be
-r-r r-) vi d e d Jt -a r 44 1, 1- PZ Such -r) e r - i o d o-_" rerlods,
The Operator shall i.,,iaintain and operate in the years 1;C'57
and 1c,68 and Keep on call, without exception, during t-ventv-
four hours for each day durin'.s the said period, an a.mbulance
,,7e..-.c_Le wit'-, quali 'ied driver and attendant for each vehicle
to -ether with the following equip--ment which Shall acco-m-pany
each vehicle:
1 ,.,esus ci tat ion unit
1in -1- 1 -ieels, with nriatress, sheets and
-bu' an-e cot o n
b 11 a -L- -11-- e t s
4 Folding type of ejJ,-ie-r-encV stretcher
I m eleQco -ci c staff - stretcher
117-idney basin, bedpan a11d urinal
ot water and tner*,mios bottles
D 'iclet sp-lints, Banda and nd supplies to render
uf-L --a
first aid
Oxy-en cylinder, tau -es aad rlasl:
- 1) -
4) Each driver shall hold a chauffeur Ts license and be properly
trained in the art of handlinS injured persons and each
attendant shall hold a first aid certificate as issued by
St. John's Ambulance or The Red Cross Association,
53 The Operator shall provide and maintain insurance is•ued by
an insurer duly authorized to issue such insurance w t hin
the Province of Ontario insuring him against liability for:
(1) Eodily injury
(2) Property damage, and
(3) Pasienger and/or patient hazard while riding in the
in tie amount of 3300,000.00 inclusive and collision '
insurance and will forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the
Town of 3o-van-,anville certified copies of the insurance
policy or policies and any rene•als thereof, and the
Operator shall not cancel or allow any such policy or
policies to lapse during the term of this agreement or any
extension or renewal thereof, the Operator further covenants
and agrees to indemnify and save the Town harmless from and.
against any and all claims, actions, daQages and costs
arising in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection
with the said ambulances or ambulance service®
6) The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients and
persons who use its service at the following rates:
310.00 for a single patient carried plus
810.00 for each additional patient carried on the same
3 p
.00 for administering oxyge-n
5. 00 for patients regis tore 5 on, the rolls of t.,-.Le Town
Welfare Department
010-00 plus 1 .50 per mile one way for out of Town
transfers to or from hospitals
6.00 for Resuscitating
(' ) Aid rates of tariff shall be paid by the person who employs
the ambulance service, saving only the Town shall pay for
persons registered on the rolls of the Town Welfare Depart-
ment which said latter accounts shall be paid at the and of
each month.
The Town shall pay to the Operator on the basis of 110,800
per year by monthly instalments of §900, at the end of each
month and every consecutive month thereafter, provided that
upon the termination of this agreement, the said monthly
instalments shall cease, and the Town shall not be liable
for any further payments hereunder.
9) The Operator agrees that it will abide by and observe all
laws, rules and regulations, Dominion, Provincial, Municipal
and otherwise applicable to the operation of vehicles on
any read or highway and generally applicable to the said
service and, ope_-�ation contemplated by this agreement, and
covenants that it will at all times maintain its vehicles,
equipment ana man power, orderly, neat, clean and in first
class order and repair, and upon its default in so doing,
the T o i%Tn _iay an Fifteen days' notice require any default
or defect to be remedied within Fifteen days from the date
of such notice.
10) The Operator shall permit tie To�,Tn or its agents to inspect
at all reasonable tines during the currency of this agree-
ment, the conditiDn and appearance of vehicles and the
accomoodation therefor, the appearance of attendants and
drivers, and to examine any driver or attendant with respect
to the reqnired qualifications.
!he 7own under the yrovisions of the law agrees that it ,,ill
not license any Mher ambulance service in the Town of
3c,i-,:�-�ia,aville so long as satisfactory service is provided by
the Operator as contemplated by this agree-r-ient, or ;•d-ii ch
the Town shall be the sole judge.
12) it is agreed that this Agreement does not constitute the
Operator an agent or legal representative of the Town for
any purpose whatsoever. The Operator is not granted any
right or authority to assuwe or to create any obligation
or responsibility, expressed or implied, on behalf of or
in the name of the To-vnn or to bi'ad t.-,e Town in anT ,, - - e r
or th-inS,
!l1, _ E110F the parties hereto have hereunto set their
L ands and seals.
,a D, 3`I ,-,',--,-ED -,�I—D The Corporation of the Town of
in the presence of:
p e