HomeMy WebLinkAbout67-7A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Township of Darlington, the Township of Clarke, the Village of Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanville - L I E E --1, 17 E -11 14 7 9 7 ca day of ­��i /4'") dru-i:)1- e this ,, !ade _Ln qua -2,Y B3 rl':Ti,7E EN The 'Co-rporation of the T own of Bov,-manv,ille, in the County of Durhaia, here -Lna--":t er called "T'h_- I T 0 VVI n OF rILHE 7RST 7T D 1) The Corporation of the Townshi-p \7 of Darlington, in the County of Du_rhaai, hereinafter called T',Dar-",in,,-Ucn To,Jnship>' "® OF T-111-TIE, SEUCO171_1) PART - 17D The Corporation of the Tovrnship . 0 _CI Clarke, in the County of Durham, hereinafter called Township". OF TI-E; THIE.D D T lage o -ation of the f poi he Corl Ne,.'? castle, in the County of Durham, hereinafter called 11- ­'_ IT - j a" e'r. OF THE FOUH T FART 7 1-- ) the -ar-%ies hereto desire to set dos,.an the terms of an a=eenie-rit bet-ween ther.n for the provision of All:,ib,�7 a.-n-ce 3-_r c_- Ur the purpose of conve-ving persons sufferin.-,, frozi,-i disease I C� or accident to a hos-Pital or other -,place and in particu]-ar as -such service may be for the benefit of the people of the To-vm ol" Bo-v:,-.ma-_riviI'_I-_,, Towns hip of Dar-3-in'Ston, Township of Clarke and the ?Tills cD ge vi 1N 'p4 in considerati= of the iiutual terms, covenants and 1 4 -etc a-,=ae ,,enu c;� agree s her _rnade and contained, the arties hel- cD as f 0 110 v'TS Treat the vin s h a" 1 enter i I-It o -Lhau Harve'T, "�n bulan-c-e Operator, to or all the -people of the 7oWrI f in-ton, the To-,.%inshir of i,,T e v7castle under such ter_­, is and an agreement ,;,i-Lth I'Donald C.'� provide a;cibManse service f E' Bo-,-,­_,aanv-_'1lle, the To:-,-nship -i Vl e ila7e of ar'_L�:e,, and t,L conditions as set out Herein 2 The terms of this a-reel'aeiit shall co-.(iinience on the F-L-r-st aaV Of january, 10'7 and continue for tvTo years until tle ber, 1QS8 and subject to the ri-Int, T.I.irty-first day of Dece--,i b-r either of t1ne parties to 'e-rin-na-e the agreenie-rit at •ne - 2 - end o-•_' an-V calendar -tllionth upon si.-�ty 6tays 4 4 and sab�ect also t-o t.h.is a-reenient], be-Ln- notice upon ter-1111inatio-,.-I of" the a,7ree,en-'U- C> of fo T 7 MI _iie and IDonald narvey. J.J (,e t-em'i inat-ec,' �,-,-itaout between the T'ne Tovi-n. Shp7 I -ca7T the _,,''-inbulance Operator on the basis of 'nstaLiients of '0,00 at the end b -.iont' ly L per year T n _L0, 800 he G_ e-ch _(�,iontl-i t tie of the a-7r e e-n-I ei a> the To" n Bo�,�Tna-nvil ' e, the To-,,•,mi.ship of Coroo2ation o .",T- 0 _E_ __L L,arlin7ton, tie Town - ship Of J_ arl - anC- i the illag o- 7, ,4e,,rcastle shall share in t_'h_e annual cost of ambulance service ' - he 'o�,,.Tn or the basis of the as_=ess-_r-,ient of each- Qai, Dy V I'lu Go -I-o-al assessment of the four nici-Pality bears the 14 f,-�,unici-a ities as equalized bV the Counties Z'!,�.ssessment r, ±1 - - Mh �,om(ia-issioner for e;�,cl"L of the years 1967 and 19,60'® 1 I applicable share of the subsidy assessed to each of t-1,-e r.,-iunicipalil ties of Darlington, Cla�-ke and !'�Tet,icas e for eacil `,-)s-aLiien-I-.s, the f'-irs- on or before a-,- shall be raid in two S, I the 30th day of June and the second on or before the 31st day o Dece;-I�ber for the terry ol�' t-1,1e a.g--reei�Ient, to the Town. L C:) The Tojm_, Darli-ngrton Township, Clar-'-,e T oc,,im-sInip and the Shall be responsible for 1--,ayme-i.-it for amibulance service for persons re-istered on the respective rolls of their c,Telfare 'less of -VT.1-ie-e within 'c le boundaries of aepart-i-fi,ents irre,--ard the four -mu-Iiicipalities, such person or persons shall require ai--lb,a_`La_rice service. 5) The To-vm_ agrees at the end of each year, for t12e term of the agreement, to apply to the Ontario De-parti-tient O Health for ,Tnat eTer rants are available to assist maunicipalit-Les -vTith , gt CD a , r, -�- for n s or ai-iib-)alance service and agree also to reimburse the Township of Dar!-*Ln,.-t(,,n, the To,,,rnship of ClarIke, and the Tillac-e c-IF' T\Teoicast' e L-�_ t-Iie same pro po--z-,t io-11-11 that -1t!a:a=ttt=-zt C-) f bears to the total c- cost of�' providin ambulance Service® o ,T ,- T­TrP` ,IITNE5�3 the parties hereto have hereunto set their hand and seals. STS.7 AI,",,TD JTDE - PTI_,"!D, i2�1) ) ine Uorporation of' the Tow-;,i Of in the — U ,resence of _L : ) The Corporation of the Township -3- J The Corgi oratlo!:1 of the To'vznshlp � Ol C l ar lie Reeve Cle ^k j The Corporation of the VIllaae 1 o--E' '- et,vcastle Heeve C7 e r k V Schedule Bo-,.,Taanvil lie Area k-abulance - division of cost E Basis: -',--'qualized Assessment 0 equalized assessment for 1967 Counties purposes based on the 1965 ta-----able assessment as reported y the Counties "Lssess--,ient Office. 77 equalized --lunicipality ALssessment P--rcenta,-,-e Subsidy B o,,-(f a nv J- 1 1 e 8; 78)+.7 538, S9 4`1 38. 98 4)209 .84 `4 D a r 1 i n z - It o n 0 0 5 4, 0,L, 0 35.73 3;8z8.' ClarLie 4,331,479 L 19.22 2,075.7" e c a s t I e L368,398 6.OZ 655-56 --8,L6o i oo . oo� Total <,?22;,,-� i0, 800.00 The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients and persons usin- C;> the service and the said of tariff by shall be naid b the person -iqho so uses the service, saving only that the ro - ris reg-Lstered - - c i RU shall pai for perso. on riaun-L X" vTel-tare departTaent rolls, said latter accounts shall be paid at the end of each month. ',710.00 for a single patient carried, plus for each additional patient carried on the same trip �10. 00 LI - - - r4 L -L - -L " 'r .00 for adiii`niste nc, o—,r-en 8.00 for patients registered on the rolls of the 'Ifoim 'J'�elff are De-ar----ent (so- e charge) „"10.00 plus .50 per r.,iiie one -,,,iay for out of To-,,,�,--ri transfers to or 7 rorl, hospitals ,v or tion , 0.00 - -- I ' L esuscita