HomeMy WebLinkAbout67-22TH C"U"R-T'OP,..,-IiT-Lrol-l.,"T 01 711HE TOWIIT (,)F B0`,'VI,TIATN"IVT IMILZE A by-'aTrr to provide for ,o the BoT.-,TraanvJL]L_I e 14emo 1,11anagerrient., t-vio members ow B _L _� zmanv4 -T le ',,TO. 67-22 t" e ap,-,)oJntz_,,e-nt annuall-, y rial Arena Board of of the Kinsmen Club of vUEREAS the 'insmen Club of Bo-voi.-iianville in or about the year 1950 paid the cost of installing re-fricgeration equipfzient to C:> make artificial ice e in the MLemorial Arena; ANID cF S ir. 19167 the said Kinsr!,ien C-1-L).1b agreed to pay a> the cost of altering-, and addin,- to the refrigeration equi-p-7went to meet certain regulations made under the Operating Enc-ineers Act; C, <D AND 'AS t1l.e K�ins-men Club of Bo-wn_Ianvil "Le have requested re-resentation on the Arena Board o"' Manage-ment; X, -1 C> 11 3 0 HTLA Lb "I f the Corporation of -he To-vTn NUIT TH REFORE the Council o-, ­ - E� 4' - O-L Do-vgiiaz-iville hereby ET,TAC"CZ tC F0LL0'vT,3: I 1® That the Arena Board of 1,1-anagement shall be composed in part of at least t-,,;o active ,.embers of the Kins--inien Club of Bo-,A,7­ianville. 2® T.h.e appointments shall be -made annua-117", at- the I-lime various appoint.-raents to Boards and Committees of Council are made® 3® The appointees shall be those as recommended by the Kinsmen Club and approved by Council. this by -lazy- shall become effective on the -I'. T.I-Ie provisions oLL first day of January, !968. R rja a first and second time this day of i}(D'%® Mayor Clerk -1 Q�7 READ a third time and finall-Y passed this ?' day of LI�