HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-46THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE geing a By-law to authorize the sale of lands 1, the Canadian Christmas Decorations Limited establishment for the of s 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a conveyance of the said lands and impress the Corporate Seal thereto and to complete any other documents necessary to complete this transaction. Read a first and second time this day of December, 1968 Read a third time and finally passed this J day of December, 1968. k y y7 }i ! E E SCHEDULE S P yq 1 i I� i3 flALL AND SZNGUTAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying ;and being in the Town of Bgwmanville, County of Durham, Province of 4ntar.io,;and (being composed of part of Blocks Twelve (12), Seventeen (17)p Eighteen '(18) and Nineteen (19) as shown on Shortt's plan, originally being part of Lot Nine (9) in ;the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington, now within the limits x [ [of the said Town of Bowmanville, containing by admeasurement 2.885 acres, be the �zsame more or less, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly Idescribed as follows; i i OPiEYISING that all bearings mentioned herein are astronomic and are referred to the meridian through the intersection of the centre line of the divided land.€ *ing`'s Highway Number 401 and the line between the Townships of Whitby and East fhitby, at longitude 72 degrees 53 minutes 45 seconds West E . •, d CD n CD LS' CD FS W iZ v 6� m CC .. .. CD CD F-t CD .. .. ct- O E-, t .. .. w w :: .. ° z .. I-y Cl- Qa 0 se as t-S• O td .. p p .. t5 �5 ct C 4 ' c .. O, ca O B � td td W in •• ® °•z7 °• ct- �3' ::E� CD JC I-S w .. 1-3 .. cC P. FS H .. g -j .. c- 0 ct � � CD S1t O °• t:12 :: :> ct- .. t.-t FS ,. tpsj O 1" ch sue-] •• �5 CDD ® o � .. .. C :3' N ch .. .. '-j CD v .. p .. CD N. .o .. to m ci' Z)�.,+ 5 .. .. V O .. .p CD s• se d CD n CD LS' CD FS W iZ v 6� m CC