HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-407 TOTMT OF BOT/&WqVILLE By-Law No. 68-40 Being a by-law to declare certain tax registration lands to be required by the Town of BoT4manville for its own purposes. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville is the - owner of certain lands by reason of the Tax Arrears Registration procedure; , D T Z-TIERE2,i,S it is deemed desirable to declare these lands to be used for municipal.purposes; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands composed of part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession formerly in the Township of Darlington now in the Town of Bowman- ville and more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto, be and are hereby declared to be required for the purposes of the Corporation. RE-AD a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of October, 1968. EPI ........... J, C.L. . , F. J. DONEVAN. B.A.. B.Sc.. O.L.S. CIVIL ENGINEER Job 1873 DONEVAN & IFEEISC,11MAN11T LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 11 ONTARIO STREET OSHAWA - ONTARIO PHONE 725-5632 SCHEDULE Attached to and forming part of By-Law No. 68-40 August 31 1967 C. F. FLEISCHMANN O.L.S. ALL AilTD ST'NGTULAR that certain -cartel or tract of land _ant premises situ::-,te, lying and being in the Town of Bo- ,Tmanville, County of Durham, 'Province of Ontario, being composed of -cart of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession formerly Township of Darlington, now in the said To7,.-,n. of Boi,,­_nvi'Lle., the boundaries of said -,arcel are describe J. as follo,,,%Ts 0. PF_EHIS!YG that the bearing of 'North 16 degrees 00 minutes Test of Smart Avenue, as shown on the Smart Tian of 'Subdivision P . T . S made by L. H. Short, (aptecl- 4th day of 181�82 govern all bearings mentioned hereafter; - L' - C0jiT',,jFT11_CTT',7G at a point distant 157.16 feet measured - I - - South 73 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West -L7'rorn a point in the production Southerly of the West limit of Smart Avenue according to said Smart Plan of Subdivision distant 314.20 feet measured South 16 degrees 00 minutes East therein from the South East angle of Lot 1, Block D of sa-1,51 Smart -Plan; S THEE'NICE South 73 degrees 1:5,3� minutes 40 secon(5 es u • distance of 41.00 feet to a point; T=-,)TCE South 16 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds *East • distance of 65,00 feet to a point; THENCE IN-lorth 73 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds Fast • distance of 41.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 16 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds West a. distance of 65.00 feet to the -point of commencement. TOGETTE2177 A 'RIGHT OF' "AY over and upon a. stri-o of land 33 feet in -perpendicular width the South li-mit of said Right of Way is described as follows: COMT'1F'_7C!',TG at a -ooint in the production Southerly of sai(9 'jest _17'7mit of Smart Avenue distant 314.20 feet measured South 16 degrees 00 minutes East therein from the Soutn Fast Block D of said Smart- Plane angle of Lot 12 .1 TEF-TTCE South 73 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 198.16 feet to a -ooint, said Right of V!ay is bounded on the -,,-Test by a line 6TaT/m North 16 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds Tj e t and on the East by the said -ro duction Southerly of the West limit of said Smart Avenue. C. F. 5`L_7ISCE T'T'_'\T O.L. S.