HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-47 M THE CCUCRATICY OF THE TC7717 CF BY-LIZ VC. 63-47 A by-law to amend 77-law ro. 1784, a by-18W fox the 'RA latian of tralfic. �,Z the �Ounzjj of the Corporation of the Team 0' 7owmannjile passne By-Law ra. 1734 on the 8th &Y Of December, 1960 for re7ulating traffic on ohs reef ane hilhways, in the Town of Bowmanville: ,`1:7:', '37-Law Yo. 1784 has been arene& by By-Laws N `. 1353 passed an the 3fie"" 07 of july, 196z; 7o. 1803 pasW on the 4th of Yovenber, 1363 and ampninj by By-Law No. 1898 pasW an the 20th eal-Y of jannary, 1964; No. 1935 passed on the 3rd MY Of EM 1365; =6 To. 1992 passe6 on tae 3rd day of Cctober, 1966; ro. 67-32 pas Zed On tKe GQ' Qg of November, 1067; all 05 Ihich have been luly aPP""d by the ontaxio Topaxtment of Transport: 2&D IM7REAS t S jesirable to faythpr anznd the said Traffic Yo. 1784-, YC7 THERE7CRE the Council of tye Corporation W the Town CE MACTS AS MUM '?VWMyT 1. Tlat Schedule oy-Law Yo, IM be anandee by &MY Street 7. TV0 DR Chuxall Division SCUgq"- c0taxic Prince La== 5 Lane� Temperance Albert Libert7 at Dell Mr ,<. Y C I Son Lanbert Fouxt'l-I 15 feet South South Both yort!-_'� Both 1�00 Ty, Schceuls "G" cf 7y-Law Yo. 1734 be amended by deleting lines 4 and 5 anj reference to Concession Street as amended by By-La,'W Yo. 1350, which raads as "110" - 2 - 151treet _FKSP Liberty yorth We of in libelty yorth she of Concession Concessioll East side of Elgin To South side of Concession Fortherly town limits Town Limits and by adding to the said Scbedule "G" the followIng: Libert:,T Ncrtb We of Mg rcrtherly tour Units 0 once MOM- last siee of Liberty masterly town INKS Concossion ziep of Liberty z1gin Qxret 3. That Schedule 1771 be by repealinS the provisions for parkin','; for fifteen rinutes 007 on Temperance and Chtxch Streets. 4. This by-law shall not beccun effective until Wroved by the Departrunt of TyanspoTt, nor shall any particular PrOviSiOn hereof become effective urtil a si7n or signs applicalln to such particular provisions has or have been exanted and is or are on jisplay. ArD MOU THIS KAMM DAY OF B"T-LAW NO. 68-47 b v-law to amend By-IaTq �`,o® 1784, a by-laT-7 =or the regulation of traffic. " E-­' n 1'd? :�Z IS tt -- Council of the COrr.-OratiOl Of t e ToTm of :BOT,mnanville passed 7v-.-L,aG7 yo. 1784 on the 8tT-1 day Of December, lch for re3lulating tra-Ffi-c on the streets and highways it the Town of BOTIMIanville: EREiIS By-Law No. 1784 has been an'ded bY 1y-LaT,,7s _10. Passed On the 3rc-1, day of July, 19,62; 1,To. 1833 Passed, 0-1 the 4th day 7 01, he Of Y'OveMber, 1963 an e ax:,en&-e� b 1898 Passed the Ott 1 E 0 uarvl, Jan 1364: No. 1035 Passed On the 3rd day 0 �''at, 0,6 190,21 passed on the 3rd da7 Of October, 1966, �TO. 57-32 rassee, on t,le 6tj� L (-,,ay of roverjq,�Ter, 196'; all of T-T ich have been cult' aPPrO',Ted by the Ontario Department of Transport: it is desirable to firt,a e r ame ne- t, e sa, Traffic -2,77-Law Yo. 1784: NOU THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tiae T, Boimanville hereby ENZiCTS �'IS FOLLOWS: .L That ScIhlecUle Of By-LaTv 17o. 1784 be amendled lb-'�7 ad&i=� Street -rom To Side hurch D-7 si on- South Ontario 211 b e rt "!e1 son Both Prince Libertv 11 am,be r t 1,7orti-I Lands Lanr, C?Dell Fourth B 0 tl I Teraperance -Horse-v 25 feet South West 2. That Schedule TIC-;' of By-Law 11,1o. 1784 be anended by deleting- lines 4 and 5 and reference to Concession Street as wrinended by By-Taw, 1850, whic'h reads as follows: - I 4 .Street 7 rcia 7 bertv lorth siee of Kiltlq, :1 Liberty Forth side of concessiol, COncession East side of Elqir, TO South si(�e of Concession F TOT,nn Linrits and by addin¢ to tne said Scl-ledule --oljOTTin vigr -1 1"I Or t 1 si-de of Northerly toT,7n l iii ts Conce ssi-on East side of Lil:)ert-,7 7-aste'riv town limits Concession —St side of Liberty El-in Street 36 That SclieGule 77K' be &mend e6 b"7 repeal nc- t1fle PrO-'7isiO7',s for parkinl-_ -D fOr fifteen minutes only on Tsmiperance and Church Streets® 4® This by-law small not become effecti-,Ie until approved by t-re Department of Transport, nor Shall any Particular provis-iOn ilereof become ef"cect IL I ive ulltil a sic—Li or sigr s a7*!Dlicable to Such ;particular provisions has or have been erected and is or are on display. r'-SSED THIS Dix ' C g A, A& , 1968. "PPI'Oved this "' A�' day Pu,'S�'Ia7-tr to — '0 E.� � The , , s�cn's of 9 ?7, _r ffiC "tle Pr v per 6- V.ayOr ll A V C I e "PPI'Oved this "' A�' day Pu,'S�'Ia7-tr to — '0 E.� � The , , s�cn's of 9 ?7, _r ffiC "tle Pr v per 6-