HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-23THE MUNICIPAL WORLD LIMITED, ST. THOMAS, ONT. Corporation of the Town of Bo-vmanville --------------------- (insert name of municipality or board) ® No. 68-23 ---------------------------------- of the-----TjxvTn -------------------------- (insert Council or Board of Trustees) (insert name of Municipality or Board) enacts that— The land hereinafter particularly described, namely -------- Part --- of --Lot-3--2-26-, --------- ------ 227 and 228 in Block "En-, ToTim of._Bow-manvi-ll-e--a-s--deser-ibed --- in --- in-strument --- ---- -- -- -- ------------ --------- ---- ---- - No 11654 registered the 20th day of Ifflay 1960. --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIL-HEU,1INA TIESIMIKANS be sold to----- -------------------- for the sum of___�eyeR'teen thousand., ... 2ag�__jjqndred and seventy-five ----- -------------------------------------- - -------------------- andthat the -------------------------------------------------- Ray-pr ----------------------------------------------------------------------- and----- (insert Mayor, Reeve or Chairman) -------------------------- Clerk _ -__are hereby authorized to (insert Clerk or Secretary) execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. (Seal) Approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - ----- — — ------ — ---- -------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ............ .. Read and Passed in open meeting this -------- - - - - -- 2nd.--- - - - - -- - - -- -day of___jjqj ..... 19_68 (Mayor, Reeve, or Chairman) Y ----- ---- - --------------------------------------- (Clerk or Secretary) FORM TR17