HomeMy WebLinkAbout69-6The Corporation Of The Town Of Bowmanville By-Law No. 69-6 Being a by-law to authorize the construction of a water filtration plant. wHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bo-mmanville deems it desirable to construct a water filtration plant to serve the Town; AND WEREAS the work includes modifications to existing pumping station, a filter plant with a capacity of 2.0 million gallons per day, 800,000 gallon reservoir and a new high lift pumping station; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town. of 13owmanville, pursuant to the provisions of Section 379, subsection 1, paragraph 52 of The Municipal Act R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 249, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a water filtration plant be constructed on Smart Avenue at a total estimated cost of $450,000. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to do all acts and sign all documents and affix the corporate seal of the Town hereto as may be necessary in connection with making cop-tracts and other matters for the completion of the said undertaking. 3. This by-law shall not take effect until it receives the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to sections 63 and 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 274 and mr-endments thereto. READ a first and second time this day of April, 1969. .d finally passed this 7 day of 1969. READ a third time an 99J 1 f g rtm r,„.cett Form 38 -B Please Quote File Number Telephone Number G 8087 -69 365 -1912 �° • L,> k 0NTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street Widest September 29, 1969 Toronto 1, Ontario Mr. Robert L. Byron, A•K.C.T- Town Clerk - Controller 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: TKater filtration plant on Smart Avenue ,u —r • a• a— — a • • — • a. order.purauant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Bard Act, together with invoice- covering the Board's fee therefor. : ?il.S Encls. 2 Yours truly R. S 4f� � SECRETARY ECEIVED TOW" OF d r G 8087-69 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD I' THL 1f TTLR OF Section 64 of The Ontario IMun icy pal Board It'let, 17R.-S tip . 19; C ; c. 274) Section 379(1)'52 of The Miunicipal Acts (R.S.O. 1960, c_.2_k9_ J. A. KENNSDYs Chairman Fridays the 26th day of - and September, 1969 A. VAN ZVLIRYt .G. iVlember UPON THE APPLIC:'%TION of The Corporation of the Town TFL 30ARD Lax DIE under and in pursuance of the by-laws, including by-laws providing for the issue of debentures in a principal amount not exceeding $450;000.00 repayable over a t�Drm of not more than Voienty years, and may borrow money to the extent sufficient to provide an amount not exceeding $450,000-00 therefor, provided: that any by-law authorizing the said undertakin g is Z::� passed by a three-i"ourths vote of all members of the Council of the said, corporation, and that the said Corporation may borrow the Tahole or any part of the said sum of $450tOOO-00 as required pending receipt of subsidies and the sale of de- bentures, or tfte receipt- of moneys from any other source, and that the Corporatioln in exercising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. ENTE, Foiia N J OM'rio A4",ic'i�j Board SCHEDUL,W, "A" to the order of the Ontario TvIunicipal Board made o the 26th day of S,epte-mber. 1969 Cons-1-ruc,411-ion. of a -,,-�'A17,L�R FT -'1T- J. .4.4 RA'-IOIN PLC I�,.'T on Smart �Ivenue consis—L,-ing of: Plodifications to existing pumping station 2® Filter plant with a capacity of 2 miliion gallons per day 3. 800,000 gallon reservoir 4. New high lift pumping station Total Lstimated 'Cost ................. . c,4502000.00