HomeMy WebLinkAbout69-15THE CORPORATTON OF THE TOWN OF BOWNANVTLLE BY-LAW NO. 69-15 A by-law to amend By-Law No. 69n8j being a by-law to adopt the 1969 estimates and to striRe the rates of taxatior- WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed on the 21st day of April, 19691 a by-law to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1969; AND WHEREAS the Northumberland & Durham Count j, Board of Education announced on April !To 19693 the requisi- tion for funds for elementary and secondary education purposes; AND the Minister of the Department of Education announced on April 24, !969 that the Province world assist those municipalities adversley affected by the_? rew distribution of the education levy; AND WEERFAS the County Board of Educatior in accordance with the Minister's proposal for increased sub- sidies has revised their requisition for elementary purposes7 AND WHEREAS the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Durham County Separate School Board of Education have indicated they wish the separate school rate to be the same as that set for public school; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to use the excess Teny originally required for education purposes for genera! purposes; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Eowmanville HEREBY ENACTS that By-Law No, 69-8 be amended as follows: 1.m in the first paragraph of the preamble - (a) Opposite the words Public Schoolsi delete the figures S325,786 and substitute there- forn 9242,977. Opposite the words Separate School delete the figures $10505 and substitute therefore $7,835 x" 2. Tn paragraph 1 of the enactmert part of the by-law (n) Delete tie figures 93251786 oqposite Public Sclocl and substitute therefore "A242,977p" (b) Delete the figures $10,505 opposite Separate School and substitute therefore "7,835" (c) Delete the figures QK,600 opposite General Purposes and subFtit7te therefore- "Q537,09wit 3� To paragr,pl 2 - (a) Delete the figures for residential and commercial assessme7ts, the public school ratio 32.35 and 35-95 respectively and svIstitute therefore the figures "2413" and "26.81.'' - 2 - (b) DeTete t'he figures 32-35 a--n-d 35 .0-7 bei-mg se-oarate school rates for resieemt:ial ---.P-d orimercial ass�essmertF, -=d substitute the2:-efore the fi e s c Delet-e ti-�s fi-g-a-res 42 82 and 491m62, the 'Gerleral Rate bppearing 2-M and formin- parts of t'hs Total Pulblic C, School Rate and To-'7a! Senarate School Rate an-i substit-�7,te therefore tl- ,e -; -a I -- 1 -1 �, I r e S �7 T- . 0 4 -� - d 5 B 7 6 re s P- e c t i -7,,- e READ a f4rst, secord -,n�d third time, and fi-nall- v- passed thi s 010"4 dav of io6g,, Cep '\U Q` -� �� DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT HONOURABLE STANLEY J. RANDALL 950 YONGE STREET MINISTER TORONTO 5 May 20, 1969 Mr. R. L. Byron, Clerk - Treasurer, Town Hall, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: BOWMANVILLE OH -1 14 Senior Citizen Units Approval Under Sections 16(1)(a), 16 (1) (c) and 17 (1) (a) The Housing Development Act I am pleased to advise that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 16 (1) (a) , 16 (1) (c) and 17 (1) (a) of the Housing Development Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 182, as amended, approval is hereby granted for the Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville, (a) to enter into an agreement for the acquisition and subsequent sale to Ontario Housing Corporation certain lands within the Municipality; and (b) to enter into an agreement with Ontario Housing Corporation whereby the Municipality agrees to contribute to the maintenance cost of a 14 unit Senior Citizen Project in accordance with the terms and conditions therein set out. It is to be understood that my approval relates only to the matters within my purview under the said Sections 16 (1) (a) , 16 (1) (c) and 17 (1) (a) and that such approval can in no way operate to relieve your Municipal Corporation from compliance with such other requirements as may in law exist. Yours very Stanly J. Randall. Project No. BOW MANVILLE OH -1 This Agreement made in duplicate this AA day of A. D. 19 . B E T tied E E N ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION (hereinafter called "the Corporation ") OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOW MANVILLE ' iNVILLE (hereinafter called "the Municipality ") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS by virtue of the provisions of The Ontario Housing Corporation Act, Statutes of Ontario, 1964, Chapter 76, and The Housing Development Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, Chapter 182, as amended, the Corporation may enter into agreements respecting the acquisition and development of land for housing purposes and for the acquisition and /or construction of housing accommodation for sale or for rent; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has requested, and the Corporation has agreed to provide, operate and manage housing accommodation of approximately 14 y /senior citizen housing units on lands situate within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has on the day of A.D. 19 , passed By -law No. - authorizing the - Page 2 - entering into of this Agreement AND 1^7HEREAS to assist in the provision, operation and mainten- ance of the said housing accommodation, the Corporation has entered into negotiations with Central 1.1ortgage and Housing Corporation for the purpose of obtaining a loan and annual contributions under the provisions of Part VI of The National Housing Act, 1954, as amended; AND Tr7HEREAS to further assist in the maintenance and operation of the said housing accommodation, the 11-anicipality has agreed to contribute toward the operating costs thereof; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE?,IENT WITNESSETH THAT each of the parties hereto on behalf of themselves and their respective successors and assigns, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows: 1. For the purposes of this Agreement: (a) "Gross Revenue" means the rental revenue earned by the Corporation in the operation of the housing accommodation project in each calendar year. (b) "Operating Expenses" means the total of: (i) Amounts paid by the Corporation to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for principal and interest in repayment of monies loaned to the Corporation for the provision of the above recited housing accommodation. (ii) Amounts paid by the Corporation to the Treasurer of Ontario in repayment of monies advanced for the provision of the said housing accommodation, including interest on such advances at the rate of 7-1/8 o per annum. - Page 3 - (iii) Amounts paid in any calendar year by the Corporatior to the I,1unicipality as grants in lieu of taxes in connection with the housing accommodation, pursuant to the provisions of clause 3 following. (iv) Fire insurance premiums, if any, or the annual provision for a reserve fund set up in place thereof. (v) Liability insurance premiums. (vi) Amounts paid for labour and services including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, wages, salaries, workmen's compensation and other fringe benefits. (vii) Amounts paid for equipment, supplies and materials used in repairing, maintaining, managing and administrating the housing accommodation. (viii) Amounts paid by the Corporation, without reimburse- ment by tenants, for light, fuel, power and water. (ix) Such other items as may be agreed to in writing from time to time between the Corporation and the Municipality. (c) "Operating Loss" means the amount by which the operatin, expenses exceed the gross revenue for the project in a calendar year. (d) "Operating Profit" means the amount by which the gross revenue exceeds the operating expenses for the project in a calendar year. 2. The Corporation agrees to provide, operate and maintain :fzzt /senior citizen housing accommodation on lands in the Iunicipality described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, which, when completed, will comprise approximately 14 housing units. The Municipality will be under no obligation or liability to contribute to the capital cost of the said housing accommodation, - Page 4 - nor, save as hereinafter provided, to the cost of operating and maintaining same. The parties hereto further agree that the Municipality shall not be entitled to receive or share in any profits or other increments from the project. Operating profits shall however be dealt with in the manner set forth in clause 4. 3. (a) The Corporation shall make to the Municipality an annual payment in lieu of taxes on the project of an amount equivalent to full normal taxes for any year during the currency of this agreement. Payment shall be made at the same time or times as full normal taxes would be paid, provided that no payment in lieu of taxes will be made in respect of the period prior to the completion and initial occupancy of each building. Any refund arising therefrom shall be in the form of a reduction of payment in lieu of taxes in the year subsequent to the calendar year in w7lich the over - payment was made. (I) Subject to the provisions of "the Local Improvement Act as to the replacement of services, the Municipality agrees that no municipal taxes, rates or charges shall be levied or charged against the lands of the Corporation in respect of the housing accommodation project so long as it is owr_ed by theCbrporation, and no payment in lieu thereof shall be made in respect of the period prior to the occupancy of each building or group of buildings as aforementioned. (c) The municipality agrees that no municipal taxes, rates or charges (but not including business taxes, poll taxes, dog taxes, water rates or hydro rates) shall be levied or charged to the tenants or occupants of the housing accommodation units within the project, so long as such units are owned by the Corporation. - Page 5 - (d) The Municipality further agrees to provide or cause to be provided to such tenants or occupants all facilities and services that are provided to other property owners or tenants in the Municipality including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, garbage collection, fire and police protection, and educational facilities. 4. The Municipality shall pay to the Corporation on or before the 30th day of June in each year a sum equal to seven and one -- half percent (72%) of the operating loss, if any, of the said housing accommodation project for the preceding calendar year, to the extent of such loss not being fully provided for by any previous profits reserved as set out below. The Corporation shall calculate the amount of the operating loss, if any, and notify the Municipality in writing of the amount thereof by the 30th day of April in the year in which such payment shall be made. Should the Corporation accumulate an operating profit on the project in any calendar year, it shall be retained in a reserve account to be applied against future operating losses. 5. The Municipality shall have the right, through its servants, agents or auditors, at any time, upon reasonable notice to the Corporation, to examine the books and records of the Corporation and, in the event that at any time the Municipality disputes the amount claimed by the Corporation under paragraph 4 hereof, and the parties hereto cannot resolve such dispute, the Municipality and the Corporation shall refer such dispute to a third party acceptable to each of them, and the decision of such third party shall be final and binding on both parties hereto. 6. This Agreement shall remain in force for as long as the Corporation shall continue to operate the housing accommodation as a public housing project as defined in Part VI of the National - Page 6 - Housing Act, 1954, and subject thereto, shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. Provided however that neither party to the Agreement shall assign the Agreement without the written consent of the other party first had and obtained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder affixed their corporate seals under the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. Per ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION .. ...........: 7i ce -Chai Per ........................... (Secretary) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EO NVILLE Per . .... ....::. ..... r: .. ... . Per ... . • .......... SCHEDULE "A" TO AGREEMENT dated day of , A.D. 19 kx, �. B E T W E E N ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EOLI,,TVILILE LAND DESCRIPTION