HomeMy WebLinkAbout69-17THE C=07ATION OF THE =7-1= =� J?-17 A by-law to avthcrizo the construction of certain works as Local improvements under The Local improvement Act� 7=-REZ��S Council has declared it desirable to construct certain works as set forth in Schedule "A" and "3" attached here- to, as Local AND WHEREAS it is the intention of Council to wroceec! with the work pursuant to Section 8 of The Local Tmprove;ent Act R.S.C. 1960 ChaPtcr 223: A,TD Council has obtained a Report in regard tc, the works as required by Section Q of The Local improvement Act; NOW THEREFORE the Council ofthe Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville hars�7-cy 71-A 1. That the Reports obtained by Council in connection with the works set forth in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" attacheff-I hereto, he and the same are hereby approved and adopted� 2. That the worls set forth in Schedule "A" ard attached hereto shall be constructed an the streets between the points as thereir mentioned as Local im2ro�ements under the pro- -isions of The Local improvement Act. That the consulting enginee7s for the To"r of Eowmanville do forthwith prepare plans, profiles and sPCci _ii QiCns and furnish such information as may be necessary for the naVinZ of a contract for the execution of the wcrI�. That the work shall he carried on and executsi 77der the S�7ervisicn ane according to the direction an? order of such ccnsultinz engineers, That tie Mayor and ClerV he anthorlyef to cause F contract for $he construction of the work to he made anf entered into with some pgrsor or persons] firm, or corporation, subject to the approval of this Council to be declared by resolution, That the special assessment for each of the said works shall he paid in twenty irstRiments, 7. That any person whose lot is s7ec±ally assessee may comm7to -7 ,_r a payment in Cast, the Special rates iMnoSaj thereon b� paying the portion of the cost of corstruction asFessee 7par such lot, "it4out the interest, forth�ith Ffter the specinl Fssessnert roll irs hann certifycl by the Clsr�'' READ 7 first ano secorl time this 11 AFY of 5 109, -1 Lw t L c-) A7 tj 1-t IT It C7, 1 71 I t 4 t�ercoi' IT To ,-,—,-4 �7,cl -rlr)l-t4 I j 4- 4 in -4- 4 7 71 Street George St. Albert St. TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAINS 8 APPURTENANCES AND HOUSE SERVICE CONNECTIONS From King St. Duke St. SCHEDULE A To Centre St. Brown St. Total Estimated Cost Size Estimated Inches Cost 6" $14,100.00 6" 9,900.00 $24,000.00 June 1969 Proctor & Redfern Limited Project EO 69130 Consulting Engineers TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO ENGINEER'S REPORT RE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NATURE OF WORK Construction of Watermains, Appurtenances and House Service Connections as Described on Schedule A Lifetime of the improvement. Estimated lifetime 25 years Reductions Feet Reductions, if any, which ought to be made uncier the lot George St. provisions of Section 28 in respect of any and the aggregate amount of such reductions. Lot NE Corner Intersection with King St. 1580 ' at Lot at SW Church St. 110' Lot at SE 90' Lot at NW 12 Of Lot at NE 120' Lot at SW Wellington St. 100' Lot at SE 100' Lot at NW 70' Lot at NE " 140' Albert St. Lot at N Duke St. 90' Lot at E 11 It It 90' Lot at W Ontario St. 110' Lot at S 110' Lot at N 110' Lot at E 110' Lot at W Brown. St. 110' Lot at S " " It 110' Total Reductions 1920' timate of the cost of the improvement. Estimated cost $24,000.00 Proportion of the cost which should be borne by the Owner's portion $10,280.00 land abutting directly on the work and by the Corpor- ation respectively. Corporation's Portion $13,720.00 Special rate per foot frontage. Special rate per foot frontage $6.00 Special annual rate per foot frontage. 6 20 year debentures at .0% int. Special annual rate per foot frontage 61.11 Number of instalments by which special assessment Twenty equal annual installments should be made payable. Whether it would be equitable or inequitable to charge It would be equitable -to charge the whole of the owner's the whole of the owner's portion of the cost on the portion Of the COSt On the land abutting directly on land abutting directly on the work. the work. If inequitable to do so, what portion of the cost sho Note be borne by the Corporation ; what porti ereof should be specially assessed upon t and abutting The cost of house service connections has been directly on the work, and land not abutting actly on the work wi immediately benefited and included in the total estimated cost and the owner's should be speci assessed for any part of the cost portion. The cost of these is not included in the and the ton of the cost which should be specially rate per foot frontage which is for the main alone. a ed upon it. PROCTOR & REDFERN LIMITED CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 69 ,s � �°� '�`` TORONTO, June 4 �f "A __. Engineer 3 -58 TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS, APPURTENANCES AND HOUSE SERVICE CONNECTIONS SCHEDULE B June 1969 Project E .O. 69130 Proctor & Redfern Limited Consulting Engineers Size Estimated Street From To Inches Cost Temperance St. Wellington St. 240' N of Wellington 8" $ 4,100.00 George St. 300' S of Church Church St. 8" 4,200.00 Church St. 250' N of Church 8" 3,500.00 Albert St. Duke St. 260' NE of Duke 8" 3, 650.00 Ontario St. 250' NE of Ontario 8" 3,500.00 Victoria St. Ontario St. 330' NE of Ontario 8" 5, 600.00 Nelson St. Hunt St. 620'NE of Hunt 8" 10, 580.00 Ontario St. 260' NE of Ontario 8" 4,420.00 Total Estimated Cost $39,550.00 June 1969 Project E .O. 69130 Proctor & Redfern Limited Consulting Engineers TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE , ONTARIO ENGINEER'S REPORT RE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NATURE OF WORK Construction of Sanitary Sewers, Appurtenances and House Service Connections as Described on Schedule "B" —T ifetime of the improvement. Estimated lifetime 25 years Reductions Reductions, if any, which ought to be made under the George St. provisions of Section 28 in respect of any lot and the aggregate amount of such reductions. Lot at SW Corner Intersection with Church St. 1 lu Lot at SE If It 90' Lot at NW it 12 Of Lot at NE 11 it 12 Of Albert St. Lot at N Duke St. 90' Lot at E 11 90, Lot at N Ontario St. 110' Lot at E if 110' Victoria St. Lot atatt N " 100' Lot at E 100' Nelson St. Lot at E Hunt St. 100' Lot at W Duke St. 110, Lot at S 80' Lot at N " " " 90, Lot at E `" Lot at N Ontario St. 01 120' Lot at E " " It 110' 1 _ 'timate of the cost of the improvement. Estimated cost $39,550.00 Proportion of the cost which should be borne by the Owner' s portion $25,890.00 land abutting directly on the work and by the Corpor- ation respectively. Corporation's portion $13,660.00 Special rate per foot frontage. Special rate per foot frontage $6.50 Special annual rate per foot frontage. Z0 year debentures at 8.0% int. Special annual rate per foot frontage 66.20 Number of instalments by which special assessment should be made payable. Twenty equal annual installments Whether it would be equitable or inequitable to charge It would be equitable to charge the whole of the owner's the whole of the owner's portion of the cost on the portion of the cost on the land abutting directly on land abutting directly on the work. the work. If inequitable to do so, what portion of the cost sho Note be borne by the Corporation; what porti ereof should be specially assessed upon t and abutting 'ectly on the work, and land not abutting The cost of house service connections has been .rectly on the work w' IS immediately benefited and included in the total estimated cost and the owner's sh�upon ld b ' assessed for any part of the cost portion. The cost of these is not included in the anf the cost which should be specially rate per foot frontag e which is for the main alone. PROCTOR & REDFERN LIMITED _(p1 CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS ToRONro. June 4 6 9 9 s -ss Engineer 1 7-. T. Vasi . itigero King suet" As t, Bowmanvilln, Ontario. Dear 12. Van BriGger: KiDdly adviae the Commission that Q-Law No. 69-17t which refers to Sanitary Sewers appurtenances and Rouse Service Connections was approved by zhe C,'-ntari�� 'Municipal Board an Decanter 20, 1969. Lowever, A= the By-WaUr was presenW Co-ancil c,,P. Januari 50, 1970, for the third and final rear,,,A�ng " ,, ttie motion waa defeated. Yours very t:Ay, Form 38-B TelephoneNumber 365-1912 PLEASE QUOTE FILE NUMBER iIM-, ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 123 Edward Street Toronto 101, Ontario lvz,. A.A.h. strike Aessrs. -'-trike - � -,trike i-,arristars &c. .6cwmanviile, Untario -1 Jew Sir: G 8835-65 (item 1) January 16, 1970 .i:e: Town of Bowmanville sanitary sewer including house service connections on Te perance Street I am enclosing herewith duplicate original order pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. Yours truly R. SCOTT Encls.-2 SECRETARY c.c. Lr. iinthcny Geboars Acting Town Clerk 4j Temperance street Bowmanville, Untario (with copy of order) :jc C 11 -: -t- I V F 1. 61ua, .. Vice—chairman the 14th day a aad jAdUANY, 1970 0. this day3 ONTARIO item ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD TH4K" ,. under &nd iz pursuance of the lezislatioL herainsafare referred Log aad of any and all other powere vested iz the Loard, that thiz applicatian- be ano the &&We J-E -11,31rebY graatadv aLn Wt the Corporation W now Proceea with Ile eall undertaking &t a total cost nOt t- exceed 149100-00 and for such purpoee may pass all requilite 1s e, iacludia6 iyl awz providing for thS issue of debentures Q a principal amnuat not ex- ceeding $4,100-00, repayable over a term of aol more than twenty yQars, and way borrow Qney to e it « ufrj- "" " Provide an aauunt Oct elveedin; 04AI00.00 therefor, ;rrovided: 1- that tie Gornrztioz zzy borrow the whole or any part Of WO said suz A 4,10005 as required jeadjL,6 reveipt. of Weldies JQQ the ale Of deoeatureEj or We receipt of auxieys froo aay otLer source, aad 2. taat the Cor;Qration in lsing aay of its powerz upprov,ed by thin oruer shan conly with al! statutory and ut legal requirements related thereto. R. SCOTT E N T'-L ,' GEO. T. VAN BRIOGER MANAGER OFFICE PUBLIC UTILITIES BUILDING 19 KING ST. W. paftimanvilte jjuhfir P"fifi res (f jaramissilaU OPERATING HYDRO-ELECTRIC, WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEMS PHONE 623-5471 January 21, 19700 Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, Mr. Joseph M. MIcIlroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk-Administrator, 40 Temperence Street, Bo-v,manville, Ontario. Dear Sir: P'afV=nbi11P' (ord- Re: By-Law # 69-17 Sanitary Sewer ,later Extensions House Service Connections and Appurtenances At a meeting of the Commission held on the evening of =1 January 13, 1970 1 was instructed to write you requesting that the Council reconsider the extensions as covered under By-Law h,4 69-17. Yours truly, BC1',,TIANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COK1,11ISSION GTVanB:mw MANAGER. CEIVE OEM n� Ar)WMANVILLE CERTIFICATE I, joseph M- -McIlroy, Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, do hereby certify that attached hereto are two Q) certified true copies of Resolution #C-705, passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville on December 15th, 2969® WITNESS my hand and eeal of the said Corporation this day of 1969. Clerk December 18th, 1969. Mr. A. Alan H. Strike, B. A., Strike & Strike, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 7, King Street Wbst, Bawmanville, Ontezio. Dear M±. Strike: Re: O.M.B. Hearing - Local Improvements Act And Temperance Street Sanitary Sewer Thank you Or your letter dated December 8th, 1969, and I enclose herewith two certified copies of Resolution Q-705 which was passed by Council on December 15th, 1969. Ours very truly, M. Mcilroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk-Administrator. 020 &MV17 Enclosures (2) STRIKE & STRIKE BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.C. A. ALAN H. STRIKE, S.A. MERVYN B.KELLY, B.COMM.,LL.B. Joseph McIlroy,Cleik-Administrator, Town • Bowmanville, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE,Ontario. TELEPHONE 623-5791 BOX 7 BowMANVILLE ONTARIO December 8th, 1969. We would suggest that you pass the follow- ing r7polution at Council;- the Town is seeking the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board, and any charges which would have been made other- wise • included in the Corporation's share of the said work". If you will let us have a certified copy of this Resolution we will forward it on to the Board, so that the Board Order can issue at its earliest convenience. TOWN 01- OM-68-206 THIS IS A COPY OF A LETTER FROM TELEPHONE 355-1912 ONTAP10 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST Mr. A.A.H. Strike Messrs. Strike & Strike Barristers &a. Bowmanville, Ontario W40121032 G.8835-69 (Item 1) ECEIVE Upon receipt of the foregoing material, the application will go forward to the Board for its further consideration. Yours truly a. SCOTT NF.,ns SEC RZTARY c.a.-Mr. Anthony P. Geboers Acting Clerk 4 Temperance Street Bowmanville . Ontario Form 1-C PJ2.45E. -QUM_F1IZ_N.UMM Telephone Numb-er _ G 8835-69 365-1912 ONTARIO (Items 2 to 10 inclusive) THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street West Toronto 1, Ontario Ar. A.A.H. Strike Messrs. Strike & 6trike Barristers &c. Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Sir: 7 .. --'LECEIVED rowt4 OF DOWMAf"."VILLF Re: Proposed capital expenditure - final approval Municipality - Town of Bowmanville Amount - �592450.00 Term - 20 years Purpose - anitary sewers including house ;service con- nections on Teperance '-treet, etc. I am directed to inform you that on the 2nd day of becembers 1969 this Board granted approval of the undertaking, expenditure and borrowing proposed on this application. Formal order accordingly will be issued in due course. Invoice for the Board?s fee will accompany the formal order. This approval should not be taken to include approval of the form of any proposed debenture by-law you may have filed. It must be noted that in every case where certification of debentures by this Board is requested, the debenture by-law must first be approved by this Board under the provisions of Section 58 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act. Where such an approval is to be sought, the debenture by-law should not be finally passed until the form of the same has been considered and approved by this Board. c. c. fir. - 4�nthony P. Geboe. .acting Town Clerk 40 Temperance uStreet, -je Bowmanville, Ontario rsZours truly n R. SedTT SECRETARY N.B. — It must be noted that this approval is subject to compliance by you with all statutory and other legal reQuirements related thereto. Every other approval required by law and not yet received must be obtained before the pro ject__is_undertaken. Form 1 -C PLEASE QUOTE FILE NUMBER Telephone Number 0 6835 -69 395 -1912 X, (item ONTARIO � rt�ii� THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 123 Ed'iva-rd Street Toronto 101, Ontario January 15, 1970 Mr. A.A.R. Strike Messrs. Strike & b-trike Barristers . Bo Danville, Ontario Near Sirs Re: Proposed C a-oi Municipality: Town of Bowmanville l I 07 BOA ILLS I am directed to inform you that on the 14t!l day of January, 1970 this Board granted approval of the undertaking, expenditure and borrowing proposed on this application Formal order according- ly will be issued in due course, Invoice for the Board's fee will accompany the forma? order. This approval should not be taken to include approval of the form of any proposed debenture by -law you may have filed. It must be noted that in every case where certification of deb- entures by this Board is requested, the debenture by -law must first be approved by this Board under the provisions of Section 58 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act. Where such an approval is to be sought, the debenture by -law should not be finally passed until the form of the same has been considered and approved by this Board. '1­1 T h a ? n t a r A o M u n i c �e'L I ; �;O; 7�MF 123 Edward St., TORMTO 101s Ontario. Attention; R. 112114-seermter Dear Sirs: Re:sanitary Sawa= -George Street Bowmanville, Your File #G S335-69 _10-Live -2,11EE _122- It _2rL We acknowiedSe receipt your letter of the 3th inVant an? enolosinS duplicate orginAl crder ant invoice. The invoice will be paid directly ly to Town, if it has not already been remittet. Li Te enclose herewith certified sapy z,�, Resolution exempting Me Stogy and Baker properties as required by your letter of Decenter 4th, re Item 1 in connection with the same file. 077 Yours very tPU17, STRIKE & 6TRZILK: mts AAHS: lem Per: Encl. 0.0. Joseph V M011roy,A.M.C.T., Clerk-Administrator, Town of Bowmanville, 40 Hyperance Bowmanviile,Ontario. Form 38-B Please Quote File Number Telephone Number G 8635-69 365-1912 X (Items 2 to 10 inclusive) ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 'R D' ST:..` 'T-6-R orrTo t I ceser 9.1 10 9"9 '' Z. V--t ri ke Messrs . --trike & :)trike .barristers 6-c. Bowra;nville, Ontario Dear 6ir: He: sanitary sewers including house service connections on George Ltreet, etc. • .IV&7W* M'T- order -pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the Boards fee therefor. Yours truly 1 01 R. SCOTT Encls. 2 SECRETARY c.c. Vir. -nLhony P. ueboers L// .LcU.1-ng Town Clerk 40 Temperance ,treet Bow-manville . Ontario (i,,ith copy of order) K- wpm�- - 'TOWt4 0, a0WIMANVILLE IN ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ice; $835-69 (Items 2 to 10 inclusive) F If jz�'s 10 THIS A corajrL IL . on for puL�jjc 1jearjr4g on this d&Y at the T ie presaace of cowlsel fQr tbe app atjon ancL jz,,L tie presencs of certain ratai�ayers ia to ckie and k pk a ring �;ha t nQtj,,-e of tile � aia heariag has been �Ziven in accorda"o wj,;.In� directions of tl-ia L-,_,�oardp aind uPOn he,.: the avid-i3aca adduced and Fwalat way aijeL�ed t 6y those appazxinL az Eforesaid, 1, S 'under andd in purjuance a th, e lei,i�-,Iaticn hereiribefore referred to, ano. of a-ay a,ad ul other 1.>owers vedted in the Boardt ttlat this applioijition be and the same is hereby �.rante�i, tuat the rats tea e W-14Y now 4px0 ceeck with Lhe zaid uadertaking as 41 W9 forth in attacktea zt tota--4. cost (items a to 10 inclusive) DELI ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD - 2 - not to exceed 15924000 and for uch purpose uny pass all requisite sy-lawas including by-lawe provi&06 for the issue of denantures in a principa! amount not exceedja,6 $59050-00, repayalls over e tare of nat awre than tweaty yearz, and may borrow soasy to the exteat suffIcient to provide an amount not exceedWg 059,450.00 therefor, proviaed: I. that the said Orporation way borrow the w4ole or any part of the said eum of 159,450.00 as required pendjn& receipt of su&ldiei ad the sale of debentures, Or the receipt of moneys froz any her source, and 2. that t2a Corporation in exera&i,�Lit, azy 4�,.f it$ powerz approved by this Qrdar shell comply with all 2tL and other ls, requirements related thereto. MERNW, is Go! SiR E N T D 0. B. NM R& No [A E P, I 4, 19 6 9 Secretary, Ontario Municipai board 50MULL IV to the order of. The QrMario Anicipal board Construction of: SWAY—SKIN iaclusing hauze service conlectiow aa: 2, GjQ GL QT&A froz 301 feet south of Kurth 6traev to Shurch nwreet i 4,200.00 3. WAS-01-0100" from Church btreet to 250 feet north of Church 5treet 3s500-00 4. ALS44T ARM from take 6sreat to 267nnrih eak of-Duke streei� 3265U.&I ILWU WSW from Ontario 6treet W-130—YeA—Torth east of Qtarjo Street from Ontarlo Street to 330 feet north east of Afaric Street LOU= 7. hip"aj 600"L�M from Runt 6treet to 20 feet north em of hunt Street COMM S. t haw[ k nJa.k. A W from Ontario Street WM-Ket north east of Qatarjo street 6420.00 Total eatownted co&t AS