HomeMy WebLinkAbout70-19THE CORPORATION OF THE TOMN OF BOWTIANVILLE By -Law No. 70 -19 A by -law authorizing the obtaining of temporary advances to meet the cost of constructing a parking lot, pending the completion thereof. WHEREAS, with the approval in writing of the Ontario Municipal Board, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Boxrmanville has passed Construction By-Law Noe 69 -18 authorizing the construction of the works described in it as a parking lot, the estimated cost of which works is $18,000, copies of which by -la�.v and approval are annexed hereto. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to agree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the cost of the said works pending the completion thereof. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the said Council as follows: 1, The Head and Treasurer of the Corporation are hereby authorized to obtain from the Bank of Montreal temporary advances at a rate or rates not exceeding of per cent per annum represented by a promissory note or promissory notes or by way of overdraft or otherwise not exceeding eighteen thousand dollars to meet the cost of the said works pending the completion thereof, 2. A promissory note or notes or other vouchers, sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Head and Treasurer thereof, for the advances from time to time obtained under the authority hereof and interest thereon, may be given to the said Bank providing for the repayment of or representing the said advances with interest thereon as aforesaid, 3, The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to apply first in payment of arch advances with interest thereon as aforesaid all moneys borrowed on the credit of the Corporation to repay such advances and to defray the cost of the said works and all moneys from other sources properly applicable to the cost of the said works. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE By -Law No. 69 -18 A by -law to authorize the construction of a municipal parking lot on Church Street. WHEREAS Council deems it expedient and necessary to provide off - street parking facilities; AND WHEREAS by authority of By -Law No. 68 -11 passed on the 9th day of April, 1968, Council did acquire and purchase land for the purposes of the Corporation known as 130 Church Street; AND WHEREAS Proctor & Redfern, Consulting Engineers, in a Report dated March 15, 1969, have reported on the construction of a parking lot; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to the provisions of subsection 67 of Section 377 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a municipal parking lot be constructed including paving, bumper railings and striping at a total estimated cost of $18,000. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to do all acts and sign all documents and affix the corporate seal of the Town hereto as may be necessary in connection with making contracts and other matters for the completion of the said undertaking. 3. This by -law shall not take effect until it receives the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to Sections 63 and 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 274 and amendments thereto. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of Mayor Clerk , 1969. Form 38 -B Please Quote File umber Telephone Number G 8732 -69 365 -1912 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street West September 29, 1969 Toronto 1, Ontario Mr. Anthony P. Geboers Acting Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Bear Sir: Re: Municipal IIIIINYII irking lot including paving,etc. ;reet I am—enclosing-.herewith- - duplicate—original_ order.pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. Yours truly : RA.S R. SCOT Encls. 2 SECRETARY P.S, With respect to paragraph 3 of By —law 69 -18, this Board does not approve by —laws pursuant to section 63 of its Act and, in any event, the order herein is issued only under the authority of section 64 of the Board Act* I G 8732-69 sui ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD D THE KATTER OF Section 6L of The Ontario Municipal Board Act (r'L.S.j. X 960, c. 274—V - and - T 7 LiN, '-fH:_'- o 11 _­n application by The 0jorporation of the Town of 3owrianville for approval of the cons".-ruction of a municipal parking lot including paving, bumper rai1Jn,,_,.,s and striping on et and the borrowing Church S .�tre of the sum of �16,000.00, being t'.e estimated cost thereof BLFO.-EIE: Chairman Friday, the 26th day of and yep tember, 1969 ''.1' _"VI]HY, clro under and in pursuance of the lel.­-islation herainbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Boa-rd, that this application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the Corporation may rota proceed with the said undertaking at a total cast not to exceed X16,000.00 and for such 2urpose may pass all requisite by-laws, iacludiag by-lavvs providing for the issue of debentures in a princi pa, .' amount riot exceeding $18,000.00 repayable over a term of not more than tcn years, and may borrow money to the extent suf"Licientl to provide an amount not exce,_-ding $i8,00O.W therefor, provided: 1. that the said Corporation may borrow the whole or any part-, of the said sum Of x,18,000.00 as required pending,- receipt of subsidies and the sale of de- berLtures, c the of moneys from any other source 2 and SE c HE TA R IT ENTEI,�ED Foiio No, Board