HomeMy WebLinkAbout70-26THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOti,1MANVILLE BY -LAW NO - 70,- A By -law to authorize the borrowing of $40,600 upon debentures towards the cost of construction of certain works as local improvements. WHEREAS certain local improvement sanitary sewers and watermains have been constructed under the authority of By -law No. 68 -42 and S.8 of The Local Improvement Act; - AND WHEREAS a Court of Revision has been held with respect to each such work so constructed as more particularly described in said By -law No. 68 -42, and special assessment rolls have been duly completed and certified; AND WHEREAS the said works have been app ^oved under Ontario Municipal Board Orders No. G.6676 -68 dated January 31, 1969 and June 11, 1969 and Ontario Water Resources Commission Certificates 3- 1024 -68 -006 and 7- 0751 -68 -006 dated December 18, 1968; AND WHEREAS for the purposes aforesaid it is now expedient to issue debentures in the amount of $40,600 payable in lawful money of Canada on the terms herein- after set forth; _ NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the purposes aforesaid, there shall be borrowed upon the credit of the Corporation at large the sum of $40,600 in lawful money of Canada and the Corporation shall issue debentures therefor in denominations of not less than $100 each. 2. The debentures shall be dated the 15th day of July, 1970, shall be issued. at one time and shall be payable in twenty annual instalments of principal on the 15th day of July in each of the years 1971 to 1990, both inclusive. The debentures maturing in the years 1971 to 1980 both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of Nine and One -Half Per Cent per annum and those maturing in the years 1981 to 1990, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of Nine and Three - Quarters Per Cent per annum. The debentures shall have coupons attached for the payment of such interest on July 15 in each year. The respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as set forth in Schedule "A'7 hereto annexed and forming part of this By -law. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada at the Bank of Montreal in the Town of Bowmanville or at the principal office of the said Bank in either of the cities of Toronto or Montreal, at the holder's option. -2- 4. The debentures shall be sealed with the 'seal of the Corporation and signed by the Mayor of the Corporation or by some other person authorized by by -law to sign them and by the Treasurer. The interest coupons_ shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature to them may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The signature of the Mayor on the debentures may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. 5.(a) Commencing in the year 1971 and thereafter in each year during the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the Town of Bowmanville the amount of the instalment of principal and interest payable in that year as set forth in Schedule "A" hereunto annexed; but no greater rate shall be levied in any year for such purpose than is required to pay the instalment after taking into account receipts of special rates provided in sub- clause (b) hereof; (b) For the payment of the owners' portion of the cost and interest thereon special assessments set forth in the special assessment rolls therefor are hereby imposed upon the lands liable therefor as therein set forth, which special assessments with a sum sufficient to cover interest thereon at the rate aforesaid shall be payable in twenty (20) equal annual instalments, and for that purpose the special annual rates per foot frontage set forth in said special assessment rolls for the said works are hereby imposed on each lot entered in the special assessment rolls, according to the assessed frontage thereof, over and above all other rates and taxes, and the special rates shall be collected annually by the collector of taxes for the Corporation at the same time and in the same manner as all other rates. 6. - The holder of any debenture of the denomination of more than $1,000 issued under the authority of this By -law may exchange such debenture for debentures of the denomination of $1,000 upon surrender of such debentures to the Treasurer of the Corporation. Debentures issued in substitution for any such such debenture surrendered shall bear the same interest rate and maturity date and be the same in every respect except in denomination to such debentures surrendered. Only one such exchange shall be permitted with respect to each debenture of the denomination of more than $1,000 issued hereunder and the costs of such exchange including printing of the new denominations of debentures shall be borne by the Corporation. 7. The debentures may contain any provision for their registration authorized by law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD time and finally PASSED this day of July, 1970. Clerk Schedule "A" to By-- 'ta7,� T O W S O F B 0 W M A N V I L L E $4o,600 92� and 9 Debentures (Pion-callable) Dated 15 Julti- 1970 Due 15 July 1971 °10,90 Year Principal Interest Rate Interest Total 1971 $ 600 92 3,929-50 $ 4, 529.50 1972 11000 2" 33, 872.50 4,872-50 1973 1, 000" 3.,777-50 4,777-50 1974 11000 9 3,682.50 4,682.50 -975 1,000 92- 3.,587-50 4, 587,50 1976 1, 000 92% 3,,492-50 4,492-50 1977 1, o0o g 3, 397.50 4, 397.50 1978 11040 92 3,302.50 4,302.50 1979 2,000 92- W 3,207-50 5,207-50 1980 2, 000 3, 017.50 5;,017.50 1881 2,000 3 2, 827.50 4,827-50 1982 2,000 1 2, 632.50 4,632 ,50 1983 2,000 9-43% 2,437-50 4, 437.50 1984 2,000 1 21242-50 4,242-50 1985 3,000 9111% 2,047-50 5,o47-50 ,86 3,000 942% 1,755-00 4,755-00 1987 3,000 ON 1:462-50 4,462-50 1988 4, oo0 9I 1,170.00 5,170.00 1989 4, 000 055 780.00 4, 780. 0o 1990 �:, 000 9 q 390.00 4, 30,0.00 $40, 600 53, 012.00 93, 612.00