HomeMy WebLinkAbout70-30�.•.. BY-LAW a� Being a by -law to establish street® • • • Bowmanville is desirous of formally establishing the said lands as a public highway. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S ®0., Chapter 249 Section 459 (1) (a) the council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville HEREBY ENACTS as follows 1. The lands acquired by the Town of BoTArmanville by instrument number N43958 registered on the 31st day of December 1969 and more particularly described in Schedule "A`g hereto be and are hereby established as a street and public highway® 2® The name of the said street shall be i Street® 3® The Clerk be authorized and directed to The hervinabove lands are shown outlined in red on a plan of survey made by M.D. Brown, Q.L.S., and dated March 12, 1969. and attached -hereto. Do / of December 10441 "- - - - Street and public bi9I'w2Y- hereto be 8nd are hereby 'established as a said street shall be 2. The name of the Le #qA, S -rwA #90 street. 3. The Clerk be authorl-7-ed Ind directed to reeister 8 certified OOPY Of this by�je,, in the Registry offoe of The jkXj,0jpaj Act. purz,uant to section,459 (9) Read a MrStsSecon'd and thIrd tiz'* and 1970 Passed this daY Of July 70r CA 7 'rHRdCH North 18 decrees 00 minutes tiniest a distance of five hundred ar,- r-inety-five: .and six one - hundredths feet (5?5.06') to an 1.rort bar planted in the limit of said Lot 2, said iron bar distant Ylesterl,,,� therein seven, hur.A-e, and forty-six and seventy-seven ohe-hundredths feet (746,77) from the No_ .- Easterly anc e of said Lot 8; ITHEENCE South 72 degrees 58 minutes West along the Northerly limit of sa Lo.'L: 8 e distance of sixty-six and one one-hundredths feet (66.01') to an iron THEN-CH South, 18 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of five h�jndred an-_4 ninety-fiveli and six one-hundredths feet to an iron bar; North 72 degrees 5c_ minutes East a distance of sixty-six an(," one one- hundredths --Feet (66.01') to the POINT OF COMMOIZ-06EN, '41