HomeMy WebLinkAbout70-15THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE By -Law Noe 70- 15, A by -law to acquire certain lands for street widening purposes. WHEREAS it has become necessary to acquire certain lands hereinafter described in Schedule "Aft annexed hereto for the purpose of rounding -off the southeast corner of Church and Scugog Streets in the Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter 249, Section 333 (1) and Section 459 (1) Clause (g), and The Expropriations Act, Statutes of Ontario 1968 -69 Chapter 36, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville (hereinafter referred to as "the Town ") HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Toi-m hereby authorizes the expropriation of the lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto for the purpose of rounding -off the southeast corner of Scugog and Church Streets in the Town of Bowmanville, said lands being part of Lot 140, Block "K" Grant Plan in the Town of Bowmanville with a total area of 652 square feet more or less and shown on a Plan of Survey by M. D. Brown, O.L.S., dated the 19th of Septembx, 1969, said Plan of Survey being attached hereto. 2. The Town is hereby authorized and the Clerk hereby directed to take all necessary steps to instruct the Town Solicitors to expropriate the lands described in Schedule "Al' attached hereto in accordance with the provisions of the Expropriations Act R.S.O. 1968 -69 Chapter 36. 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate with the owners and mortgagees and any other persons concerned to settle the compensation to be given for the said lands, provided that the amount and nature of such compensation shall be confirmed by resolution of Council unless it is settled in accordance with the procedures contained in the Expropriations Act. SCHEDULE "At° ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Town Lot One Hundred and Forty (140), Block "KII, on the South side of Church Street according to a plan of the said Town of Bowmanville, made by John Grant, P.L.S., being part of Township Lot Twelve (12) in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington; now within the limits of the said Town of Bowmanville, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Block t9KP1 has an assumed bearing of North 16 degrees 00 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMNEi WING at an iron bar planted in the Westerly limit of said Town Lot 140 distant Southerly therein fifty -four and four one - hundredths feet (54.041) from the North - Westerly angle thereof; THENCE North 16 degrees 00 minutes West along the Westerly limit of said Town Lot 140 a distance of fifty -four and four one - hundredths feet (54.041) to the North - Easterly angle thereof; THENCE South 69 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds East along the Northerly limit of said Town Lot 140, being the Southerly limit of Church Street, a distance of fifty -four and four one - hundredths feet (54.041) to an iron bar; THENCE South - Westerly on a curve to the left having a radii, of twenty -seven feet (271) a chord of forty -eight and thirty -one one - hundredths feet (48.311) on a course of South 47 degrees 27 minutes 10 seconds West, an arc distance of fifty -nine and eight - tenths feet (59081) more or less to the point of COMMENCEMENT. September 19, 1969. M.D. Brown, Ontario Land Surveyor.