By -Law No. 7
Being a by- lat,,- to define the duties or the
Clerk-Achriinistrator for the Town of Bownianvilleo
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Tov-n of BoiAmanville
did, by By -Law No. 69 -29, passed on the 20th day of October, 1969, appoint
Joseph M. Mcllroy as Clerk - Administrator;
AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary to define the duties of
the Clerk - Administrator;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Bowmanville hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
to That Joseph M. Mcllroy shall perform all the statutory duties
required of the Clerk including the following:
General: a) Receive incoming correspondence and refer same to
appropriate committees or personnel
b) Prepare agenda for Council meetings
c) Prepare committee reports for Council meetings
d) Prepare routine by -laws and debenture by -laws and obtain
where necessary Ontario Municipal Board approval
e) Attend Council meetings and record minutes
f) Attend those com,aittee meetings consistent with the
duties of Clerk, recording the minutes and issuing same
g) Act as custodian of minutes, by- tai -as and all important
documents such as agreements, etc.
Elections: h) Act as Returning Officer for municipal elections and
organize the same
i) Act as Registrar of Vital Statistics, including the
registration of births, marriages and deaths and issuing
of marriage licences
j) Issue all licences which are required by by -law.
20 That as Administrator, the said Joseph M. Mcllroy shall perform
the following, duties:
a) The Administrator shall be the chief administrator officer
of the Corporation responsible only to the Council of the
b) The Administrator shall have full control and direction
of all tom employees save and except control in respect
to statutory duties and responsibilities of such officials
as are appointed under statute. The Administrator shall
receive and consider and make all recommendations 'b,,ith
respect to the appointment, promotion, dismissal,
suspension, transfer or remuneration of employees under
the Council's jurisdiction (except Heads of Departments
and hourl; -rated emplo-ees) ane re =er she same to the
Cw _,. cil the
- 2 -
c) He shall perform the duties of personnel administrator,
including initial screening of job applicants, advise
on and administer personnel policies and assist in union
d) He shall, together with the Treasurer, assist Town
Council in he preparation of the Estir.ates (Annual) and
be responsiblo for the administration of the budget after
e) He shall meet with Department Heads collectively once a
month (or oftener if deen.ed desirable by the Administrator)
to discuss matters of policy and to co- ordinate all the
Department activities. He shall have the right:-
1) to make recommendations to Town Council with respect to
the administration of any Department and
2) to obtain from any Department Head such reports and
information with respect to any aspect of such department
activities as he may consider advisable for the purpose
of obtaining the best possible administration
3) receive monthly reports of activities of all Departments
and consolidate same for transmission to Council.
f) He shall have complete control of all Tom purchasing
with power to crake individual purchase up to $300000
without first being approved by Town Council; no
purchase is to be made or orders given for goods in any
department without a proper requisition to, and written
order from the Administrator or someone designated by the
Ac'riini strator for such purpose.
g) He shall attend all Council :_ieetings with the rights,
with the consent of the Chair, to speak but not to vote.
h) He shall be responcible for interpreting and following
up all decisions of Toim Council for the purpose of
assuring that the policies determined by the Town Council
are carried out.
i) The Administrator shall perform such other duties as may
be required of him by the Council consistent with this
by -law and discharge such other duties as the Council
may from time to time by resolution direct.
3. The said Joseph 1.10 NcIlroy shall be paid such sums annually for
his services as the Council shall from time to time determine.
I;•o All by- lairs
and parts of
by -laws
inconsistent .�Tith this by -Ia�T
are hereby repealed.
READ � ffirst and second
time this �`
day of
� "�� ,
REA31 a third time and f 1,na11y; passed
day of