HomeMy WebLinkAbout70-44THE CORPORATIOiI OF THE MR-7 OF BOY Yla —MLLE By- L. a:v ,,To. 7 6 - Being a by -laT 7 to licence lotteries for charitable and religious purposes. BE IT MiACTED AIM IT IS HEREBY EFACTED as a by -law of The Corporation of the Town of Boo,manville by the Council thereof as follows: to (1) That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bo- mPanville where it deems it c..pcdient and in the best interest of the inhabitants issue a licence authorizing any charitable or religious organization to conduct and manage a bingo lottery, a raffle lottery, or a lottery scheme held at a bazaar, if (a) the proceeds from the lottery are used for a charitable or religious object or purpose in Ontario, and (b) in the case of a lottery schene conducted by the charitable or religious organization at a bazaar, (i) the amount or value of each prize awarded does not exceed one hundred dollars, and (ii) the money or other valuable consideration paid to secure a chance to win a prize does not exceed fifty cents. (2) ,To tT•Tithstanding the provisions of subsection 1, the Council of the Corporation of the ToT;rn of BoTananville shall not issue a licence to an charitable or religious organization There (a) the organization proposes to use the services of a person or organization to conduct- and manage the lottery on its behalf, for a fee or other valuable consideration; (b) the total value of all prizes to be IT:ardod within the operation of a single occasion bingo lottery, or a raffle lottery, exceeds $3,500000 cash or merchandise or articles at equivalent market retail value; (c) pyramiding of gamcs is to be permitted; or (d) games of a type or kind known as razzle, dazzle, roll down, three -card monte, punch board, coin table or any dice games are to be operated, (s) Every lottery licence issued under the provisions of this by -law shall be subject to the terns and conditions set out in Schedule "All to this by -la-u. L The Licence fees to be charged shall be as follows: (a} for raffle lotteries as in Schedule "B" to this by-law. (b) for bingo lotteries as in Schedule "CYT to this by -law, (c) for bazaar lotteries as in Schedule ''D" to this by -law. 2 - 5e The Licence shall be in the for_ attached to this by -lava as Scl.edule "E"o 4, That the be and he is hereby appointed as official on behalf of the Tom :aio shall issue licencosa 5. That the Clerk- Lidministrator shall refer each application to the Chief of Police of the Tou cf Bowinanville and Upon receiving a I avourable report from the Chief of Police shall issue the licence, 6e That before refusing any licence, the Clerk - Administrator shall refer the application to Council together with any information in his possession relating thereto. 7e Schedules "A ", "Bil3 14`'47' "D" and "Ell attached hereto for�� part of this by -law. Tay -Lae, read a first time this day of , 1970 By -Law read a second time this day of , 1970 1970 By-L--x,7 read a third time and finally passed this day of , , SCHEDULE "A" TERMS P01D CONDITIONS U?DER WHICH THE LOTTERY LICE:, CE IS ISSUED It is a condition of each licence that: a) the licencee shall comply with Sections 179 and 179A of the Criminal Code of Canada; b) the licencee shall comply with all the terms and provisions set out in the application for licence; c) the licencee shall maintain all funds raised in a separate account and shall maintain such records for such period -f time as may be prescribed by the Minister; r_0 the gross receipt; derived f'_"o7a the lottery shall be used for the charitable or religious object or purpose as set out by the licencee in the application for licence, less the cost of the prizes T ardc6 and such reasonable and necessary administrative e.,-P enses actually incurred in the management and conduct of the lottery, provided the expenses do not exceed such 1i_.its as ma- be prescribed by the Minister; e) such officers as the municipal council or the 2,11inister may appoint, and all Peace Officers shall, at all reasonable times, have direct and unencumbered access to enquire into the nature, management and conduct of the proceedings for which the licence has been granted, either prior to, during, or after the conclusion of such proceedings; L ) the licencee shall conduct or allow to be conducted only the type of game or games provided in the application and the licence; g) the licencee shall produce the licence upon demand; h) the licencee shall submit to the licencing authority, not later than 30 days after the holding of each licenced lottery, a written report showing, i) the total gross receipts deriving from the lottery, ii) the total value of all prizes actually awarded, iii) an itemized listing of the administrative costs actually incurred in the management and conduct of such lottery, iv) the total of cash proceeds donated for charitable or religious purposes as set forth in the application of the licencee, and the name and address of the payee. Each raffle lottery shall also be subject to the following additional terms and conditions: a) each individual raffle lotter;T must have an licence; b) the winner or winners shall be determined and publicized in the manner set out in the application; c) the charitable or religious organization managing and conducting the licenced raffle shall, i) indicate on the face of the tickets the name and address of the organization, the location, the date, the time at which the draw is to be held, the number and nature of the prizes to be awarded, the number of the ticket, and the name of the printer, ii) provide for the consecutive numbering of tickets, iii) retain all unsold tickets and counterfoils of sold tickets for a period of not less than 90 days from the date of the draw, and produce them to a Peace Officer or such other person as the municipal council or the Minister may appoint, iv) indicate in its application the number of tickets to be printed for sale. NOTE A licencee shall not: a) use the services of a person or organization to conduct and manage the lottery on its behalf, for a fee or other valuable consideration; b) permit the pyramiding of games; C) permit games of a type or kind kno'�m as razzle dazzle, roll dorm, three card monte, punch board, coin table, or any dice games; d) in the case of a licenced lottery type scheme at a bazaar, offer any prize having a value in excess of $100 or charge in access of fifty (50) cents for a chance to secure a prize. SCHEDULE "BYP THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWIT OF BOW1,L4:vTVILLE LICENCE FEES - RAFFLE LOT' FRIES 1. The appropriate licence fee is to accompan 7, the application. 20 Please do not send cash through the mails. 3, FEE SCHEDULE a) G,There the sum enterer'_ at Section (2) of the application does not exceed $500,00 - a fee of $10000 b) Where the sum, entered at Section (2) of the application exceeds $500000 and not more than $3,500.00 - a fee equal to 2% of the total value of prize to be as7ardedo c) I-Nere the sum entered at Section (2) of the application exceeds $3,500000 - a fee equal to 2% of the total value of prizes to be awarded. 4. Cheques and money orders to be made out to, and upon the following basis. a) Where the sum entered at Section (2) of the application does not exceed $3,500,00 THE CORPORLTION OF THE TOMi OF BOWlituTVILLE b) ?,'here the sum entered at Section (2) of to auplication exceeds $3,500.00 TREASURER OF ONTARIG SCHEDULE tPCP° THE COUIICIL OF THE CORPORLT IOM OF TI-» TOWid OF BOW1,YdWILLE LICEITCE FEES - 13I13GO LOTTERIES to The appropriate licence fee is to accompany the application. 2. Please do not send cash through the mailso 3. FEE SCHEDULE a) For a single Bingo lottery licence: - where the sum entered at Section (3) of the application does not exceed $500.00 - a fee of $10.00 - where the sun: entered at Section (3) of the application exceeds $500.00 and not more than $31500.00 - a fee equal to 2% of total value of prizes to be awarded - where the su.i entered at Section (3) of the application exceeds $3,500.00 - a fee equal to 2% of the total value of prizes to be n:,arded. b) For a series of Bingo lotteries covered by one licence: - where the ouni entcrcc at, Scction-(3) of the application does not e�_coed $500.00 - cL fee of $10.00 -- ?ultipiiec by the number of 'lotteries to be operated in the period sho:17n. - whore the it entered at Section (3) of the application exceeds $500.00 and not more than $3,500,00 - a fee equal to 20 of the total value of prizes to be muarded me itiplied by the number of lotteries to be operated in the perioc shorn. Uhere the sum entered at Section (3) o= the application exceeds $3,500,00 - a fee equal to 12 of the total value of prizes to be awarded multiplied by the number o= lotteries to be operated in tile period shown. <<o Cheques and money orders to be made out to, and upon the follo-uing basis: - where the sum entered at Section (3) of the application does not exceed $3,500.00 THE CORPOP 1TIOII OF TFi , TO4,T'I CF BOT ^TMAidVILLE - where the sum entered at Section (3) of the applicatior_ exceeds $3,500000 TR.a^SURER OF ONTLIRIG SCHEDULE "D1° THE CODICIL OF THE CCRPORAT IOh OF THE T OT•T1 OF B01,71I L WILLE LICZIICE FEES - BAZAAR LOTTERY SCHEIM.ES 1, The appropriate licence fee is to accompany the application. 2, Please do not send cash through the mails, 3, FEE SCHEDULE Z_ fee of $40,00 is required to accompany the application, 4. Cheques or inoney orders to be made payable to T HE CORPORATION OF THE TOG7i'I OF BO 7Ni1llIVILLE SCHEDULE fiEtt ( ISSUED ITIDEP. THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPA RTMM"T OF F L- VOJCL. L GIID COI-211ERCIAL AFFAIRS, PROVII -ICE OF 017TARIO) LICEIICE IIO: T/ THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORGTIO11 OF THE TOVIT OF BO'G - tUWILLE L I C E 1I C E ............................................ ............................... is licenced to manage and conduct a Lc;ttcr- Scheme at or from, the premises I'i urci cipali1 ° I�nO[a a5 .... o ............................ .................... ....................... ............................... . anc situated in the Macnicipality oi ........ ............................... subject tc all the terms and conditions as agreed to b -, the Licencee in its apulication, and upon the date, or during the period and within the Lours and to the limits set out herein. 1) DATE OR PERIOD ................... o.. �.. .........................,.�... 2) F:EQUEi,ICY ........................ ............s.................. 3) HOURS - FROM ;0 ...... 4) Total value of all prizes in any lottery conducted under this licence not to ..r_Ceed $........ in cash, or merchandise or articles at eQuiValent 1ar':et value. DATEOF ISSUE ....................... 19 ... LICENCE FEE $ ........ ....... .........,..................... AUTHORIZED LICETICDTG OFFICER (NOT TRt� 1SFER_-'',BLE)