HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995On , kv THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BU MANVILLE BY -LAW NO. 1995 Being a by -law to define the duties of the Clerk - Controller- Treasurer and to appoint a Tax Collector for the Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville did by By -law No. 1952 passed on the 29th day of November, 1965, appoint Robert L. Byron as Clerk- Controller- Treasurer; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to appoint the said Robert L. Byron, Tax Collector for the Town of Bowmanville; AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary to define the duties of the Clerk-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Robert L. Byron be and is hereby appointed Tax Collector for the Town of Bowmanville and this appointment shall be deemed to have been in effect from the 3rd day of January, 1966. 2. That Robert L. Byron shall perform all the statutory duties required of the Clerk and Treasurer including the following: General: (a) Receive incoming correspondence and refer same to appropriate committees or personnel. (b) Prepare agenda for Council meetings. (c) Prepare committee reports for Council meetings. (d) Prepare routine by -laws and debenture by -laws and obtain where necessary Ontario Municipal Board approval. (e) Attend Council meetings and record minutes. (f) Attend those committee meetings consistent with the duties of Clerk, recording the minutes and issuing same. (g) Act as custodian of minutes, by -laws and all important documents such as agreements, etc. Elections: (h) Act as Returning Officer for biennal elections and organize the same. (i) Act as Registrar of Vital Statistics, including the registration of births, marriages and deaths and issuing of marriage licenses. - 2 - (j) Issue all licences which are required by by -law. Treasurer: (k) As Treasurer he shall receive and safely keep all money of the Corporation and shall pay out the same to such persons and in such manner as the laws of Ontario and the by -laws or resol- utions of Council direct, and every cheque issued by the Treasurer shall be signed by the Treasurer and by some other person designated for the purpose by by -law or resolution of Council and such other person before signing a cheque shall satisfy himself that the issue thereof is authorized. Tax Collector: (1) As Tax Collector he shall be responsible for the collection of taxes. (m) Any other duties not herein defined must be performed with the approval of Council. 3. That as Controller the said Robert L. Byron shall perform the following duties: (a) The Controller shall be the chief administra- tive officer of the Corporation responsible only to the Council of the Corporation. (b) The Controller shall have full control and direction of all town employees save and except control in respect to statutory duties and re- sponsibilities of such officials as are appointed under statute. The Controller shall recieve and consider and make all recommendations with respect to the appointment, promotion, dismissal, suspension, transfer or remuneration of employees under the Council's jurisdiction (exce t Heads of Departments and hourly -rated employees and refer the same to the Council of the Corporation. (c) He shall perform the duties of personnel admin- istrator, including initial screening of job applicants, advise on and administer personnel policies and assist in union negotiations. (d) He shall assist Town Council in the preparation of the Estimates (Annual) and be responsible for the administration of the budget after adoption. (e) He shall have prepared and submit to Council following the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative act- ivities of the Town of the preceding year. (f) He shall keep Town Council advised of the fin- ancial condition of the Town and future needs of the Town and to make recommendations as he he deems desirable. (g) He shall meet with Department Heads collectively once a month (or oftener if deemed desirable by the Controller) to discuss matters of policy and to co- ordinate all the Department activities. - 3 - He shall have the right:- (1) to make recommendations to Town Council with respect to the administration of any Department and (2) to obtain from any Department Head such re- ports and information with respect to any aspect of such department activities as he may consider advisable for the purpose of obtaining the best possible administration (3 ) receive monthly reports of activities of all Departments and consolidate same for transmission to Council. (h) He shall have complete control of all Town pur- chasin with power to make individual purchase up to WO.00 without first being approved by Town Council; no purchase is to be made or orders given for goods in any department without a pro- per requisition to, and written order from the Controller or someone designated by the Control- ler for such purpose. (i) He shall attend all Council meetings with the right, with the consent of the Chair, to speak but not to vote. (j) He shall be responsible for interpreting and following up all decisions of Town Council for the purpose of assuring that the policies deter- mined by the Town Council are carried out. (k) The Controller shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Council consis- tent with this by -law and discharge such other duties as the Council may from time to time by resolution direct. 4. The said Robert L. Byron shall be paid such sums annually for his services as the Council shall from time to time determine 5. All by -laws and parts of by -laws inconsistent with this By -law are hereby repealed. READ a first and second time this 7th day of November , 1966. l Mayor Clerk ► « . R `,', READ a third time and finally passed this 7th day of November, 1966. Clerk