HomeMy WebLinkAbout1892kwo v BY- LAIi NO. I %J a "A By -law to License, Regulate and Govern Auctioneers in the Town of Bowmanville". Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville deems it advisable to License, Regulate and Govern Auction - eers and other persons selling or putting up for sale goods, wares, merchandise or effects by Public Auction and for the prohibiting the granting of a license to an applicant who is not of good character, or whose premises are not considered suitable for the business of an auctioneer or are upon a residential or other highway in which it is deemed not desirable that the business should be carried on. Under the authority of Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Section 399 Sub Section 1, Paragraph 7, the Municipal Council of the Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows: 1(a)Definitions (Auction shall mean a public sale where goods, wares) merchandise or effects are sold by bidding one by one, each article sold going to the last and highest competing bidders for the goods, wares merchandise or effects. (b) Auctioneer shall mean and include any person who sells or offers for sale any goods, wares, merchandise or effects at an auction. (c) HigLiway shall mean and include the definition as ddfined in the Highway Traffic act of Ontario and its amendments, or as it is amended from time to time. (d) Resident shall mean and include a person normally resident in the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and who has been domiciled with the said Town of Bowmanville for a period of 12 months preceeding the date of application for an auctioneers License and whose name appears on the Voter's List for the Town of Bowmanville or on the Assessor's Roll as a resident for the said period of 12 months. (e) Non - Resident shall mean and include a person who does not comply with the definition of a resident as defined in this By -law. 2. No person shall advertise or conduct an Auction sale within the Town of Bowmanville without first obtaining a License to do so from the Municipal Clerk. 3. The Clerk of the Municipality shall not issue a license, until tre person applying has a letter from the Chief Constable stating that he has checked the applicant and that the applicant is of good character, that the premises where the Auction is to be held is desirable and the Chief Constable shall state-the-date and time when the License 3s in effect. Each day shall mean and include an auctio:i sale and a license shall be obtained for each day. Each time, if there is more than one time included in the application, shall mean an auction sale within the meaning of this By -law. 4. The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, The Clerk or the Chief Constable shall not be forced to give reasons for any refusal to grant a license. 5. The fees for obtaining a license under this By -law shall be for a resident $1.00. For a Non - resident shall be such fees as the Municipal Council shall set from time to time but shall not exceed $250.00. 6. For contravening the provisions of thi4 By -law, any person may be arrested and brought before a Justice: ' <af the Justice convicts, the penalty imposed shall not be less than 650.00.for a Fitst Offence. For a second or subsequent offence, the penalty shall be not less that Q100.00. These penalties are ' ,,exclusive'of costs imposed. 7. Penalties are recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. Read and passed a first time this day of )Z0?/. 1963 'r %i - 2 - Read and passed a second time this day of 1963 Read and passed a third time this day of Irv. 1963 and ordered signed and sealed. . ., ..� • rO i • i vim. wo ..... . Mayor ..... ..... ........... C Resolution #C- 105 -72 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. Annual Fire THAT the 1971 Annual Fire Department Report, be Department approved. Report - 1971 "CARRIED'r Animal THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of January, Control Report 1972, be approved. - January, 1972 _... Resolution #C- 111 -72 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Allin. Auctioneer THAT By -Law No. 1892 be amended to provide that a fee of Fees $10.00 for non - resident auctioneers be charged. "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 106 -72 Moved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Allin. C.O.J.P.B. THAT the 43rd Monthly Report of the Central Ontario Joint 43rd Monthly Planning Board, be approved. Report "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 107 -72 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. Health Unit THAT the Health Unit Report for the month of December, Report - 1971, be approved. December, 1971 "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 108 -72 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout. Reeves' Report THAT the Reeve's Report on the first session of Counties' On Counties' Council, be approved. Council First Session "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 109 -72 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. Clerk- THAT the Clerk- Administrator's Report relative to police Administrator's uniforms, be approved. Co Report re Police Uniforms "CARRIED" Resolution #C- 110 -72 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. Animal THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of January, Control Report 1972, be approved. - January, 1972 _... Resolution #C- 111 -72 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Allin. Auctioneer THAT By -Law No. 1892 be amended to provide that a fee of Fees $10.00 for non - resident auctioneers be charged. "CARRIED"