HomeMy WebLinkAbout1778A by-law to authorize the issue of debentures in the principal amount of $180,079 for the purpose of granting aid for the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Y 1-778 5s re the 1 sue of Being a Fy-iaw to auti-LorL - Debentures In tf-ie grin c-Lpal ai. noun t of $18cJ070.0 0 .for, t 1 -ie purpose of.' granting , aid to the Eo= an v lle Memorial Hcspita-l- WHEREAS , the C"Ounc i I of-, Tfie, Cor.po,rat.ion', •of the TL o n of M. rmanv CL 'ille deems it expedient', to q; r a n t- aid to the cTqm, an v 0 0 un Memorial Hospital, being a public li'spital, n" 'A $18o,079.0() under-the autbority of Section 38" 29) of The Munieipal, Act to pay the cost of c c cons and equipping an addition to,,, the said Hospital, - AND W11P.REAS it is deemed expedient to bo rrow money or s.iich' -purpose -by the issue. and sale of Debentures of. The, Corpora t-0 on of the Town of Bowmanville in the principal a'rrioun,t of $180,079-00' rest at the rate of .!:112d bearing interest 5 .15 per ann tra,. payable annually,, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By -law; ' AND WHEREAS it is" expedient to provide lfor ,the principal of the debt to be repayable in annual instalments during the period . ' of twenty. years next. after the. date o f issue of such Debentures with interest annually upon the balances from time ,to time remaining Unpaid NOW THEREFORES the Council of The Corporation of the Town of f BowinanVille, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: T HAT for the purpose of granting ,aid to ,�he Bowmanville Memorial Hospital for the construction and equipment of an additioft, , to. the said Hospital money shall be borrowed upon the credit of The - Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville.by the Issue and sale of Debentures of the, said Corporation in the principal amount of $180,079,00 bearing interest at the .rate of 5-r1/2% per annum and having coupons attached thereto 'for the payment of said interest Yy annually on the lst day of November in each year of the currency of the Debentures& 2e THAT the'said DebentureB shall all be dated the 1st day of Novembery 1960 and shall be payable in twenty annual instalments 'on the 1st day of November in each of the years 1961 to 1980, inclu- ' 1,IX,0410f. �.Oh . , v4WI Im j VOLUS "1 11 ­­ 1, ­ MUM IF 2, a shall be as set forth in -S in each of such years ;Schedule "A" h.ereto,,, which is hereby" declared to be and to form part of Chris Fy - 1 aw. , aab`e as to both principal. 3. The; s a I d De'�.1entu.rcs small be pCI y and into-rest In lawful, money of,Canada at the office of the Banes of Montreal in' the: T6wn of ov.i nanville,or at the principal office of the said Tank in el-ther''of the Cities of Toronto 'or -'Ion treal, at the holder's option. - 40 The said Debentures bhall be sealed v; -Ith the Seal of the Co the Mayor., or b -y some, other - person i- poration and signed . by authorized­by by--law to sign in his stead ,and bj,the Treasurer, D � The interest-coupons attached to then, said ebentures shall be by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, ..Stamped., lithographed or engraved. _' the In each of the years Igul to .198 O' inclusive,, -�Ipal and Interest set 6'u'' respective aggregate amounts of p r ih c ..L t in the fourth column of Schedule A hereto shall be levied and ,raised by a special rate sufficient 'therefor over and d-above al other rates, at the same time and in the sG_ne manner as .,ether rates on all the ratable, p .m -roperty in the Town of Bowanville and 'shall . be applied in payment of the ,in t e 'rest on the Debentures and the respective-L',ins,talments of principal as the same become due and -payable,, 6 The sa-d Debentures' may'. contain a c laus,,e prov iding fors' the regi stratiun thereof pursuap,, t ,' to Section 335 of The Municipal Act"s Pending the is sue. and' 'sale of the ,said r Debentures the Ma or.and the TreasUrer may agree with a bank or person for , , ..tenp­orary advances f rom time to time to m eet expenditures in for the purposes aforesaid. READ a f irs t. second -and third . tine and finally passed th-15 17th day of October., 1960* Cie Mayor, M 01 om"W" W#U 'AF tm KAXAA_�k 1978 120000,00 2, 200.00 14.9200,00 1979 4wv.000 o 00 s540,00 � � � . 35� 540 , oo (. THE CORpORATION: OF THE, TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 00,00 BY-LAW NO* 1778 14 ?? °. 900 SCHEDULE A _ 180,907 9000 120.P784-s35 300#863-35 toTAL AMAL YEAR 'PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT 1961 5.*079-00 9,v 904.35 14, 983.35 .1962' 6'000000 9, 625 00 49 15, 625.00 1963 6,000-00, 5,295*00, 150295.00 , :1964 6- 000-00 8,965,00' 4 _ 965, 00 '� 6,000.00 8,635,00 1 :L4-635,00 1.966 Tp 000.00 - 8'305,00 J 15.93 05,00 1978 120000,00 2, 200.00 14.9200,00 1979 4wv.000 o 00 s540,00 � � � . 35� 540 , oo (. 00,00 770*00 14 ?? °. 900 1980 0 ".4L 142io _ 180,907 9000 120.P784-s35 300#863-35 r A q v qi'0'. :S I t 4 4j kf A, N i,i i fff :.,.A J V;� 1�, iyo o 04a t fit No