HomeMy WebLinkAbout1775• temporary advances to meet the cost of certain A BY -LAW authorizing the obtaining of to p ry ,. • Pending the completion thereof. , works undertaken as a local improvement p 9 ' of the Ontario Municipal Board, the Municipal f WHEREAS, with the approval in writing Council of the Corporation of the ; f Bowmanville has Town o authorizenQ the construction of ssed�0ei+st BY-law Number 1754 Capital Expen ditures the works described it as a- leoai- i�rMre+ ant in •u++ der #i+e- prsvieisr�s shed a �'+Ap 180 079..00 copies of which by- law and ap- the estimated. cost of which works is i proval are annexed hereto. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to agree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the Goat of the said works pending the completion thereof. , BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the said Council as follows: • and Treasurer of the Corporation are hereby author ed to obtain from the" . 1. The Head a 5 per cent p Bunk of Montreal temporary advances at a rate or rates not exceeding ; to or promissory notes or by way of overdraft or otherwise annum represent 1180j079*00 d by a promissory no p • n not exceeds g , dollars to meet the cost of the said works pending the completion thereof. • promissory note or notes or other vouchers, sealed with-the Corporate Seal an s�gne 2. Ap ry b the Head and Treasurer on behalf of the Corporation thereof, for the advances from to y • authors hereof and interest thereon, may be given to the said Bank time obtained under the authority • nt of or representing the said advances with interest thereon as, afore- said for the repayment scud' is hereb authorized and directed to apply first in 3. The Treasurer of the Corporation i . Or . menu of s uch' advances with interest thereon as aforesaid all moneys borrowed .on t e cre pay ch advances and to defray the cost of the said works and all moneys a of the Corporation to repay su h cost of the said works. : l li from, other' � sources. pQper :Y .:..:.,, , a , .,P „P cable tot e , . _ . this 1 t d S pt. 19 2 h ay f 6 _ Passed by the said Council •_ , . or or Reeve as the case V..O.Ve.,............,... (May AMR may be.) , •• cam. . f a By-law passed by the Council of the Municipal M j I certify that the foregoing is a true copy o y nvi l l e on the 12th, day ” Corporation of the Town of Howes . Po - ritin hereto annexed is a true copy of Construction dr Set 19 60, and that the paper w 0 the said Council passed by By-law Number 17 54 r - - � - -- � .a...... Q♦ _ 14 fin. , 4ei 'Jy imt3 Y h 1 °s "+ - IMM 1% TOLUS