HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-223By- law 2004-223 is a By- law ordered by the Ontario Municipal Board . See Page 6 through 9 of this order for the By- law . Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario ISSUE DATE: Nov. 1, 2004 DECISION/ORDER NO: 1723 PL031269 Hendry Investments Limited., the TDL Group Ltd. and the owner of 258 King Street East have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(24) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, from a decision of the Municipality of Clarington to approve Proposed Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington to implement the recommendations of the Bowmanville King Street East Corridor Study O.M.B. File No. O030412 Hendry Investments Limited., the TDL Group Ltd. and the owner of 258 King Street East have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, against Zoning By-law 2003-153 of the Municipality of Clarington O.M.B. File No. R030286 APPEARANCES: Parties Counsel*/Agent Town of Clarington D. Hefferon* Simonian Family I. Kagan* Hendry investments Limited G. Broll MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY J. P. ATCHESON ON ON OCTOBER 19, 2004 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD This hearing of the Board results from a procedural order of the Board issued on August 26, 2004 and numbered 1383 and further amended by the Board’s Decision/order No. 1520) issued September 17, 2004. The hearing dealt with the appeals from Official Plan Amendment No. 36 of the Municipality of Clarington. This amendment proposes to amend the Clarington Official Plan and the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan to implement the recommendations of the Bowmanville King Street East Comprehensive Corridor Study. This Study also recommended major revisions to the existing Zoning By-law. These changes are contained in Zoning By-law Amendment No. 2003-153 which is also part of the matters before the Board. - 2 - PL031269 Since the issuing of the procedural orders, the Municipality and the parties have been working to resolve the matters surrounding the appeal. The TDL Group in a letter dated September 17, 2004 to the Board has withdrawn all its appeals. The Board dismisses the appeal of the TDL group in its entirety. If the Municipality wishes to seek costs against the TDL Group then it should make the appropriate motion in accordance with the Board’s procedures. At the commencement of the hearing Mr. Hefferon, the solicitor for the Municipality, indicated that a settlement with the remaining appellants has been reached. Exhibit 6 (Tab 7) contained the minutes of settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and Hendry Investment Limited respecting 252 King St. East and 9 St. George Street in south Bowmanville. Exhibit 6 (Tab 9) contains the minutes of settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and the owners of 258 King Street East in Bowmanville. The Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the minutes of settlement by By-law 2004-191and By-law 2004-221 respectively. The Board heard uncontradicted evidence from the planner for the Municipality about the studies that had been undertaken by the Municipality for the King Street East corridor in Bowmanville. It is clear to the Board that the Municipality has followed good planning practices and is developing contemporary land use, transportation, and site plan design criteria for this part of the community. The Bowmanville King Street East Corridor Study’s final report and filed as Exhibit 8 was approved by Council in September 2003. It attests to the Municipality’s determination to implement new standards for this area of the Municipality. It is the planner evidence that Official Plan Amendment No. 36 and Zoning By-law Amendment 2003-153 implement the findings of this study. It is equally clear to the Board that the Municipality and the appellants have been working diligently to find a common ground in meeting their personal development objectives while maintaining the new planning strategies established for this part of - 3 - PL031269 Bowmanville. Planning in the context of the King Street East Corridor Study must be a dynamic and fluid process. The Board is satisfied by the uncontradicted evidence that the modification agreed to by the parties as they relate to Official Plan Amendment No. 36 and Zoning By-law 2003-153 represent good planning and should be approved. It was brought to the Board’s attention that during the review and settlement process a number of clerical and number errors in By-law 2003-153 were discovered. These are all minor and clerical in nature and affect only By-law 2003-153 and do not require further notification. The Board approves Official Plan Amendment 36 with the following modification as contained in Attachment “1” and orders that Amendment No. 36, as modified, be approved. The Board allows the appeals of Hendry Investment Limited for 9 St. George Street in south Bowmanville and 252 King Street East, and those appeals of the Simonian Family, and the owners of 258 King Street East in Bowmanville but only in so far as they reflect the minutes of settlement found in Exhibit 6. All other appeals are dismissed. In order to give effect to this decision the Board orders that By-law 2003-153 be amended as set out in Attachment “2”. So orders the Board. “J. P. Atcheson” J. P. ATCHESON MEMBER - 4 - PL031269 Attachment “1” REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS TO AND APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 36 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON In order to implement the Minutes of Settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and Hendry Investments Limited dated July 20, 2004 and the Minutes of Settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and Hovane Simonian, Beatrice Simonian, Seta Simonian and Taline Simonian dated October 12, 2004, the Board orders the following modifications to the provisions of proposed Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington which amends, inter alia, the provisions of the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan (“Secondary Plan”) as set out below and as so modified approves Amendment No. 36: 1. By modifying Section 12 of proposed Amendment No. 36 which adds new Clauses 8.4 1 and 2 thereto, by adding a new Clause 8.4.3 as follows: “8.4 3. In addition to the uses permitted by clause 1 of this Section, on the lands known for municipal purposes in 2004 as 258 King Street East, a single building may be constructed and used with a mix of residential uses and such commercial uses that Council considers to be appropriately limited in scale and type having regard to the capacity, operations and safety of King Street East and Galbraith Court and to the compatibility with adjacent residential uses provided that: a) A minimum of 50 % of the gross floor area of the building is constructed and used for residential purposes; and b) Commercial uses do not exceed a maximum of 400 square metres.” 2. By modifying Section 20 of proposed Amendment No. 36 which adds a new Section 13.2 to the Secondary Plan by: -deleting Clause 13.2(c), -adding the word “and” at the end of Clause 13.2(a), and -deleting the word “and” at the end of Clause 13.2(b) and changing the punctuation at the end of Clause 13.2(b) to a period. 3. By modifying Section 21 which adds a new Section 13.4 to the Secondary Plan by deleting the last sentence therefrom, and by adding at the end of Section 13.4 the following new sentence: - 5 - PL031269 “In the event Council of the Municipality of Clarington is of the opinion that an integrated system of private lanes is not likely to be provided in whole or in part, Council shall investigate the possibility of establishing (1) an integrated system of public and private lanes, (2) an integrated system of public lanes, or (3) the extension of Queen Street between St. George Street South and Frank Street on an appropriate alignment in order to achieve the intent of this Section 13.4.” 4. By modifying Map B, Land Use East Business District, contained in Exhibit “C” to Official Plan Amendment 36 by deleting from it the Queen Street Extension from the easterly limit of St. George Street South to the westerly limit of Frank Street. 5. By modifying the designation of the lands known for municipal purposes in 2004 as 252 King Street East, Bowmanville shown on Map B, Land Use East Bowmanville District, contained in Exhibit “C” to Amendment No. 36, from “Medium Density Residential” to “High Density Residential”. - 6 - PL031269 Attachment “2” BY-LAW NO 2004-223 being a by-law to amend Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 2003-153 WHEREAS Hendry Investments Limited (“Hendry”), the TDL Group Ltd. and the owner of 258 King Street East, Bowmanville appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board from a decision of the Municipality of Clarington to approve Proposed Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington and against Zoning By-law 2003-153 of the Municipality of Clarington (OMB File Nos. O030412 and R030286); AND WHEREAS the beneficial owners of 258 King Street East, Bowmanville are Hovane Simonian, Beatrice Simonian, Seta Simonian and Taline Simonian (collectively, “Simonian”) own 258 King Street East, Bowmanviile; AND WHEREAS Hendry is the beneficial owner of 252 King Street East and 9 St. George Street South, Bowmanville; AND WHEREAS by letter dated September 17, 2004 from Cassels Brock on behalf of TDL Group Ltd. to the Board, TDL Group Ltd.’s appeals were withdrawn; AND WHEREAS by Minutes of Settlement dated July 20, 2004, contained in Exhibit 6, Tab 7, the Municipality of Clarington and Hendry have settled Hendry’s appeals on the terms set out therein; AND WHEREAS by Minutes of Settlement dated October 12, 2004, contained in Exhibit 6, Tab 9, the Municipality of Clarington and the Simonians have settled the Simonian’s appeals on the terms set out therein; - 7 - PL031269 AND WHEREAS the implementation of these settlements requires, inter alia, the amendment of Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 2003-153; AND WHEREAS by approval of Report #PSD-123-04 at its meeting on October 12, 2004, the Municipality of Clarington has requested that the Ontario Municipal Board make certain additional amendments to Zoning By-law 2003-153 in order to correct certain technical errors in the By-law, NOW THEREFORE, the Ontario Municipal Board hereby approves the Zoning By-law Amendment in the manner as follows: 1. Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 2003-153 is amended as follows: (a) With respect to the lands known for municipal purposes in 2004 as 258 King Street East, Bowmanville, by amending Section 14.6.24 which is added to Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended by Section 4 of By-law 2003- 153, as follows: (i) by deleting from subsection 14.6.24(1) the words and figures: “Notwithstanding Sections 3.15(e)(iv), 14.1(a), 14.1(b), 14.2, 14.3(c), 14.4(c) and 14.4(g)” and by replacing them with the following words and figures: “Notwithstanding Sections 3.6, 3.13(a), 3.16(e), 3.17, 3.22, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3(c), 14.4(a), 14.4(b) and 14.4(c)”; (ii) by deleting paragraph 14.6.24(1)(a) and by replacing it with the following: “(a) Only an apartment building, link townhouse dwellings, stacked townhouse dwellings, street townhouse dwellings, or a single mixed use building containing a combination of residential uses and commercial uses permitted by this Section, may be erected and used on the lot.”; (iii) by adding new paragraphs 14.6.24(1)(i) and (j) as follows: “(i) with respect to the single mixed used building that may be constructed or used on the lot, - 8 - PL031269 i) the permitted commercial uses are the following: - a business, professional or administrative office - a dry cleaners distribution centre which does not contain more than 200 square metres of gross commercial floor area - a laundry, coin operated, which does not contain more than 200 square metres of gross commercial floor area - a service shop, personal, which does not contain more than 200 square metres of gross commercial floor area - a retail commercial establishment which is not a general merchandise store and which does not contain more than 200 square metres of gross commercial floor area - either a convenience store or a drugstore, neither of which may contain more than 100 square metres of gross commercial floor area - a video store which does not contain more than 100 square metres of gross commercial floor area; ii) the permitted residential uses are dwellings which have individual or a common entrance from street level and the occupants of which have equal rights to the use of all common halls and/or stairs and/or elevators and/or yards serving the residential uses within the permitted mixed use building; iii) the permitted mixed use building shall not contain an eating establishment or a drive-through facility; iv) the total amount of the gross commercial floor area contained in the permitted mixed use building shall not exceed 400 square metres; v) the permitted mixed use building shall contain an amount of gross residential floor area which is at least equal to 50% of the aggregate of the gross residential floor area and gross commercial floor area contained in the building; (j) also, with respect to the mixed use building that may be constructed or used on the lot, (i) a front yard and an exterior side yard shall be provided and maintained on the lot with a minimum width of 1.5 metres and a maximum width of 2.0 metres; (ii) the building shall be set back a minimum distance of 10 metres from the northerly lot line and a minimum distance of 5.0 metres from the westerly lot line; - 9 - PL031269 (iii) the building shall not be less than 2 stories nor more than 4 stories above grade; (iv) the length of a business establishment façade of the building on the lot with a lot frontage on King Street East shall not be less than 50% of the length of the lot frontage; (v) landscaped open space at least 3.0 metres wide abutting the northerly and the westerly limits of the lot, respectively, comprising a total area of at least 30% of the area of the lot, shall be provided and maintained on the lot; (vi) at the northwest corner of King Street East and Galbraith Court, within the triangle space formed by the street lines and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such point being 5.0 metres measured along the street line from the point of intersection of the street lines, no motor vehicle, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, as amended, shall be parked, no building or structure which would obstruct the vision of drivers of motor vehicles shall be erected, and, no land shall be used for the purposes of growing shrubs or trees in excess of 0.75 metres in height. (vii) one loading space with a minimum width of 4.0 metres and a minimum length of 9.0 metres shall be provided and maintained for the permitted mixed use building on the lot; (viii) notwithstanding the “Parking Space Requirement Table” contained in Section 3.16(a) of the aforesaid By-law 84-63, minimum off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained on the lot as follows: - for commercial uses contained in the permitted mixed use building, 1 parking space for each 30 square metres of gross commercial floor area, and - for dwellings contained in the permitted mixed use building, parking spaces shall be provided at the following rates: - 1 bedroom apartment - 1 space per unit - 2 bedroom apartment - 1.25 spaces per unit - a dwelling containing - 1.5 spaces per unit, 3 or more bedrooms provided that parking spaces shall not be located in a required front yard or in an exterior side yard. - 10 - PL031269 (iv) by deleting Subsection 14.6.24(2) and by replacing it with the following: “(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no portion of the lot shall be used to provide motor vehicle access directly from it to King Street East, nor to provide motor vehicle access from any portion of the lot to Galbraith Court which is nearer than 25 metres northerly from the northerly street line of King Street East and which is nearer than 7.5 metres southerly from the northerly lot line of the lot.” (v) by deleting subsection 14.6.24(3) and by replacing it with a new Subsection 14.6.24(3) as follows: “(3) For the purposes of this Section, the term “business establishment” means a building which contains any one or more commercial uses permitted by this By-law; “business establishment façade” means the portion of the exterior wall located between finished grade and the level which is 3 metres above finished grade of a business establishment which wall faces King Street East; “drive-through facility” has the same meaning that it is assigned by Subsection 16.5.30(3); “drug store” means part of a permitted mixed use building which is used primarily for the combination of storage and display for the retail sale of non-prescription medicines, health and beauty aids, personal hygiene products, confectionary items, stationary, and a prescription pharmacy; “floor area” means the total horizontal area of a floor or floors; “general merchandise store” means a retail commercial establishment primarily accommodating the sale of a variety of commodities which include all or several representatives of the following categories of merchandise: clothing, hardware, home furnishings, household appliances, sporting goods and toys. However, the term “general merchandise store” does not include a convenience store, a drug store, and a speciality retail store engaged primarily in the sale of a particular commodity such as, but not limited to, a book store, a clothing store, a jewellery store and a shoe store; “gross commercial floor area” means the total of the floor area of each floor of the permitted mixed use building measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls, whether such floor is above or - 11 - PL031269 below finished grade, which is designed and/or used for permitted commercial purposes, but excluding any part of the building used for mechanical equipment, parking, loading, common garbage storage, elevators, stairs or storage below finished grade. Where a floor is used for both residential and commercial uses permitted by this By-law, the gross commercial floor area shall be measured from the exterior face of exterior walls and/or the centre line of interior walls separating the commercial uses from the residential uses;” “gross residential floor area” means the total of the floor area of each floor of the permitted mixed use building measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls, excluding garages, mechanical equipment, parking, loading, common garbage storage, elevators, stairs, cellars, unfinished attics, and sunrooms which are not habitable year round. Where two or more dwellings share a common wall, gross residential floor area shall be measured from the centre line of the common wall. Gross residential floor area shall also include common indoor areas located within the building. Where a floor is used for both permitted residential and permitted commercial uses, the gross residential floor area shall be measured from the exterior face of exterior walls and/or the centre line of interior walls separating the residential uses from the commercial uses; “stacked townhouse dwelling” means one of a group of three or more building units separated vertically and/or horizontally; and “video store” means a retail commercial establishment contained in the permitted mixed use building which is used primarily for the sale or rental of video tapes or DVD discs to individual customers. (b) With respect to the lands known for municipal purposes in 2004 as 252 King Street East, Bowmanville, by amending Section 15.4.27 which is added to Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended by Section 7 of By-law No. 2003-153, by deleting therefrom Clause 15.4.27(1)(a) and by adding new Clauses 15.4.27(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) and new Subsection 15.4.27(2) as follows: “15.4.27 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R4-27) ZONE (1) Notwithstanding Sections 3.16 and 15.2(c) (g) (h) and (i), no person shall use any land or erect or use any building or structure in a R4-27 zone unless the provisions of this section and the applicable provisions of the aforesaid By-law 84-63 are satisfied: (a) Only an apartment building may be erected and used on a lot, provided that the lot has a minimum lot frontage of 40 metres. - 12 - PL031269 (b) Yards with the widths set out below shall be provided and maintained on the lot: i) Front Yard -a minimum width of 4.5 metres and a maximum width of 6.5 metres, ii) Interior Side Yard -a minimum width of 7.5 metres, iii) Exterior Side Yard -a minimum width of 4.5 metres and a maximum width of 6.5 metres, iv) Rear Yard -a minimum width of 7.5 metres, v) Parking Space Location -notwithstanding Section 3.16 (e)(iv) of the aforesaid By-law 84-63, parking spaces shall not be located in the required front yard or in a required exterior side yard. (c) Part of the landscaped open space shall comprise areas having a minimum depth of 1.5 metres from the front lot line and from each of the exterior lot lines, except where a driveway or walkway is located within 1.5 metres from the front lot line or an exterior lot line in which case no landscaped open space is required to be provided in such area. (d) Buildings erected or used on a lot zoned R4-27 shall not exceed 6 stories above grade, provided that notwithstanding Section 15.4.27(b)(i) and (iii), the third and higher stores of the building facing King Street are set back not less than 1.5 metres from the upward projection of the wall of the second storey of the building which faces a portion of a King Street East street line. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.4.27(1), in a R4-27 zone all uses that in fact were made of land, buildings or structures, and all buildings or structures that in fact were constructed and existed on October 19, 2003 and were not prohibited by the provisions of the aforesaid By-law 84-63 on October 19, 2003, shall be deemed to be permitted by the provisions of the aforesaid By-law 84-63, as amended by this By-law.” - 13 - PL031269 (c) With respect to the technical amendments requested by the Municipality of Clarington by deleting, replacing with or adding references to sections of By-law 2003-153 set out below: Section or Recital Delete Replace with or Add Reference to First Recital Report #PSD-115 Report #PSD-115-03 14.6.24(1) 3.15(e)iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 14.6.24(1)(d)(ii) 3.15(e)(iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 14.6.24(1)(f)(v) 3.15(e)(iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 14.6.24(1)(h)(v) 3.15(e)(iii) 3.16(e)(iii) 15.4.25(1) 3.15(e)(iii) 3.16(e)(iii) 15.4.25(1) 15.2 15.2(b), delete “and” before 15.2(g), and add after 15.2(g) “and 15.2(i)” 15.4.25(1)(b)(v) 3.15(3)(iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 15.4.26(1) 3.15(e)(iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 15.4.26(1) 15.2(e) 15.2(c), add 15.2(f) after 15.2(c) and add “and 15.2(i)” after 15.2(g) 15.4.26(1)(b)(v) 3.15(3)(iv) 3.16(e)(iv) 15.4.26(2)(e) C1-30 R4-26 16.5.3(1)(ii)(e) 16.5.3(1)(v)(a) 16.5.3(1)(iv)(a) 16.5.3(1)(ii)(h) 3.15(a) 3.16(a) 16.5.3(1)(v)(d) 3.15(e)(iii) 3.16(e)(iii) 16.5.3(1)(vi) 3.6(b) and 3.15(e)(iii) 3.7(b) and 3.16(e)(iii) 16.5.30(1)(ii)(h) 3.15(a) 3.16(a) 16.5.30(1)(v)(e) 3.15(e)(iii) 3.16(e)(iii) 16.5.30(1)(vi) 3.6(b) and 3.15(e)(iii), respectively 3.7(b) and 3.16(e)(iii)