HomeMy WebLinkAbout1714A by-law to regulate the construction, alteration, addition and repairs of buildings and to charge a fee of such licenses A by-law to regulate the construction, alteration, addition and repairs of buildings and to charge a fee of such licenses . , , ' _ . . • r � i ;lilt '. SFDTiON 1.2: SCOPE _ \eilj „ T y (a) , a bu' lldi ng is built,. this By --law. shat l apply to the co nest ru' tion , -of the building; (b) a building is mbved in whole. ,or in part this By -law shall apply to the whole buUL&ing or all parts - whether • moved or not; F (c) a bull di ng i s offrecked i n. whol a or i n part this 'By -law shall apply - _-- --- - -- �__ any r en•ai ning pert. and to the work involved; _ _ ____- _ - _ - -- __....... ._ __ -- ( d) a building is altered this By =law shall apply , to the whole building emeept that it may apply only 'to part if such part is completely self - contained vi th respect to the f acili ti e s and saf etf . measures required ' by this By -law; (e) the occupancy of a` building is cnangbd this By -law shall apply. to *11 parts of the building affected by the change. SWTIO N 1.3: BUILM NG PERM T No works as described in section 1.2, shall ca mane until the owner or , his agent has obtained a builds ng permit f r+on the authority ha r j urisdiatior�. - SMTION l 4: DUTIES OF TH3 . AD'II ATISTRATIVE Oh'F1C,IAL • , '1'he admin3.strative official shall: (aj keep proper records of all applications received, pemits and orders isomed, inspections and tests made, and shall retain , copies of all papers and oments connected with the administration of pis duties, , j bj exeum3,ne all applications for pend'ssion to do work to which the provisions of this By -lean are applicable= .. »,•.. ... .• .............•, ,.....,,.. wra., H« wl. ....,... w. aw..., wr«.. ww.. rr... .•.......,,.a.«,..»...,.....«• -- t•7+.•*r•r,.*.....,r r,• -,r ....•.. .,... ..,.r., ., ,."' "'� 2 Part 1 c authorize work as set out in (b) and' issue a 1permi.t in the prescribed tbrm when applicable where the proposed work as des cribed in the application conforms with this By -law; d give notice in writing, to the owner of a building or to his agent, of any dangerous or unsafe condition in the building or premises which the council require, be rectified without delay; e revoke or recamunend to council the revocation of, a 'permit if in .his opinion the continuance of any m rk, would cause a dangerous or unsafe cond3:,tion; K and (f) enforce this By -law. SWTI0N 1.5: PO`MS 07 THI A3MITI �TIVE OI'PTaIAI The adnini strative official may: . It , - (a enter a1W building or premi. ses at all rdaeonable hours i n the ; ) performnee of his duties; b revoke or rec m lend to council the revocation Of a permit if i construction: i s not started within a period, of six months Proem the date of issuing• of the permit; or ( i i) construction is di sco nt i rued for a period of one year; or (� �• =i there is a violation of any condition under which the permit is issued; (c) direct or r o end to council to direct that any dangerous or U nsafe condition vhich in his opinion requires i.nnnediate action to avert an 'aacide4 be corrected at the owner's expense and vdthout delay; (d) direct or r ecomraend to council to direct that test s Of a material, device, or construction be made or sufficient evidence or proof be submittedi at the expense of the owner or" his agent when, in the opinion of t he administrative official. such te�st�a, evidence, or proof are necessary to determine mhether the materiel, device,, or construction meets the requIrane-Its of tbIs By -law; e revoke or: recaranend to council the revocation of, or refase to issue a pemit men in his opinion the test result s are ,not satisfactory; and (f) refer to council plans and s pedifications' for any building or structure, not provided for in this By -law, for which an application for a building permit is received, -and no such permit shall be i ssaed before the approval. of the council is obtai ned th erefor. This clause ma b e adjusted in a c cor dance with the pagers given to the administrative o ffi ciel.) . g. TJUTIES OF THE OUM . ION 1. . l The awner of the property or his agent shall; a 'prior to the commencement of arr of the warlo desoribeed ' in Section 1 file with the administrative official a signed, application in the pressrib ed form v& i eh shall ' f nolude a s tat Ment of the intended use 3 of the "buildinig, together with dupli eat a copies of speQif ioati ons and of drawl ngs to scal a of the building or buildings included in. the proposed van rk and showing vbat ever i forta+e ti on i e required by the administrative official including the dimensions of such bui.l.dingsg the designated uses of all rooms or floor areas, the dimensions of the lot to be built oa, the grades of the streets and sewers mow.,.» .4,,, p uR.Ywm.M»(M•^ry ' � •t;�::i•lin %�Y e��r�ii�. s' w�IAY+: ? �,:• �A�f• ii�il�ti�' ui�. r{ 7}` '$Wii%�..�i���'ur�v�f�'nu1:�,� j, � fV31761, a i r 3 Part 1 abutting, the' position, h ei fit, 'horizontal dimensions of 'all existing buildings on the lot , and any, other information which' is required by thi s By- 1ar; (ii)obtain from the appropriate authority permits rel at: to building, zoning, grades, s e;.,rers, vratermi ryas, plumbing, si Cns, blasting, street occupancy, electricity-, h _phivays, and all other permits required in connection %1th the proposed work; and ii) O- ive reasonable notice to the acbm,� nistrative official of the intention to start vnrk; (b) obtain the vrritten approval of the administrative official before doing any wo rk at var is ne a wi th t he do curse nt s s et out in paragr=aph 1.63.(a) (i ) after the permit has been issued; (c) notify the adnini strative `officieL durin(; the progress of any of the work described in. Section 1.2. as follows; (i) notify the adnini. strative official after any below land surface foundation wall has been poured and before any back filling of the excavat ion theref or has been done Were each municipality or' authority will insert the occasions wnea notification is necessary.) and as requir ed by this By-' law: ( d) notify the administrative official i n writing. vrithin.,•3P dais of co npletion of the vrork described in the pertni t; and ( e) obtain an occupancy permit: (i) prior to the initial occupancy of any building or• part, thereof or additional construction hereafter; or (ii.) prior to a change in the class of occupancy of , a-rV , bu.ilding or part thereof; f) any such occupancy permit shall be granted for on?.y such ua ©3 as are perm tted' under the provisions of this c ity t s zoning By- -law, as, e.Asti ng or as,. hereafter amended or replaced. SWTIOIT 1.7: R'3SP01,. BMTY OF THT OAPs i' Mither the granting of a permit, nor the approval. of the drawings and specifications, nor the inspections made by the administrative official during erect ion of the building, shall in any way relieve the avner of such building or, his agent Eton fLtll re3ponsibi3i -T for carrying out the work. in accordance with the reau it event s of this By -law, SMTION 1.8: DOOMM, ITS DIT THE SITE ,. 1'he permn to whom a 'penidt is issued shall: r (a) keep posted in a conspicuous place on the premises a, oopy of the permit applieable thereto, or a poster or placard in lieu thereof; and (b) keep a copy of the approved drawimgs and specifications on the premises at all times duri , construction for inspection of the proposed work. S WTION log: PMUTIES AW person *o contravenes ally of the nrovi sions of this By -law &al.l be 11able on a nmary oonvietion to a fine not exceedf ng $300.00 exclusive Of coats$ and shall tel a such steps as may b e necessary to meet the requirement a of tbio By -lawe r y r r, ,E . . _ . _,..,.. N . ",, . - -. - —a+ rs:vaa_vuaevss •£ • # , rk' & « 1. *, "U� 'ds .,. wr.e' -i- 7 y', r1�`' .ei'i.:.,.y* i 4 a3. %twc •ti, I ' T _ 4 - part 1 SECTION 1:10 r7ORC 1F MIT , 7--here under this By -law the council 4Lay direct or require that any M, atter .cr thing be done it may direct that: (a) in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it.. such matter or think shall be dons at his expense, and the corporation mw recover the expense incurred in doint; it by action, or in like Wanner as munieipa 1 taxes, or the council ma -T provide for the z expense incurred by it, with interest, shall be payable by such person in annnual instalments riot exeeedir*; ten years and may, Vrithout the assent of the � electors, borrow money or recover such expense by the issue of debentures of the corporation payable in not more than t en years; and (b) any contravention of this, By -law may be restrained by, action at the expense of th© corporation, SDCTI Olq l.11 : I P�' 'ATIO r: ' 4 T'i MM A �'?D �•I RASES In this By -law: rlhere such terms-an "Proper- ?, "adequatet', - tsufficient;t, 'ramplet', :'suitable' -' nub stantial ", "necessary ", Mangerous ", and the I like; or derivatives thereof, F= are use d, they shall be understood to mean proper, ad uate � and so forth to the { satisfaction or in the opinion of the administrative official and such terms as "where practicable", "where required ", 'tas far as possible:, shall have a like significance. Administrative official means, with respect to the regulation of buildings the building inspector, the regulation of plumbing installations the plumbing , inspector. IW fl (Here the municipality may set forth the functions and titles of the appropriate official s) Alteratioh with ref erewe to a building means, a charge from one ma4or ; occupancy class or division to another, at a structural change such as as addition to th a area or hei ght , or the removal 'o f part of a' bui l c? ing, or any change to the structure s uch as th a construction of , cutting into or r w oval of 'any vall,: partition, column, been, joist, floor, or other support, or a change to or closing of any required news of egress or a change to the fixtures equipment cladding or t rira where they. are regulated by this By -law. Approved means approved by the acralini. strative official. Bavement nears that porti o r_ of a b uil di ng between two floor levels Which • i s Partly underground but which has d least one - half- of its height front finished fl-oor to fi nishe& ceilirne; above adjacent finished grade as approved. Building means any structure used or intended for supporting..or sheltering any use or occupancy as set forth in this By -lazy. s. Cellar means that portion of a building, between tvv�ro•floor levels v�hich is r partly or wholly underground and which has more than one -half of its height fit , f roan finished nished :Moor to finished ceiling, below adjacent finished grade as approved. Closure means the completeasseeibly of a fire door or doors "' 'or shutters, `anld equipment, i ncludirg hardi are, closing devices, frame and anchors. Dwelling unit means tuo or more w'omis used or intended for the damestie. use of one or more individuals living a s a single 'housekeeping unit. with y Qooking, living, aleeping, and sanitary facilities. ' Dwelling, one.-family, means any building used or intended for one dwelling a unit Dwellings two-family, means any building used or intended for two dwelling units. tai" % ' r 1 1 • , I sr =: *Uft 6 � r x Y - ..< <.. ... .. _ -.H __ . -. ».. .,..b - w....- a 't .. .. -.. ., .. . �.. ., .. - -, .. -.- t k. . -.x "4 ... Y r`Y -.. - _. _, ro. ... .... �.Y .:,3 �. �?„'•. $ ^y.:��+ � � i .°.^Y w5 . 3w .._h a.., ._..c ... ,...... .ri �....- _, . ... a -.. .:. sa _ry -.may . ...a -,. .. ... s s° fix., , q 5 part Exit {see :eans of Egress). Floor area means• an area on any floor of a buildi nG which is occupied, or intended to be occupied. Floor areas &Mall not include exits, or attic, craul, or duct spaces except as provided f or' in this By -law. t Leans of a tress means a door,ray, rallviay, corridor, lobby, stair, resnp or other facility or corlbimtion. thereof, providod for the escape of persons 'Prom a buildinG, floor area, or room to a public thoroughfare or . other x approved open space. Yeans of egress include exits and access to exits, ! Flit means that cart of a means of egress VAiierl lends from the floor area it serves, includi ne. any doorway leading directly from a floor area to .another floor area, a Public thoroughfare or an approved open. spa ce. Exit, access to, means that part of a means of egress within a floor area which provides access to an exit serving the floor area. Ex horizontal` means the connection. by a bridg e, balcony, vestibu�.e or doorway of two floor areas at substantially the san, e level; such floor areas. _._ _:__ - bei , located either„ in different buildings cr looted in the sa;ae building and fully separated from each other. Occupancy mean the use or intended use of a building or structure or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property. Occu ney, rajor, means the principal occupancy for which a building or part' of a building is used or i ntended to be used. For the purposes of the,, classification of buildings according to occupancy, a major occupancy shall be, deeded to include the subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it. Occupancy, street, means the temporary use of a street or other public property for necessary unctions' i n co nr.,ection with construction operations, such as the storage of materials. Opening, vertical, means an opening in.a floor between storeys of 'a building or-in a ceiling .between a storey and an attic spacee it shall include openings for stairs, elevators, air viells, and dumb - waiters, but shall not generally include openings for pipes, heating•or ventilating ducts, or electrical conduits. 3 partition me ns ,an interior vrall no t more than one storey in height.' Permit means a pe=&ission or authorization in vrritin.g by t he administrativeV official to perform work -regulated by this Ey -law, and in the case of an occupancy permit -o occupy any building or part of a building, 'Separation means a barrier against, the spread of fire between buildings or, parts of buildings in the form. of fire- resistive construction., or of cl ear unobstructed space as measured by the di stazc a across such space, or of a " combimtion of both co nstruction ..and space. eans a separation "cons'stn; of afire- resistive Separation, coon�strruuct` ion` m i . wall, partition, floor assembly or other construction in v&ich e11 openings are protected by approved fire - resistive closures or shafts. Construction separations shall be graded as to fire resistance in accordance with Table 3. ?, of Part 3; y Use and Occupancy. Separation. space, means the u. nob st ructed space, adjacent to any building which is required to prevent the spread of fire from that building to any adjacent building, or from a wing of a building to a vying of the same buiLdi ng as measured by �- the distance from the building to the adjacent lot line, or to the centre of a street or lane, or the opposite boundary of such space where the buildings or parts of buildings, are on the same lot. The required distance between two buildings or parts of buil.dinlgs on the some lot is the sum of the individual distances required 7 for each building or . part of building. 'Space. separations shall be graded as to url +h T4h7e iX rl _" .,f 'Dnvo -%w Una nnA Anna mant±v_ s° fix., i . , • • �, 6 �. .,. •Par t T s eft means a more or loss vertical compartment extendi ng through one or more storeys of a building or throu h an attic space, cormecting a series of two �� or more openiz�;s in successive floors, or in a floor and a roof, or in a ceiling and a roof, and shall include el eva.uor, dLrbvraiter, ducts and conveyor shafts. Storey meads that portion of any buil di'n& ' ivL1ich is situated be•t teen the top of any floor and the top of the floor next above it, or, if theme b9 no. -floor * above it, that portion between the top of such floor and the ceiling above it Storey, first, means th© stoney ttrith its floor closest to grade and having kits ,ceiling more than • 6 feet above grade. Storey second, means, the storey located immedi at e? y above the first • storey. r1a11, fire, means an interior wall which completely subdivides •a struetur,e into limited fire areas in all storeys, or •, hich separates two or more buildings, to restrict the spread of fire, a nd i -r? Li ch has a grade of separat ion conforming to the requirements of Fart 3; Use and Occupancy. In other. parts of this By -lave where terns are defined the meaning of such a terms shall apply " to their use in that Tart. SECTION 2. TATI0 TIAL BUMING CODE OF CAl`WDA. Parts ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,md 8 of the I�ti onal Building Code of Ca t�ada (1953) issued-, by the, AssD ciate Cormaittee on the 1'htional Building Code,, , 174 tiona,l Research Council, Ottawa, as attached hereto arxi forming .Schedule "A" of :.'this By -law shall be so deaned to form a liar of thi s By -law. FEES' FOR BUILDIMT F-131 r, TS No perrai t 6r fee wh ere the est inat ed cost of the wD rk is .not ' more than On. Hundred (;400000)0 For a pen-,It where the es tiLlat ed cost of the work i s more than one ;hundred (0100.00) but not mare than Five Hundred (ti�500.00) the fee s hall be O' ne Dollar. For a pernu t where the estimated cost of t' he work is more than Five iundred ($5009001 bu t not more than one Thousa rd 0.,1,006 007 the f 9e shall be Two Dollars, For a permit where the estimated cost of the'vi-ork is more than One Thousand ( ;x90,00:00) but not'more than Ten Thousand 00.10,000.00) the f ee shall be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents 02,50) for each'-One Thousand Dollars (01, 000.00) plus Three Dollars (13.00) for each permit. For a permit where the estimated cost' of 'the work is more than Ten Thousand (1-10900040) but not more than Fifty Thousand (��0,000.00) the fees shall be Seventy -five Cents, (.750) for each One Thousand Dollars (11, 000.00) plue Three Dollars ($3900) for each p ermi. t . For a permit where the estimated cost of the vo rk is More than One Hundred and :One Thousand Dollars ( •1;p1jO1,oC0.00) ;andL more ,the 'fee shall be Thirty cents ( .300)' for each One Thousand Dollars (�11, 000 00) plus ' th ree d ollars (f, .00) for each pent. For a. permit where the estinated cost of the work is more than Fifty -Ono Thousand C *1, 000.001 but not. pro re than 0 ne " Hundred Thousand (fAO0 , 000 000) the fee shall' %be Forty Cents (.40i;) for each one Thousand Dollars ('.',)1,000000) plus Three (. 03,.00) for each 'permit. A e j9 d/ /'S! //,Arrole Obi d - 100 W.-O 4; T���n �r11J� �/ ,e� ,00100e orx 40OMPAd Y UMN . 6