HomeMy WebLinkAbout1711. =R A..._it - - t.,. ; "3 •k .,.� -�2 ,3 2 &.,.zz .,_ „,, -: � .3 .. -,si, L a.,� "�:<.:.• .�, _.. ?:_ ,. � :. +€ z 'Gn _ ^ *ati4• . - "t.3 ,�. ...%i lr BY -LAW 1711 MUNICIPALITY OF THE T04N OF BOV IANVILLE 1. •A BY "LAW TO PROTECT THE INHABITANTS AND ANIMALS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF BOVT14ANVILLE. • AGAINST INFECTION FRO:4s RABIES BY 1ROVIDITIG FOR THE LICENSING AND Rr GISTRATION . OF• DOGS A�3D FOR RLGULATIPtG THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF ANIMALS, VHEHEAS pursuant to chapter 107 paragra h 5 and 6 of the Dog og ' ax and Live stock Protection Act, R.S. ©. 1950 and Amendment's ndment's • thereto the Council-of a Municipality may pass by-laws to license and control dogs running at large. And WHEREAS the spread of rabies in the fox o ulationa P p in the • United. Counties of Northumberland and Durham has,rea . ched alarming Proportions and the infection has spread to other animals in the Counties. And WHEREAS to protect the inhabitants and' animals of the Municipality of Bowmanville against the srread ..of such infection Coancil deems it expedient to P pass 'this, tha.s by -law to provide_ for • r -the licensing and requiring the registration of • .• g dogs and for. imposing 'a license fee on the owners thereof and generally t.. � g y for , g ing. the running at large of animals in they municipality , re ulat • •: rnia.:aH1<r.- ,- r��.. -..� r.•••r•.,r rc._Z •.mo me vs .e .Tt. «r +re .. r- . -.n:. n. e,e .net .. xs• r...... i.. r.m.rr.rre.n-tro,r...:. -i•••, ,..••.t.•••.z.....n,...r_ ... e.: <: :v i't .'e. -tm e:..t. r. rtn:' -:re- s. ..... .rr ... .r; r. r. -. -r; •. :,r-e- [r'LTn'.aL'Ail.y:•r ri -t'rt'. ., ..-::� .. NQW THEREF,0RE it is enacted as a By -LaW' of the Gorpor�ation, of the town of Bowmanville as follows: - 10 for the purposes 0f'Ahie-i1*By- Law --the following words defined as follows:- ov. V t a j • "Animal" shall mean ' any dog , or cat , (b) "Assessor" } means the Assessor . of Bowmanville (c) "Cat" means any cat, male or female . ids "Clerk" means the Clerk of Bowmanville, . (e) "Dog" means any dog, male or female, i f j "Dogcatcher* means the ,person a ointed P PP under the proviai ©ns of this 8 - Law , y as dogcatcher:. . (g) "License fee" shall mean and includ e "Dog Tax " as ' referred"'' to in The Dog Tax and Live Stock Protection Act R.S.O. ,c 1950, Chapter 107. � (hl "Owners meaner an who Y arson Possesses P p Bea or harbours a doh Sri& a �,y,�FSz.�}� a: *'h >z w k�-M•'c ' F �. j �b " VOLUM 6 f ry`� a • "FoundkeRper" shall mean the person appolnLea unut tojIM. provisions of this By -Law as poundkeeper. +� « -ins the ,Tax Collector of Bowmanvil e Tax Collector me "Town" means the Corporation of the municipality of � k j Town { Bowmanville. 11 re inter on or before the lst day ©f .2i Every owner . of a dog shall l g January in each year each doff owned by him in the Town of Clerk and at that time pay to such clerk Bowmanville with the • ' bed in Section Eight ( 1 ) of this By-Law the license fee pres , and the Clerk shall issue to .such. owner a receipt acknowl edging registration of the dog and payment of the fete. 3. Every person who becomes the owner of a dog on or after the lst a h ear shall register the same And pay the day of January in e y c therefore as' provided in Section 2 within f iftee,n I� cense fee the P days after becoming the owner of the said dog. ; setting down by the Assessor in the assessment .roll then ,in 4 The g the course of preparation by the Assessor of. the information as .. , ; . re s t�wned b a person who is assessed as owner to the number of dog Y and and who is in . occupation thereof, in, or tenant of any 1 , owns-within the Town of Bowmanville . -- - - respect to every dog which he Column 26 of The Assess me nt Act as . provided by 'Section 1 6 ( 2 ) a registration of such dog or dogs by the shall be deemed to be g following the = .owner for the year fol g Y ear in which such Assessment • wired by Sections 2 and 3 of this roll is being prepared as required • By -Law. Frovided, however, that the failure of the.Assessor to set down such particula rs as regards any dog shall not relieve * such dog in accordance with the the owner thereof from regist erin g of Section 2 and 3 of tbis By -Law. . provisions , . d b the Clerk-or Assessor for each,dog A tag shall be supplie y which is reg istered hereunder, and the owner.-shall 49r. the tag • at all times during the year and until securely fixed on the dog . he procures a tag for the following yeare r b. The said tag shall bear a se rial number and the year for which Z was issued an d a record shall be kept by the Clerk for the purpose . Nj •''Jla .of showing the name and address of the owner and the serial 'number of the tag, 7; . No sh erson p ll put ,upon or fix to a 'dog .a tag unless the same was issued for use upon sn ch' , #og. �. (1) The amount of the license fee hereinbefore referred 'to' shall be as follows: For a male ' dog, if only one -is kept $2000 ; For each a4ditional male doggy For a female dog if only one is .kept SapQ For each ad4i tional. f Lmale dog For a Kennel (2) Where the certificate of a veterinary surgeon is produced 'showing that a female dog has been spayed, it shall be lic'used at the same rate nA S a male dog. 90, The amount payable for the license fee shall , be collected b ; k ' Collector : J No, animal. shall run At� lar oe wi thin the ; Town of .Bowmanville, ..,and the owner of any animal running at large within the Town of Bowmanville shall be guilty of a breach of this By -Law. For the purposes 4o of t*�i$' By -Law n animal shall ,,-be ,,,,deemed. „ to be running 'at large when found in a highway' or otiaer Public c place 'and not under the control of any-person.. ,. t �.1. _The Doge tcher may seize and i:•npound any animal-funning at large' contrary to the provisions of Tara graph 10 hereof. 12. When the dogcatcher seizes an animal as hereinbefore Provided it shall be.his,duty to deliver the same to the Foundkeeper whose duty it shall be to provide suitable quarters, as may be �a,pproved by Council, in which-to keep in a humane manner gill the animals that may be brought to him by the Dogcatcher under the provisions of this By -L«w. The Foundke'eper shall, in a book t6 he furnished him by the Clerk, kee an-accurate account of all P n animals laced in the p h ound including the ate o �! pound,.. � f receipt, times of feeding and watering, manner of final disposal, the r methods of destruction of the same, amounts received by way of redemption fees, and fines and "sales, and the names a6d r" ?5i VOLUM b a ..ad'dresse's of the purchasers 'of dogs and any other, particulars 0 Council may'deem advisable,, 13. Every animal caught by the Do' catcher under, the provi,sio" of ns this By-Law and delivered to the Foundkeeper shall be confined "by the, latter in the round for seventv-two (72) hours and qt the end of such may, if not redeemed or, sold, as herein-, after provided, be de'stro-1 led by the' Eoundkeeper. and the carcoiss shall be disposed of to the snTisfac.tion of t.he,Madicnl Officer of Health for the United Countire;s of Northumberland' Bind Durham, .14. Where an animal bearing a tag issu---d as hereinbefore r%rovided'' in this By -Law has. been impounded, the Poundkeepe'r shall,,) within. Twelve (l2) hours deliver to tho'. Cl_rk, in 'writing, particulars. of the registration nu.#abI.`_,r on the said tag, 15. The Clerk, upon receipt of the particulars of registration number on�the said tag, as hereinbef ore provided'., shall within. Twelve, (12) hours 'of, receipt of. such notice, notify the owner, of the animal as'it may appear from the records of his off ice, by 160 The Owner of any animal impounded under the provisions of this • 4D By-Law may redeem th same Seventyl-two 172) hours after its delivery to the Poundkeeper b -ound y paying to the F *ee,per, for rr ...... ........ • use of t munilcipality� the sum. of Two Dollars -($2 00) O for each day or part theroof that 'the said nanim.,11, has been impounded4 provided f4rther, that if the said animal a dog for which a license fee h=is not been paid as,--proifided in this By-Law, - tha Vwner shall in ndelition' to the paym' fl ent hereinbefore provided pay to the' Clerk, a - J mount required for such licence and thereupon shall be issued wit.h.a to- 9 by the Clerk, .17. Any person Kho is .not a resident of Bowmanville may purchase' any animal impounded under the provisions o f t his By-Law by r' aying, to the Clerk for the use of the municipality, the sum of TWO Dollars ($2.00) for each day or cart thereof that the said animal has been impounded;' provided further t- that if the said animal is a dog for which a license fee has not been paid as provided-in this,By-Lawq the person purchasing the said dog shall in addition N ) \ /\ 22 , � ) i 1/?.