HomeMy WebLinkAbout1700QoRPMo JIOK OF T F 1" TO4K OF DO AWT-111 .1, BYuPLAd VMUM 1,7 � C, A BY-LA i TO M,7&.7 1.,' THE, V III TG BY• -LAd NUM-tM 15879 AS AWE TDOWJ-) BY BY.*Lk4 'R 1612. Whereas By-Law,Number 1587 was passed on the 2nd day of August 1.955 to re6ulate end restrict the use and location of buildings, and ,premises , the height and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of Lots within the Town of Bowmanville and for the division of the said Town of Bown--enrille into Zones for such putposes. And viher6es the said By-Law was amended by By-Law Number 1619 passed on the 3 day of J'UlY 19560 And Ahereas it is desirable to further amend the said By-L&Wo Therefore the Corporation of the Town of Bowmenville,'pursuant to Section 390 of the Municipal kctv.R*S.60*; 1950 Chapter 243, as amended,, ENACTS, as follows : 1.0 The said Bye-Law is amended, by adding to the Definitions Section 1 thereof the following: (T) "School" shall mean an educational 'establishment, and I "public school" shall mean an au thorized sch 00 1 under the Jurisidletion of a public school board, a high school board or board of eduoat' loll 1 ii "separate sohool" shall mean, an authorized school under the jurisdiction of a separate school board,,, and. iii "private school" shall mean a school other than a public or separate school, "Public Garage" shall meen every plc ce or premises where motor vehicles are received for housing, storage or repairs for eon',pensation, and shall Include 'parking sty tion or parking lot or a ......... ...... building or place wherw motor vehicles' are- hired­` ... . ...... .......... -or kept or used for hire or where suoh vehicles ............ or gasoline or oil 'are stored -or kept for sale 4 a building or place used as a motor vehicle repair p or for washi ng or. o l+eaning motor vehicles a4d R4 shall inolude an "eutomobile service station" an hereinafter defined. (V) "Automobile service station" means a building or place where' gasoline., oil,, grease,,anti - freeze tires, tubes, tire accessories, electrio'light bulbs,, spark. plugs and batteries for motor 0­ vehicles are stored or kept for sale, or where motor vehicles may be, oiled greased, or washed or have their ignition adjusted. tires inflated or batteries ohared, or where only minor or running repairs essential to the actual operation of motor vehioLes are executed or performed, (iNj "Oil and gasoline distribution Centre" means a building, or place where oil or gasoline or either of them or related petroleum products are stored or kept An quantity for distribution either to other persons or corporations dealing therein or to the publio by delivery thereof (X) "Body shop" means a building or plaoe'or prend sea whirs 'motor vehicles are received for repairs to the bodie s thereof by hanie ring , bampin&-, pressing or banding either nanually or by means of maohinery, and for hO reftnishini, thereof, prel)Lratory to reempaintIng, TOLUMN 6 1 _2- {y} "Parkin' Space" shall Mean a horizontal area of at least 250 square feet lhuvin, n idth of at least 10 feet. on -rvhich a vehicle rayy be parked clear of the c l�i�h�,wu and to :vhich a vehicle Yvill hive access public � y or Egress kt all tir,.es without the necessity of Movinri any other vehicle. . Such parking s1bace shall be. on land the neare::t boundLury of *�ihich is within 500 feet of the -_ ertinent, buildi n . or s tz �zcture . !(Z.) "LoadinL, space" shall r::e�.n a horizontal ar:2a ut least. 30 feet long, and -12 feet wide h�_vin- a verticE,l over - 'he�- d clear - nce Ut every join t of at least 14 feet, which t;res is cle�.r of e public hi`.he►y �.nd abuts on ' the s n i} Ping and rec -Lvin�_: door or putt orn_ of the wild in; or s tr.uctu� it s err e s , { Za ), "Selling sp. c e 11 'sh&,ll mean th&, t sppac e norrral1'% used by sales persons anu custor,lErs aria devotcc to the display -.nd s fi le of reirchandis e ,� i�. O buildinx- ol� sturcture (Zb) Pl.E.ce oi'sse _t�bly shall zcan u •, designatjed or intended to* be us d or a ctua.'.ly used as a "pl .ce of hu,�tin assernblyT encL s11a11 inclua u theatre, concert hall, aud'itorium, arena, stedium, dance hall,; loose or social club , funcr al parlour and simi l �r premises, but shall not include a church. (7,o) "Summer cottage" shall mean a building; designed , Intended for , or used solely for terii,orary habit able purposes, and for not more than six (6) months in any consecutive � cutive twelve iont � period, t, SectiQjp 7 sub- section (r) is amended by ad::ing after trse *Hol=d side 'in the, exel;tion then Ito the cords " E►nd rer,r'' so tilat the said exce.,7tion shall now read: _ LXC 1T: - Frovide' d that :where dvYellinC,,s existed on abutting,, Lots prior to the passing of the .ny -LaV4 r and the foregoing provis,ions E, s t.Q side and rear , yards f or a. garuk.e cannot be adhc =red to: Further there shall be lidded t o said Section ? a W as fol.lous:- .., •further subsection - _ �Io -. buil -ding or structure -shall be... ere.c.t.=.d ..__. __...... iY -any Lone unless the Lot upon y;hich such building or structure is erected', or is to be ere ,ted, fronts - - upon an improved public street which h.- s been Graded and t5ravelled or surfaced to Municipal specifications to permit motor vehicular traffic thereupon. 3• There shall be added to the Zones described in Section of the By -Law immediately following v therein a further Zone nar.�ely : - -- Conservation Zone:' All that portion o VL f the 'town of Bowrranville boundaries of which are described in Schedule hereto. 4• . Section 9 sub - sect ion (a) of said By -Law. is amended by adding thereto the followinC. :- ( 14) Any portion of the c o nsery &Ai on Zone as shown 1 "f in Schedule hereto Section 9 sub - section (h) (1) is amended by striking 5• - so that out the words - whichever be the, greater - the said sub - section shall now read:- Front Yard - 20 ft (or not nearar street dine than "established building line ") . Never less line than Established building . 6. Section 9 sub- section (h) (2) is amended by adding there to the following: - EXCEPT on corner Lots where the adjacent side street must .have a side 'yard &f 20 ft to or not nearer, the street line than the "established building line ". ?: Section 10 sub - section (a) is amended by striking out the first three lines under the heading PERMITTED USES and by substituting therefore the following: - (a) PERMITTED USES:,, All uses permitted in Zone 1 except those in Section - 9 (a) (1) , provided that they conform, to all requiremp ments herein set out for Zone 1 and the following. �• Section 10 (a) (14) is struck out 'and the following substituted therefore:-' (14) Newspaper office and printing, plant. 9. Section 10 (a) (16) is struck out and 'the following , - substituted therefore: - .y .(16) Lodge Hall, Vhere shall be added to Section 10 (a) (16) the words or publ ic ic or p rivate open space- so that S ection 10 ( a Y (18) shall now read:- Golf Course., Tennis Court, Bowling Green or public or private open space. 11. There shall be added to Section 10 (A) the following: (30) Apartments over commercial establishments provided that they conform to all. requirements. ' herein set out for. Zone 1. . (31) Any portion of the' conservation Zone as shown is Schedul e hereto. t - _. . 12., _ _ , � Section'. 10 (e) is struck out and shall be replaced , by the following: Minimum Yard-4: Front Yards ' 60 ft . -or the established building line but in any event not less than 8 ft+ Rear Yard 25 ft: For a separate building without .' a co:M on side wall, sideyard 4 ft; But where adjoins a residential area a sideyard of 20 ft; rear yard 0 ft and if fronting r . e 5 ng a residential p J area a minimum front yard of 60 ft, or the established building line but in any event not less than 8 fti. 1.3•: section 3.1 (a) (1) Is struck out and shall be re placed by the following: - �l) Pharmaceutical manufacturing* 14.. There shall be added to Section 11 (a) the followf t* t [ C (24.) Oil and Gasoline distribution centre. x TMIM 6 ' .. Vii A place of Assembly .. Osne parking space for each persons of capacity. -5- - One p,.rkin- space for . each 5 ,k hospital n, - � s ace, for beds z: beds 1 parks p e�cii 5 'es . a 400. each Am off ice building' - Orte par' in` space for square feet of off'i�.e floor spa, ce. roc eteria s •, e'rmGrke t or - One parking S Dac E for each 50 other sir -filar self-service square feet of s ellinL sp: c e . establishment for the, ,sine 'of foodstuffso tavern or ublic 'ouse One par) in sp�;•ce for each A p persol�s of capacity* A brewers' retail sttore One 1)arkinL space for e��ch 100 equare feet of floor space. A'. de arty a nt store - One parkinC., space for each. x+00 P square feet of selling floor spE:ce. . e st ^ur _,.nt One 1)arkin& space f or each g persons of capacity* Any' retail store or service all of th front yard excepting, estublishr�ent not speeifiPd a six -foot sidewalk along tre front„ above wall of the building; . sp �, factory _. 1 ace for each x.00 0 rla r . Li rl� 'square feet of .floor space. 4, re uirer.A�nts of this sub- section shall not ''the parking.' q ap. -- ly' to any reta it e tabl i shra.ent f rorst ink on; b i Kin Street bets�eer. BovJr:�anville Creek and George Streets Queen ►street. between Scuog and Di�ris ion Streets t iii) 'Chur'ch Street bet-.V-een ScuSog and Division Streets. iv) S _ ilvEr Street between King G r�d Church. Streets.. - V) Scugo, Street between. Queen L�nd Church Streets. `:iellin ton Streets. Vi) Temperance ,Street between Queen and g St vii) Divis ion- trt,:et�a.een:,Queen..._ad - -- elnt'o - _Teets . o iellington Street bet•,.V-een Teal eran:ce and Division Streets. g . b) LOADIFG. . _A - The owner or oecupani of each building or . ._ „:_W:...... n die Town of, BovinaYN ill e, structure to be erected or used - for the purpose of a factory, ,warehouse q retail store, cartage or express or passen: er terra- An-,1, hotel, hospital, or any other purpose a involving the f re quent shippin`, or r e ce ivinC, of persons, animals, goods, wares or merchandise , shall provide and me intain, for use • in connection with any such building or structure , loadi n.. facilities,, not less t hun presc ribed by the following schedule* F for area of building, or Minimum number of loading, spaces, r gat 1 pre feet to� be Ytovided. Less than 39000 „ 0 to 2 000 r 1 3,00 5, , z5 , 000 to 80 , 000 2 so 000 to 1 000 C4 ' , q i . 'Yy f',a raw k t`, ”, "i i" �1 !did liJ ltd4. V),,. r . , + "r, _ _. r: J' �t ��s�c�"�i:rfi�»�€' .: �-r. �; r- �, ?s�'��,y'�.� n* tiz ^^���:e�*,'� � f.�2 x`�`� �' �5 .� ,�';scsk ��'.• �, �'�=,� ,�t-�s '����"k °: MA 21�. Imme;diately following Section 14 of said By- Lay,., .: there shall be added' Secti:)n.s 14 (A) and 14 as f 0110j,,Vs: - r � � • be erected ire 14 {A) No Sumner P.rotte e hereafter to the Town of Bowrianville shall have a ground floor area of less than Five Hundred ( 500) - square feet . m 14 { 8 � No Sumer Cott.: e, , Cabin- or Motel may t o convert�.d or used for a Dwellin,_ ,house purpose unless it con'f.orv.s to r:e the requirents of this By -L ".�; for sin., 1.e f amily d4ae1.link, and to the reauirar. nts of trla Toin of Bo:.1L_tknville ' BiA ld ink By -Lava In the Schedul6 of Zone s iiiid_,er the headinf;, a' l In Township Lot 14, r S, r In Concession 1, The words - Lxe a r:t , the nor t. lie rl y 110, rods thereof , 1n....Zone, 11 - .are struck out. 230 In t he Schedule .'of Zones under the heading., In Township Lot 14, 'In Concession the remainder is struck ,O,ut ►nd, shall bP replaced bv:' - - in Zone V Till , �xcePA' that �:,ortio�n lyin b�eV�eer� the creek a Scu o Street, in, Zone 1 ?4 0 'In the Ochedule of Zonis under the., heading; 3 . In `'o, rrs hip Lot 1 , . I In Concession 1 ' 4� - are struck out,, the last four lines be6innin LXC,al'T. 25 . In the Schedule of Zone s under the heading r In TOWLs hip Lot 12 In Concession 1, the whole is struck out a nd shall be replaced by.: ,• y ,. i.. *a .,nx ,,, "uy3 so.,ca.ssdl2xazcawaaras• ^, ,. That 'portiorl of said Lot in said Concession lying` westerly r.nd* southerly of creek, in, Zone J1 `: ThGt portion of said, Lot. lying, northerly and ea §terly of said creek, and s buther ly of the southern limit of queen Street, in, Zone- 1V EXC FT: That portion bordering; on the southern 1,1mit of Queen Street to a depth of 165 , feet, � Zone .n 1 R . portion ortion of said- Lot lying; northerly of the . northern limit of Queen Street and 'extending northerly to the southern. limit of Church Street, in, Zone 11, Lot. 110 Block "U *' Grant plan and all i Lots easterly thsreof in si i d Block front ink on Queen Street, in, Zone 1 'D • at part, of Lot 7 in Block 91.0 in Zone ' 1 4 � , .�C .L,r T . h. , That portion of s t►id Lot in said. eonoession lying nor t h r � 1 ; of the northern limit of Church Street • to the northern limit of said Lot, -in, Zone 1 it r a� wt VMM 6 ' r - w ■ � - 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � \� � • � � \ > TOLMM 6' S.. .y«a,. P-TT Vll%f'Alfll,-kR', I'llp r � a ,� '� - � :.fit �' n 1s: z -'s .'« _r di. .;} >.c 5 r, _:: 3 � w �i ,. 4..i s � '� `i A. :�_, -,: .+._. ..0 . �, � >, ,. „ x. .n. � � ,.... .. , , � �.. ,.> . r., -n- � ; .r.. � . i.,..vx ._z.. t...., .af. x. _ ,. � u�-.� - •r_ - ran. ,. , -zit s . , ,:. E� W ..;?"..,, t �. i, ,,.,�w ..,:9. =. -z., ?l,!:. ;r x, _ .� ,� ,aa - w �. a �:. �'?... _� �.z -�".� _ zC �!� , =i.-#�. "- � #'- .. r,. �tY. �^_