HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-213-87 -~ ~V~ i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~~~•.' Res. #,~d ~~~ By-Law # I~'° General Purpose and Administration Committee ~~~ Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: pn_9~ ~_R~ FILE #: PI Al 9AI 94__1__ CT: STREET NAMES - tdHITECLIFFE SUBDIVISION COURTICE URBAN AREA RECOt~NENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-213-87 be received; and 2. THAT Staff be provided with direction relative to Mr•s. Cowle's request to change the name of "Huntington Drive" to "Robert Adams Dr'1VP." within the Whitecliffe Plan of Subdivision. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At its r•egular• meeting of July 27, 1987, Council considered the attached cor•r•espondence from Mr•s. Phyllis Adams Cowle requesting that the name of "Huntington Drive" within the Whitecliffe Plan of Subdivision be changed to "Adams Drive" in recognition of the long family history within the area. Staff note that the proposed "Huntington Drive" is a designated collector road and will ultimately connect Pr•estonvale Road with Glenabbey Drive to the south. ...2 ~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-213-87 Page 2 With respect to Mr•s. Cowle's request, Staff undertook an initial review and, by letter of August 4, 1987 (copy attached), advised that the name "Adams" has been r•eser•ved by another Municipality and accordingly r_annot be used by the Town of Newcastle. As indicated by that letter, the name "Huntington Drive" was utilized in recognition of a member of the clergy who was a resident of Darlington Township around 1860. As a compromise, Staff suggested that, in or•der• to commemorate the long history of the Adams family in this vicinity, that the name be utilized within one of the adjacent plans of subdivision to be developed to the south of the Whitecliffe subdivision. This suggestion was made only after contacting the developer in an effort to arrange for• a change in name prior to r•egi str•ation of the P1 an, since once r•egi ster•ed, the street names can only be changed by a municipal by-law. The developer indicated some reluctance to alter the name at this point in time due to the extensive marketing campaign that he has employed and pr•esales which have taken into consideration the street names in this area. He did, however, agree to use the name within a plan .yet to be approved to the south of the Whitecliffe subdivision. In response to Staff's letter, Mr•s. Cowie has questioned the use of "Huntington" and further requested that the name "Robert Adams Drive" be utilized on a street tr•aver•sing pr•oper•ty previously owned and farmed by him. Inasmuch as r•egistr•ation of this plan is imminent and the signed subdivision agreement contains a copy of the draft P9-Plan, change in the street name can only be authorized by Council unless agreed to by the subdivider. In view of the signed Subdivision Agreement and the pending r•egistr•ation of the plan of subdivision, we r•espectfull.y request Council direction on this matter. Recommended for presentation to: he Committee f ~Y•e~ic"e k. Kotsett i of A m' ni strati ve Officer TTE*jip *Attach. August 27, 1987 CC: Mr•s. Phyllis Adams Cowie ' R.R. #4 OSHAWA, Ontar•i o L1H 7K5 CC: Halminen Homes 30 Car•i strap Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3Y7 ,, ~ L ,/- ~ ~ ~ Tf'~'E /~/~G tiiGti / S tio.~ / ~- - .~ o -r- ~rs~ ., i ~, , _ - ~ ',2 ~ Ran ` ~~' ms's ; -- ~ ~ KIn~.GS~~ 1~. ~ ~~`-,,-~ ' ~ ~~ ~ I BLOCK F/ ~(C t! V _ ~_~~F~O~ I__-.~- -, , ti ~' G~ ~ ..~~ ®~ .3 ~~~ ~Y ~.~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ of ~ lr.~l~ pry y-. 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I ., ~: l- l' i -~ , t' ; ~ ' 'r~; ~ L: ~-~,;, ~ ;~ w . 4 BUG 25 198 PLANNING DC; j;~?t:l~:s`17 1 < < ~/ l~/ ~~~,i1~a~ ~'''>r . / n~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~: - 2 ~% .~ ~~ ;y~~ ~,, -~~1iLd ~~ ~L-G~l'I~7'/iZ~'L l.Cu J'T ~c1_ ~ Lc' ~l'6.~y2' C~` . ~ --. ~~~~ c -~ ~/ / ~.h ~ !.~ G//-~~/ ,~/' ~ ";lam - ,., ~ ~~ Z~7 ~~/yv~' ~` ~ ~~ ~~ (~ ( '~~~~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 August 4, 1987 Mr•s. Phyllis Cowle R.R. #4 OSHAWA, ~ntar•i o L1H 7K5 Dear Mr•s. Cowle: RE; STREET 'NAMES = "DING"PROPERTY SUBDIYISION Thank you for• your letter in respect of street names for• the subdivision cur•r•ently being developed on the for•mer• "King" pr•oper•ty. In that r•egar•d, your letter has been r•efer•r•ed to Staff for• review and r•epor•t to the ~ General Purpose and Administration Committee. Accordingly, a report will be submitted to that Committee at its r•egular• meeting of Tuesday, September 8, 1987. In that r•egar•d, we have conducted a pr•eliminar•y check with the Regional Municipality of Durham and note that the name "Adams" has been r•eser•ved by another municipality and accordingly, cannot be used by the Town of Newcastle. We ar•e, however, examining the possibility of using a variation of the name such as "Robert Adams Drive". With respect to the par•ticular• subdivision in question, the names presently in use all comply with the Town's practice to utilize names which r•efl ect hi stor•i cal ly significant persons or• features. In par•ticular•, "Huntington Drive" was named after a Reverend Simon Huntington who was a resident of Darlington Township around 1860. Given the level of development activity in the immediate area, it would appear to us that ample opportunity will present itself for• naming of a street in this area to commemorate the long history of the "Adams" family in this vicinity. In the meantime, I will be contacting the cur•r•ent owner of the lands to ascertain whether or• not it is possible to alter one of the street names within this plan pr•i or• to its r•egi str•ation. At such time we have completed our• review and pr•epar•ed a draft r•epor•t, a copy wi 11 be for•war•ded to you for• your i nfor•mation and consi der•ation. In the meantime, I would like to thank you and express our• appreciation for• your suggestion with respect to street names. Yours T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Di r•ector• of Planning JAS*TTE*,i i p CC: Mayor Wi nter•s and Merrber•s of Counci 1 ~C~~ July 31, 1987 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ll C 3A6 Ms. Phyllis Adams Cowle R. R. # 4 Oshawa, Ontario Dear Ms. Adams Cowle: Re: Change of Street Name Request - Phyllis Adams Cowle Our File: 77.2.2 TELEPHONE 623-3379 At a regular meeting of Council held Monday, July 27, 1987, the following resolution was passed: "That the comrnuzication dated July 7, 1987, from Phyllis Adams Cawle, R. R. # 4, Oshawa, requesting that a certain road into the "King" property subdivision be named after the Adams family be received, and referred to the Director of Planning for review and subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration Cce~mittee; And That Mrs. Phyllis Adams Cowle be advised of Council's actions." Yours truly, Rosemary Rutledge, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk cc: Planning - G~ C, ~ ~,, ~. r < . ~,. o;~.~;,o ~, r ~o~Q.~~~ COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION ~, ~0~~~ ®~ ~~~a~~~~~~ CLERK DEPARTMENT ~~~~~~~D JUL 8 1987 i I ~` ~ G~~-u,J ~ '~ -~ I .~~ ~. ~ . /~ ~~ '~4 ~ ° ~ y ~~ w~~ ~~ u~~ ~.~~ '~' ~ 5v ~-~~ } ~~~ ~~ ~~-~.~ .~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ _ f ~ 3 ~~~ ~~ y I ~ ~ ~~ r b ~- ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ ~' ,~ , ~2t/iV~~o~ ~~?tel. F ~~ ~ -a /~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,, ,~ ~~~. ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~r~ ~ ' ~` .~~.~ ~~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ` L L/~~/IV(/ - v / / II {{V// I I '~ ~~,2~~ i j v .~ ~~~~ ~f,, I _ ~'~- ~ /~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~~, -~~ ~ G~~ ~- r ~ ~~ ~~