HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-214-87~~~~ ,,~. ~~„~,,,v TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT /~ //, ~ File # `~'°~/'~ ,l~l~ ~(Ot~ I ~ Res . # ~'~~ ' °~ ~ ~/ By-Law # P'EETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: PD-214-f~7 FILE #: nFV f;f;-f;5 CT: PROPOSED REZONING AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL VENTURY HOMES PART LOT 16, B.F.C., FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON TOWN OF NEWCASTLE - OUR FILE: DEV 86-85 RECOt~ENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-214-87 be received; and 2. THAT Staff initiate an application to the Ministry of Natural Resources in accordance with established pr•ocedur•es to change the Flood standard for• the Darlington Creek, from the P.egional Storm to the 1:100 Year• Flood; and 3. THAT the necessary Public Meeting be advertised and scheduled for• the October 5, 1987 meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: As a r•esul t of pr•ocessi ng the subj ect application for• site plan approval and r•ezoni ng, i t has become apparent that the current Floodplain Regulations which affect the property will significantly impact the applicant's proposal. In consideration of the application, the Conservation Authority requested the applicant to undertake a Watershed Study to establish the 1 in 100 Floodline for• the Darlington Creek. This Study has been completed and ...2 ~~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-214-87 Page 2 indicates that a 1:100 Year• Floodplain will free up a significant portion of the property for• Bevel opment. It appears from discussions with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that they ar•e pr•epar•ed to accept the Study and its recommendations subject to approval by the Ministry of Natural Resources of a change in the r•egulator•y flood for• this watershed. Such a change will only be considered with the support of the municipality and after consultation with the 1 ocal Conser•vati on Author•i ty. I n or•der• to initiate such a change the Municipality must fi r•st pr•ovi de for• a sui tab le publ i c forum for• public input and pr•ovi de pr•ior• noti re to the general public and ultimately endorsed by Council resolution. Accordingly, since Staff has scheduled a Public Meeting to hear the proposed rezoning for• October 5, 1987, we feel there would be some merit in also holding a Public Meeting to obtain input in respect of a proposed change to the regulatory flood for• the Darlington Creek. Accor•dingl,y, we have included within the Notice of Rezoning, a statement to the effect that Council will be considering a revision to the Regul ator•y F1 ood for• this watershed. Nowever•, since the Phi ni str•y guidelines specify that a General Public Notice must be given, we feel it would be appr•opr•iate to place an advertisement in the Canadian Statesman thus ful fi 11 i ng the P1i ni str•y r•equi r•ements. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for• presentation to the Committee <- u~rr•ence t. K tseff Chief Admi i s .r•ati ve Of fi cer• TTE* j i p *Attach. August 24, 1987 n..e ' ~~ / ` ~~1 t ` ~ 1~ o \i. --. 1 126-0 ~ \ II 1~ ii6.5 \\ \ I ) // / 290 \ l \ ~ •~I ~\\ '• ~' '~ ~I• .1 X995. "~ \ ~ ';. \ ,- \. •I. i2ao/ ~ \ \ ..\~ \ • $ / CN ' 0 ,~ ~ ,.. ~~ ~ ~'' \ ~ 1, ,,,'. VV---- . ~ \ , ,~..;. , \\ l a V /I ~ 5~-, ,1 p _ o-„ . e.o \\\ \ ~-~ ~' uea / ~ v i i ~ .. \\ 1 .loo!~~ w 990 ~`- \\ ~ ` ' .111.5 \, J pN - \~ \/ -\~ \ A 1 Izz~S V ', '~~ ue.o ~\ ', ~ ~, o ~ \\ ~-- \\ ~ \ (~ N ~ ' j 0 0\ ,: I /' •~ ~` ~ `' I ,zp ; Ge ~ ,03 ~ \\ ~, / ~~\ \ 1 1 \ B60 i \l` \ ~ - 114.5 1 \ 1 0 0 ~ 12 ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ 1 \ i2 5. 119. \\ ~/~ ~`~ ~ f%.. I . - ~ rof 0 wro o9 r ~- ~_ ~ 1195. ~ -~9p\ ` ~. ~ 'tJ 1110. ~~~~ \ ~_ \Y ""° X ,.. .119. ~~ ~ P/.PP ~ A o' f~ Xi.. 'o ~p ~ eS~S I 0 _~ i ~. i ~- ~/, I\/(//. \.. / ~~~ , 94.0 .~_ ,~ ~~ g % 1. ' \( / 195 \ 00 _~~ ~ w ~' VA /// ~/ ~ ~~~, ° u \\ ~ ,/ 99.0 , ~ : w v rq \\ / / 0 it O ~ I ' r Izs o .T 1 \\ G o~ i p /i /~~r >.rr ,11,,.5 p~; ~9 ;v vv ~~- .~,,~, ,~~ 1 .~ ~, \` \\~~ \e,a= 120.5 \ 1 ~ ~ / .. \\ /'~ ~ ~/ 10 '; // \ ~ j ~lv~ \\\ ~ \ ~ / \\\\ \\ ~ \\ \\ I \\ ~ ~, 1 I \\ j ~w X120'-\ 1\'~~ \\ J\ ' ~ / l~P / \~\~/ _.. _ \II~ \ \ ' _J \\ 956 ~~~1y '~ ICJ \\ \\ ' / )>.0. ~. ~ -'115 \\ ~ \\ / III \\ \\ i I \\ ` / ~ \\ ~ 1 ~. ,10!•5 ~J~ IOB•0 \\ o\ 1 ' ` 8.0. li l'i~y% 104,0 \\\ i ~ ~-J ~ ~ ~~%loe•o wz•o. \\~ /) LAKE a ~ 9eo o _ \ • ~ O loe•o ~_ io!i-__~~~\ .eo.0 .'o\ ~oo \\ ~ / ./ ONTARIO g ~-= ~ \\ i 1NDER / CONSTRUCTION ' \~ \\ ~ / ~J ~// ~5 ~ Z ~ 30 q0 I se50oo°'E TB°43' 7B °42' ADJOINING SHEETS