HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-216-87~.~'~ '~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE <o~ REPORT File # 'A -~ ~ ~ ,; ~, '~ Res . #_~ ; ,_L~ _:L~.C~,/,-, ~, ~. By-Law # ~I(~: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: PD-216-87 FILE #: 10M-78.1 & 18T-79038 CT: SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS PLAN lOM-781 PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON WEST SIDE OF FOXHUNT TRAIL - LOTS 48 through 56 (Inc1_usive) RECOP~IENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-216-87 be received; and 2. THAT the sidewalk r•equir•ements and installation of same, in the locations as shown on the approved Engineering Drawings, be confirmed; and 3. THAT D. Hutchinson be advised of same. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the r•egular•l,y scheduled meeting of Council held on Plonday, June 22, 1987 the following resolution was passed: "THAT the petition dated June 4, 1987, from D. Hutchinson, 73 Foxhunt Trail, General Delivery, Oshawa, requesting that the sidewalk r•equir•ements for• their street be reviewed and that the installation reconsidered be received; AND THAT the subject cor•r•espondence be r•efer•r•ed to the Planning Department for• review and a r•epor•t to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; AND FURTHER THAT D. Hutchinson be advised of Council's decision." ...2 C~) REPORT NO.: PD-216-87 Page 2 It is noted for• the Committee's information that, in r•eviewirig the various amenities to be provided within Development Application 18T-79038 (now Plan lOM-781), the location of sidewalks and street lights ar•e to be supportive of the "pedestrian circulation", bear•inq in mind the extent of the development and the location of any park facilities within the Plan or• immediate vicinity. Staff would note that the Engineering Drawings, as submitted, reviewed and approved, would support this position. The location of a sidewalk along the west side of Foxhunt Trail would provide direct access to the park block (Block 72 on Plan 10P~-781) located on the west side of Foxhunt Trail, south of Empire Crescent. Staff would note that street lighting has been installed along the west side of Foxhunt Trail adjacent to the sidewalk location. In consideration of the fragmented ownerships along the east side of Foxhunt Trail, it is noted that when the storm and sanitar•,y facilities were installed, each connection was plugged at the pr•oper•ty line within the road allowance. The installation of a sidewalk along the east side of Foxhunt Tr•ai 1 , pr•i or to the eventual development of any 1 ots, woul d r•equi r•e excavations for• service connections. It is noted that any such excavation could undermine the sidewalk construction. Additionally Staff would note that the relocation of the sidewalk along the east side of Foxhunt Trail would r•equir•e clarification as to the maintenance, ie. snow removal of said sidewalk, inasmuch as the construction of said sidewalk would take place pr•ior• to the residential development of the r•ear• por•ti ons of sai d 1 ots on Darling ton Bou 1 evar•d. ...3 ~b) REPORT NO.: PD-216-87 Page 3 In consideration of the above and in view of the Staff and School Board concerns about providing adequate sidewalk facilities, Staff ar•e in support retention of the sidewalk pattern and location as presently approved and i 11 ustr•ated on the approved Engi neer•i ng Dr•awi ngs and accor•di ngly, cannot support the request to remove or• relocate same. LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. August 25, 1987 CC: h1s. D. Hutchison 73 Foxhunt Trail General Delivery OSHAWA, Ontar•i o L1H 7K6 Recommended for• pr•esentati on to the Committee ,+ f ,. y d ~ _ ~.-~.... 4 //J// I 1~' ~j r•ence ~ `"otse Chief Adr~i ~ i s~tr•ati ve Of fi cer• COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION ,Tune 4,987 Bowmanville Municipal Offices 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. Attention: irir. Oaks Town Clerk Dear Mr. Oaks: D-5 y ~~~ 1+~ ~' ~.~.:J ~~ ~~ , JUG ~ ~ 19n7 CLEI~i~ U~l'!\hllvlti~T Enclosed, herewith, please find a list of signatures of the residents of Foxhunt Trail, anew subdivision east of Townline Rd.South and south of King Street East, Oshawa. We are requesting that the proposed sidewalks for the south- west side (~~65-#81 inc.) of the street be either moved to the east side of the street or eliminated altogether. We feel the sidewalks are not needed as the street is mainly used by the residents of Foxhunt Trail and does not carry heavy traffic. Your kind attention to this maT_ter woud be appreciated. r Yours truly, ,,. .:C.~ .~Y~~ ... ......,.,.~,..,,R,,.,,,,... . ~~,~-~~ i ~~'fi~~~t j ~~ ,, _____.y.~_~w~.. I ~ ~ ~Co NAME. ~ ADDRESS PHONE SIGNATURE / _._. ~_~~ sa~ 6 ~ ~~yu~~ r~~~~ ~~~ z~~ ~. CN~~~ ~~~c~ , (~ ~~ FUx~~ ~~ err ~`7l ;~"`%v T~~ ~ , ~ ~~~ i .~ j r_t~ ~ ~ o f~ o~ '~ 5 ~c~ K ~l w11 l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~D ,~,,Ct,x.~ .~V.~~~ 17i9v.~ GJd a~~ 7S /'O,~C.H Vc~J i ' `TRC~ t ~ ~7v - ~? tou ,~ , ~ . 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