HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-219-87,,,~..a~,,,W w TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~Cr; REPORT File # ~~C~~°-~~~ Res. #-~1 ~'/ - -~ ~~ %~c~~ By-Law # ~ETI~: General Purpose and Administration Committee ~~~ Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: PD- ~ -~7 FILE #: 1 RT_Qti.g.3g--- CT: UPGRADING OF CONCESSION STREET FILE: 18T-86038 RECOP~NIENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1• THAT Report PD-219-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: t the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of July 6, 1987 and Council of July 13, 1987, the following recommendation was approved in respect of Plan of Subdivision 18T-86038. "THAT Report PD-191-87 be received; and THAT the proposed r•edl i ne r•evi sion to Plan 18T-$6038 to pr•ovi de for• the r•el otti ng of Lots 50 to G6 and Block 67 all inclusive, from semi-detached to single detached lots having a minimum frontage of 15 metres be approved; and THAT the Region of Durham and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be advised." As a result of the discussion of the above-noted resolution, an additional resolution was proposed and approved as follows: ...2 ~lr) REPORT NO.: PD-219-87 Page 2 "UPGRADING OF CONCESSION STREET THAT Staff review and r•epor•t to Council on area developers contributing to the upgrading of Concession Street due to the impact of development on Concession Street." It is noted for• the Committee's information that, listed within the conditions of draft approval pertaining to Plan 18T-86038 as approved by Council, Condition No. 13 and 15 stated as follows: "Condition No. 13 - That the Owner• covenants and agrees to bear the costs (100%) of any works on Concession Street which ar•e necessitated as a result of this development, i.e. inlet facilities on the north side of Concession Street for storm drainage. Condition No. 15 - That the Owner• shall contribute to the cost of r•econstr•ucting Concession Street to the satisfaction of the Dir•ector• of Public Works." It is noted for• the Committee's information that a draft Subdivision Agreement has been submitted for• the above-noted development within which provision far a cash contribution towards the upgrading of Concession Street has been included. It is also noted that Staff, in reviewing development applications, r•equi r•e each 1 and owner to provide an appr•opr•i ate cash contribution towards the reconstruction of existing Town roads abutting the said pr•oper•ty. It is noted that the development applications would include, not only, plans of subdivision but applications submitted to the Land Division Committee at the Region of Durham. LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. August 25, 1987 Recommended for• presentation to the Committee ~~wrence Kotsett Chief Ad n str•ative Officer