HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-220-87~~s> ,.~~.~~.,,.~w,, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Fi1e# """~~~d " Res. #a ~~ ~~~ By-Law # NFFfI(~: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday, September 8, 1987 T #: _p~_~~o-~~ FILE #: i7FV 8.7~ SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL AND REZONING F.W. JOSE PART LOT 26, CONCESSION 1, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA FILE: DEV 87-25 RECOt~ENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-220-87 be received; and 2. THAT the application submitted by F.W. Jose on behalf of H.D. Jose requesting the r•ernoval of the "(H) Holding" symbol from lands located within Part of Lot 26, * Concession 1, for•mer• Village of Newcastle be approved and that the attached by-law hereto be for•war•ded to Counci 1 for• approval . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On f~1ar•ch 17, 1987 the P1 anni ng Department r•ecei ved an application submitted by Fr•anci s Jose on behal f of his br•other• Douglas Jose to remove the (Il) Nol di ng symbol from 1 a nds i n Part Lot 26, Concession 1, in the for•mer• Village of Newcastle. Section 3.9 within the Zoning By-1 aw 84-63, as amended, r•equi r•es that pr•ior• to the removal of the Nol ding Symbol , Council shall be satisfied that the uses to be permitted will be adequately serviced, the lands to be used have adequate access, prior uses of the land will not prevent the use of the land for• the purposes intended by the By-law, that the lands and proposed uses will be ...2 ~cs> REPORT NO.: PD-220-87 Page 2 adequately protected from any physical or• man-made hazard or• conditions associated with the lands, that agreements in respect of such matters and the associated financial r•equir•ements where r•equi r•ed, have been executed with the Town of Newcastle and the Owner• has satisfied all of the r•equir•ements of the Regional Municipality of Durham with respect to the provision of sewer and water services and Regional roads and entered into any necessary agreements in this r•egar•d. Staff would note than an application for• land severance has been submitted to the Land Division Committee and all r•equir•ements for• the provisions of water and sewer will be covered through the sever•anre process. In accordance with departmental pr•ocedur•es the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. In summary, the following agencies offered no objections: - Janice Auger• Szwar•z, Long Range Planner - Newcastle Public Wor•Ics Department - Newcastle Building Department - Newcastle Community Services Department - Newcastle Fire Department - Regional Planning Department - Regional Works Department - Regional Health Unit - Ganar•aska Region Conservation Authority - Mi ni str•y of Agr•icul tur•e and Food - Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission The Town of Newcastle Community Services, in responding, requested a 5% cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, however, since the land severance and removal of the (H) Holding prefix is in respect of the existing dwelling, this r•equir•ement is not applicable but would be picked up when the balance of the lands ar•e subdivided and rezoned. In consideration of the above, Staff would offer no objection to the removal of the "(H) Holding" symbol for• the parcel of land so noted within Staff's recommendations. Additionally, it is noted that pursuant ...3 CSC REPORT NO.: PD-220-87 Page 3 to Section 35 of the Planning Act, a by-law amendment to remove the "(H) Holding" symbol is not subject to the normal appeal period so afforded the standard rezoning application and accordingly is deemed final and binding as of Council's approval of same. CRV*TTE*jip *Attach. August 25, 1987 Applicant: F.W. Jose R.R. #3 PJEWCASTLE , Ontar•i o LOA 1H0 Recommended for• presentation to the Committee x y. r• n e otsef Chi of A i n{i strati ve Office r• ~rSJ AREA OE PROPOSED RE~ONIP10 ' LOT 2 7 LOT 26 LOT 2 5 j I ~ N ~~-~ Z R 2 " o ~ /~ R'~Q'YAY ,V^I y J ~ ~ R1 11 ~ Ri-l z ~ M23 ,,,, O U ~~ KING STREET EP ```'~ _ ~" (HIGH Y N . 2 G~ Clr.1 I C5-1 -s ~ C1 N ~ d' Q •~ (H)RI ~- C4-2 U '~ EP A-1 _ red _ Z 11 _ v ( O ~H}R1 . ~;~ ,. ~ w z ' " HIGHWAY N° 401. ' ~ ~ t U " ._ a-1 i ~ ~ Er`' - 1 ~ ~ E P ~ t O so f00 200 a0om 50m " ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ~ • ~_ j