HomeMy WebLinkAbout1665.. .. _ . ... _ s _ :nf. .4.z Yttd`Y.»z .' .'-✓r' ci4TA ":'' Kph W. ... ?t Y u. a w.• .! - 3y,a 'aa f3L Cam. on T.k; .. 3 E r {.H . � B LAW NO TOWN OF BO �Nalk MLLE . CORPORATION OF � : x ....... - provide a standard of qualif i cat ions for those en- A By Lary top in making electrical installations throughout the province gaged and this Municipality in particular, for the protection of our + citizens from unqualified workmanship and the use of unsafe mar terialso n of the Town o f Bowmanv ci 1 of the C or oratioi 110, The Municipal Coup t RpS.O. 1950 Chapter 24.3, Section 263, pursuant to The Mun i c i Pa 1 Ac, Sub- Section 1, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: -- , this Law, unless content+ otherwise requires : - I n BY - � "Council" shah. mean the Town Council of the Town of Bow- (a) The C ounc i nvill k "Association" shall mean the Electrical Contractors. ASSOC (b) iation of Ontario. nl M c tri c ity { o "c+�tn.cs.t►'�.an ton", means a sratem aatuate8 by e whereby intelligence or signals may. be trans3nitted and in aludes a telephone, television, telegraph, district messengers + fire and burglar ala m, watchman or sprinkler supervi story system and shall include a communication system carried on by radio, wired or otherwise. electrical installation" nstallat ion" m+e ans a system or part , of a system .,,,, �•d) of wiri installed or to be installed in or upon any land, emises from the point or point s of delivery or building Pr electric owes or sage rgy therein or, thereon by the of ale power an other source of supply, up to supply authority or y Dint" or points where the power or eliergy can be eon - th® p P electrical equipment , sumed or as ed therein or thereon by any " and the expressions eanions "work on an electrical installation or make 'an electrical installation" include the installation, maintenance alteration, extension and repair of the wiring and the connection of the wiring with any of the electrical t of the system, or with' equipment , which is an integral par y s any other part of the wiring system. ectrical elevator" means an elevator, escalator, �� ...� "el poi 8 n :., • a )� _ dumb waiter or equipment for horizontal contour 5 stairway', - F transportation in which the motion of the oar, platform or steps Is obtained through an electric motor applied directly p {n i to the elevator machinery and includes electric-hydraulic e 1 evator s • buildings or f "industrial establishment" means a building , vdi ich an manufacturing. process, as property in or on y or admini stmt ion therewith ) sembling or handling of materials is carried on. ) -- "Ele atrioal Contralotor" shall mean a person, fire, or aorpor- 6 o b himself or his %gent , the business at ion that carries n y , of making electriel installations for or wi thout remuneration. .4, ` Electrician" shall mean a person who is skilled in the { h� "Master El lanai superintending, any! installing of wires, conduits, P tun fixtures and other appliances for or using elea- appara `for i ht heat or power purposes, who i s familiar triaity 8 , ' with the laws, rules and regulat ions governing the same! who has a regular place of business in the muniaipeility, who by n himself or by journeymen electricians in his employ, performs electrical work, and who is a qua 1If Is faster Electrician. " o ne n Electrician" shall mean a per eon, other than a J ur yma Master Eleatrio ian who is or has been employed in eleatrioal installations or service work, and who has sati sfaatcar ily pa s- sed the qualifying examination. y 3 Y jp M star Sleotrician" shall mean any 'Master Eleatri- ,, qualified Ma aian who has passed the qua lifying ezam�.nation of the Assoo - at ion and is Registered. R } ,. ; VOLI MIS 6 E ' .... + ,'.;±:? F..',£+ aw I i�) " Qualified Journeyman Electrician "shall wean any Journeyman Who + :y bas pasted the qualifying examination of the examining, Board and is regi stared . ( 1) " Bond " shall mean a written pledge to be made b z�an electrical x contractor and delivered to the Association to' pay the amount of t 2, 000 000. Such pledge to be in form prescribed by the Association, with the law + and shall guarantee to the Public (1) compliance regulatin electrical instiallations . (2) the work done by contractor members fn ood standing, for a period of one year from the da$eof 8 � supplied ied b Contractor Member in good ,. the- work, and (3) material pp y Y standing, for a period of one year from the date of supplying or Installation of same O "Registration " shall, mean the endorsement on the reoords of the Association that a person is either a Qualified Raster Electrician or a Qualif ied Journeyman Electrician and any person whose name is so endorsed shall be deemed to be registered for the purpose of this by -law. r I _ xixazining Board," shall mean a board comprised of one reprosentati "' of the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario, one representative 'of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and one. Hydro Alectric Power Commission Inspector of the ,,area , (o �. " Accredited Officer shall mean the Secretary- Manager or the Representative Investigator of the Electrical Contractors Association. of ontario , or any local business Manager of' the International Brmtherhood of Electrical Yorkers. t$ u 2. (a) No person or Corporation shall within the limits o! the Municipality, of Bowmanville carry on or engage in the trade,,.calling, business or occupation of Electrical Contractor, until he or it- shall heave given a bond. I (b) No person shall within the limits of the �tiunicipe�lity of Bowmanville engage in the trade, calling, or occupation of Master Electrician or Journeyman electrician until he is a Qualified Master zleetrician or Wpalif ied Journeyman Electrician as provided for under the by-laws and Constitution of fie electrical Contractors Assoaiation� of Ontario. 3• No Electrical Contractor or Qualified !Raster Electrician shall conduct a business within the oven of Bowmanville under this by -late unless he has a' regular place of business within the Town of Scum,!, and is a resident thereof , except as provided under se���.on , _ -an is of the full Lkge of 21 years* " " a a ` of ice ib� In this section, a regular place of business shall men n f '. ac- c`essible to the public , liiah m�eiy be +entered from the scree , havip.g displayed outside thereof a sign bearing the name or names, of the person, in letters not less thah 3 ", high,, clearly designating, that it is a Registered faster islectric cans shop, store , or place of bfsinese. } y., No non - resident Electrical Contractor or Qualified Master Electrician shall in any calendar year conduct business or carry out a contract within the Town of Bowmanville without first having paid the p prescribed tee of nienty Five Dollars which shall be �,n lieu of a business tax that otherwise would have been paid by a resident Electrical Contractor or Qualified Master Electrician had the work F� . 1 been done by him. Seery person who is an Electrical Contractor or Qualified faster zlectrielan shall display in a prminent place in his place of business the itegietered Master Electrician certificate issued by the Association, with a seal dated the calendar year of issue affized , thereto, to indicate that he is in good standing. 60 No Electrical Contractor or Qualif ied faster Electrician shall e�tpl�y a Journ.eym�an Zleot�rieian who in not a qualified Journeyman 1 �leotrician. � � Al i I s r i I ".1, „ ."lAtwMilftMlkrtWlw1 ".m,w.. .rr .. w1+ w11rtM. 1} }aWYnF1W0.i€Y1.61k,�4Fii:3g4i 4'ii'1 t„ •x.s 1... -,: : :* YOLm 6' (ai Employees o f an public service commission .(or the municipality l . y p # t 5. Yt ` ✓7r r^ +' ° fr.> £ ., a",ry -r ."^" .mi _ ir.:x +?`' }'c ..,` at .. .j �'' F.¢ _. in the dour se of their employment (b) ' , 4 l vA' MAIL y pies as owner or tenant. o An electrical installation made by, the insertion or removal of Donne ct ed b plugs nor to lamps ap�aroved- fuses Qr Y p deoarboning; trimming or operation of are lamps. _ -- - electrical installation made by employeen _ _of an_ _apon_ pram_ ses occupied by the Crown, a municipality , a public board,, commission ?. No Electrical Contraot-or or oualified Electrician shall r cause r. or permit an apprentice, or helper, or other unqualified person - performed by a regular employee engaged on mai me n- T he services to perform any electrical work,' or install any. electrical f material, or .appliance, except as an assistant to, and under the direct personal supervision of a r,),ual if led Master E1 eatri c- (g) T he services of an employee of a noueuaufacturer of ' electrical of his employ ian or qualified Journeyman Electrician acting f n the sour se equipment is a component whi le ng 80 Qualified Journey man Electrician shall perform any electrical, No Q . services of e resentative of a manufacturer of electrical The se a p work or install any material or appliance, or engage in the the sups rvision equipment or' other product of which electrical equipment is a f electrical trade or oaauplationg except under and direction of a Qualified Master Electric ian , in charge o and directly responsible for the superintendence of the al�o- trical work performed, except as noted in section 12. >, g, Any change of owners hip of the business of , , or of officers Oft an Electrical Contractor shall be reported in writing to the oaiation by such Electrical Contractor within 15 days of y the date of such change, and change in the location of the place" of business by -an Electrical Contractor sill be similarly re- ported to the Association. 1 Avery Qua li t i e � Master ll 8u t ri oian , jl ll comply-with . le ruhe { and regulations of the Hydro Electric Power C,ommiss yon of, Ontario, Inspection Department* r, 11• No ' Electrical Contractor or qualified Master Electrician , shall allow his name to be used by any other, person, registered or in with ob- not registered, for the purpose of or connection taining a work permit from the Hydro Blectric Power Commission ; Inspection Department '.2.. The Provisions of the By -Law shall ,not, apply �to : - (ai Employees o f an public service commission .(or the municipality l . y p . in the dour se of their employment (b) Electrical installations made . by a person, or property ,.which he l owns or in an industrial establishment which the person occu- pies as owner or tenant. o An electrical installation made by, the insertion or removal of Donne ct ed b plugs nor to lamps ap�aroved- fuses Qr Y p deoarboning; trimming or operation of are lamps. _ -- - electrical installation made by employeen _ _of an_ _apon_ pram_ ses occupied by the Crown, a municipality , a public board,, commission or uti 1 t y. ` _ te) installation of a comunic at ion system or an electric ale - The i , vator . f) performed by a regular employee engaged on mai me n- T he services ante in an undustrial establishment in the course of his employ - ment . (g) T he services of an employee of a noueuaufacturer of ' electrical of his employ . acting f n the sour se equipment is a component whi le ng ment • (h) services of e resentative of a manufacturer of electrical The se a p equipment or' other product of which electrical equipment is a f component or the sales agency or sales representative or a manufacturer of electrical equipment. with re spent to such equip - meat in the course of such servi6 a s. i3 Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by- ' law shell forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the onvieting Mag- istrate a penalty not exceeding (e101usive of costs the' sum of #300.00 for each offence. .y The oonviotion .of an offender upon a breach of any of the provisions of this by -law shall not operate as a bar to prosecution, against the same offender upon any subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions of this by -law. The presiding Magistrate may convict any offender repeatedly for repeated breaohee of this by -law, and may. ■ $ " IN ;AvO , t. v '. .e.A•,v �..+ �c4. a _.. .r a tii >n, Y, ,A'�a.�5 .. ra.., Vii: s-. ...?•' :