HomeMy WebLinkAbout1663ME If BY41KJ Nn�• ♦•. •••a•••••oa CoRPORAi'I Gig of LHIj `OWIr, OF B. O'Nj�L- � L A By —Law to provide for the installation of Parking Yete rs on certain. streets in the 2owa of Bowmanville and to provide regul- ations relative to par'_Ling of 'vehicles in the areas or zones where the ear, mcters are installed and requiring the drivers of motor ve ilIles to ::ake' use of sueli meters. The Iiunicip'al Lounci1 of the Corporation of the -'own of Bowmaaville pursuant to t In I'luni ci pal Act , Re o, 0 a 1950 Chapter 243, Section 486 Sub- section 7, A-.E re by enacts as follows: - For ' the purpo se of the By -Law: -- V__JULI, me &ns eve ry device in, upon or by ,-..Rich, any person or property is or may, be t r ans po rt c d upon a Ii i Lhway except, such as are p ropelled by mus cu' ' ? power o YARh or PARIJIo:G means "lie stanii�Z - of a - � velzi le, whether occupied or not, otherwi se tIAan tempo-rarily for the purpose of and while , actually Ej1c-a&ed in loa in` or unloads no;. 1�, ;1_l'..w�. o means a d evi te ti;�;zich shall indicate thereon the lengtii of time during which a vehicle may be par.,�ed which shall have as a part thereof a receptacle for receiving; and storing coins, a slot or place in w'zi c:h such , coins may be deposited, a timing ' mechanism to indicate the passage of the interval of time during which the parking is permissible and which shall also display a signal when the said interval shall have elapsed . k4 P i G X. R ZOId, means the streets or parts of streets designated x t grsated �r as � ��.tuting a parkins meter zone by this. By -Law . 2e iio person shall park, a . wEhi cle in a parkinE mitt er z ne be the Fn r ' •� " d six clock in the the hours of nine o clods in ,the forenoon an o of ternoon on Hond ays to "'l. hursdays inclusive and on baturd sl sired - fi between the hours of nine o' clock in the forenoon and nine o clock ' . , except when such days fs are legally and . .. �n the .after -noon on r�iJ�YS _ n ..,3iaw'i1y proclaimed _publ�e : - ui33ess tine c7 river-0'r operator _ of such vehicle deposits in the parkin, meter provided for the in& space ' the sum of one cent for each twelve minutes of time during 8 } � which the velhi c.le is parked or- five cents' for a period of six-ty minutes for each parks r, space used* -- a • 3. No person . shall allow a vehicle to remain parked for a longer pc ri od than that for which payment is made in the form of coins deposited in the parking meters, provided however that t:lis shall not prevent the driver or operator of the vehicle from using the un- expired time remain�.n�: on t:ie me ter from i t:� previous use without deposit- ins a coin therein. 4, 14o person shall; a ;ow a velai�le to remain parked in a par ?ring space for a longer p. riod oixty mi..utc s at way one time in a one hour parking zone and for a lonLc r period than one hundred and twenty minutes in a two hours parhi ng zone. Xo person shall parh aivehicle in r- marking space unless the front ' of such vehicle is al,onLBiJa or as ,ose as is practicable 'to the parking meter provides for such sE�3Ct3• 6. - loo person shall d e;C'os.. t , o,r cause to ')e d epoei ted in any parking meter any slug device or other substitute for a one • cent or a rive �x cent or a ten cent coin of the Jominion of G, ' .da or the United States of America. op _ Al t t Af VOLUME b h No person shall park any vehicle in such a manner that it is not Wholly within an area designated as a parking space and if a veh- icle is of such 'lenLth to prevent it from being parked within one parking spaoe, then the person par':ing the same shall make a necessary deposit of coins in the parkin€ meter for the adjoining ` par!:ing space. 8 It shall , be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this By -Law for a person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, d.bstroy or impair the usefulness of any par'.:ing ,meter installed. 9 It shall be the duty of Poli �e Officers of the. Town of Bowmanvi lle acting in accordance with instructions r:.ceived from or issued by the Chief of Yolice of the Town of N. owmanville to report: !(a) The number and location of each parking meterwhich indicates the vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is of has been parked in violation of any of the provisions, of this By -Law. '(b) 'The complete iermit number And any other identification tag .a k Y , i f arm' i of u ch vehi cle ( c) The time during which such vehicle is parked in violation of any of the provisions of this By -Law. (d) Any other facts, a knowledge" of which is necessary ' to a thorou ry�h , understanding of the circumstances attending such violation* Lach Police Officer shall also at" -ash , to such vehicle a serially numbered notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been, . parked in violation of any of the provisions of this By -Law and instructing such owner or operator to report to the Police Btation of the Town of Bowmanville in regard-to such violation. ry�f 10 teach owner or operator may, within forty- sight hours of the time when such noti �e is attached to such vehicle (exclusive of Sundays and rublic holidays) pay to the Chief, of. Police or other designated official on duty at his Of i ce who is authorised to accept such pay ment . and furnish an official receipt therefor, the sum of not less 41.00 or more than 'Two dollars as a -penalty for and in full _SStsfaction for such - violation° Upon failure to do- so the said operator- shall become l ab�:'e' for prosecution as provide) for by this By- Law. - ll 0 Any person violating any of the provisions of this By -Law shall be subject to a penalty of not more til-an 'Pen dollars for' the first offence, and',not more than Twenty-five dollars for every subsequent offence;: exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under, the Untario Summary Cronvi ctions Act. 12, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein, the Chief of Police, during any emergency or special circumstances deemed cuff- icient therefore, may by the use of appropr, 'ate signs or sigmal�s .�us- pend the movement of any or all traffic on any street or portion there- of covered by this by -Law and /or may suspend any or all. parkinf; thereon by authorising the affixing of 'No Parking' signs to each parking meter provided further that during such emergency the Chief of Police may declare that any vehicle already parked within the said area is being Parked illegally regardless of the time permitted for parking such vehicle under the provisions of this By -Law and notwithstanding that the period allowed to the owner or operator under Section 2 ' he reo f , has not expired, provided however in this event the owner or operator of such vehicle is personally notified by a Fol i ce Officer that parking within this area has been Buspend ed, and further that the owner or operator is allowed a reasonable time ..to remove said ' vehicle. . , i rQ• voLUM 1 � ; �{ : £� � y© - � � :» »w .. . : . < w %�. . � ©� � 9� � � � � � � ,� <.. . .: . � � � , , . � « � $ | ] , � � � < . :. �� � � � � 2 :� � � � � � � � � � � � ° . : »<� � � m :ate � w� «� � � ,� ..� .� a wr- � ,: , ««� .� «: «.