HomeMy WebLinkAbout1661td { X` x, � . "s h .7r. _t vx., �. {., .-,- Sys .tir. � ° =j 3€S. �� r » z . ,. ,, �. i✓ '# .;`., . � t �'�, - a.�^`.+�rc r1�„, �+r f - :L:. s, - � �:: ,. F • '• r_ S • ' B""Y" -Law WOO • • • • • . 20ANRATION OF TfIEE TO' TO'W OF 130 iWAMILI A -Law to license, regulate and govern hawkers, and pedlars. The Municipal Council of the Corporttion of the Town of Bowm nville pursuant to the Municipal Act, R. S.O. 1950 Chapter, 243, 'Section 414., sub -- section ' 1, hereby FWACTS AS FOLLO` #'S : - 1, - That every person Wr ' gobs from place to place or to a particular place with goods, wares or merchandi a fo�"r sale within the To n of Bowman vi ll e , or who c ar ri -e s and exposes, sampl c s , patterns or s pe c inns of goods, wares, or werehandise which is to be delivered in the Munioipe,lity afterwi:irds, shall obtain a license for so, doing from the Treasurer of the municipality. 29 The fee for a license under this By -L, aw shall be, t.- (a) ,� !• Oo f or, a person with a mot or vehicle b ,�„�•bo for a person with a horse drawn vehicle* vo for 'a person with a punk i vehicle on wheels or runners drawn or propel led by muscular power. d $j4*Ofora per on on foot Ath or without a bask ets Pack or valise. A 'license issued under t�� is By -Law shall be valid only f rom the date 3• . of its issue. until December 31st of t!he 3 ?ear of issue. 4 • Application for a license under this By -Lav'r shall be r•.ade in writirW. to the Town Treasurer on the form of applic&t ion approved by the Town Council and' the fee for the license-shall be paid to the Treasurer. 5• No license shall be required for hawking g peddling or selling goods, wares or merchandise; (i) to wholesale or retail -dealer .a in similar goods, wares or. me roha nd i se , or if the goods, ware s or merchandise are grown, produoed or mar-" f o ur� . _..�intario,,,.and...,,ere ,hair etld ed or, so � t e d in �.e.d. by the over o duc er or ranufa cturer or s agen or 14 amp oyee having written author y o o so, fn the Mutt "roesit inwhi a the rower roduoe or u aoturer es, or, { Iiii), it the cods wares or merchandise are. grown or produced g . offers b 8 f's►rmer resident i Onter o who ffer o se s on a roduce of s awn arn�_i_ or, liv), if the goods, wares or nerchandis a are hawked a le b a re o s s tax-In ilk or s employee or s agent , ox (T) if the goods, wares or merohandise tyre 1gawked. uedaled_or O 1.1-X1h U f a o ur . d b1j an �, nt of the. rower, ra dtt tsar r � o dealer who j s s e a tars_ mun o t n ea eat of Premises used f th salon 0 sus mods. were s or r,�erch �, shall Co from lace t o place or to a p irtioular place with 6' �° person g p o nville goods, wares or mar ahandi se for sale within the Town of A or who oarrie s and exposes eamPlaa , patters or specimens of good e j wares or m�erohal.se whioh is to bd delivered in the Municipality aftes►w�►rde j without first obta Doing a license under the provisions or t hi s 11y4•Law+ : : F r r r it ?. " In 4L pro setsut io�a for a r doe s not f or any of P ,require to be licensed, - z _i ShAbst 2 breach of this B'e*TAw the onus of provi- �_, that the 'reasons re nti ones in pa m raph 5 above shall be upon the perm charged.. . The lio ens+ee shall at all times while Qarry its; on his business have his liconars with him and nhall upon der-�aryd exhibit it to any musi.oi 1 or peace officer, and if he fails to do so sblall, unless tILO sable s ao VMS counted for satisfactorily, incur a penalty of not lose than $1.00 or more than $5eOO, g, It a peace officer demands the production of a lioenae by any person to whom this By -.Law applies end the demnd ie not complied with it shall be the duty of the peace , off ioex aLd he shall have the power to arrest such person without a wmrrant and to take him bs foro the nearest ;ustice of Peace, there to be dealt wi tb a0cording to the lawe log Any person who contra vanes any p ro vi si one of this �I -1 air exoe pt an pre- vided in paragraph Arg shall upon oonviotion be liable to a penalty not e"seA ng $3000 recoverable under the $wry Convictions Act. tnt: a2 ate► a ?I(%= b