HomeMy WebLinkAbout1643aw P 1ms CUR ' 'ORATIUN OF TILa TOWN OF BOWMA24VI13A, z % j� jr A b F -law to provide for the' g ala of that Part of on inal allowance for road be A tween township lots 8 and 9 in the BrQlcen Front Concession ( commonly known as arns Avenue closed by bylaw Dios sy VWMAS the Corporation of the Town of Sor anti lle did a , br by -1�w �o. prised oar the day ©f 'r�bruary, 195 79 close that part. of Ne. rrns Avenge more particularly, described in Sohoduie "I" a►ttacahsd hereto; AND W 11L%. A5 the Oor ration of the Town o . pQ Y Soneri,l.le .< .. ... .. ... .... .: .., ,: , .:. .... :i r. .. :. S: ..:,r: ,.. „ f:li'f .t1 '1V1; , ";'1'.f. 71• rlx ,.I• `- 7:nS,. fi ,.. is -.t... 4. .... .; . , tF:'.. h., <Y.,tsua,..ar.,1,..q -vRtry m,aor.,.r ✓, ,.. ?^,, _. a .,r f7 y wry o i, +....,,. t.. 4..Pr. A i` d1/( SS0.' SRfb: 4dMCe4tOYfe. Y�f• x . ,J,M1k.. $'k"f "C': ., ,,aT r,,.. *P1' )+; i,. !.,. f n I,FtA.• , .. .. t ,. , ..,z.,. ,a ..... . .., .. n «- .s..,...1...,. . ,. a: rya ;.1. ..o .., _, e,rt .K +'• :.. -7 ..t..._... n. . !%kL#RF4PiiPrH '4..., a. . ..,. l •�4 allowance for road to th -� ad joining landownerep Blake Short and t Clarence Soper for thid gum of Tiro Dollars Ahl0 W :; "AS the said Make ' Short -and Clarence Soper have s signed, all their riuhta and claims to purchase the said closed a 11 of original allowance, for road to one John 14.' t��cP�ereon, of + -- tho City of T ©Tontosqui're, the purchaser of their lands ad joini,hg the said, close4 part of original allowance for road, or his nominee; hOW TH6 �'0 'r the ��unieipsl Council of ,the Corporation of tit rTorr�►r�,,..bf Sowa�nr111e, pursuant, to The, Runie.lpal Act .:Chapter 43, R evised Statute& of Untari.o 9 , .95 Section 4699 subsection 1) d) x U81 ENACTS as follows t i 1, That the Corporations of the Town o� SowArilla sell that part of the original allowance for road ' between township lots 8 and 9 in the Broken Front �+onasssion ( aoneeobly knova ' as X6arns Avenue) :� ed le "A" . attached hereto to the more particularly described in ah u e aid John X* McPherson or his nominee for the price of Two Collars . Y That the Mayor and Cleric be and are hereby authorhsed Y to execute a conveyance of the s al,d or Anal a l lowanoe for road de o� oribe* In Schedule "A" hereto to the said, John M. McPherson or is no `r Read a fi, seooad and third tiM and finally passed this day of Feb raary, l►.D. 1957• .. Na 4 f r ' • UM A • 40 60 10 rlr 0 k MIRA .CU "- c'hedule "A" to, by -Law Igo of The Qor porat i on, of the Town of Bowep manvi l le passed the . da y of s _ February, A.D. 1957* f �.r. r allowance for read be - All and singular, that part of c�rnal tween 'township 'Lots 8 and 9 in the broken Front Concess ion fors- t:rly in the Township of Darlin.,,-ton tow within the limits of the • Town of dowmanville in the 0ounty of Durham, commonly kr ov I n as Mb arne Avenue, lying .,; south( rly of the soutY.ern boundary of .e=4rne Ave nue lying, southe=rly of the southern boundary of , r ©u=ncial l# hway 401 and t n ortherly of the north rn boundary of .thee _ Canadian National Railway lands more particularly described as . .� u � w,..�..wh * .,r n.... + «. .,M. fry�14. >. ...- ....,r:, ..: +.,•r .rJ. :... ,.�,m ... ,' � �.. .. .._.. �.y.,.....n...rm -.. n, �., -i., \i.. _.. r.f ... r. ... t +.n- » =�tur4 '. c:uuu.a ! ,f.r. i'�.,:,� r.: .t ;..4,'Z. •1.,y. !f'ii �ii��r�,'�ir'_R .'. .. .. ... .., . *S. ,t N:. � ..�f -._X +,4'! r, ,:, r i., .. .. r. .., r\, .:,_ .. .:... .- I,,,r .h .,t., \4 - +'. y. . Y. r.r. . J. p lra. h.,U,1'.v }. htl:T'. -.h;d :..: •/J�A...Y.. A: .r .. §f \X:,�rr .r's .V'r l) -.... 1A. .C'd .... y.l{ fi .:.r.,\...I.,A:.,14.ilr r5...s.f41i "'�.w�.iY,'r �'f' 14•� ^' ., !^!. G': litytl: sy� +V��ll�k::1l+Y.�ry�}!�7�r,"hrl r"r�'.......�e,.rlr S..,Y, ., S;f. rn Jr:>•tsltl3 tlu�:. J\: �.{;' y�v. aiST.: 4" 1vYiCx. �..$ 1!' f.:. 4..!\, 1.. Yt+.,1?,C.i.1�)1.i.yIR,}Aeli.rf ...r5.kir � 1'A ! ' ."�, P.)• .� �., GGW&RCIN4 at the' point of intersection of the western limit of said Lot 8 with' th+:. souther m, boundary of said rovincial Highway 401 at a point in said• western limit of kAot distant southtzr y therein 1 363 f4ut 54 inch4a from the north -west an le of said x Lot S; TIft I Cer south 17 degrees 34 ainutss, east in and along the weatem �r r limit of Lot $and the eastern 13�. it of .said oria;inal allowance for road a distance of 1,245 feet S�f inches, to the northern boun- f .r _ r National Railway lands; of -the Canadian • _..,,T&S south _ 87 Ogress 46 minutes west in , and along the north o rn , .. 1 Railway .and a distance of 68 boundary uf the Canadian National -alt - Lot, 9 the iftateY*n feet 5 inches to the eastern lir of said and r limit of said . or'iginal allowance for mad; M - •THLUCL north 17 degrees 34 minutes west in a'nd along the eastern r \ P limit of Lot 9 a distance of i, 241 feet to inahap to a point !.a . k. the southern boundary of Provincial '. Highway 401; z TH&HOL easterl in a straight line in acui aloni, the southern lhounew y , r da of Provincial Highway 401. a distance o�C 67 %► ®t 5� inches t� ry r M he POINT' OF CUO&M Wiff. t , , r r, ' �� it ! � , , ✓ � 1t' I � - � � ^ '. ; �. � � �. t r If !. s a r K'f"'•MT�Y" ".�l'!llwt .: [ -. t ..;r °.'r rR 1, .e.a r MY,iU fYK +"flWM'�n,.Y •.a 4.. VOLUS 6 p, r•,M v. ,i {<1, ; to . ` ,' •, ' .., ''' '. r. " , r r - - - A �'� 1 4 , "t- Yr r. ' rER;rLTR, � r • :. , - AA �' - ,r r r • . .. i'f )• , ': ,. - i 1. r� r.- ..' � I r tit r � '� { 7 a. , •:��vE4:'' �{y Tama„ i'�: ahFr't'."r, -" <.,ai• .�2 As#` :r2 i 7,s��?�:'. el rF "? ',a*r%�- .a;7nR rf::�-. is s v A�FnN - st : x .rte