HomeMy WebLinkAbout1637A by-law to provide for the conveyance of certain streets and lanes and parts of streets �=�if .,_ �,., . ur ,- .s :.. . -,_ .. t4. ia,. ,,._�� ..vc.. -,. ., ... :,,r„ � ., ;';. F H •x�ir "�.r =.)?.,max ti ,�:y, r �r; n as x.a:;�` � �;: .:.. : "4 rt m. � µ SP t i Schedule "A" to By -Law No* 1637 of the Corporat io o f the '� o�rn of Bowm nville* and lanes in the Town of Bovmanville "Streets. and Lanes and arts of streets /(ass shown, on the re,gi stPred Street p Plan of sub-division of the Smart restate rnzde by L. H. Shortt, - Provincial Surveyor, dated April 14th, i g5 0, which plan . is in the • he Re ist r Division of the West Riding of Registry Office for t g Y f Durham more particularly described as follows . the County o , that art of Smart Avenue lying south of Highway, All t p 1 ,_. Flan de osited in the' Number x.01 as shown on a Highway p s str Office as Number 5.83 and north of the Registry edi Y - ' '�a _ orth �,��.r�� t� f the Grand Trunk Railway lands, now the to Railwa ore particularly described Canadian Nair tonal y, m as follows Pre mi s"Ing that all bearings are astronomic and are - based on Simpson Avenue of said Town and shown on the • lan having a bearing of north 19 said registered P g degree s 54. minutes s west then commencing where the - Y of said Simpson Avenue is inter easterly boundary boundary of Highway Number 1+01 sected by the southerly Y *- �7 as shown 'on a Highway Plan deposited in the sa Registry Office as Dumber 5$3, said point of commence- h in n a ea _ -nt being ,distant stout erly and to said sterly . -- - -_ - it of Sim son Avenue 1,130 feet ,61 inches from is lim P -; a southerly limit of the road intersect ion with th between the said Broken Front Concession e betty &1lowanc , . C cession of the Township of Darlington; and the First on and along the said southerly limit Thence easterly in of Highway Number 01 on a curve to the right having a. radius of 15 , 476 feet l� inc hes as shown on said High - way Plan Number 533 a distance of 401 feet 2 inches moris intersection with the westerly limit of or less to the inters said Smart Avenue according to said plan of subdiviisiong e Plac® of Beginning of the said intersection being th parcel hereafter described; p x the said westerly limit f Thence southerly in and along z Avenue 1 or less to the S of mart 175 feet 7 inches more � . northerly limit of the said inter sect ion with Rai].wa Right�-of --way; �►dlan Nat ioxu&l a : �r k'y i1t} , 1 �L rr . LL a� x "i TaAIN3 yf