HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-11SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF MAY 11, 2021 7:00 P.M. VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS Present: Brian Reid, Ken Mercer ( staff ), Kate Potter, Leo Blindenbach, Tom Hossie, Rod McArthur, Meaghan Vandenbrink, Maggie Luczak, Carrie -Anne Atkins, Corinna Trail Regrets: Patrick Bothwell Acceptance of the Agenda: moved by Carrie -Anne Atkins, seconded by Tom Hossie that the agenda, with additions noted below under Other Business, be accepted. CARRIED. Minutes of Meeting of April 12, 2021: moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Meaghan Vandenbrink, that the minutes of the meeting of April 12, 2021, be approved. CARRIED. Status Reports/Updates: Butternut Tree Planting: Ken advised that permits must be obtained BY THE DEVELOPER before planting can begin. This seemed odd given that it was the developer's actions in illegally removing butternut trees from another site that gave rise to the requirement to plant others elsewhere. Why would the developer be in any hurry to expedite this matter?! South Lookout: repair/partial replacement of this structure has been budgeted for this year. Tenders had been let but previously unnoticed structural problems will probably require a rework of the specifications. Staff have been asked to give this project priority given the high degree of usage of the trails . Interactive Signage Project: Tom shared what he has done to this point. He has created an I Naturalist -based Scavenger Hunt, themed by season, and included a printable version as well. We will endeavor to link this to our blog ( and vice - versa) and facebook page. Relevant website is: samuelwilmotnaturearea.weebly.com Well done Tom and thank you! Dr. Colla Presentation - Sunday June 6tn: Brian and Kate advised the group that the poster promoting the event has been prepared and vetted by the speaker. Event-Brite will be used to register participants in advance. We will allow for a Q and A to follow the presentation itself. A brief overview of our recent work and another on I Naturalist will be included at the beginning of the program. Colouring " Handouts " for younger participants will be available as downloads sent with confirmation of registration. Promotion will be done via social media with everyone on the committee urged to share the poster etc with those they believe may be interested. Spring Planting: the committee will proceed with this year's planting initiative on May 291" , but on a more limited scale due to covid restrictions. We will concentrate on infilling existing planted areas rather than expanding the scope of planting. As we have done in previous years, members will mark the locations for planting with florescent paint and probably pre dig most of the holes. Brian has confirmed with OPG, the treasurer's office and the supplier ( Chalk Lake Greenhouses ) re funding timing, delivery and number of plants. The funding we have will cover approximately 500 plants . Ken will deliver fluorescent paint to the committee to allow for marking of the planting sites, spacing etc. Planting will be done by committee members and a few invited parties who have done this before. All will work in their own " bubbles ", appropriately spaced etc. Request from University Student to conduct Research: Since our last meeting, Tom has been in touch with the student whose research at the SWNA will focus on two invasive species: dog -strangling vine and garlic mustard and their interrelationship. The student has been asked to share the results of her research with the committee. Moth Night: Tom advised that nothing further needs to be done at this point since the tentative date is mid -late July. Precise timing will endeavour to match " moth week" during that month. It was noted that some protective goggles would be appropriate. Ken will source these through one of his suppliers. It was noted that persons planning on attending will be advised to bring flashlights since they will be navigating the trail to get to the site in the old growth forest after dark. We will also consider having committee members accompany participants along the trail. Other Business: as identified at the beginning of this meeting, three other items were added to the agenda. Planting of Hop Tree: Leo reported that two long-time friends of the Nature Area had offered our group a somewhat rare ( for this part of the province ) hop tree to plant on our new wildflower garden. The hop tree is a favorite of the giant swallowtail butterfly. Leo and Brian carefully dug up the 5 foot tree, transported it to the nature area and planted it in the south east corner of the new garden. Foraging issues: Numerous reports of persons illegally foraging fiddleheads and other wild edibles etc .have been received by committee members, reported on facebook etc. One community member contacted our by law enforcement division who were prompt in visiting the area and who have agreed to monitor it more closely. It appears that more specific signage is required. Ken will investigate what might be available. Round Table: Kate: did a Mothers' Day walk with her family through the nature area . She had some concerns about the number of anglers but did note that they appeared to be fishing legally. Rod: noted how much usage the nature area is getting these days Meaghan : noted the amount of junkie stuff now found around the so-called gnome —tree. Carrie -Anne had the same observation. The committee agreed that we would gradually remove some of this material. Meaghan also noted how much her children enjoyed watching the mute swans that are nesting at the lower end of the creek. Tom: noted how impressive the wildflowers have been this week. Brian: noted that this had been a particularly productive meeting and that it was starting to feel like we were getting back into the swing of things after our covid- induced "slowdown ". Next Meeting: Tuesday June 8 . meeting on the Cobbledick side We will endeavor to make this an ONSITE and will start at 6:30 p.m. Adjournment: moved by Tom Hossie, seconded by Kate Potter that the meeting be adjourned. Carried The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m