HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-31 GGC Report to CouncilClarington Committee Report to Council If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Council Report Number: GGR-010-21 Date of Meeting: June 14, 2021 Report Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of May 31, 2021 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 9.1 Minutes of the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Improvement Area dated May 13, 2021 (b) 9.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Area dated May 13, 2021 (c) 9.3 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre dated March 17, 2021 and April 21, 2021 (d) FSD-030-21 2020 Building Permit Fees Annual Report Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report GGR-010-21 2. Error in Report CSD-001-21 Schedule of Rates and Fees - 2021 to 2022 That Communication Item 10.1 be approved, and the fees contained in Resolution #GG-264-21 be amended as follows: Program or Category Unit of 2020 2021 % Service Measure Fee Fee Increase Prime Time Adult 1 hour $222 $224.75 1.24% Prime Time Youth 1 hour $174 $176.20 1.26% Non -Prime Time Adult 1 hour $166.50 $168.60 1.26% Sept 1 -Jun 30 Non -Prime Time Youth 1 hour $118 $119.50 1.27% Sept 1 -Jun 30 Discount Ice All 1 hour $128.50 $130.10 1.25% 11 pm and Later Skate Patroller Per Staff Per hour $17 $17.25 1.47% Non Prime Time All 1 hour $142 $143.75 1.23% July1 —Aug 31 3. Given Rd Closure and Conveyance That Report PWD-018-21 be received; That Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 3, Part Lots 31 and 32, Con 2 Part 5, Part Lot 32, Con 2, Part 8 and Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 12 on reference plan 40R-31354, Attachment No. 1 be declared surplus to the needs of the Municipality; That Part Lots 31 and 32, Con 2, Part 5 & Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 12 on Plan 40R- 31354 be conveyed to 2103386 Ontario Limited in exchange for payment of the appraised value; That Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 3 on Plan 40R-31354 be conveyed to Wilmot Creek Developments Inc. in exchange for payment of the appraised value; That Part Lot 32, Con 2, Part 8 on Plan 40R-31354 be conveyed to Louisville Homes Ltd. in exchange for payment of the appraised value; That the applicants pay all applicable costs and fees for the preparation and registration of the reference plan, and transfer instruments, including HST; Municipality of Clarington Report GGR-010-21 Page 3 That Council approve the draft By-law attached as Attachment 3 to Report PWD- 018-21 to close and convey Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 3, Part Lots 31 and 32, Con 2 Part 5, Part Lot 32, Con 2, Part 8 and Part Lot 31, Con 2, Part 12 on Plan 40R- 31354, Attachment No. 1; and That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-018-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 4. Clarington Seniors Snow Removal Program That Report PWD-023-21 be received; and That Staff continue to review and implement ways to improve the Senior's Snow Removal Program with respect to its internal working efficiencies and the external user interface experience. 5. GO Transit Newcastle Village Update That Report PWD-024-21 be received; That Council provide direction for Staff to commence the process of demolishing the former Newcastle fire hall building located at 247 King Avenue East to help prepare the property for sale, as detailed in report PSD-007-15; That Staff be directed to notify Metrolinx, the operator of GO Transit who currently use the property as a bus turnaround, about the requirement to terminate our lease agreement due to the impending sale of the property; and That Metrolinx be requested to work cooperatively with Clarington Staff on public consultation and the implementation of a suitable revised bus route that will ultimately ensure the continuation of transit service for Newcastle customers. 6. Future of the Tourism Information Centre That Report CSD-004-21 be received; That Council approve the permanent closure of the Tourism Information Centre at 181 Liberty Street, Bowmanville; That Council support the revised Tourism Service Delivery Model, as presented in this report; and That Staff continue to investigate future options for the building, that could include upgrading and re -purposing, relocation or demolition, and to provide all necessary funds in the 2022 budget, for consideration. 7. Bowmanville Downtown Parking That Report LGS-019-21 be received; That courtesy parking in downtown Bowmanville continue to be provided each year in the month of December with improved signage; That an amendment to the Traffic By-law be brought forward to discontinue the two- hour free parking in Municipal lots beginning on January 1, 2022; Municipality of Clarington Report GGR-010-21 Page 4 That an amendment to the Traffic By-law be brought forward to increase parking rates to $1.00 an hour beginning on January 1, 2022; That an amendment to the Traffic By-law be brought forward to introduce a maximum daily parking rate of $5.00 for the Division, Silver, Water Tower and Church St lots beginning on January 1, 2022; That an amendment to the Traffic By-law be brought forward to establish a two- hour maximum parking limit in the 20 King St lot beginning on January 1, 2022; That as part of the 2022 Municipal budget, staff include a proposal for the procurement of a mobile app service and related equipment to process parking payments; That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-019-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8. Appointment to the Clarington Public Library Board and Heritage Committee That Report LGS-020-21 be received; That the resignation of Terri Gray be received with thanks; That Heather Graham be appointed to the Clarington Heritage Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed; and That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-020-21 be advised of Council's decision. Clarington Public Library Board That Nancy Brandon be appointed to the Clarington Public Library Board for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. 9. Unsuccessful Tax Sale That Report FSD-029-21 be received; That Council hereby directs the Treasurer to register a Notice of Vesting for the property known as Roll No. 18 17 010 050 10420 0000; Highway 2; PIN 26608- 0089(LT); PT LT 25 CON 2 DARLINGTON AS IN N78601 (SECONDLY) pursuant to subsections 379(5b) and (7.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001; and That the Treasurer be authorized, under Section 354(2) and (3) of the Municipal Act 2001 to write-off taxes as uncollectible and charge back the proportionate amounts under Section 353(2) and (3) to the Region of Durham and the Province of Ontario. Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report GGR-010-21 10. Supply and Deliver One Pumper Truck That Report FSD-031-21 be received; That Dependable Emergency Vehicles with a bid amount of $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate) providing the lowest overall cost and meeting the passing threshold and all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2021-3, be awarded the contract for the Supply and Delivery of One Pumper Truck as required by the Emergency and Fire Services Department; That pending satisfactory performance, pricing and budget approval, the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Director of Emergency and Fire Services and the Director of Public Works, be given authority to extend the contract for up to four additional years after the award of this contract for similar future pumper truck requirements; That the estimated funds required for this project in the amount of $800,550.00 (Net HST Rebate) include $798,414.05 (Net HST Rebate) for the pumper truck and equipment and other costs such as manuals, radio installations and licensing in the estimated amount of $2,135.95 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Description Account Number Amount EMS Vehicle Replacement — 110-28-388-82824- $800,550 (2021) 7401 That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-031-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 11. Economic Development Services in Clarington That Report CAO-003-21 be received; That Staff be directed to negotiate a renewal contract with the Clarington Board of Trade (which will require Council approval) substantially on the terms set out in section 7.4 of this report; That, in accordance with Policy 7.3.1 of the Clarington Official Plan, Staff be directed to retain a consultant to prepare an Economic Development Strategy at an estimated cost of $50,000 (up to 90% funded through development charges); That a full-time employee be hired to assist with the delivery of the services described in section 7.6 of this report, with the cost to be covered through a corresponding reduction to the CBOT contract; and That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-003-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report GGR-010-21 12. Fire Inspections Whereas there have been recent fatalities from fires in older housing stock in Durham Region; Now therefore be it resolved that the Provincial Government be urged to institute mandatory fire inspections for houses and multi -unit dwellings older than 50 years. 13. Procedural By-law Review That Report LGS-017-21 be received; That the By-law attached to Report LGS-017-21 as Attachment 5 to Report LGS- 017-21, repealing and replacing Clarington's Procedural By-law 2015-029, be approved with the following amendments: That section 9.2.5 of the by-law (Delegation time Limits), and related sections, be amended by deleting the words "five (5)" and replacing with the words "ten (10)", so that delegations are permitted to speak for 10 minutes at Council and Committee meetings; That Section 4.11 of the by-law (Length of Meetings), and related sections, be amended by adding a section that ensures the remaining agenda items be placed on the next regular meeting of the same type in the event that the meeting adjourns in accordance with Sections 4.11.1 and 4.11.2; That Section 4.9.1 of the by-law (Closed Meetings), and related sections, be amended by deleting the words "in accordance with Sub -section 239 (2)(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001" and replacing with the words "if the subject matter deals with any of the matters in sub -section 239 (2) or 239 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001"; That the Procedural Motion definition, within Section 1 of the by-law (Definitions), and related sections, be amended by: adding the words "indefinitely" after the words "to table"; That the words "To defer" be added as item f); and That the remaining items be renumbered; That Section 2.5.1 of the by-law (Agenda Restrictions), and related sections, be amended by adding the words "at the request of a member of the public" after the words "The Municipal Clerk shall refuse"; That the by-law be amended by adding the following section: "That the items of New Business be placed on the respective part of the agenda"; That Section 10.12.9 of the by-law (Motions Introduced Orally), and related sections, be amended by adding "To defer" to the list of items; Municipality of Clarington Report GGR-010-21 Page 7 That Section 10.12.21 of the by-law (Motion to Table), and related sections, be amended by adding the words "or defer" after the words "A motion simply to table"; That subsection 10.12.27 of the by-law (Motion to Divide), and related sections be amended by: adding a new section after subsection 10.12.27(b): "The Chair calls the vote on the motion to divide, which is debatable."; replacing subsection 10.12.27(d) with the following: "The matter of the divided item(s) are now being considered with the same mover and seconder as the original. The Chair calls the vote on the divided item(s)."; and That the subsections be renumbered accordingly; That the following words from Section 7.3.1 (Announcements) be removed from the proposed by-law and any related sections: "that will occur within one week of the meeting, unless a regular Council/Committee meeting is not scheduled within one week." That Staff be directed to prepare a report recommending the new meeting schedule to reflect the changes approved in the new Procedural By-law, effective September 1, 2021.